Contents EEF Archives May - August 2001

May 2001
1. Apis bull cult: literature.
2. Conveying heavy objects: how did they move heavy objects over land?
3. Defacement of Hatshepsut's monuments: when did this start?
4. Education in UK and NYC: Egyptological courses etc. in those areas.
5. Elephants: elephants in the Nile Valley and in AE art.
6. History Textbooks: what are good general history textbooks for Egyptological classes?
7. Imryemeshaw aka Emra-mesha: about a king called 'General' in dyn. 13.
8. KV55: news reports about the KV55 trough in Munich.
9. Predynastic fishing: literature.
10. Reign lenght Thutmosis IV: 8 or 34 years?
11. Shawabtis of Tiye: literature about these objects.
12. Miscellaneous: Akhenaten blocks from Heliopolis (cont.), the name Cleopatra in Ptolemaic times, tomb of Herihor (cont.), Imhotep's tomb, and other (largely unanswered) questions and unsettled matters.
13. EEF NEWS: issues 147-150.
14. Administrativa: announcements by the moderator, by members (personals or offtopics), by authors and publishers (new books), by institutions (jobs, lectures, etc.). Incl. book reviews.

June 2001
1. Akhenaten and the old gods: the position of Hathor and the other gods during the Amarna Age.
2. Afrocentrism: mainstream literature dealing with Bernal and Afrocentrism.
3. Colossi of Memnon: the famous statues of Amenhotep III.
4. Compensation for workers: wages and social care in AE.
5. Horse Stables: literature about horse stables in Avaris and Per-Rameses.
6. Labyrinth: the famous temple of Amenemhet III at Hawara.
7. Lucky and Unlucky Days: literature on AE 'Tagewaehlerei'.
8. Mortuary Temple of Seti II: where was it located?
9. Serbian Artefacts: literature about the Egyptological collection in Serbia.
10. Early mummification: the finds in Hierakonpolis.
11. Medjay: where did these hirelings come from?
12. Theses' databases: databases worldwide for theses and dissertations.
13. Discoveries June '01: Nectanabo Decree found off the coast of Alexandria, and the redicovery of the tomb of king Nubkheperre Intef (dyn.17).
14. Miscellaneous: Gender Studies in Egyptology, and other (largely unanswered) questions and unsettled matters.
15. EEF NEWS: issues 151-154.
16. Administrativa: announcements by members (personals or offtopics), by authors and publishers (new books), by institutions (jobs, lectures, etc.). Incl. press releases of museums.

July 2001
1. Animals of Anubis&Seth: were the forms of these gods real animals or mergers of animals?
2. Distant Learning Courses: such courses about Egyptology, worldwide.
3. Drought Effects OK&NK: was there a drought at the end of the Bronze Age?, and at the end of the OK?
4. Dyn. II and III Transition: why are the 2nd and 3rd Dynasty seperated, and what was the link between the kings thereof?
5. Modern Artistic Representations: literature with renderings of scenes of AE life by modern artists.
6. Performance and Mask: did they know theatre?; and examples of masks used in dramatic expressions.
7. Pyramid Texts Distribution: books that give an overview about which pyramids have PTs and in what rooms.
8. Vampyres: did such mythical creatures exist in AE tales?
9. Miscellaneous: the kings-list of Erathostenes, Papyrus Prisse, the tomb of Ramses IV, the canopic vessels of Ramses II, bread-making, and other (largely unanswered) questions and unsettled matters.
10. EEF NEWS: issues 155-158.
11. Administrativa: announcements by members (personals or offtopics), by authors and publishers (new books), by institutions (jobs, lectures, etc.). Incl. obituaries and press releases of museums.

August 2001
1. Ankhwa the Shipbuilder: info about this dyn. 3 person.
2. Chariots: literature about chariots and related technology.
3. Clayton Rings: mysterious objects from the Western Desert - what was their use?
4. Elephantine Stela: literature, plus: who was the enemy of Sethnakht on this stela?
5. MK Wooden Figurines: some literature and thoughts about objects found in Beni Hasan.
6. Nebuchadnezar and Egypt: about the possible Babylonian invasion into Egypt.
7. Pigs and Pork: literature and depictions about the keeping of pigs in Egypt, and the eating of their meat.
8. Regnal Year: how to read M4-X1:O50 "regnal year"?
9. Royal Fan-bearers: what was their role?
10. Temple cults&diet: some thoughts about the priestly services and diets.
11. Textiles: some recent literature on AE textiles.
12. Women Settlement: what kind of institute was the NK "all-women settlement" (rather: "la fondation pure de femmes")?
13. Miscellaneous: an OK market scene, Ankhsheshonqi papyrus, dyn. 20 tombs, the King Lists, the decree of Nectanabo I, the orientation of obelisks, Stela Berlin 9610, the tomb of Seti I, and other (largely unanswered) questions and unsettled matters.
14. EEF NEWS: issues 159-162.
15. Administrativa: announcements by members (personals or offtopics), by authors and publishers (new books), by institutions (jobs, lectures, etc.). Incl. obituaries and press releases of museums.

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