December 22, 1997

The Card of the Day is...


Homelands Uncommon
4R Summon Legend

"RRR, T: Destroy target artifact creature."

A brief rundown of the card:

You know him, you love him, he's got lots of keys, but have you ever tried playing with him? Becasuse he's a legend, you can only have one in play at any given time, but you can sure have plenty of copies of all the different ways to make creatures into artifact creatures in play at once. Let's look at some of the combos to try with Chandler:

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Additional editing and major help getting this back up and running by Rich

Additional editing and catering from Susan

Check out Rich's Marx Brothers Page!

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E-mail me with comments, complaints, suggestions, or combos. I can't put every suggestion or combo up, but I will probably try to if I like it.