May 2000
1. Seti I and Horemhab: what was the age of Seti I at death
and what was the reign lenght of Horemhab?; the dubious year-16-bowl
of Horemhab; excursus on the "overseer of nurses" tomb at Akhmim
from Tutankhamen's reign; excursus on the Mursilis' eclipse.
2. Death of Menes: a strange newspaper article on how Menes died,
leading to the old question: who was Menes - Narmer or Hor-Aha?
3. KV69+KV21: some thoughts on these tombs.
4. Discoveries May: the oasis tomb of Dd-xnsw.f-anx, and the finds in Abuqir.
5. Mummies and Photographic Plates: is it possible to photograph the inside
of mummy wrappings?
6. Mitanni: when is this nation first mentioned in AE records?
7. Pestilence: was there plague raging in the Amarna Age and what type
could it have been?; with an excursus on the nature of plagues/pestilences in general.
8. Military Dress: armour types used in AE, with a special focus on scale armour.
9. Tomb of Sennefer: literature list for this tomb (TT96).
10. Calendars of AE: general overview of the main calendars in use.
11. Hypatia: some info on this 4th c. Alexandrine female scholar.
12. Miscellaneous: Brugsch, floor plans of temples, food in Greek-Roman times, papyrus, tomb of Sirenput,
and other (largely unanswered) questions and unsettled matters.
13. EEF NEWS: issues 99-102.
14. Administrativa: announcements by the moderator, by members (personals or offtopics), by
authors and publishers (new books), by institutions (jobs, lectures, etc.). Incl. book reviews.
June 2000
1. DNA-testing of royal mummies: methods, results and programs.
2. Bird of Saqqara: about the mysterious bird model in Cairo Museum (could it glide?), and about masthead birds.
3. AE lingua franca: why was Ancient Egyptian never a lingua franca in the Ancient Near East?
4. Discoveries June '00: early cave drawings (a hoax?), the tomb of the chief of staff
of pharaoh Ramses II in Saqqara (what was his name?), return to the Valley of the Mummies.
5. Egyptian "alphabets": how the Egyptological transliteration "alphabet" came about, and
concerning the Ancient Egyptian "alphabet" (consonant sequence) of the Late Period.
6. Egyptology in Mexico: societies and education possibilities in that country.
7. Fish-keeping: literature on fish and fish-keeping.
8. Lecture report on Teti and OK reign lenghts : report on a lecture by Prof. Naguib Kanawati
(dealing with the continuing excavations in the tomb complex of king Teti), and debate on his ideas
about political turmoil during dyn. 6 and the OK cattle count.
9. Nefertari and Isisnofret: literature on the tombs and lives of the queens of Ramses II.
10. Titanic Mummy: was there really a mummy on board?
11. True of voice: about the term _mAa-xrw_ "justified".
12. Miscellaneous: about the Public NIMA GNS database, the Ptolemaic temples of Wannina, the new book
"Amarna Diplomacy", the phrase "as above, so below", the use of wind, and other (largely unanswered) questions and unsettled matters.
13. EEF NEWS: issues 103-107.
14. Administrativa: announcements by members (personals or offtopics), by
authors and publishers (new books), by institutions (jobs, lectures, etc.). Incl. press releases of museums.
July 2000
1. Economics: some literature on AE economics.
2. Beer: literary (and other) sources dealing with beer and drunkenness.
3. Tombs for women: there were very few individual tombs of women in MK/NK.
4. Father of Apophis: who was this?; with some points about Seth.
5. Gold Flesh of Re: sources in which Re's body is said to be of gold.
6. Egyptological Theory: anthropological theory (or the lack thereof) in Egyptology.
7. Amarna Plaster Heads: plaster masks / gypsum heads from Amarna.
8. Dandling Akhnaton: scenes with Akhnaton dandling wive and/or kids on his knees.
9. Burnt Bricks: literature about burnt bricks in AE architecture before the Roman Period.
10. Travel Conditions in Egypt: the situation during 2000 for travelling in Egypt; incl. hints for photographers.
11. Miscellaneous: about AE music, boxing, king Hor, Osiris corn mummies, KV35,
pAnastasi V/VI and other (largely unanswered) questions and unsettled matters.
12. EEF NEWS: issues 108-111.
13. Administrativa: announcements by members (personals or offtopics), by
authors and publishers (new books), by institutions (jobs, lectures, etc.). Incl. obituaries and
press releases of museums.
August 2000
1. Literacy in AE: some figures, literature and thoughts on this subject.
2. sn and Thutmosides: what was the family relation between Thutmoses II and III
and what were the meanings of sn in this context and in general?
3. Zodiac and Decan belt: literature and debate on AE astronomy, notably on the
zodiac and the decans, but also some bits about the planet names and eclipses.
4. Mehy: about a mysterious 19th dyn figure in history and poetry.
5. Herihor's tomb and KV35: rumours about the expected finding of Herihor's tomb and
about the situation in KV35.
6. Thought Couplets and sDm.w=f: what was valid in Westendorf's ideas
about the sDm.w-passive, and literature on Thought Couplet Analysis.
7. Miscellaneous: Pa-mer-kau, melons, obelisks and other (largely unanswered) questions and unsettled matters.
8. EEF NEWS: issues 112-115.
9. Administrativa: announcements by members (personals or offtopics), by
authors and publishers (new books), by institutions (jobs, lectures, etc.). Incl. obituaries and
press releases of cq info about museums.