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In this web page, I hope to present to you strategies, combos, and obscure uses for a new Magic: The Gathering card every single day.

The Card of the Day is...

Horned Turtle

Tempest Common
2U Summon Turtle


There are many cards that deserve to show up in tournament decks more than they should, but I can't say that about Horned Turtle. This simple little card has actually gotten the respect it deserves and peeked it's head out of it's shell into the no-holds-barred serious tournament scene sometimes. It's blue, it can survive a Lightning Bolt, it is cheap to cast, and it can deal a little damage if your opponent has their guard down. Not a bad deal at 2U for a creature that can hold off a Rouge Elephant early in a duel. Horned Turtle often shows up in seriously slow blue control decks. Horned Turtle is a little better than Wall of Ice in such decks quite often. That Wall of Ice can sure hold off bigger creatures, yet by the time your opponent will be able to field such creatures that would kill a Horned Turtle, you'll should have better ways of dealing with such threats than throwing a blocker at it. Once you have messed up your opponent's army really bad, Horned Turtle can then slowly try to whittle your opponent's life to nothing---the wall can't do that. In case you're feeling brave and possibly looking into making a turtle deck, here are some strange combos to try that work a little better with Horned Turtle than most creatures: