
    Race: Elven      O.C.C.: Psi-Mystic      Alignment: Scrupulous      Exp. Lvl: 6

This guy was controlled by me. (a.k.a. Rehlman) and is now an N.P.C.

He was born on the Isle of Cyclops with 5 older siblings.  His parents never really recognized the power he wielded, and he was having trouble understanding it as well.  He left at a young age in his quest for understanding who he is, and what he is about.  Well eventually an elder sage by the name of Keldor took him in and showed him not only how to control his powers, but taught him to speak different languages, basic martial arts, as well as showing him the histories that the man had collected.   In turn Lancelot took care of the older man, and promised to always defend justice, and use his newfound knowledge with honor.

Today Lance wields Dw. Battle Axes with deadly accuracy, but is also proficient in the art of sword fighting.  Lance is host to 11 psionics, and 16 spells which he wields with cunning, always finding a new use for old magic.  Other items he holds are two rings: Ring of Impervious to Cold and Ring of Fly as an Eagle, and a transformable belt into dagger.  His comrade has blessed him with different wards (i.e. Knowledge, See the Invisible, and so forth) , and he worships Thoth, for Thoth is the god of knowledge and Lance is convinced that Thoth somehow bestowed these powers to him.  He will always be known for starting the revival of the new kingdom at the Isle of the Southern Cross.

Lancelot has also gained control of a helmet that bestows him with a tougher body (eh hem... more H.P.'s) magic spells and whatnot, but unfortunately this helmet has led him to be obsessive and totally paranoid about the helmet and he will never take it off, as he wears it, it seems his physical beauty is deteriorating, and now he's down to an ugly P.B. of 4!

A recent journal entry about the helmet:

     "Today Sir Garland brushed up against me, he says it was an accident, but I know better, he was trying to get my helmet.  I could see his green eyes of envy just waiting for the right moment, I decided to let it pass but next time, my greatest friend could get it, and well.... I'm not sure what I'd do about it, but he'd pay a price, oh yes he would pay.  Why can't the Necromancer take it, it would be the perfect excuse to wipe the earth with his face.  They all laugh when I won't take it off, even to take a bath, but I know they're after it, I know the second it came off, they'd take advantage of me in my weakened state, for the helmet give me power, and that power has allowed me to live through the worst of lifes little mishaps."

           -From the notes of Lancelot

Level 4: Lancelot has recently reached a new plateau in his life (eh hem, exp. lvl)  At his new status, he has gained the knowledge of the spells "Carpet of Adhesion" and "Armour of Ithan".  He has also been the observer of various religous lore for the last few adventures.  And has gained a permanent knowledge of some of the basics of "Lore: Religeon"  (He reached this level in the tombs, in the first adventure, in the book, "The Yin-Sloth Jungles".

Level 5: Lancelot has recently gained a new level (YaY!)  For spells he has chosen Charm and Superhuman Speed, and has also mastered the art of Telepathy (psionic)

Level 6: Lancelot has recently gained yet another level (6 is my all time high!) He has chosen the Spells "Call Lightning" and "Create Bread and Milk".  He has also mastered the art of tumbling.  

Lance has finally gained control of a rune weapon, though pitiful as far as rune weapons go, it's nothing to be laughed at.  

Stats of Rune Weapon:

Type: Dagger - Lesser Rune Weapon

Gender: Female

Name:  Xavoir

Special Powers:  Does 4d6 damage.

That's all unfortunately for the rune dagger, although Lance also controls another dagger which will return to wielder when thrown, and a Mace that does 4d6 damage and makes a loud Thundering sound every time it strikes.  

A Note from Lancelots journal:

"Rashidi has often talked about revenge upon the lone wolfen who destroyed his life, and some day I'm sure he'll get his chance, and it doesn't look good for that poor wolfen.  The study of Necromancy has offen bewildered me, is it not the study of evil and death as well?  Why would any man follow this path, let alone devote his whole life to it?  Rashidi actually doesn't seem like that bad of a guy, and I just wonder if he controls the power of Necromancy anymore, or if the power controls him.  If, and when, he finds the wolfen, what will he do, surely he will kill the guy, but will Rashidi then give up the study of the lower class of mystic arts, can he yet be saved from a life of hatred..."    

           -From the notes of Lancelot

8/31/97-  Lance got his first insanity today, (a very sarchastic Yippee :)) Worst yet, it's one very, very lousy insanity.  "Fear of Success"  you can basically guess what it does, and anytime Lance gets in "critical, or high pressure moments" this insanity will kick in and be a real, real bummer.  Ah well, maybe Rand can take care of the problem (sigh)...

9/22/97- Yeah!!, with the distruction of the Madstone, Lancelot's insanty has disappeared.  It will no longer control me..Muhahaha.  May Lance live a long, insanity free, "successful" life :)

9/25/97- Lancelot has currently left the group to go in search of people to help out with the repopulation of the Isle of the Southern Cross.  You can sure as hell bet they'll run into him again soon though.  (He has gone into a state of N.P.C. mode for now.)

2/28/98 - A note from Lancelot's journal:

"Tonight is the first night after we arrived on the Isle of the Southern Cross.  There's much work to do and many things to accomplish, but I see the strength in these people to accomplish those deeds.  I've just begun to talk to people about taking royal positions, after that's all finished up, I'd like to go meet Noah and then to finally settle down and enjoy a worry free afternoon in the sun."

           -From the notes of Lancelot

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