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Thank you Peppermint Pig for your contributions. This page has a fresh look all of a sudden.
"Fame has it's price, and it's no blue light special." Space Ghost.

In this web page, I hope to present to you strategies, combos, and obscure uses for a new Magic: The Gathering card every single day.

The Card of the Day is...

Koskun Keep

Homelands Uncommon


"T: Add one colorless mana to your mana pool.
1, T: Add R to your mana pool.
2, T: Add B to your mana pool.
2, T: Add G to your mana pool.

Even the lands in Homelands weren't "normal". Some people refer to the Homelands lands like Koskun Keep as "quad lands". You can inedeed derive four different types of mana from this single land, but only in limited amounts and at a cost. Yeah, there are plenty of times I'd use three lands (2 to get the mana and the keep itself) to get a black or green mana, but I really try to avoid such situations. Just for fun, here are some red/black/green gold cards, and one trick I do know to pull of with a bunch of quad lands: