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Thank you Peppermint Pig for your graphic contributions (background, title, and image map).

"So there was only one thing I could do, it was ding a ding dang my dang along ling long" Minisrty

In this web page, I hope to present to you strategies, combos, and obscure uses for a new Magic: The Gathering card every single day.

The Card of the Day is...

Goblin Bookie

Unglued Common

R Summon Goblins

"R, Tap: Reflip any coin or reroll any die."

Oh, what I wouldn't do for an extra coin flip at times. I've experienced more than one occasion where a game came down to a sole coin flip. If I only had a Goblin Bookie. This strange addition to the Goblin family can be a life saver/game ender if you dare to play with cards like: