Remember to hit reload every day or else the new card may not load!

Not all of the old Card of the Day files are working right now. All of the old files should be running within one month. About 60-75% are working now. Sorry for the delays getting new cards done too. Things are getting back to normal slowly--read story below if you're interested.

In this web page, I hope to present to you strategies, combos, and obscure uses for a new Magic: The Gathering card every single day.

The Card of the Day is...

Word of Undoing

Ice Age Common
U Instant

"Return target creature to owner's hand. Return any white enchantments you own on that creature to your hand."

A brief rundown of the card:

Word of Undoing is a slightly more effective Unsummon--a staple of many Magic decks. This cheap instant may be used many different ways for offense and defense. You can dispose of a opponent's creature for at least one turn (making it unable to attack for 2 turns if timed correctly), allow you to recast a choice creature (see below for examples of that), or use it just to shake unpleasant enchantments from any creature you wish (the creature will go back to someone's hand, but any enchantments an opponent controls would be buried). Not to shabby for just one blue mana. Here are some combos that work great with the seemingly harmless Word of Undoing: