Famous Quotes
The Bearers of Akasha
Midnight Blue of his fog ghost.
The Powers That Be, aka "Jeff"
Garnel, in pursuit of Raleem the Wayward.
Briana, about Kaer Eidelon.
Sonorious, delivering "prisoners" to Kaer Eidelon.
Midnight Blue, discussing the ownership rights of Jada Denairastas' corpse with her Bone Circle spirit.
Midnight Blue, of his helmet.
Sanjuro, trying to hide the fact that they knew who Elost was.
Briana, Garnel, Midnight Blue and Sanjuro, individually, on their third journey to Viln.
Maxwell Highcliffe, discussing tactics en route to Kaer Labinau.
Midnight Blue, consoling Alarian after an embarassing fall.
Alarian, after the disastrous maiden voyage of Maxwell's new boat.
Sanjuro, commenting on the typical outcomes of their kaer crawls.
Maxwell Highcliffe, unwisely forsaking his inner monologue upon entering Shis'r'tal.
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Last Updated 07/10/98 by Paul
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