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In this web page, I hope to present to you strategies, combos, and obscure uses for a new Magic: The Gathering card every single day.

The Card of the Day is...

Underground River

Ice Age, 5th Edition Rare

T: Add one colorless mana to your mana pool.
T: Add U or B to your mana pool. Underground River deals 1 damage to you.

Underground River is an example of what's called a pain land. After it was determined that dual lands were too powerfull (and they were), the pain lands were introduced. These lands are almost as good, yet they'll cost you a little damage. I think of pain lands as City of Brasses for two color decks--even though the pain lands have a distinct advantage over City of Brass. You can tap Underground River for a generic mana and take no damage. A City of Brass tends to not be used too much later in a game due to it dealing damage no matter what you need it for. Black and blue are a popular color combination in Magic, being used for all kinds of foul purposes. Blue has so many defensive uses while black can wreak havoc on opponents in several ways. Here are some cards that are often seen together in black/blue decks--all potentially benefiting from having a versatile land such as Underground River: