From the notes of Caarad Surestrider, submitted to Borrum Binbalik for his work "On The Bearers of Akasha"
As noted in Scholar Ligasmu's treatise on the origins of the Bearers of Akasha, the roots of the group lie in Bryhn. One of those original members was Dag, a human swordmaster. Along with Gort, he served as a member of the Bryhn Guard. Of average human height, with black hair and blue eyes, Dag would have been non-descript except for two features - a biting wit that puts t'skrang to shame and a frank bluntness that causes orks to blush. These were the qualities that endeared Dag to his fellow adepts and brought much consternation to the elders of the village.
Early into the group's journey to Throal, Dag decided that his talents were needed in Bryhn. Upon his return, Dag was immediately sent forth where he skermished many times with the slaver bands controlled by Darvis Trollsbane. Dag's battles, combined with his colorful personality, soon made him a celebrity and hero to the people of Bryhn and the neighboring villages.
At the same time, news came to Bryhn that two of its adepts, Chamberlain and Gort, had died. Sensing that such news would demoralize the community at a dangerous time, the elders of Bryhn utilized the popularity of Dag. At their behest, Dag began a "Q+A" area in the central square. The intent was that the residents would draw comfort and hope from the answers given by one of the heroes who defended them. What the elders did not count on was Dag's blunt honesty in expressing exactly what he felt and responding in kind to questions not phrased politely enough. After a three-week period, the elders kindly asked Dag to step down due to "time contraints" which he agreed to do. However, the end results of his morale-boost were: 7 duels, three general riots, twenty-nine pregnancies, 5 unexplained disappearances, and an overall rise in the usage of unique insults from each of the eight Name-giver languages.
Since then, Dag has continued in his capacity as a defender of Bryhn. Currently, he is campaigning throughout northwestern Barsaive as part of a joint military effort with neighboring villages to eradicate the remnants of the slaving groups that still operate there.
The elders of Bryhn were gracious enough to donate samples of Dag's "Q+A" work for our library.
Quality Q+A Time with Dag, Swordmaster Extraordinaire
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Last Updated 07/11/00 by Jeff/Paul
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