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In this web page, I hope to present to you strategies, combos, and obscure uses for a new Magic: The Gathering card every single day.

The Card of the Day is...

Ekundu Griffin

Mirage Common
3W Summon Griffin

"Flying, First strike"

Here's my spin of a calculation of how to compute a "simple" creature's realtive value. Figure a white 2/2 plain creature would go for 1 1/3 generic plus one white mana (or so). Each creature ability adds about one generic mana to the cost--bringing us to about 3 1/3 generic plus one white for a 2/2 flying, first striker. Add in the fact this card is a "Summon Griffin" makes it all the more potent. Here's some stuff to try with Ekundu Griffin, and most other similar Griffins out there: