EEF NEWS is an email newsletter posted on the EEF mailinglist. It appears every week, on Thursday. Below you'll find the website version, which is also renewed after every following weekend.
For subscription to the EEF, the moderated scholarly mailinglist for mainstream Egyptology, see or the link at the end of this page. The EEF list also has a daily digest option and a weekly digest option, and has monthly archives (digests and archives are all sorted by topic). There is no seperate subscription list for the NEWS alone, so if you are less interested in following debates, you may get the News by either visiting this website (renewed on Sunday evening) or by subscribing to the Weekly EEF Digest (meaning you'll get the NEWS on Thursday and one easily deleted Digest on Sunday).

Major news items which are of obvious interest for the list as a whole (like first-hand announcements of discoveries and excavation reports) are best posted directly on EEF; smaller news bits (like announcements of lectures, website updates/reviews, email address changes etc.) are good candidates for being bundled in EEF NEWS.

Copyright 2009, A.K. Eyma
There have been several breaches of copyrights over the past year, websites just copying our material verbatim without proper reference to EEF NEWS. Should you see such cases of plagiarism on the Net, please let us know.

EEF NEWS (558) 
d.d. April 16, 2009 (Epagomenal Day 1)
Contents: (I) New: Lectures and symposiums (II) New: Exhibitions (III) Personals: personal and offtopic calls (IV) Read on the Web: online press reports in electronic newspapers etc. (V) Books and Journals Corner: book announcements, book reviews, journal issues appearing, digitised literature, etc. (VIA) Jobs and Grants: announcements of job openings and fellowships. (VIB) New: Courses and Trips: classroom & online courses, field schools, and non-commercial tours. (VII) (Multi)media: AE on TV, in Film, in Music, on CD-Rom or DVD (VIII) Websites: announcing, listing or updates of whole (mainstream) websites (IX) Lectures and symposiums on Ancient Egypt USA, Canada, UK, Holland, Germany, South Africa, Egypt, Italy, France, Portugal, Belgium, Spain, Australia, Greece, Switzerland, Russia, Austria, Hungary, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Poland, Denmark, Israel (X) Exhibitions on Ancient Egypt USA, Canada, UK, Holland, Germany, Sweden, Egypt, Italy, France, Monaco, Belgium, Spain, Australia, Ireleand, Switzerland, Poland, Danmark, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Mexico, Slovakia, China, Russia, South Korea (XI) Courses and Trips (XII) Digital Media: online video and audio material Notes: * Sections IX to XII contain the bulk of still current info from earlier issues (these sections are absent from the email version of the newsletter), while sections I to VIII contain new or adjusted information. * Of items marked with #, you can request from me the often longer announcement on which my summary was based. * Items marked with & are topics from earlier issues that linger on a bit (for irregular visitors of this site) or that were already on the EEF forum itself. * The double date in the header above is based on an accurate extrapolation from antiquity of the Ancient Egyptian (AE) Civil Calendar (365 days, wandering through the seasons, not determined by Sothis). * Please send any contributions and additions to: A.K. Eyma ========================================================================= With thanks to: Suzanne Onstine [(I) - USA (x)]; John Sarr [(I) - USA (h)]; Marcel Zitman [(I) - The Netherlands (e)]; Bjorn Koopmans [(II) - USA (o), Egypt (a)]; Kat Newkirk [(I) - UK (zg), (II) - Egypt (a), Switzerland (a), Korea (a)]; Michael Tilgner [(II) - Germany (f), Egypt (a)] ========================================================================== +++ (I) NEW: LECTURES AND SYMPOSIUMS --USA-- h) ARCE/Oregon Chapter * "Shedding New Light on Hidden Thebes: Recent Discoveries During Major Engineering Projects Around the Ancient Monuments of Luxor", by Edwin Brock (American University of Cairo) date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009; 7:30pm place: Room 41 Cramer Hall, Portland State University info: email x) Egyptology Graduate Student Association at the University of Memphis * Second Annual Student Symposium: "Egypt Through the Ages" The symposium features the research of University of Memphis graduate students in Art History, History, and Egyptology. Keynote Speaker: Dr. Maria Gatto, Yale University. Special Presentation: Dr. Keita, Howard University. date: Saturday, April 18, 2009; 9:00am-4:00pm place: Mitchell Hall Auditorium (room 200), U.Memphis campus, Memphis, TN USA costs: free and open to all info: list of speakers and directions can be found at URL info: email --CANADA-- a) La Société pour l'Étude de l'Égypte Ancienne Society for the Study for Egyptian Antiquities --SSEA Toronto Chapter-- * "The Edwin Smith Medical Papyrus: The First Aid Notes of an Ancient Egyptian Combat Medic", by Alwyn Burridge date: Friday, April 17, 2009; 7:00pm. place: Room 142, basement of Earth Sciences Complex, 5 Bancroft Ave, Toronto info: email --UK-- zg) Scarborough Archaelogical and Historical Society * "Cleopatra the Great – The Woman Behind the Legend", by Dr Joann Fletcher date: Monday, April 20, 2009; 7.30pm place: Concert Room, Library and Information Centre, Vernon Road, Scarborough costs: free info: email --THE NETHERLANDS-- e) Het Huis van Horus & Mehen * "Horemheb and his reign", by Dr. Jacobus van Dijk (University of Groningen) Dr. Jacobus van Dijk discusses the career of Horemheb as military commander and king, his tombs at Saqqara and the Valley of the Kings and the length of his reign, based on discoveries during the re-examination of his Theban Tomb. date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009; 19:15 for a 19:30 start. place: Leiden University, Lipsius 005, Leiden costs: EUR 8,-- (donateurs) or EUR 10,-- (niet-donateurs) reservations appreciated at email info: URL ---- For previously listed lectures and conferences, see section IX below. +++ (II) NEW: EXHIBITIONS --USA-- [update] o) Columbus Museum of Art 480 E Broad St, Columbus, OH 43215 * "To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures From the Brooklyn Museum" date: February 13, 2009 - June 7, 2009 [new] info: press report at URL --GERMANY-- [update] f) Olympiapark München GmbH Spiridon-Louis-Ring 21, D-80809 München * "Tutanchamun - Sein Grab und die Schätze" [Tutankhamun - his tomb and the treasures] date: April 9 - August 30, 2009 [new] info: slide-show at URL [new] info: video report at URL [new] info: audio report at URL [new] info: audio report at URL [new] info: English video report at URL [new] info: press report at URL "Die aktuelle Tutanchamun-Ausstellung in München ist mit großem Brimborium angekündigt worden. Die altägyptische Hochkultur will eine Sensation sein - aber anders, als der angelockte Gast gedacht hat. Denn kein Ausstellungsstück ist ein Original. So geht der Schau jegliche Aura ab." --EGYPT-- [update] a) The Egyptian Museum Maydan El Tahrir, Cairo * "120 Years of Spanish Archaeology in Egypt" date: April 6 - June 6, 2009 [new] info: English press report about the inauguration, by Zahi Hawass, at URL URL [new] info: Spanish press report at URL "La exposición, que lleva un desarrollo cronológico y muestra 130 piezas descubiertas por españoles, es una forma de rendir homenaje a todos esos arqueólogos, científicos españoles que durante 120 años han realizado (y por suerte siguen), un estupendo trabajo, aportando luz sobre la Egiptología." --SWITZERLAND-- [update] a) Kunsthaus Zürich Heimplatz 1, CH-8001 Zürich * "Giacometti, der Ägypter" [Giacometti, the Egyptian] date: February 27, 2009 - May 24, 2009 [new] info: press report at URL --SOUTH KOREA-- [update] a) The National Museum of Korea 135 Seobinggo ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea, 140-026 tel: 82-2-2077-9000 * "Egypt, the Great Civilization / "The Egypt Civilization" / "5,000 Years of Egyptian Legend" date: April 28, 2009 - August 30, 2009 [new] info: press report at URL With photos of seated AIII Sekhmet and coffin of Neschonsu. ------ For previously listed exhibitions, see section X below. +++ (III) PERSONALS AND ADMIN NOTES [As you might guess, a "Personal" is exactly that: unlike with the others sections, entries are not necessarily in accord with the scope (mainstream Egyptology) of EEF. They usually are not in the Website version, except for Personalia/Obituaries.] +++ (IV) READ ON THE WEB ------NEWSPAPER REPORTS ONLINE------ [Caveat: it is well-known that a press report cannot always be taken at face value, and it is not possible for the EEF contributors (submitting items) and the moderator (editor) to verify the validity of the contents of all press reports in advance. ] * (&) Press Release: "News from the Temple of Taposiris Magna" URL "A radar survey of the temple of Taposiris Magna, west of Alexandria, Egypt, was completed last month as part of the search for the tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony. (..) The radar revealed 3 possible spots of interest where a tomb may be located. The expedition has received the results of the survey, and will begin excavating each of these three spots next week. The most important recent development at Taposiris Magna has been the discovery of a large, previously unknown cemetery outside the temple enclosure. The expedition has found 27 tombs. 20 of them shaped like vaulted sarcophagi, partly underground and partly above ground. The remaining 7 consist of staircases leading to simple burial chambers. Inside these tombs, the team has found a total of 10 mummies, 2 of them gilded. (..) " -- There is really a flood of press reports about this, none adding anything except for sensational headers (like "Cleopatra's tomb found" [with or without "?"], "Tombs of Cleopatra and Mark Anthony 'discovered' ", "Dominican archaeologist finds 10 mummies, one may be Cleopatra’s"). One thing is worth (re)citing, as I think most of us will agree with him: "(..) Egyptologist John Baines, of Oxford University in England questioned why Antony’s defeater, Augustus, would have permitted such an honorable resting place. "I don't really see why there should be a particular connection between that site and Antony and Cleopatra," Baines said.(..)" -- Detail photo of one of the mummies: URL [Submitted by Bjorn Koopmans] * Many press reports about the research on the wine jars from the tomb of king Scorpion (see forum, and New Journals section below). Most add little, here a selection of the better ones: URL URL URL "(..) The jars tested positive for tartaric acid - a reliable chemical marker for grape and wine in the Middle East. The scientists also found compounds from a number of herbs, some of which have known medicinal properties, and from tree resin.(..) His team also tested residue from inside a later Egyptian jar, or amphora, dating from between the 4th and 6th Centuries AD [from Gebel Adda in southern Egypt] (..)" URL "(..) The scientists determined Scorpion I's drink consisted of grape wine to which a sliced fig had been added, probably to start and sustain the fermentation process, while also adding flavor and sweetness. Terebinth, a tree resin known now for having antioxidant properties, was also found within a yellowish flaky residue scraped from the jar, which was decorated with swirling red paint "tiger stripes." While McGovern and his team aren't yet certain what herbs were in the drink, since many plants share similar chemical components, they suspect mint, coriander, savory, senna and sage were likely candidates. The researchers are confident, however, that the second, more recent Egyptian wine contained pine resin and rosemary. (..)" -- See also Kris Hirst's photo essay on the topic, as it has several photos of the jars in Scorpion's tomb: URL [Submitted by Kat Newkirk and Bjorn Koopmans] * Press report: "Amid Egypt's deserts, a green lotus bud blooms" URL Interview with Neil Hewison, associate director of the American University in Cairo Press, which recently published a revised edition of his "The Fayoum: History and Guide". --Follow-ups-- [Submitted by Daniele Salvoldi, Rhio Barnhart, Michael Tilgner, and Kat Newkirk] * Two Italian press reports on the discovery of a copy of Alessandro Ricci's lost travel diary [cf. posting by Marilina Betrò to the Forum: "Alessandro Ricci's lost travel account copy found in archive", March 18, 2009]: URL "E' la storia di un manoscritto perduto e insieme quella del suo autore, Alessandro Ricci, senese, il primo italiano che all'inizio dell'Ottocento si avventurò in zone inesplorate dell'Egitto e del Sudan raccontando luoghi e popoli sino ad allora sconosciuti. Dopo una "caccia" di quasi duecento anni e dopo circa ottant'anni dall'ultimo avvistamento il giornale di viaggio di Ricci è stato ritrovato. Il merito va al dottor Daniele Salvoldi che ne ha riscoperto una copia lavorando al progetto Rosellini coordinato dalla professoressa Marilina Betrò del dipartimento di Scienze storiche del mondo antico. (..)" With background on the life of Ricci, who explored Egypt between 1817 and 1822, and on his refound manuscript. URL URL "(..) "Si tratta di un rinvenimento eccezionale per l'egittologia - spiega Betrò al giornale dell'Ateneo -: Ricci descrive e disegna siti che solo pochi anni dopo, al tempo della spedizione di Champollion e Rosellini a cui lui stesso partecipò, erano già andati distrutti. Ma accanto ai monumenti Ricci descrive gli usi e i costumi dei popoli che incontra, le tecniche di battaglia degli eserciti, la condizione delle donne e persino quella degli animali. Ora, a quasi due secoli di distanza la nostra intenzione è di poterlo finalmente pubblicare". (..)" -- English version of the latter: URL "The 200-year-old travel diary of an Italian adventurer who explored Egypt and later guided the founders of Egyptology to key sites has been uncovered in this Tuscan city. The journal, accidentally unearthed during research into a groundbreaking historical expedition, was written by a Siena-born doctor, draughtsman and explorer named Alessandro Ricci, who set out for Egypt in 1817. Ricci's journal covered a five-year period until 1822, describing his adventures and experiences in detail. The document is particularly important as Ricci was a key figure in a later Franco-Tuscan expedition, led jointly by the French philologist who deciphered hieroglyphs, Jean-Francois Champollion, and a leading Italian Egyptologist Ippolito Rosellini. ''This is an exceptional find for the field of Egyptology,'' commented Marilina Betro, the professor heading the Pisa University team researching the Franco- Tuscan expedition. ''Ricci describes and draws those sites that had already been completely destroyed just a few years later, at the time of the Champollion-Rosellini expedition, which he was also part of. ''But as well as the monuments, he also describes the customs and habits of the people he met, the fighting strategies of armies, the condition of women and even the treatment of animals''. (..) " -- Another English press report (no extra info): URL [Submitted by Bjorn Koopmans] * Press report: "Female "King" Ruled in Canaan, Carving Suggests" URL About the plaque with a mysterious figure on it, found in Beth-Shemesh, and which the excavators tentatively link with the 'Mistress of the Lionesses' from the Amarna Letters. There is some new info, and an alternative explanation, plus there is also a good photo of the plaque, besides the line drawing. "The plaque-which is slightly smaller than a cigarette pack-shows a bare-chested figure wearing a kilt, with short-cropped hair and bent arms holding up two long-stemmed lotus flowers. The figure is standing on a basket called a neb, which in ancient Egyptian iconography signifies a ruler or deity. (..) "The figure is, in my opinion, a man," commented University of California, Los Angeles Egyptologist Kathlyn Cooney. "I would expect a female to wear an ankle-length dress, not a knee-length kilt," Cooney said. "This figure is also shown striding, with legs apart, a typical posture for a man." Instead, the plaque may depict a male king who is wearing a wig and making an offering to a deity of lotuses-a flower symbolic of death and rebirth to the ancient Egyptians, Cooney added. (..)" [Submitted by Raymond Betz] * Press report: "Un espace vivant - Grand musée de l'Egypte - L'Internaute" URL A picture gallery of 11 impressions of the Grand Museum. [Next three items submitted by Kat Newkirk and Bjorn Koopmans] * Some more press reports on the mummy find in Lahun [see URL]: URL URL "Archeologists have found an ancient Egyptian necropolis harbouring brightly coloured coffins, with four of the mummies [dyn 22] being described as among the most beautiful ever discovered. (..) Also found in the necropolis were [15] painted masks, amulets and clay pots, according to reports. Russian archeologists recently announced a similar discovery in Fayoum and it was unclear yesterday if they are separate discoveries or if a fight over rival claims is brewing. (..)" [That's unclear indeed -- for the Russian finds, see: URL] -- Three large and very fine photos of coffins: URL * Press report on the scanning of the Nefertiti bust: URL No news, except for this quote: "(..) Zahi Hawass, secretary-general of the SCA, describes the findings as good for science and for the preservation of such a bust. "The research provided detailed information about the condition of the bust as well as showing its weak points, the areas where the stucco is vulnerable." He says he will ask Germany to send a detailed report about the CT scan to Egypt. Hawass criticised the German authorities for not informing Egypt about the recent studies, insisting the bust is an Egyptian artefact even if it is in Berlin. (..)" * Summary of recent finds and projects (no new news): URL -- And another summary, by Dr Hawass, in the form of a video: URL About recent discoveries and ongoing work in the VoK and Taposiris. [Submitted by Michael Tilgner] * Press report: "Der Duft der Pharaonin" URL "Fest steht, dass schon im alten Ägypten Duftstoffe verwendet wurden. 'Auch Hatschepsut selbst hat sich wohl mit einem Odeur geschmückt', sagt der Kurator des Ägyptischen Museums der Universität Bonn, Michael Höveler-Müller. 'Zur Demonstration ihrer Macht hat sie Parfüm verwendet und wir vermuten, dass es auch Weihrauch enthielt.' Ein gut erhaltenes Flakon aus dem Besitz Hatschepsuts soll ihm jetzt darüber Gewissheit verschaffen." --MISCELLANEOUS-- * Bjorn Koopmans reports that the reconstructed mummification bed from KV63 is already on display at the Mummification Museum in Luxor, in a new show-case, together with two of the found cushions/pillows. * A new 'Dig Diary' entry by Dr. Otto Schaden, plus images (under the Photo - 2009 tab), is now available on the KV-63 website URL Dr. Schaden announces the exciting discovery of an inscription of a 'Royal Nurse' by the name of 'Iny' from Coffin A! [Submitted by Rhio Barnhart] * The World Digital Library (WDL) URL will launch on April 21. It will be interesting to see the scope of their content as regards Egyptology. -- News release: URL * Philippe Gossaert of the Pr Kmt site has put up some interesting recent interviews (in Dutch) with Egyptologists: -- Jacobus van Dijk, on human sacrifices and KV57: URL -- Herbert Verret, on Arsinoe IV e.a.: URL -- Stan Hendrickx on predynastisch Egypte: URL -- Several older interviews may also be found at the site. [Submitted by Michael Tilgner] * There is an ongoing discussion about exhibiting replicas of AE antiquities fuelled by the travelling exhibition "Tutankhamun - his tomb and the treasures" (now in Munich); see the recent press reports and the statement by Jaromir Malek [cf. EEF News (554), March, 20, 2009]. The following classical text may provide the discussion with some more arguments: -- Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) URL "The presence of the original is the prerequisite to the concept of authenticity. Chemical analyses of the patina of a bronze can help to establish this, as does the proof that a given manuscript of the Middle Ages stems from an archive of the fifteenth century. The whole sphere of authenticity is outside technical - and, of course, not only technical - reproducibility. Confronted with its manual reproduction, which was usually branded as a forgery, the original preserved all its authority; not so vis-à-vis technical reproduction ... The authenticity of a thing is the essence of all that is transmissible from its beginning, ranging from its substantive duration to its testimony to the history which it has experienced. Since the historical testimony rests on the authenticity, the former, too, is jeopardized by reproduction when substantive duration ceases to matter. And what is really jeopardized when the historical testimony is affected is the authority of the object. One might subsume the eliminated element in the term 'aura' ..." -- Original German text: Walter Benjamin, Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit - 28 pp. - pdf-file (0.5 MB) URL --ONLINE TEXT RESOURCES-- * TBA * Michael's Text Resources are stored at: URL +++ (V) BOOK CORNER ---NEW (PAPER) BOOK RELEASES--- * Cauville S., Dendara. Le temple d'Isis. Vol. I: Traduction. Vol. II: Analyse à la lumière du temple d'Hathor. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 178-179, Peeters Publ. 2009. XXII-444 pp. (vol. I) and XXII-418 pp. (vol. II). ISBN: 978-90-429-2097-2 (vol. I) and 978-90-429-2098-9 (vol. II) 88 euro (vol. I) and 85 euro (vol. II) URL (vol. I) URL (vol. II) [Submitted by Kat Newkrik] * Brian A. Curran, Anthony Grafton, Pamela O. Long and Benjamin Weiss, Obelisk: A History. MIT Press, April 2009. URL -- Brief press report/review about the book: URL "The illustrated book traces the fate and many meanings of obelisks -- giant standing stones invented in ancient Egypt as sacred objects -- across nearly 40 centuries. " ---DIGITIZED BOOKS AND ONLINE DISSERTATIONS--- [Next ten items submitted by Michael Tilgner] * Online thesis: Yvonne G. Lemke, Die nichtköniglichen Priesterinnen des Alten Reiches (4. - 6. Dynastie), Philosophische Fakultät I der Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Würzburg, 2008. -- [vol. I:] X, 379 pp. -- vol. II: Katalog mit Tabellen. - 203 pp. pdf-file (3.8 MB) URL "A detailed publication about non-royal priestesses of the Old Kingdom. Most of them hold priestly titles in the service of the goddesses Hathor and Neith, but also for Min. There were also musician priestesses and women, who worked in the service of the deceased. The publication concludes with the social standing of the non-royal priestesses in the Old Kingdom." * Digitized book from the Research Archives of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago -- Heinrich Schäfer, Die aethiopische Königsinschrift des Berliner Museums. Regierungsbericht des Königs Nastesen, des Gegners des Kambyses, Leipzig, 1901. - VI, 136 pp., 4 pls. - pdf-file (49.4 MB) [PDF] URL "Diese erste Veröffentlichung [LD V, 16] ist aber ... nur nach Papierabdrücken gemacht, die in Dongola genommen sind, ehe der Stein sorgfältig gereinigt war. Dadurch erklärt es sich, dass der Lepsiussche Text viele Lücken aufweist, die sich auf dem sauber gereinigten Original nicht finden. Es leuchtet aber ein, wie wichtig es ist, gerade bei einem so barbarischen Text wie diesem, nicht auf Ergänzungen angewiesen zu sein. So war eine neue Ausgabe der Inschrift ein Bedürfnis ... Der Kommentar, der zur Begründung der Übersetzung notwendig war, ist umfangreicher geworden, als ich es gewünscht hätte, trotzdem ich mich bestrebt habe, mich so kurz wie möglich zu fassen ... Ich bilde mir nicht ein, auf diesem schwierigen Gebiete abschliessendes erreicht zu haben: ich hoffe aber, den Fachgenossen diese wilde Sprache etwas verständlicher gemacht zu haben ... für das Verständnis der Entwicklung des spätäthiopischen Reichs sind sie von nicht geringer Bedeutung, vor allem unsere, wenn sich meine Annahme, dass in Z. 39 der Zug des Kambyses gegen Meroë erwähnt, ja der Perserkönig selbst mit Namen genannt wird, als richtig bewähren sollte." -- Stela Berlin 2268; for a recent treatment see: Carsten Peust, Das Napatanische: Ein ägyptischer Dialekt aus dem Nubien des späten ersten vorchristlichen Jahrtausends, Texte, Glossar, Grammatik, Göttingen, 1999 * Digitized book from the Research Archives of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago -- J. Simons, Handbook for the Study of Egyptian Topographical Lists Relating to Western Asia, Leiden, 1937. - XVI, 224 pp., frontispiece - pdf-file (159 MB) URL "Whatever may have been the amount of work and patience involved in the composition of this book its aim is a modest one. It is merely intended to be a practical _Handbook_ in which those engaged in the study of the topography of ancient Western Asia will find all Egyptian Topographical Lists relating to this part of the ancient world, together with a general description of these lists and the necessary bibliographical information." * New addition to the Giza Digital Library -- Naguib Kanawati, Tombs at Giza, vol. I: Kaiemankh (G4561) and Seshemnefer I (G4940), Warminster, 2001 (The Australian Centre for Egyptology: Reports 16). - 68 pp., 51 pls. - pdf-file (66 MB) URL "... his [Junker's] record of the reasonably well-preserved tomb of Kaiemankh, occupying an entire volume (vol. IV, 1940) of his monumental work _Grabungen auf dem Friedhof des Alten Reiches bei den Pyramiden von Gîza_, 12 volumes (Vienna, 1929-55) has been a standard source for research. However, whether due to Junker himself, his draughtsman or inadequate lighting, when examined against the original his record shows inconsistencies and inaccuracies ... a new detailed record of the tomb seemed necessary ... The second tomb in this volume is that of Seshemnefer I, known only from Lepsius (_Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien_ II [Berlin, 1849-59], 27-29) and in need of a modern record. Lepsius' plates proved to be reliable and the scenes and inscriptions have not deteriorated over time." * New addition to the Giza Digital Library -- Naguib Kanawati, Tombs at Giza, vol. II: Seshathetep/Heti (G5150), Nesutnefer (G4970), and Seshemnefer II (G5080), Warminster, 2002 (The Australian Centre for Egyptology: Reports 18). - 68 pp., 65 pls. - pdf-file (81 MB) URL "The three tombs recorded in the second season and presented in the current volume belong to Seshathetep, Nesutnefer and Seshemnefer II. The choice of these tombs was influenced by their close proximity in location and date and by their apparent architectural and artistic similarities ... The mastabas of both Seshathetep and Nesutnefer have been previously published by Junker in _Grabungen auf dem Friedhof des Alten Reiches bei den Pyramiden von Gîza_, 12 volumes (Vienna, 1929-55). It is hoped that the present record represents an improvement on the previously available information, in particular in correcting minor errors and providing more details of the wall scenes and inscriptions. Information on the tomb of Seshemnefer II, on the other hand, has remained inaccesible to scholars and this publication aims to make it available." * Digitized book from Google Booksearch in the Internet Archive - Bulletin de l'Institut Égyptien (BIE), série 5 -- vol. 1 (1907) -- vol. 2 (1908) [bound together] [PDF] URL -- For other available vols. see: URL * Digitized book from Google Booksearch in the Internet Archive -- Caroline L. Ransom, The Stela of Menthu-weser, New York, 1913. - 39 pp.., 2 pls. - pdf-file (1 MB) [PDF] URL "More than half the stela is occupied by an inscription arranged in three horizontal and sixteen vertical lines. The characters are rudely incised and the stone-cutter has made many mistakes in working from his copy which was in hieratic writing. The occurrence of rare words and the probability of some corruptions in the text render the inscription exceedingly difficult. A few passages baffle translation. The text is, however, of high importance for the study both of the language and of economic conditions under the Twelfth Dynasty." -- Stela MMA 12.184; zoomable image: URL * Digitized book from Google Booksearch in the Internet Archive -- Willem Pleijte [Pleyte], La couronne de la justification, Leide, 1884 (reprinted from: Actes du sixième Congrès International des Orientalistes, tenu en 1883 à Leide. Pt. 4, sect. 3, Leide, 1885). - 30 pp., 25 pls. - pdf-file (1.7 MB) URL "... Dans cet article j'ai effleuré la question que je voudrais traiter devant vous, ou plutôt, dont je voudrais traiter spécialement une partie; il s'agit d'expliquer ce que la couronne de la justification signifiait pour les Egyptiens, d'où elle a tiré son origine et quelle en était la composition." * Digitized book from Google Booksearch in the Internet Archive -- Édouard Naville, Un ostracon égyptien, Paris, 1881 (reprinted from Annales du Musée Guimet, vol. 1, Paris, 1880, pp. 51-60). - 14 pp., 2 pls. - pdf-file (0.6 MB) [PDF] URL "Nous avons eu la bonne fortune de trouver dans la belle collection de M. Guimet un ostracon tout à fait semblable à ceux du Louvre, de la même écriture, et provenant vraisemblablement de la même tombe. Mais Tostracon de M. Guimet a sur ceux du Louvre cette supériorité, c'est qu'il contient un chapitre entier, au lieu de n'avoir que des fragments, et surtout qu'il nous donne le nom du défunt pour lequel il a été écrit." -- chapter 115 of the BD * Digitized book from Google Booksearch in the Internet Archive -- Eugène Grébaut, Hymne à Ammon-Ra des papyrus égyptiens du Musée de Boulaq, Paris, 1874 (BEHE, sciences philologiques et historiques, vol. 21). - XXXII, 304 autographed pp. - pdf-file (18 MB) [PDF] URL "L'objet de cet essai est l'étude d'un hymne du second volume des papyrus égyptiens du musée de Boulaq publiés par M. Mariette. En en donnant la traduction dans la Revue archéologique de Juin 1873, j'annonçais la prochaine publication d'un commentaire ... Le manuscrit est tracé en caratères hiératiques qui dénotent une main exercée. J'examinerai les questions paléographiques, celles de l'age de la composition, etc., après avoir terminé le commentaire analytique. A la fin du commentaire de chacune des quatre parties de l'hymne, suivant les divisions du manuscrit, j'ai reproduit le texte hiératique corresondant, d'après le facsimile, en écartant suffisamment les lignes pour insérer une transcription hiéroglyphique qui reproduit la disposition des signes hiératiques. J'espère par ce secours faciliter l'étude de l'écriture cursive." -- Another copy from the Gallica collection URL -- Article, mentioned in the introduction: Eugène Grébaut, Hymne à Ammon-Ra, in: RAr, nouvelle série, vol. 25, pp. 384-397 (1873) URL -- Hieroglyphic transcription and translation of pKairo 58038 (= Boulaq 17); for a recent treatment see: Maria Michaela Luiselli, Der Amun-Re Hymnus des P. Boulaq 17 (P. Kairo CG 58038), Wiesbaden, 2004 URL [Submitted by Brian Yare] * Yare Egyptology (URL) are pleased to announce the immediate availability of the following titles, in pdf format, on CD-ROM: -- Roeder, Günther (1969} Amarna-reliefs aus Hermopolis Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Hermopolis-Expedition in Hermopolis 1929 - 1939 -- Deiber, Alexandre, Clément d'Alexandrie et l'Égypte -- Mallet, Dominique, Le Kasr el-Agoûz -- Kamal, A., Tables d'Offrandes by Kamal -- Tylor, J. J., The Tomb of Sebeknekt --NEW ISSUES OF JOURNALS & MAGAZINES-- * The TOC of Lingua Aegyptia (LingAeg) no. 16 (2008), currently in press, is available online: URL [Next three items submitted by Michael Tilgner] * Ägypten und Levante, vol. XVIII (2008) TOC: URL * International Association for Coptic Studies, Newsletter, no 51 (2008) - 29 pp. - pdf-file (313 KB) URL Ninth International Congress of Coptic Studies - Provisional Agenda for the Ninth Business Meeting of the IACS: Cairo, 20 September 2008 - Proposed Change in the Statutes of the IACS - Notes from the IACS Secretariat - Project from Salzburg: The Worship of the Monastery of Apa Shenoute - Announcement from James M. Robinson Concerning the Nag Hammadi Archive - The Ragheb Moftah Collection of Coptic Orthodox Liturgical Chants and Hymns in the Library of Congress (U.S.A.) - List of IACS Members with New Postal and/or E-mail Addresses - Publications in Preparation, Forthcoming, or Recently Published, as Announced by IACS Members (and Others) * International Association for Coptic Studies, Newsletter, no 52 (2009) - 51 pp. - pdf-file (563 KB) URL Ninth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Cairo 2008 - Minutes of the Twenty-fourth IACS Board Meeting - Minutes of the Ninth Business Meeting of the IACS - Minutes of the Twenty-fifth IACS Board Meeting - Notes from the IACS Secretariat - List of IACS Members (in Good Standing) with Addresses - The _Journal of Egyptian History_ Issues a Call for Papers - Publications in Preparation, Forthcoming, or Recently Published, as Announced by IACS Members (and Others) * The next issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 106, No. 16, will contain this article: -- Patrick E. McGovern, Armen Mirzoian, Gretchen R. Hall, "Ancient Egyptian herbal wines" Only the abstract is for free (the artcle can be bought in advance of print): URL There is a host of press reports available on this topic, for a selection, see the forum and section IV above. [Submitted by Kat Newkirk] * The cover article about Hatshepsut in the latest issue of National Geographic magazine, April 2009 [cp. message of Weyert de Boer on the forum dd March 24] is now online for free, 10 pages with many photos: -- Chip Brown, "The King Herself" URL ---DIGITIZED JOURNAL ARTICLES AND ONLINE PAPERS--- [Next two items submitted by Michael Tilgner] * Mateusz Baca, Martyna Molak, "Research on ancient DNA in the Near East," in: Bioarchaeology of the Near East, vol. 2, pp. 39-61 (2008) - pdf-file (150 KB) URL "In the early 1990s, when studies of ancient DNA became possible, new perspectives of analyzing archaeological data also developed. Nowadays, because the methodology related to ancient DNA research is well developed, it has been used to reveal several aspects of human history and interaction. Here we review the basic concepts, methodologies, and recent developments in the field of ancient DNA studies with a special reference to the Near East. This includes not only human but also animal and bacterial DNA." * "Pharaonen ins Weinglas geschaut", in: Gerstel aktuell, no. 39, Juni 2008, pp. 4-8 - pdf-file (640 KB) URL "Mindestens wissenschaftlich ebenso reizvoll erschien es, die im oberägyptischen Abydos entdeckten 700 Weinkrüge auf Weinrückstände zu analysieren. Sie waren auf 3150 v. Chr. datiert worden und damit gut 1800 Jahre älter als die Grabbeigaben für Tut-ench-Amun. Mehr noch: Sie entstammten dem Grab des wohl ersten ägyptischen Pharaos, Skorpion (Dynastie 0) ... Die Aufgabe lautete, im Weinrückstand aus Abydos flüchtige und halbflüchtige Komponenten zu detektieren ... Hier das Vorgehen und die Analysemethoden im Überblick: ... Das Resultat: Die US-Wissenschaftler identifizierten in beiden Proben eine Reihe von Terpenoiden, Estern, Alkoholen, weitere flüchtige Komponenten und L-Weinsäure. Somit war definitiv bewiesen, dass die Tongefäße Wein enthielten ... Die Untersuchung belegt mithin die Beliebtheit geharzter Kräuterweine am Hof der Pharaonen vom Anfang der altägyptischen Hochkultur (Abydos) bis zu ihrem Ausklang (Djebel Adda)." This is an earlier report on the Abydos wine jars research that is hitting the news these days (see New Journals section). [Submitted by Jan Bailey] * Barbara Ross, "Correspondence in Clay", in: Saudi Aramco World, November/December 1999 , pp. 30-35 URL About the Amarna Letters. --MISCELLANEOUS-- [Submitted by Kat Newkirk] * Several BMCR online book reviews of: -- Holger Kockelmann, Praising the Goddess: A Comparative and Annotated Re-edition of Six Demotic Hymns and Praises Addressed to Isis. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2008. Pp. 131. ISBN 9783110212242. $84.00. (review in French) URL -- R. Drew Griffith, Mummy Wheat: Egyptian Influence on the Homeric View of the Afterlife and the Eleusinian Mysteries. Lanham: University Press of America, 2008. Pp. xxxvi, 233. ISBN 9780761842989. $37.00 (pb). URL -- Daniel Polz, Der Beginn des Neuen Reiches. Zur Vorgeschichte einer Zeitenwende. Sonderschriften des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo, 31. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2007. Pp. xvi, 446; ills. 111, pls. 35, CD-ROM. ISBN 978-3-11-019347. €110.28. (review in German) URL -- Carolyn Graves-Brown (ed.), Sex and Gender in Ancient Egypt: 'Don your wig for a joyful hour'. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, 2008. Pp. xxv, 220. ISBN 9781905125241. $100.00. URL -- Jörg Graf, Myriam Krutzsch (ed.), Ägypten lesbar machen --: die klassische Konservierung/Restaurierung von Papyri und neuere Verfahren: Beiträge des 1. Internationalen Workshops der Papyrus- restauratoren, Leipzig, 7.-9. September 2006. Archiv für Papyrus- forschung und verwandte Gebiete. Beiheft; 24. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2008. Pp. 121; xxxii p. of plates. ISBN 9783110201178. $109.00. (review in French) URL +++ (VIA) JOBS AND GRANTS ---JOB OPENINGS--- [# = You may request from the editor the often longer announcement of an individual job opening on which the below summaries were based.] * (&) The British Museum, Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, has the following job opening: Curator in Coptic/Late Antique Egypt (Ref: 76083W) Main purpose of the job: -- To research, catalogue and promote Coptic and Late Antique material in the collection of the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan; -- To carry out archaeological investigations in Egypt, with particular reference to the site of Hagr Edfu; -- To place material in the context of Christian reuse of pharaonic monuments and of developments in the wider Mediterranean world. A PhD in subject related to Coptic/Late Antique Egypt, and a . knowledge of Coptic language and material culture, are among the essential requirements. Completed application and equal opportunities forms must be returned, no later than 12 noon on 20th April 2009. For full information and an application form, please go to: URL * (&) The American University in Cairo is looking for a post-doctoral fellow in Egyptology. For info go to the AUC website, and under Faculty and Staff click on Employment Opportunities: URL Note--applicant must have American citizenship. * (&) The Department of Art of the Ancient World, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, has an opening for a summer position, for 3 months: Terrace Research Associate in Egyptian Art, Summer 2009 Graduate student in Egyptology preferred, with excellent clerical, computer, and communication skills. Deadline for applications: April 3 * (&) The Freie Universität Berlin, Department of History and Cultural Studies, Egyptology, invites applications for a Junior Professorship in Egyptian Archaeology Deadline for applications is April 9th, 2009 Full info at URL * (&) The Department of Ancient History at Macquarie University is seeking an Associate Lecturer (Level A) in the field of Coptic Language and History. The appointment will initially be made for a fixed term of 2 years. The appointee will teach the Coptic language at introductory and advanced level, together with the history and culture of Late Antique Egypt, both face to face, and in Macquarie's online postgraduate Coptic studies program. Applications will only be accepted though the Macquarie University online system. Visit URL > "View available positions" > "Ref. 21765 Associate Lecturer in Coptic Studies" for information about conditions of employment, salary and benefits and to start an online application. Closing date for applications: 21 March 2009 For further information, contact Dr Heike Behlmer (email). On the Coptic program at Macquarie, see URL * (&) The Foreign Language College of Peking University is seeking a Senior research Egyptologist with scholarly and teaching interests. [The full announcement appeared on the forum. #] * (&) Flight 33 Productions are now in production on a new three-part DISCOVERY CHANNEL series examining the history of Human Sacrifice from around the globe. (..) They are in search of experts that could guide them through the topic with a camera interview and/or lab experiment demo. Including human sacrifice in mythology and classics, regions they'd like to explore are Europe, Egypt, India, Africa, Oceania/Polynesia, the Asias, and the Americas. Full text at: URL * (&) An der Fakultät für Geschichte, Kunst- und Orientwissenschaften/Ägyptologisches Institut (zum 01.04.2009) Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben (zunächst befristet für 2 Jahre; 0,75 VZÄ; Vergütung: E 13 TV-L) Voraussetzung: einschlägige erste Lehrerfahrung in der Vermittlung mindestens dreier Stufen innerhalb der altägyptischen Sprachgeschichte Bewerbungen bitte bis 30.01.2009 an: Dekan der Fakultät für Geschichte, Kunst- und Orientwissenschaften Schillerstr. 6, 04109 Leipzig (#) * (&) The Department of History, UCL, London, is inviting applications for a full-time lectureship in the history of the Ancient Near East, including Egypt, from c. 3000 BC into the Hellenistic period, tenable from 1 September 2010. info: URL * (&) An der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ist zum Frühjahr 2009 eine 2/3-Stelle als Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (Vertiefungsrichtung: Mittleres Niltal und Horn von Afrika) am Seminar für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte Nordostafrikas zu besetzen (Kennziffer: AN-147-08; Bewerbung bis 31.01.09; 2/3-BAT-IIa-O; 6 Jahre). URL * (&) Unique 18-month internship – conserving organic artefacts from Egypt and Sudan starting March 2009 based in London at the Petrie Museum and the British Museum. The placement is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Friends of the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology. Information on the placement and details of eligibility can be found here: URL Closing date is 19 January 2009. [source: Petrie Friends Newsletter] * (&) The Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University, invites applications for a senior (associate or full) professor in the field of Mediterranean or Near Eastern archaeology. Applications are welcome from scholars interested in the complex societies of any part of this broad geographic expanse. (..) Applications received by January 5th, 2009 will receive full consideration.(..) URL * (&) Bei den Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz ist zum 01. Juli 2009 die Stelle der Direktorin/des Direktors des Ägyptischen Museums und der Papyrussammlung der Bes.-Gr.: A 16 BBesO, Kennziffer: ÄMP 2-2008, zu besetzen. (..) Bewerbungen mit einem Lebenslauf, beruflichem Werdegang und Zeugnissen/Beurteilungen werden unter Angabe der Kennziffer ÄMP 2-2008 bis zum 20. Januar 2009 erbeten. (#) PDF version of full announcement at: URL * (&) Applications are invited for a tenure-track position in Near Eastern Studies and/or Egyptology in the Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies (CNERS) in the Faculty of Arts, University of British Columbia. The appointment will be made at either Assistant Professor or Associate Professor level. (..) The expected start date of the appointment is July 1st 2009.(..) Applications [are due] not later than Friday January 9th 2009. (#) URL * (&) The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago invites applications for the Oriental Institute’s Annual Post-Doctoral Scholar Conference program for the 2009–2010 academic year. This is a twelve-month, non-renewable appointment. The Post-Doctoral Scholar will organize and conduct a two-day conference (mid March 2010) at the Oriental Institute on key comparatively oriented theoretical or methodological issues in the field of ancient studies (archaeological, text-based, and/or art historical avenues of research). We encourage cross-disciplinary proposals that deal with the ancient Near East (including Egypt) or that compare the Near East with other cultural areas. (..) Deadline for completed applications is Friday, January 9th, 2009. Start date is September 1, 2009. (#) * (&) Press report: "Egyptology department looks to hire new prof" URL "The Department of Egyptology and Ancient Western Asian Studies [of Brown Univesrity] is looking to hire a tenure-track professor to teach Mesopotamian language and cultures. The new professor is expected to teach Akkadian and Mesopotamian history and culture, said Professor of Egyptology James Allen, chair of the department. The position, currently filled by a visiting professor, would allow the department to expand permanently into the field of Western Asian studies. (..) Allen said he hopes to expand the department to six permanent faculty members, with three specializing in Egypt and three in Western Asia. (..) The deadline for candidates to submit applications is Oct. 31, but the search will remain open until the position is filled. " * (&) Im Fachbereich 09 - Philologie - der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster ist im Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie zum 1.4.2009 eine W3-Professur für Ägyptologie zu besetzen. Schriftliche Bewerbungen werden bis zum 19.09.2008 erbeten. (#) info: URL * (&) The Art History Department at the University of Chicago solicits applications for a tenure-track position in the art and/or architecture of one or more of the following areas: North Africa, the Sahara, the Near and Middle East, Central Asia, South Asian, Southeast Asia. Art historians working on any region and epoch are invited to apply. Review of applications begins 17 October 2008. (#) info: URL info: URL * (&) The Royal Museums of Art and History (RMAH), Brussels, Belgium have a probable job opening for a Scientific collaborator/ field supervisor of excavations at the ancient Egyptian site of Elkab (Upper Egypt). The position will probably be for two years with a possible prolongation of another two years. Starting date of the employment will be January 1, 2009. The first field campaign of five to seven weeks at Elkab is tentatively scheduled for November-December 2009. (#; full announcement was on the forum) * (&) In der Philosophischen Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn ist ab sofort die W 3-Professur für Ägyptologie zu besetzen.(..) Gesucht wird eine international ausgewiesene Forscherpersönlichkeit, die die Schwerpunkte der Bonner Ägyptologie im Rahmen des Instituts für Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie in Lehre und Forschung vertritt. Zu den Aufgaben gehört auch die Leitung des Ägyptischen Museums Bonn und ggfs. die Fortführung von Drittmittelprojekten. (..) Deadline: 12. September 2008 [#; full announcement at request] * (&) The Institute for Egyptology and Coptic Studies of the Georg August University Göttingen has a job opening for a Lecturer in Egyptology (Lecturer grade TVL 13) This is a two-year fixed term position starting October 1, 2008. An extension of the contract beyond September 30, 2010 may be available. The lecturer will be responsible for teaching classes in Egyptian language, history and material culture chiefly in the B.A. programme in "Egyptology and Coptic Studies" (4 hrs per semester). He/she will be managing a large Egyptological and Coptological library and undertake other administrative duties as required. The successful applicant will have graduated in Egyptology with above-average results (a completed PhD is desirable) (..) and is expected to have a good command of spoken German. (..) Closing date: July 22nd, 2008 [#; full announcement at request] * (&) Am Ägyptologischen Seminar der Universität Basel ist auf 1. Januar 2009 eine 50% Assistenzstelle zu besetzen. Voraussetzung ist ein abgeschlossenes Lizentiats- oder Magister- oder MA-Studium in Ägyptologie. (..) Die 50% Assistenzstelle beinhaltet wöchentlich 2 Stunden Unterricht in unterschiedlichen Bereichen der Ägyptologie, Mitarbeit in Bibliotheks-, Diatheks- und Institutsverwaltung, Organisation von Exkursionen und Veranstaltungen sowie gegebenenfalls Beteiligung an universitären Selbstverwaltungs- aufgaben. Die Anstellung ist auf 1 Jahr befristet, nach Evaluierung um weitere 3 Jahre verlängerbar. (..) Deadline: 30. September 2008 Full info: URL * (&) The School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology at the University of Liverpool invites applications for three doctoral studentships within the School. (..) During the course of your studentship, you will be required to teach, in an area of your expertise, or provide research support, up to a maximum of 5 hours in any week during the course of each semester (a total of 110 hours per academic year). You will receive University training and departmental support to develop your teaching expertise and research skills to enhance your post-doctoral career prospects. Studentship holders are expected to submit their doctoral thesis within (at the most) four years of the start of their award. (..) Particular priority for 2008 may be given to applications in several subject areas, including 'Egyptian temple or tomb architecture' and 'Egyptian narrative'. Applications before July 16. (#) * (&) Zum 01.10.2008 ist am Lehrstuhl für Ägyptologie der Universität Würzburg die Stelle einer wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin/eines wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters (Vergütung nach 1/2 TVL E13) zu besetzen. (...) Die Stelle ist zunächst auf zwei Jahre befristet. (..) Bewerbungsschluß ist der 31. Juli 2008. (#; full announcement was on the forum) * (&) The Oriental Institute and the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations of the University of Chicago invite applications for a tenure-track position of Assistant Professor in Egyptology with a starting date in Fall 2009. (...) Deadline for applications is November 30, 2008. (..) Inquiries at email (with subject header "Egyptology Search."). [#; full anouncement was on the forum] ---GRANTS, FELLOWSHIPS & AWARDS--- [# = You may request from the editor the often longer announcement on which the below summaries were based.] * (&) The Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities (USA) 2009 Research Prize Competition The competition is open to doctoral students, and recent post doctoral students, from universities in the United States and Canada who study any aspect of ancient Egypt. The intent of these prizes is to assist in the completion of significant Egyptological research. Students must be a member of either the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities, or the American Research Center in Egypt, at the time of application. Application deadline: midnight PDT, JUNE 1, 2009. Full info at: URL. *(&) Humboldt University Berlin Excellence Cluster "TOPOI - The Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilisations" Research Group C "Perception and Representation of Space" Research Group C-I-1 "The Conception of Spaces in Language" Research Group C-II "Images" offers 3 Doctoral or Postdoctoral Stipends/Grants (2+1 years) for Egyptologists, Linguists, Archaeologists, and/or Art Historians. Application deadline: June 1, 2009 Details: URL * (&) The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts [National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC] announces a postdoctoral fellowship supported by a grant from the A.W. Mellon Foundation. This award will be for academic years 2009-2011. The A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow will be in residence at the Center. Please download the PDF (44 k) for more information: URL * (&) The Faculty of Humanities' Graduate School at the University of Copenhagen is inviting applications for 1 PhD fellowship starting February 1, 2009 for a period of up to three years on the organization of knowledge and identity formation in Late Period Egypt. The PhD fellow will be part of the research centre for Canon and Identity Formation in the Earliest Literate Societies (CIF) at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen. For further information, please visit: URL * (&) The interdisciplinary research project "From the Orient to Rome and back again. Religious flows and the expansion of oriental cults in the Roman Empire" within the Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context. Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows" (URL) at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg is inviting applications for a Doctoral Stipend in Egyptology. Within the broader topical and methodological framework of the research project, the successful candidate will carry out independent and original research focusing on the cult of Isis in the Roman Empire. Applications are due by 20 September 2008. (#) * (&) The National Museums Liverpool and the University of Liverpool are pleased to announce a fully funded PhD studentship in the Antiquities Department at World Museum Liverpool. Beginning in October 2008, and working in collaboration with the School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology (SACE) at the University of Liverpool, the studentship will fund three years full-time study on a project to research 'The lost Hittite Gallery: John Garstang and Turkey'. The project is being funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and further can details can be found at: URL * (&) Information about the Sarah J. Clackson Coptic Fund may be found at: URL "The fund provides travel and research grants to anyone undertaking work on Coptic manuscripts, especially those for which there is documentation in the Clackson bequest, including the viewing, preparation, and recording of material, but excluding conservation." [The next meeting for the review of applications is February, so applications need to be submitted by the end of January.] (VIB) NEW: COURSES AND TRIPS For previously listed courses, trips and field schools, see section XI below. --COURSES-- [Submitted by Lucia Gahlin} * News from Bloomsbury Summer School: -- This year our summer courses held at UCL in London will be: Technology in Ancient Egypt with Dr Ian Shaw and Dr Paul Nicholson. Fauna of Ancient Egypt with John Wyatt. Hieroglyphs for Beginners with Dr José-Ramon Perez-Accino. From Tanis to Alexandria: the last millennium of pharaonic history with George Hart. Ancient Egypt and Nubia: a dynamic relationship with Dr Robert Morkot. Beyond Words and Images: reading and writing Egyptian literature with Dr José-Ramon Perez-Accino. Flinders Petrie and his Heritage: exploring the Petrie Museum II with Jan Picton. Discovering the Peoples of the Levant: Canaanites, Israelites and Philistines with Dr Rachael Sparks. -- Our Bloomsbury Summer School in Egypt course this year will be: Exploring Amarna: Akhenaten's Abandoned City with Professor Barry Kemp.This course will be taught in Minya; lectures will be combined with visits to archaeological sites in Middle Egypt. -- For further information: URL +44 (0)207 679 3622 [Submitted by Marcel Zitman] * The House of Horus & Mehen (Netherlands) has published its programme of new courses until spring 2010 on its website. See: URL -- Among the courses: "Narmer - the first king of Egypt?" Course in four meetings, discussing the recent archaeological discoveries on the predynastic era and their consequences for the position of Narmer and our views on the unification of pharaonic Egypt. Speaker: dr. Marcel Zitman Dates: Sunday: May 10th, 17th, 24th, 31th Location: National Museum of Antiquities Leiden (R.M.O.) Start: 14.30 - 16.00 h. Fee: E 75,-- (donateurs) or E 80,-- (niet-donateurs) Note: fee excludes admission to the Museum Subscription: Link to the course description in Dutch: URL --TRIPS & TOURS-- [Only tours organized by non-profit Egyptological organisations (notably if the proceeds go to public education or site excavation/conservation) will be listed here.] * TBA --FIELD SCHOOLS-- * TBA +++ (VII) (MULTI)MEDIA --TV-- [Submitted by Michael Tilgner] * German TV: -- 3sat, April 18, 2009, 04:50-05:35 "Die heiligen Tiere der Pharaonen" [Tuna el-Gebel] -- Phoenix, April 21, 2009, 02:55-03:40 "Im Bann der grünen Götter: Die Ärzte der Pharaonen" -- 3sat, April 21, 2009, 16:15-17:00 "Imhotep - Magier des Pharao" -- NDR, April 24, 2009, 11:30-12:15 "Die heiligen Tiere der Pharaonen" [Tuna el-Gebel] --THEATRE & MUSIC-- * TBA --DVDs & CDROMS-- * TBA * (&) For reviews of some CD-ROMs, see the website: EEF: CD-ROMs --ONLINE VIDEO & AUDIO-- [Submitted by Kat Newkirk] * Audio interview with Chip Brown (author of “The She-King of Egypt,” the cover story in the current issue of National Geographic [see New Journals section]) and Dr Zahi Hawass, about Hatshepsut: URL [Submitted by Michael Tilgner] * Audio examples of different languages spoken in Egypt URL "The sound clips below, and on the pages on this website linked underneath, are offered as an experiment both in the pronunciation of ancient Egyptian, and in raising awareness of Egyptian as a human language and its literature." * For previously listed online videos, see section XII below. --SOFTWARE-- * TBA --FICTION (NOVELS, GAMES & MOVIES)-- * TBA +++ (VIII) WEBSITES +++ (IX) LECTURES AND SYMPOSIUMS --USA-- a) ARCE/NT society's website * TBA date: ..., 2009; 7:30pm place: Fondren Science Building, Room 123, at the Southern Methodist University campus, 3125 Daniel, Dallas, Texas. costs: free to visitors and members (donations at the door welcome) info: email b) American Research Center in Egypt * TBA c) - d) - e) ARCE New Mexico Chapter PO BOX 4152 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87196 URL * TBA date: ...; 6-8pm place: Hibben Center, University of New Mexico, Marting Luther King Blvd. & Redondo st., Albuquerque costs: donations at the door welcome info: email; tel. (505) 615-9675 f) Biblical Archaeology Society of New York (BASNY) society's website * TBA date: ...; 6pm (dinner), 7:30 pm (lecture) place: Delphi Restaurant, 109 West Broadway (corner of Reade Street), New York costs: dinner and lecture is $22 for members, $35 for nonmembers; lecture alone is $12 for members and $20 for nonmembers. info: email g) The Egyptological Seminar of New York (ESNY) P.O. Box 1451, Cooper Station, New York, NY 10276 * TBA date: ....; 7:00PM place: Uris Orientation Theater (sic!), MMA costs: note that ESNY lectures are free for first-timers, but regular attendees are expected to join ESNY. info: email h) ARCE/Oregon Chapter * TBA date: ...; 7:30 p.m. place: Room 294, Smith Memorial Student Union, Portland State University costs: free info: email i) ARCE/AZ * TBA date: ...; 7 pm place: Room 205 of the "Swede" Johnson Alumni Association building on the University of Arizona campus, 1111 N. Cherry (NW corner of Cherry and Speedway), Tucson, Arizona. costs: free and open to all info: Suzanne Onstine at email or Anne Lopez at 520-621-9026 j) ARCE/DC URL * TBA date: ...; 6:30 PM place: Benjamin T. Rome Auditorium, the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, 1619 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC costs: free and open to all info: email k) ARCE/Atlanta Interest Group * TBA date: ...; 10:00 a.m. place: Reception Hall, 3rd floor of the Michael C. Carlos Museum, of Emory University, 571 South Kilgo Street Atlanta, Georgia costs: free and open to the public info: tel. 404-712-9854 (Candy Tate) or email l) ARCE/Northern California society's website * TBA date: ....; 2:30pm place: Room 126, Barrows Hall, UC Berkeley Campus info: email m) Egypt Exploration Organization of Southern California, (EEO/SC; previously: ARCE/SC) * TBA date: ...; TBA (5 p.m.?) place: Los Angeles area, venue TBA costs: lecture plus dinner $20, reservations required info: for venue and reservations, contact email or (323) 874-8681 / (818) 768-1236 n) ARCE/Pennsylvania Chapter URL * "Creation Myths in Ancient Egypt", by Dr. Regine Schulz (Walters Art Museum) date: Thursday, April 16, 2009; 6:30 PM place: Classroom 2, University of Pennsylvania Museum, 3260 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 costs: $5 general admission, $3 museum members/students, free to ARCE-PA members info: email o) Egyptian Study Society society's website. * TBA date: ...; 7:00 p.m. place: Ricketson Auditorium, Denver Museum of Nature and Science info: email p) University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology 3260 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 * "Built of Memory and Hope: The Sacred City of Abydos, Egypt", by Josef Wegner date: February 4, 2009; 6 p.m. costs: $5; free for Museum members and PennCard holders info: tel. (215) 898-4890 info: URL q) ARCE/Orange County California Chapter society's website * TBA date: ...; 1:30 p.m. place: Norma Kershaw Auditorium, Bowers Museum 2002 N. Main St, Santa Ana, CA 92706 costs: free and open to all info: email info: URL r) Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe * TBA date: ...; 7:00 PM place: Life Sciences Bldg. A, Room 191, Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ costs: free and open to the public info: email s) West Boylston Arts Foundation * "Mummies; The Eternal Fascination", by S. J. Wolfe The talk will cover how and why mummies were made, as well as tales from S.J. Wolfe's own research and interactions with Egyptian mummies. She will also be talking about finding and meeting a "lost mummy," the one which Ward Nicholas Boylston (for whom Boylston and West Boylston were named) brought to America in 1818. date: Thursday, March 5, 2009; 6:30 - 7:30 place: Stiles Room (downstairs), Beaman Memorial Library, West Boylston costs: free and open to the public. t) ARCE / Northwest (Seattle) Chapter society's website * TBA date: ...; 6:30 PM place: Mueller Hall, Room 153, University of Washington campus, Seattle, WA costs: admission is free info: email u) Embassy of Egypt 3521 International Court, NW, Washington, DC 20008 * TBA date: ...; 6:30 PM costs: free info: please RSVP at tel. (202) 895-5463 v) The Smithsonian Resident Associates Program (RAP) PO Box 23293, Washington, DC 20026-3293 * TBA date: ...; 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. place: S. Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive, S.W. info: tel. 202-252-0012 info: URL w) Center for the Ancient Mediterranean 501 Italian Academy, 1161 Amsterdam Ave New York, NY 10027 URL * TBA date: ...; 5 pm place: Room 832, Schermerhorn Hall, Columbia University's Morningside campus, 116th Sreet and Broadway, New York info: URL x) - y) Egyptology and Ancient Egyptian Studies Society (EAESS) * TBA date: ...; 1:30pm-3:00 place: Panera Bread, Owasso, Ok (Off 96th St and Hwy 169, by Kohl's) info: URL, email z) The Idaho Archaeological Society, Great Basin Chapter * "Tutankhamun and The Golden Age of the Pharaohs", by Jan Summers Duffy (The College of Idaho's Natural History Museum's Archaeologist and Curator) The speaker will comment on the artifacts shown in the DVD 'Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs' and will highlight her ongoing research on the headrests discovered in KV62. She is the College of Idaho's Expert Faculty in Egyptology, and previously worked in Egypt's Nile Delta (excavating mudbrick houses and mastaba burials). An in-depth article by her hand about headrests from KV62 will appear in the near future in Ancient Egypt magazine. date: Thursday, April 9, 2009; 7 pm place: The Orma J. Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho campus, Caldwell, Idaho 83605 costs: none; donations appreciated info: email za) Oriental Institute, University of Chicago * Symposium: "A Mummy Comes to Life: Science and Art Resurrect an Ancient Egyptian Priestess." Connected to the Meresamun exhibition [cf. USA (m)]. Speakers include exhibit curator Emily Teeter; Janet H. Johnson, co-editor of the exhibit catalogue and the Morton D. Hull Distinguished Service Professor of Egyptology at the Oriental Institute; Hratch Papazian, Lecturer in Egyptology at the Oriental Institute; and Dr. Michael Vannier, Professor of Radiology at the University of Chicago Medical Center and Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Computer Aided Radiology and Surgery. date: Saturday February 21, 2009; 9:30 - 4:00 pm info: tel. 773 702 9507 info: URL zb) North American Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics * NACAL 38 date: February 13-14, 2010 place: Georgetown University, Washington, DC info: email info: URL zc) Chicago Archaeological Society URL * "Egypt's New Tomb Revealed", by Dr.Otto Schaden date: Sunday, April 26, 2009; 3:30 P.M. place: North Shore Retirement Hotel, 1611 Chicago Avenue, Evanston, Chicago costs: free and open to the public info: source - URL info: email zd) - ze) - zf) - zg) - zh) ARCE/Chicago Chapter URL * TBA date: ...; 5:00 pm place: The Oriental Institute, 1155 East 58th Street, Chicago costs: free and open to the public info: tel. 773 702 1062 zi) - zj) - zk) The Memphis area interest group for ARCE * TBA date: ...; 3-4 pm place: University of Memphis campus, Mitchell Hall room 309, Memphis, TN costs: free and open to the public info: Suzanne Onstine at URL or 901-678-3383 zl) - zm) - zp) - zq) - zr) Miller Theatre at Columbia University 2960 Broadway (at 116th Street) MC 1801 New York, NY 10027 phone: 212-854-1633 * Symposium: "Antony and Cleopatra: 'What Becomes a Legend Most?' " Experts in diverse disciplines will offer a wide-angle view of Samuel Barber's 'Antony and Cleopatra' and its sources, and will explore the world's enduring fascination with its larger-than-life heroine. The Egyptologist present is Dr Ann Macy Roth. date: Saturday, January 10, 2009; 12:00 - 5:00 PM costs: tickets $20 ($15 for Students/Seniors) info: URL info: press report, with programme, at URL --CANADA-- a) La Société pour l'Étude de l'Égypte Ancienne Society for the Study for Egyptian Antiquities society website --SSEA Toronto Chapter-- * TBA date:..., 2009; 7:00pm. place: Room 142, basement of Earth Sciences Complex, 5 Bancroft Ave, Toronto info: to see more details and RSVP, see URL info: email -- SEEA Chapitre de Montréal / SSEA Montreal Chapter-- society website * TBA date: ...; 18h00 place: Bureau des Affaires Culturelles et de l'Éducation (BACE) du Consulat Général d'Égypte, 1 Place Ville-Marie, 19ième étage, suite 1936, Montreal, Quebec costs: free; RSVP- to reserve your place please call: 514-353-4674 info: email * TBA date: ...; 18:00 place: The Espace culturel of Librairie Monet, 2752 de Salaberry in Montreal. costs: free for members, $12.00 for non-members. To confirm your place, please contact email info: email or tel. 514-353-4674 --SSEA Calgary Chapter--- * TBA date: ...; 7:00 pm. place: Room 162, Earth Sciences Building, University of Calgary costs: free b) Toronto Society of the Archaeological Institute of America * TBA date: ...; 4:15 pm place: Emmanuel College, 75 Queen's Park Crescent, Room EC001, Basement Level, Elevator Access. info: phone 416-978-7892, 905-823-2819 or 416-489-0209 info: URL c) The Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt * TBA date: ...; 7.30 pm place: National Library of Canada Auditorium, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa costs: free info: email d) Canadian Institute for Mediterranean Studies Carr Hall, 100 St. Joseph Street, Toronto URL * TBA date: ...; 7:30 pm place: Sam Sorbara Auditorium of St. Michael's College in the University of Toronto, 81 St. Mary's St., Toronto costs: free info: URL e) Dept. of Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations of the University of Toronto * TBA f) - g) Canadian Society for the Study of Egypt * TBA date: ...; 6.30 p.m. place: Lecture Hall C300, The University of British Columbia, Robson Square, Vancouver, B.C. costs: non-members $8, members: $5, students: $3, student members: free info: email h) Le Bureau des Affaires culturelles et de l'Éducation du Consulat général d'Égypte * TBA date: ...; 18h30 place: Bureau des Affaires Culturelles et de l'Éducation (BCAC) du Consulat Général d'Égypte, 1 Place Ville-Marie, 19ième étage, suite 1936, Montreal, Quebec costs: free, but reservation is required info: email or email --UNITED KINGDOM--- a) Egyptian Embassy, London, Education & Culture Bureau 4 Chesterfield Gardens, London W1. tel: 020 7491 7720; email * Regular lectures: -- “The Temple of Amun at Karnak”, by Bob Partridge date: January 22, 2009; 6:45 pm -- “From Siwa to Kharga”, by Peter Philips date: February 12, 2009; 6:45 pm -- “Individual Hands? The elusive writers and makers of ancient Egypt”, by Dr Stephen Quirke date: February 26, 2009; 6:45 pm * Day School: “Egyptology in Manchester : the first hundred years” With Prof. Rosalie David, Mrs Jacqueline Finch & Dr Karen Exell. date: February 14, 2009; 10 am – 4.30 pm b) ICAANE * 7th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East Deadline for papers is April 30, 2009. place: The British Museum and the University College London date: April 12-16, 2010 info: URL info: email c) Manchester Ancient Egypt Society (MAES) society's website * TBA date: ...; 7:30 place: Weston Building, UMIST, Sackville Street, Manchester costs: members GBP 3, non-members GBP 5 info: email d) British Museum, London Great Russell Street, London WC1N 3BG tel.: 020-7323 8299, e-mail: * The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Distinguished Lecture in Egyptology 2009: "The last New Kingdom tomb at Thebes: the end of a great tradition", delivered by Prof. Dr. Tamás Bács (Head of Department of Egyptology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest) date: Monday 20 July 2009, 18.00 place: BP Lecture Theatre, Clore Centre, The British Museum, London. * Annual Egyptological Colloquium 2009 "The Egyptian Book of the Dead: recent research and new perspectives" date: Tuesday 21- Wednesday 22 July 2009 place: The BP Lecture Theatre, Clore Centre, The British Museum, London costs: £50 (students -50%, BMF -10%) plus Sackler Lecture £60 tickets are available (after June 1st) with email --British Museum Friends-- * TBA date: ...; 18:30 place: BP lecture theatre, British Museum, London costs: tickets GBP7.50 info: booking at 020 7323 8566, source: The London Diary for the ANE, edited by Jan Picton. e) Friends of the Petrie Museum society's website * "Pinch pots and nappy rash: early childhood at Lahun", by Kasia Szpakowska place: Room G6, Institute of Archaeology, 31 Gordon Sq, London WC1 costs: free, all welcome info: email f) Poynton Egypt Group society's website * TBA date: ...; 8:00 pm place: Lower Park Primary School, Hazelbadge Road, Poynton, Cheshire. costs: open to all, with entrance fee (GBP2 members) info: g) EES society's website --EES London-- The Egypt Exploration Society 3 Doughty Mews, London, WC1N 2PG * TBA date: ...; 18.00 for a 18:30 start place: Brunei Gallery lecture theatre, SOAS, Thornhaugh St WC1 London. EES lecture. costs: £10 members, £15 non-members. info: 020 7242 1903, email --EES Manchester-- * TBA date: ...; 7:00pm place: Lecture Theatre 1, Stopford Building, 1st floor, Oxford Rd, University of Manchester info: email --EES Exeter-- * TBA date: ... place: St Loye's Foundation, Topsham Road, Exeter EX2 6EP. info: email h) University College London, Institute of Archaeology * Conference: "Writing as Material Practice: Substance, surface and medium" Pre-circulated papers will focus on the artefactual nature of writing— the ways in which materials, techniques, colour, scale, orientation and visibility inform the creation of inscribed objects and landscapes, and structure subsequent engagement, perception and meaning making. A number of papers deal with evidence from the Nile Valley / Eastern Mediterranean / Near East. date: May 15 - 17, 2009 costs: £50 (£15 student) before 1 May / thereafter £75 (£25 student) info: URL info: email i) Egypt Society of Bristol. society's website * "Egypt's Earliest Writing", by Dr Kathryn Piquette (Trinity College, Dublin) date: Tuesday, March 24, 2009; 18:45 place: Lecture Room 1, Department of Archaeology & Anthropology, 43 Woodland Road, Clifton, Bristol 8 info: email j) Sussex Egyptology Society society's website * TBA date: ...; 2 pm place: Brighton Hove & Sussex 6th Form College, 205 Dyke Road, Hove, East Sussex costs: free for members, GBP 3 for non-members info: URL info: email k) The North Yorkshire Ancient Egypt Group society's website * TBA date: ...; 7:30pm to 9:30pm place: Taits College, Station Bridge, Harrogate costs: £5 entrance info: contact Anne Murray at tel. 01423.861604 or l) Staffordshire Egyptology Society URL * TBA date: ...; 7:30 pm place: St Leonards Sports and Social Club, St Leonards Avenue, Stafford. costs: members GBP1.50, non-members GBP3.50 info: m) The Leicester Ancient Egypt Society * TBA date: ...; 2:00 pm. place: The New Walk Museum & Art Gallery, 53 New Walk, Leicester info: n) The Southampton Ancient Egypt Society (SAES) Society's website * "Images of the Rekhyt in Ancient Egypt", by Kenneth Griffin date: May 16, 2009; meet at 1.30 pm for a 2 pm start place: Main School Hall, Wyvern Technology College, Botley Road, Fair Oak, Eastleigh, Hants SO50 7 AN costs: GBP 3.0 members, GBP 6.0 non-members info: email o) Three Counties Ancient History Society society's website * TBA date: ...; 7:30h place: Upton Snodsbury Village Hall, off the A422 between Worcester and Stratford info: p) The Egypt Centre, University of Wales Swansea Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP * TBA q) The Friends of the Egypt Centre, Wales, Swansea society's website * "Epigraphic Evidence from a Ramesside Fortress: Neb-Re's Inscription at Zawiyet Umm el-Rakam", by Glenn Godenho date: Wednesday, April 8, 2009; 7:00 pm place: Faraday A Lecture Theatre, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP costs: free for members, £3.00 non-members info: tel. 01792 295960 r) Tameside Egypt Group society's website * TBA date: ...; 7:00-10:00pm place: St Marks Social Centre, corner of West St (off the A627) and Railway St., Dukenfield, Cheshire. cost: members GBP2, non-members GBP3 info: s) Swansea University Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP. * TBA date: ... place: the Department of Classics, Ancient History and Egyptology (KH 115). costs: all welcome. info: URL t) Thames Valley Ancient Egypt Society URL * "Quarries and Quarrying -- Roman imperial exploitation of Egypt's Eatsren Desert", by Prof. Alan Loyd date: May 9, 2009; 13:30 (door open) place: Allen Laboratory, Building 48, Whiteknights Campus, Pepper Lane entrance, Reading University costs: TVAES members free, visitors £3 info: email * Amarna Study Day with Professor Barry Kemp date: Saturday July 11, 2009; 9:30-16:30 place: The Oakwood Centre, Headley Road, Woodley, Reading, Berkshire costs: £30/Person (proceeds go to the Amarna Trust) info: programme and booking form at URL u) Current Research in Egyptology * Conference CRE X The Call for Papers is on the website below; deadline for submissions is September 14, 2008. date: January 7-9, 2009 place: University of Liverpool info: URL info: email v) Sussex College of Egyptology website * TBA date: ... place: Queen Street Community Centre, Queen Street, Worthing, West Sussex cost: GBP10 for members, GBP13 for non-members info: w) North-East Manchester Egypt Society (NEMES) society's website * TBA date: ...; 7:30 pm place: St Andrews Church, Woodward Road, Carr Clough, Prestwich, Manchester info: x) Society for the Study of Ancient Egypt society's website * TBA date: ...; 1.30 pm place: University of Derby, Main Kedleston Road Campus, Derby place: the Library Lecture Theatre, New Beetwell Street, Chesterfield info: y) Horus Egyptology Society society's website * TBA date: ...; time TBA (likely 7:30 pm) place: The Orwell, Wigan Pier, Wigan costs: (incl. meal) adults GBP8.00, concessions GBP6.00. info: z) Bristol & Avon Archaeological Society * TBA date: ...; 19:30 place: St Matthew's Church, Clare Road, Kingdsown, Bristol. costs: non-BAAS members GBP1.00. za) Society for Libyan Studies URL * TBA date: ...; 17.00 place: British Academy, 10 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1 zb) Bloomsbury Academy Department of History, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK tel: 020-7679 3622; URL zc) Wirral Ancient Egypt Society * TBA date: ...; 2pm place: Mayer Hall, Bebington, Wirral. cost: GBP25 (includes two course buffet lunch, teas and coffees) info: Brenda Bridge at or tel. 0151 - 334 6721 zd) Egyptology Scotland 30 Athole Gardens, Glasgow, G12 9BD * TBA date: ...; 2 pm place: Lecture Theatre of the Burrell Collection Museum, Pollok Country Park, 2060 Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow costs: GBP2 for members, GBP 4 for non-members info: URL ze) The Fitzwilliam Museum Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RB tel: 01223 332900; * Conference: "Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology 2009" date: May 20-23, 2009 costs: £20; registration with email info: URL info: email * The annual Stephen Glanville Memorial Lecture: "A city on the move: Egypt's capital in the Old Kingdom". by Dr Jaromir Malek date: May 23, 2009; 5pm place: Zoology Lecture Theatre, Department of Zoology info: URL info: email * Glanville Symposium: "Egypt in the age of the pyramids: new research in the Memphite region" date: preceding the Glanville Lecture. costs: £35, booking required info: URL info: email zf) Sudan Archaeological Research Society (SARS) Dept Ancient Egypt and Sudan, British Museum WC1B 3DG * TBA date: ...; 18:00 place: BP Lecture Theatre, British Museum, Gt Russell St WC1 London info: zg) - zh) - zi) - zj) Essex Egyptology Group * TBA date: ...; 3-5pm place: Spring Lodge Community Centre, Powers Hall End, Witham, Essex costs: GBP25 per year to join or GBP5 per meeting for non-members info: zk) The Manchester Museum, The University of Manchester Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL * TBA zl) Wessex Ancient Egypt Society * "Saqqara -- A personal perspective", by Colin Reader date: May 2, 2009; 2 pm (prompt) place: Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus, Wallisdown costs: members GBP 2, non-members GBP 4 info: tel. 01202-241973 zm) The British Association of Near Eastern Archaeologists * BANEA Annual Conference 2009: "Networks of Movement in SW Asia" Encompasses a region extending from South Asia to Egypt, and includes systems of movement, trade, maritime and overland routes, population diasporas, and material culture. Papers are due before November 1, 2008, proposals for sessions are due before October 1, 2008. (#) date: January 8-10, 2009 place: Department of Archaeology, Durham University info: email info: details of sessions, registration and accommodation at URL ---BANEA South-East/The London Centre for the Ancient Near East--- URL * "Mursili II's conflict with Egypt over Syria and its implications for Amarna Age chronology", by Jared Miller date: Monday, April 27, 2009: 18.00 place: Room G51, SOAS, Thornhaugh St, London WC1. info: email zn) Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies University of Oxford. * Conference: "Redefining the Sacred: Religious Identity, Ritual Practice, and Sacred Architecture in the Near East and Egypt, 1000 BC – 300 AD" The aim of the conference is to explore the immense potential of diachronic studies of sacred space. Deadline for abstracts of papers is November 30th, 2008. date: March 19-21, 2009 info: email info: URL --THE NETHERLANDS-- a) Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden * TBA date: ...; 20:00 place: Tempelzaal, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Rapenburg 28, Leiden. costs: free and open to all info: URL b) Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap 'Ex Oriente Lux' * TBA date: ..; 20:00 place: Openbare Bibliotheek, Hinthamerstraat 72, Den Bosch costs: EUR 2 for non-members info: tel. 073-6133336 (J. Croonen) c) Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten (NINO) URL * "De Egyptische collectie van de Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis (Brussel): een kijkje achter de schermen", by L. Limme date: April 16, 2009; 14:45 for a 15:00 start place: filmzaal, 2nd floor, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Rapenburg 28, Leiden costs: open to all info: email d) - e) Het Huis van Horus & Mehen URL * TBA date: ..., 2009; 20:30 h. place: Leiden University, Lipsius 148 (first floor) costs: EUR 10,-- p/person; reservation by email, at email info: further details will be announced at URL --GERMANY-- a) Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster Schlaunstr. 2, D-48143 Münster fax: +49 251 83 29933, e-mail: * "41. Ständige Ägyptologen-Konferenz" (SÄK 2009) Generalthema: "Ägyptologie unter dem sog. Bologna-Prozess"; Sektion: "Themen der jungen Ägyptologie" date: July 17-19, 2009 info: preliminary programme and registration info at URL b) Aegyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung Schlossstr. 70, D-14059 Berlin email museum's website tel: +49-30-34357311 * TBA date: ...; 07.15 h p.m. place: Brugsch-Pascha-Saal im Haus 20 B, Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 2-8, 10117 Berlin costs: entrance 2 Euro; no fee for Museum community members and members of Aegypten Forum Berlin e.V info: URL c) Forum Aegyptologie an der Universitatet Hamburg e.V. c/o Universität Hamburg, Archäologisches Institut, - Abteilung Ägyptologie - Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Flügel West, D-20146 Hamburg * Lecture series "Das Mittlere Reich / Zwischenzeiten" -- "Kunst und Künstler im Mittleren Reich" by Dietrich Wildung date: April 28, 2009, 6:30 pm -- "Eine königliche Domäne aus der Zeit des Chufu in Al Shaky Said" by Harco Willems date: June 11, 2009, 6:30 pm -- "Orientalische Despotie oder afrikanisches Königtum? Die ägyptische Gesellschaft im Mittleren Reich" by Wolfram Grajetzki date: July 9, 2009, 6:30 pm -- For all lectures is valid: place: Warburg-Haus, Heilwigstr. 116, D-20249 Hamburg d) Ägyptologisches Institut Schloss, D-72070 Tübingen tel: +49 7071 29-72650, fax: +49 7071 29-5909 e-mail: * TBA e) Sudanarchaeologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V. c/o Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin Philosophische Fakultaet III, Richard-Lepsius-Institut Unter den Linden 6, D-10099 Berlin tel.: +49 30 47 97 328, fax: +49 30 47 97 326 society's website * TBA date: ....; 18.00, place: Remise des Ägyptischen Museums Charlottenburg (Berlin) costs: free and open to all f) Institut fuer Aegyptologie Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz Friedrich-von-Pfeiffer-Weg 5, D-55099 Mainz tel.: +49 6131 392 2438, fax: +49 6131 392 5409 e-mail: URL * TBA date: ...; 6:30 pm place: Hörsaal N6, Gebäude der Naturwiss. Fakultät info: URL info: URL g) Die Aegyptisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft Nord e.V. c/o Dr.-Ing. Hani El Nokraschy An de Masch 24, D-25488 Holm tel.: +49 4103 15199, fax: +49 4103 919792 * TBA date: ..., 11 am place: Vortragssaal des Museums fuer Völkerkunde, Rothenbaumchaussee 64, Hamburg info: [Word document]: URL source: URL h) Collegium Aegyptium e.V. Foerderkreis des Instituts fuer Aegyptologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen e.V. tel.: +49 89 289 27 540, fax: +49 89 289 27 545 e-mail: * TBA date: ...; 19:00 place: Groszer Hoersaal of the Institute für Ägyptologie, Meiserstr. 10, D-80333 München, 2nd floor costs: open to non-members at a donation of EUR 6 info: URL i) Aegypten-Forum-Berlin e.V. URL * TBA date: ...; 6 p.m. (please arrive 5:30) place: Visitor's Center of the Foreign Office, main entrance (atrium) Werderscher Markt 1, 10117 Berlin info: email j) Ägyptologisches Institut Ägyptisches Museum der Universität Leipzig Burgstraße 21, D-04109 Leipzig tel.: +49 341 97 370 10, fax: +49 341 97 370 29; * TBA date: ...; 18:15 place: Städtisches Kaufhaus, Eingang Universitätsstraße, Raum 0208 info: URL k) Urania e.V. An der Urania 17, D-10787 Berlin tel.: +49 30 2 18 90 91, fax: +49 30 2 11 03 98 * TBA date: ....; 3:30 pm info: URL URL l) Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim Am Steine 1-2, D-31134 Hildesheim tel.: +49 5121 9369-21, fax: +49 5121 35283 e-mail: * TBA m) Uschebti e.V c/o Seminar für Aegyptologie der Universitaet zu Koeln Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D-50923 Koeln tel.: +49 221 470 3876, fax: +49 221 470 5079 e-mail: * TBA date: ...; 7 pm s.t. place: Hörsaalgebäude der Universität zu Köln, Hörsaal E entry: EUR 3 for non-members info: URL n) Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, * Symposium: "Writings of Early Scholars in the Ancient Near East, Egypt and Greece: Zur Übersetzbarkeit von Wissenschaftssprachen des Altertums " The conference aims to explore problems involved in translating ancient scientific texts and to create a methodological framework to improve the quality of future translations. date: July 27-29, 2009 costs: EUR 15 (registration in advance, before May 31, with email) info: URL info: preliminary programme at URL o) Freundeskreis Aegyptologie an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz e. V. Johann-Friedrich-von-Pfeiffer-Weg 5, D-55128 Mainz tel.: +49 69 51 42 53 (Marianne Arnold), e-mail: URL * TBA date: ...; 18:30 place: Philosophicum, Hörsaal P2 info: URL p) Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Bonner Sammlung von Aegyptiaca e. V. c/o Ägyptologisches Seminar der Universität Bonn Regina-Pacis Weg 7, D-53113 Bonn tel: +49 228 737587 * TBA date: ...; 06:00 pm place: Hörsaal 17 des Englischen Seminars, Regina-Pacis-Weg 5, Bonn costs: EUR 2 for non-members info: URL q) Ägyptologische Arbeitsgruppe Megypt * TBA date: ... place: Münchner Institut für Ägyptologie, Meiserstraße 10, 80333 München costs: - info: URL r) - s) Ägyptisches Museum, Bonner Sammlung von Aegyptiaca Regina-Pacis-Weg 7, D-53113 Bonn tel.: +49 228-739717 (Kasse), fax: +49 228-737360 e-mail: website: URL * TBA date: ...; 07:15 pm info: URL t) Seminar fuer Aegyptologie und Koptologie, Georg-August-Universitaet Prinzenstrasse 21, D-37073 Goettingen tel.: +49 551 39-4400, fax: +49 551 39-9332 e-mail: * TBA date: ...; 7:15 pm info: URL u) Institut fuer Aegyptologie, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universitaet Meiserstr. 10, D-80333 Muenchen tel.: +49 89 289 27 540, fax: +49 89 289 27 545 e-mail: * TBA date: ...; 18:00 place: Grosser Hoersaal of the Institute info: URL v) Seminars für Ägyptologie der Universität zu Köln * Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz (SÄK) date: TBA w) Freie Universität zu Berlin Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften Ägyptologisches Seminar * TBA date: ..., 18:00 h. place: Hörsaal 1 im Gebäude Schwendener Straße 1, 14195 Berlin (2. Obergeschoss, links) costs: free info: email x) Ägyptologisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Marstallhof 4, D-69117 Heidelberg tel.: +49-06221-542533, fax: +49-06221-542551 e-mail: * TBA date: ...; 07:00 pm - 03:00 am place: Sammlung des Ägyptologischen Instituts, Marstallhof 4, 4. Stock info: URL z) - za) Ägyptologisches Seminar Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Regina-Pacis-Weg 7, D-53113 Bonn e-mail: * TBA date: .. zb) - zc) Freundes- und Förderkreis 'Antike und Gegenwart e.V.' Kestner-Museum Trammplatz 3, D-30159 Hannover tel.: +49 511 168-42120, fax: +49 511 168-46530 e-mail: * TBA date: ...; 18:30 place: Kestner-Museum, Trammplatz 3, D-30159 Hannover info: URL zd) Universität Hamburg, Asien-Afrika-Institut / Fachbereich Orientalistik Rothenbaumchaussee 67/69, D-20148 Hamburg tel.: +49 40 42838-4055, fax: +49 40 42838-6530 e-mail: * TBA date: ...; 6:30 pm ze) Egyptological Institute, University of Leipzig * TBA date: ... place: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig info: URL --SOUTH AFRICA-- a) The Egyptian Society of South-Africa society's website * TBA date: ... place: The Jenny Mallett Hall, St. George's Grammar School Richmond Road, Mowbray, Cape Town costs: members free, non-members R20 info: --EGYPT-- a) Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC) 1, Dr Mahmoud Azmi Street P.O. Box 50, 11211 Zamalek - Cairo - Egypt phone: ++20 2 738.2522 / 738.2520 email:; institute's website * TBA b) EES Cairo C/O British Council, 192 Sharei el-Nil St. Agouza -Cairo. Cell.pho.:010/6797508 * Regular lectures: -- "Recent discoveries at Tell el-Farkha (Nile Delta)", by Dr.Krzysztof Cialowicz and Dr.Marek Chlodnicki dae: March 17, 2009; 7:00 pm. -- "Water, water every where. The results of the North West Delta survey", by Dr. Penny Wilson date: March 23, 2009; 7:00 pm. -- "The Liverpool University Harem Palace Project. New field work at Ghorab", by Dr Ian Shaw date: March 30, 2009; 7:00 pm. -- For all lectures is valid: place: British council, ‘Garden Room’ costs: free info: email c) Japan Egyptology Society in Cairo * TBA date: ...; 7:00pm place: Embassy of Japan (Information & Culture Center), 3rd Floor, Cairo Center Bldg., 106 Kasr Al-Aini St., Garden City, Cairo costs: free and open to all info: Yukinori Kawae at d) l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire * Conference: "Ermitages d'Égypte au premier millénaire" L'objectif premier de ce colloque est d'intégrer la totalité des établissements érémitiques connus à la carte du monachisme égyptien et, par là-même, de reconstituer, autant que l'état des recherches actuelles le permet, l'étendue et la diversité de ce type d'installations monastiques. date: January 24-26, 2009 info: URL info: email e) - f) Supreme Council of Antiquities 3 el-Adel Abu Bakr Street, Zamalek, Cairo phone: +2/02 736-5645; fax: 735-7239 * "Shedding New Light on Hidden Thebes. Recent Discoveries During Major Engineering Projects Around the Ancient Monuments of Luxor, 2003-2006", by Edwin Brock (Egyptologist, Theban Mapping Project, AUC and ARCE) date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009; 6:00 PM place: Ahmad Pasha Kamal Hall, SCA Building, Zamalek info: email g) Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Kairo URL * "Recent geo-archaeological research at Naga (Sudan)", by Dipl.-Geogr. Jonas Berking date: Thursday, March 19, 2009; 6 pm place: 31, Sharia Abu el-Feda, 11211 Cairo-Zamalek info: email h) International Workshop for African Archaeobotany * IWAA 6, Cairo 2009 Deadline for abstracts of papers is the end of December 2008. Pre-registration (via a form) is requested as soon as possible. date: June 13-15, 2009 place: Helwan University, Cairo info: URL info: first circular (in PDF) at URL info: email --ITALY-- a) Centro Italiano Studi Egittologici (CISE) piazza Gramsci, 21, 40026 Imola tel. 349 1858983; CISE info website * TBA date: ...; 18:00h -- For all lectures is valid: place: Sala delle Stagioni, via Emilia 25, Imola. b) Associazione Napoletana di Studi Egittologici * TBA info: URL c) Associazione Collaboratori Museo Egizio (ACME) c/o Museo Egizio di Torino, via Accademia delle Scienze 6, 10123 Turin, Italy * TBA date: ...; 18:00 (6 pm) place: Centro Congressi dell'Unione Industriale, via Fanti 17, Turin costs: free for ACME members; non-members should contact ACME in advance. info: on Saturday mornings only - phone: +39-011-5617776 d) European Academy Bolzano (EURAC) Institute for Mummies and the Iceman URL * First Bolzano Mummy Congress - "Mummies and Life Sciences" On the application of biomedical sciences in mummy studies. Deadline for registration is February 28, 2009. date: March 19-21, 2009 info: email info: the programme is now available at URL e) Istituto Italiano per la Civiltà Egizia Via Massena 52/a, I-10128 Torino tel.: +39 011599813, fax: +39 011599813 * TBA date: ... place: Università degli Studi, Palermo f) - g) - h) - i) Associazione Culturale Seshat International of Turin, Italy * TBA date: .....; 18:00 (6 pm) site: Aula Magna "Giovanni Agnelli", Politecnico, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Turin costs: free info: mobile: +39-347-9445090 - e-mail: --FRANCE-- a) Musee du Louvre F-75058 Paris Cedex 01, France tel. : +33 1 40 20 50 50; fax : +33 1 40 20 54 42; email * TBA b) Centre culturel d'Egypte 111, boulevard Saint-Michel, F-75005 Paris tel.: +33 1 46 33 75 67, fax: +33 1 43 26 18 83 e-mail: * TBA date: ...; 06:30 pm info: URL c) Association Rennes Egyptologie * TBA date: ...; 20h30 place : La Maison du Champ de Mars 6, Cours des Alliers, 35000 Rennes info: (Henri Doranlo) d) Societe francaise d'Egyptologie Cabinet d'egyptologie, College de France place Marcelin-Berthelot, F-75231 Paris cedex 05 tel./fax: +33 1 40 46 94 31, e-mail: * TBA date: ...; 05:30 pm place: grand amphithéâtre de l'université de Paris IV, 108 boulevard Malesherbes, F-75017 Paris e) Association France-Égypte Secretariat: 41 rue Joseph-de Maistre, F-75018 Paris tel.: +33 1 42 29 22 70, e-mail: * TBA date: ...; 6:45 pm place: Centre Asiem, 6 rue Albert-de-Lapparent, F-75007 Paris f) Collège de France, Paris. La chaire d'égyptologie, Collège de France place Marcelin-Berthelot, F-75231 Paris cedex 05 * TBA g) L'Association Dauphinoise D'Egyptologie CHAMPOLLION (ADEC) c/o Musée Dauphinois 30, rue Maurice Gignoux, F-38031 Grenoble Cedex 1 website: URL * TBA date: ...; 3 pm place: Archives Départementales de l'Isère, 2 rue Auguste Prudhomme, Grenoble info: URL h) Rencontres Egyptologiques de Strasbourg * "Le jubilé d’Amenhotep III. Nouveaux documents de Karnak (Haute-Egypte)", by Mme Susanne Bickel date: March 26, 2009; 18h45 (doors open at 18h15) place: Maison des Associations de Strasbourg, 1A place des Orphelins, 67000 Strasbourg costs: RES members EUR 2, non-members EUR 6 (students EUR 3) info: tel. 03 88 30 14 60; email i) Association Égyptologique du Gard (Nîmes) * TBA date: ...; 9:00-18:00 place: Hôtel ATRIA Novotel, 5 Boulevard de Pragues, Nîmes info: URL j) L'Association Provence Égyptologie * TBA date: ...; 9:30 - 17:30 info: URL info: email k) - l) Archéo-Nil c/o Cabinet d'Égyptologie, Collège de France 11 place Marcelin-Berthelot, F-75005 Paris adresse administrative: M. Alain Fortier, abs institut Khéops 16, rue Albert-Bayet, F-75013 Paris email * TBA date: ..; 4:30 pm place: L'école du Louvre, palais du Louvre, place du Carroussel, dans l'amphithéâtre Cézanne info: URL --PORTUGAL-- a) - --BELGIUM-- a) Egyptologica a.s.b.l. 42, Av. Hansen-Soulie, B-1040 Bruxelles tel./fax: +32 2 736 93 31, e-mail : website: URL * TBA date: ...; 2 pm place: Salle Jean Capart au 1er étage de la Maison communale de Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, 93 Av. Charles Thielemans, 1150 Bruxelles info: URL b) Egyptologica Vlaanderen * TBA date: ....; 20.00 u. place: Justus Lipsiuszaal (8th floor of the Erasmushuis), Blijde Inkomst-straat 21, 3000 Leuven place: Mgr. Sencie Instituut, Erasmusplein 2, 3000 Leuven (behind the Centrale Bibliotheek of the KUL) c) Association égyptologique néo-louvaniste * TBA date: ...; 20:00h info: 0474/451149 or info: URL d) Association Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire (MRAH) Parc du Cinquantenaire, 10, 1000 Bruxelles * TBA date: ...; 10:30 am place: Auditorium info: URL e) - f) - g) Ptah-hotep a.s.b.l. Association d'égyptologie belge Chemin des Postes, 234, CP 1410 Waterloo tel.: 0495.896.148 * TBA date: ...; 3 pm place: Salle Jules Bastin de la maison communale de Waterloo, 26, rue François Libert, 1410 Waterloo info: URL --SPAIN-- a) Instituto de Estudios del Antiguo Egipto, Madrid URL email: tel: 00 34 91 576 57 95 * TBA date: ... place: Jaime Ferrer, 3., Palma de Mallorca. info: programme at URL info:; b) Asociacion Espanola de Egiptologia (AEDE) URL * TBA date: ...; 19:00h place: Aula Magna del CSIC, C/Serrano 117, Madrid info: c) Asociacion Andaluza de Egiptologia (ASADE) email address: * TBA date: ...; 18:00-19:30h place: Sala de Conferencias del Museo Arqueologico de Sevilla. place: Paraninfo de la Universidad de Sevilla. costs: free info: --AUSTRALIA-- a) Egyptology Society of Victoria society's website * TBA date: ...; 8.00pm place: Lecture Theatre E7 (Building 72; Melways Map No.475 near Engineering), Clayton Campus, Monash University info: info: URL b) Rundle Foundation for Egyptian Archaeology * TBA date: ...; 7.30-9.00pm place: W5A Theatre 2, Macquarie University, North Ryde, Sydney costs: tickets $11 per person, incl. GST info: tel. (02) 9850 8848 c) Australian Centre for Egyptology Division of Humanities, Macquarie University, Sydney tel. (02) 9850 8848; * TBA d) The West Australian Museum Centre for Ancient Egyptian Studies * TBA date: ... place: The Tunnel, West Australian Museum, Perth Cultural Centre, James St, Perth. info: rsvp to email e) Ancient Egypt Society of Western Australia * TBA date: ...; 7.00 pm for 7.15 pm start place: Institution of Engineers, Murray St, West Perth, W.A. costs: members $A 3.00, non-members $A 5 00c info: or (08) 9795 7023 --GREECE-- a) - --SWITZERLAND-- a) - b) Aegyptologie der Universitaet Zuerich Orientalisches Seminar, Wiesenstrasse 9, CH-8008 Zuerich tel.: +41 1 634 07 31, fax: +41 1 634 36 92 e-mail: * TBA date: ... c) - d) Ägyptologisches Seminar Bernoullistrasse 32, CH-4056 Basel tel.: +41 61 267 30 62, fax: +41 61 267 31 94 e-mail: * TBA date: ... place: BildungsZentrum 21, Missionsstrasse 21, CH-4055 Basel info: URL e) Basler Forum für Ägyptologie URL * TBA date: ...; 19:15 place: Bildungszentrum 21 (Basler Mission), Missionsstrasse 21, Basel --RUSSIA-- a) Association of Ancient Egypt Studies "MAAT" society's website * TBA date: ... place: State Library for Foreign Cultures and Literature Exhibition Center, Nikoloyamskaya str, 1, Moscow. costs: free admission. info: b) The Center for Egyptological Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences * Conference: "Achievements and Problems of Modern Egyptology" The deadline for submission of abstracts is May 31, 2009. Registration procedure is open till August 31, 2009. date: September 29 – October 4, 2009. place: Moscow info: URL --AUSTRIA-- a) - --HUNGARY-- a) Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest H-1146, Budapest (Pest), Dózsa György út 41. & The Hungarian-Egyptian Friendship Society * TBA b) Byblos Foundation Pasaréti út 66/b, Budapest * Third International Congress for Young Egyptologists: "Commerce and Economy in Ancient Egypt” Abstracts of papers are due before March 31, 2009. date: September 25-27, 2009 place: Budapest, Hungary. info: URL info: email (also for registration) info: press report at URL --BRAZIL-- a) UERJ - IFCH: Núcleo de Estudos da Antiguidade Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524, 9º andar, sala 9030 A, Maracanã CEP20550-020 phone : 55 21-2587-7162 / 2587-7295; fax: 55 21- 2284-0547 website * TBA date: ...; 08:30-11:30 am place: Nucleo de Estudos da Antiguidade - NEA-UERJ (Ancient Research Center) from Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ (State University from Rio de Janeiro Brazil) info: or --CHINA-- a) The Institute of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Peking University, Beijing * TBA --CZECH REPUBLIC-- a) Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts Czech Institute of Egyptology Celetná 20, CZ-110 00 Prague 1 tel.: +420 224491394, fax: +420 224491628 URL * International Workshop "Social and Religious Development of Egypt in the First Millennium BCE" Registration and abstracts for papers are due by April 30th, 2009. date: September 1-4, 2009 place: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, at Nám. Jana Palacha 2, Prague 1. info: Call for papers (in English) at: URL --POLAND-- a) Pultusk Academy of Humanities Al. Polonii 1/3, 06-100 Pultusk, Poland. * Vth Central European Conference of Egyptologists "Egypt 2009: Perspectives of Research" The deadline for abstract submission is March 31, 2009. All topics concerned with Ancient Egypt are welcome, including Ptolemaic and Roman periods. date: June 22-24, 2009 info: abstracts to email info: general inquiries with Dr JoannavPopielska-Grzybowska at email info: fees etc at email info: press report at URL --DENMARK-- a) Carsten Niebuhr Section of Near Eastern Studies, Institute of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen * TBA --ISRAEL-- a) University of Haifa * Conference: "Egypt, Canaan and Israel: History, Imperialism and Ideology from the third to the first millennium BCE" date: May 3 - 7, 2009 costs: 250$ info: URL info: email b) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Beer Sheva * Irene Levi-Sala Annual Research Seminar: "Recent Developments in Nubian Archaeology". date: Thursday, May 21, 2009; 9:00-17:00 place: W.A. Minkoff Senate Hall, Marcus Family Campus, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva Guest speaker is Prof. Stuart Tyson Smith, followed by a panel discussion (Dr. D. Ben-Tor, Dr. A. David, Dr. Y. Mizrachy, Dr. D. Kahn). info: email +++ (X) EXHIBITIONS Most info in this section was collected by Michael Tilgner. Great work, Michael! --USA-- a) Michael C. Carlos Museum of Emory University 571 South Kilgo Circle, Atlanta, Georgia 30322 tel.: 404-727-4282, fax: 404-727-4292 email URL * "Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs" date: November 15, 2008 - May 25, 2009 Featuring more than 130 treasures: more than 50 from the tomb of the boy-king and more than 70 objects from other periods (OK-LP). Will travel to other USA venues, like the Indianapolis Children's Museum. This is the "Tutankhamun und die Welt der Pharaonen" exhibition that is now at the Museum für Völkerkunde Wien (March 9, 2008 - September 28, 2008). It is of the same organizers (and with the same set-up) as that *other* (still touring) exhibition, "Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs". place: Atlanta Civic Center info: URL info: URL info: three press reports at URL URL URL info: URL With video of the news conference at URL [new] info: four press reports at URL URL "The exhibition also will include the largest image of King Tut ever found - a 10-foot statue that originally may have stood at Tutankhamun's mortuary temple and retains much of its original paint. One of the four gold and precious-stone-inlaid canopic coffinettes that contained his mummified internal organs also will be exhibited." URL URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL info: press reports at URL "Tickets go on sale this week" URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL "(..) Crews began installation of the five-ton, 25-foot tall statue of Anubis near 13th and Peachtree Streets in midtown on Thursday (..) to pave the way for King Tut's treasures.(..) Anyone who joins Anubis' Facebook page prior to Nov. 15 will receive a discount for the exhibition." With photo of Anubis among the skyscrapers. info: press report at URL "(..) a new tour in the United States (..) including seven US states (..) till the end of December 2012, (..) the US states of Georgia, Indiana, Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, Texas and Washington." info: press report (with tour of the exhibition) at URL info: press report (with preview of the exhibition) at URL info: press reports at URL URL "King Tut is coming to the Bible Belt, and Bible readers will find plenty to relate to in treasures from the boy king’s ancient tomb, an Egyptologist says. James K. Hoffmeier, an archeologist and writer at Trinity International University in Illinois, created an online guide that makes biblical history pop for viewers of the 130 Egyptian statues, personal items, pieces of furniture and jewelry." Audio: URL Hoffmeier's King Tut bible guide: URL info: press report with two videos and slideshow at URL info: press report with two videos and slideshow at URL "Anchor Jovita Moore journeyed to the Valley of the Kings with one of the world’s top experts on King Tut, Dr. Zahi Hawass, to share sites tourists never see." info: press reports at URL URL URL URL URL info: press report at URL With thumbnails of photos and video. info: press report at URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL Lists several objects on show. info: press report with slideshow at URL * "Wonderful Things: The Harry Burton Photographs and the Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun" date: November 15, 2008 - May 25, 2009 The exhibition consists of 50 photographs taken by Harry Burton during the 10 years it took to clear the tomb of Tutankhamun. info: URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL "(..) The way Burton transfers the lustre of gold to black-and-white film is spectacular.(..)" info: press report at URL info: press report at URL b) The Art Museum at the University of Kentucky Rose Street and Euclid Avenue, Lexington, KY 40506-0241 tel. (859) 257-5716. * "Excavating Egypt: Great Discoveries from the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London" date: March 22, 2009 - June 14, 2009 The exhibition features more than 200 antiquities from the Petrie Museum of Egyptology, University College, London. The artifacts are accompanied by archival photos, photomurals, documents and text panels that tell the story of William Matthew Flinders Petrie (1853-1942). Travelling exhibition that has been travelling the USA since 2005. info: URL info: press reports at URL URL info: press reports at URL Description of some of the pieces on display. With multiple photos. "With 221 artifacts ranging from exotic golden funeral masks to a stone rat trap." URL URL c) - d) Indianapolis Children's Museum 3000 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46208-4716 URL * "Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs" date: June 2009 - October 2009 Featuring more than 130 treasures: more than 50 from the tomb of the boy-king and more than 70 objects from other periods (OK-LP). Will travel to other USA venues; before Indianapolis it will be in the Atlanta Civic Center (Nov 15, 2008 - May 22, 2009). This is the "Tutankhamun und die Welt der Pharaonen" exhibition that is at the Museum für Völkerkunde Wien (March 9, 2008 - September 28, 2008). It is of the same organizers (and with the same set-up) as that *other* (still touring) exhibition, "Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs". info: two press reports at URL URL info: press report at URL e) Texas Fashion Collection University of North Texas College of Visual Arts and Design * "Egyptian Elegance" date: February 5, 2009 - May 15, 2009 "The exhibition - drawing from the 20th-century holdings of the Texas Fashion Collection - features 18 to 20 dramatic evening gowns inspired by such ancient Egyptian garments as the kalasiris (a sheath dress), tunic or caftan. The featured fashions include those by designers Oscar de la Renta, Giorgio di 'Sant Angelo, Ralph Rucci and Germain Monteil." place: Fashion on Main inside Universities Center at Dallas, 1901 Main St. in downtown Dallas. info: press report (with photo of gown) at URL f) High Museum of Art 1280 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30309 URL * "The Louvre and the Masterpiece" date: October 12, 2008 - September 6, 2009 Features works of art drawn from all eight of the Musée du Louvre's departments, including a 3,000-year-old Egyptian portrait head and a forgery of one. The exhibition will also be at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (October 18, 2009 - January 10. 2010). info: URL info: press report at URL g) Lawndale Art Center 4912 Main Street, Houston TX 77002 * "Dennis Harper - Ritual Prototypes for the Afterlife" date: March 13, 2009 - April 18, 2009 "A sculpture installation meant to evoke the interior of a spacious tomb within which monumental archetypal artifacts representing the needs and desires of one traveling to the next realm are prescriptively arranged. (..)" Modern art, apparently translating Tutankhamun's journey to the Afterlife into modern-day consumeristic images. Or something like that... info: URL info: press report at URL h) Dallas Museum of Art 1717 N. Harwood at Ross, Dallas URL * "Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs" date: October 3, 2008 - May 17, 2009 "Some 50 objects from Tutankhamun's tomb along with 70 other objects from 18th dyn. royal tombs." Travelling exhibition that has been at several venues in the USA and currently will be in London, and will be in two (yet unknown) USA venues after Dallas. info: URL info: generic exhibition's website at URL info: press reports at URL URL URL info: video of press conference at URL info: press report at URL "Tickets for the King Tut exhibit opening this fall at the Dallas Museum of Art went on sale Tuesday [June 24] (..)" (at URL) info: press reports at URL "(..) The exhibition includes an extensive array of more than 130 extraordinary artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun and other ancient Egyptian sites. The return of the exhibition to the United States will include a selection of artifacts that are new to the exhibit and have never before been seen outside of Egypt.(..)" URL info: exhibition preview at URL info: press reports at URL URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL "King Tut exhibit spurs purist-vs.-populist debate" info: press report at URL "Four new artifacts from King Tut’s tomb will be on display (..) Dallas will be the first city to premiere the new objects, most of which have never before been seen outside of Egypt; (..) [they]. include a pectoral necklace featuring solar and lunar emblems and a scarab; a bracelet featuring a scarab clasp; and two nested miniature coffins, one inside of the other, which contained the mummified remains of what is thought to be one of Tutankhamun’s stillborn children. (..)" With photo gallery of newly-included objects. The pectoral is the famous one with the Lybian Desert Glass. info: briefing to the Dallas City Council about the exhibition; including info about the exhibition's expected economic impact on Dallas, etc., and with many photos [not sure if all items are in exhibit]. (23 pg., in PDF) URL info: three press reports, about American Airlines transporting the exhibits to Dallas, at URL URL URL info: press reports, on the events surrounding the exhibition and on ticket & travel info, at URL URL info: press reports, spotlighting some of the artefacts, the array of souvenirs, etc, at URL URL URL info: press report, about the four extra artefacts added to the exhibition, at URL info: press reports at URL URL URL URL URL URL info: press report with an original angle, i.e. an overview of all preparations involved: URL info: a map of galleries, plus 12 links, one for each room of exhibit, explaining the theme of each room: URL info: press reports at URL With photo and link to gallery. URL "By the weekend, the flow will be increased to the maximum 500- to 600-per-hour capacity. Organizers said 150,000 tickets had been sold in advance of opening day." Chats with visitors. URL URL URL URL URL URL Some of the activities the museum (and other places) has planned around the exhibition. URL Family activities. URL info: press report at URL info: press reports at URL URL info: press report at URL Interview with Dr. Anne Bromberg, curator of ancient and Asian art at the Dallas Museum of Art. info: December programme of exhibition related events at URL info: press reports at URL "DFW International Airport to Host 26-Foot-Tall Anubis Statue in Celebration of King Tut Exhibit" URL "(..) And yes, that is a candy cane in Mr. Anubis' hand.(..)" URL info: press reports, about disappointing visitor numbers, at URL "(..) The Tut exhibit has drawn more than 270,000 visitors during its first three months, Ms. Pitman said, with 90,000 of those being schoolchildren, who, like other large groups, purchased discounted tickets. With less than five months to go before the show closes May 17, the DMA would have to draw 730,000 to reach the 1 million mark. That would be an average of 146,000 a month, which exceeds its current average of around 90,000 a month. (..)" URL URL URL URL "(..) now they're just hoping to break even with the whole thing; a far cry from the endless bags of money most everyone thought it would bring in (..) the only ones getting rich off the whole deal seems to be Egypt's SCA which takes a flat fee from each museum and then shares any excess profits. (..)" URL [The latter report blames things on an unfortunate, 'disillusion-built-in', exhibition title. Which is perhaps more to the point than the 'easy' reason that other reports use as blame for poor visitor numbers, namely the economic crisis. For note that also the (other) Tut-exhibition in Vienna had disappointing numbers (despite 50% discounts). See URL URL There the European Football Championship 2008 was used as an excuse. But together the two venues might suggest that exhibitions cannot so easily be commercially "sold" and "hyped" as one perhaps has begun to think the last years? AKE] info: press report at URL "(...) young children may not find this exhibit as fun as adults. The exhibit takes at least an hour and a half to complete (it took my family about 2 hours), and with the slow pace and some reading the younger kids will likely lose interest quickly (as did my 7 month old). " info: press report at URL info: press report at URL "..more than 350,000 tickets have been sold to the exhibition, already making it the DMA’s most-visited exhibition in the Museum’s 100-year history." info: press report at URL "With the Tut show having been open a little more than five months, it is averaging about 100,000 visitors monthly. At that rate, with less than two months to go to the May 17 closing date, the final tally could be expected to reach 700,000. (..)" * "Harry Burton Photographs" date: September 14, 2008 - May 17, 2009 Photography exhibit of more than 40 prints from Harry Burton, the photographer who accompanied Howard Carter on the King Tutankhamun expedition. info: press report at URL info: press reports at URL URL i) The Walters Art Museum 600 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21201 tel.: 410 547 9000, e-mail: * "Mummified" date: November 15, 2008 - November 8, 2009 The exhibition focusses on a female mummy nicknamed Mery, her cartonnage, and a recent CT scan done of the mummy. But also other ancient Egyptian objects are on display, some 20, like X-rayed animal mummies. There's also a section devoted to the "Mummimania" of the 17th-20th centuries. info: URL info: press report (with info on the mummy) at URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL The mummy of 'Mery' is the centerpiece of the exhibition. "(..) Deep abscesses, broken teeth and intensely infected gums filled Mery’s mouth, leading researchers to believe she died from blood poisoning stemming from multiple infections. (..)" With photo of X Ray of mummy in profile superimposed over her coffin. info: press report at URL j) The Field Museum 1400 S. Lake Shore Dr, Chicago, IL 60605-2496 * "Masterpieces of Ancient Jewelry: Exquisite Objects from the Cradle of Civilization" date: February 13, 2009 - July 5, 2009 Exhibition will feature more than 150 artifacts from renowned collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Princeton University Art Museum and the Israel Museum. The jewelry is intended to illuminate the culture and customs of ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Levant, Persia and the Islamic Middle East. Last year the exhibition was in New York's Forbes Galleries, in 2010 it will move to the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris. info: URL info: press report at URL info: press reports at URL "(..) Additionally, several key pieces from The Field Museum’s collection will be on display complementing the exhibition (..)" URL k) Weatherford Public Library 1014 Charles Street, Weatherford, TX 76086 * "Treasures of Tutankhamun" date: March 1 - 28, 2009 A free-standing photo collection showcasing the artifacts that are split between the Dallas and Atlanta locations of the “King Tut and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs” exhibits. info: URL Lists related events (lectures etc) info: press report at URL l) M.H. de Young Memorial Museum Golden Gate Park, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive San Francisco, CA 94118 * "Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs" date: June 27, 2009 - March 28, 2010 The travelling exhibition with 130 artefacts that was at several venues in the USA, then in London, and now in Dallas (Oct 3, 2008 - May 17, 2009). info: URL info: press reports at URL URL URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL * “Opening Tutankhamun’s Tomb: The Harry Burton date: June 27, 2009 - March 28, 2010 Feature 38 prints from Harry Burton, the photographer who documented Carter's discoveries in Tutankhamun's tomb. m) The Oriental Institute Museum 1155 East 58th Street, Chicago, Illinois URL * "The Life of Meresamun: A Temple Singer in Ancient Egypt" date: February 10, 2009 - December 6, 2009 "Visitors will be able to come face to face with a newly drawn image of an ancient Egyptian singer-priestess named Meresamun in a new exhibition that will show how Meresamun lived and what sorts of musical instruments she used. Details about her health, as revealed in CT scans using the latest equipment, help tell her life story." The exhibit includes 72 artifacts (coffin, musical instruments, written (legal) documents, pottery, stelae, jewelry and ritual objects). info: URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL Several nice photos of artefacts. info: press reports at URL URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL With two photos, one of coffin, one of woman-shaped jar in pose like the Venus of Willendorf. n) The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1000 Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street, New York, New York 10028-0198 tel.: +1 212 535 7710 (recorded information) URL * “Beyond Babylon: Art, Trade, and Diplomacy in the Second Millennium B.C” date: November 18, 2008–March 15, 2009 "Approximately 350 objects of the highest artistry from royal palaces, temples, and tombs will provide the visitor with an overview of artistic exchange and international connections throughout the period, [accross] a vast territory that spanned the ancient Near East and the eastern Mediterranean." Includes all of the 140 unique pieces removed from the 3,300-year-old Uluburun shipwreck; among them the golden seal of Queen Nefertiti. info: URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL The famous "four polychrome faience tiles from the mortuary temple of Rameses III opposite Thebes on the Nile, which are meant to depict four foreign leaders (a Syrian, an Amorite, a Philistine and a Hittite)" are also on display. o) Columbus Museum of Art * "To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures From the Brooklyn Museum" date: February 13, 2009 - June 7, 2009 Ca. 107 pieces from the Brooklyn Museum's vast collection of Egyptian monuments and objects, dating between 1185 B.C. and A.D. 100, that illustrate Egyptian strategies for defeating death and achieving eternal life, The exhibition was earlier at the Indianapolis Museum of Art (July 20, 2008 - September 7, 2008) and the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art (October 18, 2008 - January 11, 2009), and will later travel to the Chrysler Museum of Art, the Phoenix Art Museum, the Joslyn Art Museum, the Norton Museum of Art, and the Frist Center for Visual Arts, with additional venues to be announced (in total more than 10 venues in the USA, till fall 2011). info: Brooklyn Museum press release at URL info: press report at URL info: URL info: press report at URL With many very good photos of items in exhibit. info: press report at URL With photos of Isis Lactans and a pyramidion of a woman. p) The Hallie Ford Museum of Art 700 State St. (corner of State and Cottage streets), Salem, Oregon near the campus of Willamette University. * "From Hestia’s Sacred Fire to Christ’s Eternal Light: Ancient and Medieval Lamps from the Bogue Collection" date: March 14, 2009-May 17, 2009 date: March 14, 2009 - May 17, 2009 Exhibition of ancient and medieval oil lamps from the Bogue Collection at the Middle East Studies Center at Portland State University. The lamps in the exhibition will reflect a diversity of cultures and a wide variety of materials and techniques. The lamps, which range in date from 3,000 BCE to the Medieval/Arab periods, were acquired by Robert Bogue when he worked for the World Health Organization in Egypt. info: URL info: press report (with photo of lamp from Roman Egypt) at URL q) Brooklyn Museum 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, New York 11238-6052 tel. : (718) 638-5000 * "Magic in Ancient Egypt: Image, Word, and Reality" date: December 22, 2006 - October 30, 2009 [was: till September 28, 2008] "How the early Egyptians, known throughout the ancient world for their expertise in magic, addressed the unknown forces of the universe is explored in this exhibition of twenty objects from the Brooklyn Museum's world-famous collection. " info: URL info: press report (interview with Edward Bleiberg) at URL [With photos of a Ptolemaic Lion Gargoyle and 'Isis as a Magician' LP bronze.] * "Coptic Sculpture in the Brooklyn Museum" date: November 7, 2008 - September 27, 2009 "This small installation presents some late antique Egyptian sculptures (A.D. 395-642) from the Brooklyn Museum's permanent collection, along with modern replicas of the period." This exhibition is about the unmasking of the forgeries in the Museum's collection (see recent press reports). info: press release (in PDF) at URL info: press report at URL * "Unearthing the Truth: Egypt’s Pagan and Coptic Sculpture" date: February 13, 2009 - May 10, 2009 "Thirty works from the Brooklyn Museum’s permanent collection of Late Antique Egyptian stone sculptures (395–642 A.D.) that includes several examples of reworked or repainted works and some that appear to be modern forgeries. " info: URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL r) Cazenovia Public Library Art Gallery 100 Albany Street, Cazenovia NY 13035 URL * "Out of the Tomb, Into the Light" date: April 20, 2009 - May 29, 2009 A photographic re-discovery of the Cazenovia Public Library's Egyptian collection (which includes a mummy), with photos by Richard Walker. s) Arkansas Arts Center 501 East 9th Street, Little Rock, AR 72202 URL * "World of the Pharaohs: Egyptian Masterpieces From the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston” date: September 10, 2009 - July 5, 2010 [was: till June 27, 2010] Touring exhibition with 211 artefacts from the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. The Museum of Idaho is the first venue of this 4 year tour. Among the objects are "a royal decree carved in limestone ["Decree of Neferirkare"], a relief scene from the tomb of Qar and Idu, a sarcophagus lid, jewelry, amulets and a cat mummy. " info: press reports at URL URL info: source - press report at URL t) Minneapolis Institute of Arts 2400 Third Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55404 * "The Louvre and the Masterpiece" date: October 18, 2009 - January 10, 2010 Features works of art drawn from all eight of the Musée du Louvre's departments, including a 3,000-year-old Egyptian portrait head. Will previously be at the High Museum of Art, Atlanta (October 12, 2008 - September 6, 2009). info: URL info: press report at URL "To illustrate the difference between authentic masterpieces and fakes, curators also included a 20th century forgery of an Egyptian head." u) COSI Columbus 333.W.Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215 * "Lost Egypt: Ancient Secrets, Modern Science" [was:"Trail of the Mummy"] date: May 30, 2009 - September 7, 2009 "Knowledge is the real treasure in this dramatic exhibition that blends modern-day science with the mysteries of ancient Egypt. Decipher hieroglyphs, learn the science behind the mummification process, and test your skills as an archaeologist." Traveling exhibition - interested museums may still rent this exhibition. "From its rich Egyptian collection, the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden (the Netherlands), has put together three identical exhibitions, which are made available to international museums and exhibition centres." info: URL info: URL info: press report at URL "An interactive show featuring a human mummy, several animal mummies, forensic facial reconstructions and a life-size prototype of a human mummy." v) Loyola University Museum of Art 820 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611 tel.: 312-915-7600, e-mail: * "The Eternal Light of Egypt: The Photography of Sarite Sanders" date: January 31 - May 10, 2009 "Contemporary photographer Sarite Sanders has produced a remarkable collection of photographs that capture the mysterious radiance and residual spirituality of Egypt's ancient ruins." info: URL info: press report at URL w) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Avenue of the Arts, 465 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 tel 617-267-9300 * "Secrets of the Tomb: Egypt 2000 B.C." date: October 18, 2009 - January 10, 2010 Exhibits the funerary equipment from the tomb of Djehutynacht, complemented by other artefacts. info: source - URL x) - y) SUArt Galleries Syracuse University, 018 Sims Hall Syracuse, NY 13244 tel. (315) 443-4097; * "Napoleon on the Nile: Soldiers, Artists, and the Rediscovery of Egypt" date: January 29, 2009 - March 29, 2009 With 80 plates of the 'Description de l’Egypte' volumes, letters, documents, medals, decorative artworks, maps, and prints, on loan from the Dahesh Museum of Art, Princeton University Museum of Art, the Fordham Library and private collectors. Focuses on the artistic legacy of Napoleon’s military campaign in Egypt. Earlier in the Snug Harbor Cultural Center, New York (March 15, 2008 - June 15, 2008) and Frye Art Museum, Washington (August 30, 2008 - January 4, 2009). info: URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL "(..) For those who can read French, (there are translations) look for several letters in Napoleon's own hand addressing some aspect of the French occupation, with the letter from Mustafa Aga to Napoleon providing anecdotal interest. (..)" z) - za) Omega Photo 1100 Bellevue Way N.E., Bellevue, Washington 98004 tel. (425) 455-2126 * "Robb Mitchell's Images of Egypt" date: till March 31, 2009 Subject of this photo exhibition is the "collision" of the ancient and modern world in Egypt. (The collection of photos can be seen at URL ) info: source - press report at URL zb) - zc) - zd) Goss Opera House and Gallery corner of Kemp Avenue and Maple Street, Watertown, South Dakota. tel. 605-882-9882 URL * “Tutankhamun: Wonderful Things from the Pharaoh's Tomb” date: November 28, 2008 - September 7, 2009 Exhibits "126 stunning and exact replicas of Tutankhamun's sacred and personal possessions, four original items from the dynasty, along with associated artifacts from the period surrounding Tutankhamun's reign.”. [The Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, Detroit, is currently (Oct 1, 2008 - Jan 31, 2009) showing, under the exact same title, also 126 replicas, so it seems to be the same set of replicas (in two copies).] info: URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL "(..) Real jewelry from 600 BC is also part of the exhibit. (..)" info: press report at URL ze) Princeton University Library Harvey S. Firestone Memorial Library building One Washington Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08544 USA; tel: (609) 258-3184 * "Egypt Unveiled: The Mission of Napoleon's Savants" date: December 21, 2008 - May 10, 2009 Exhibition marking the 200th anniversary of the 'Description de l'Égypte'. info: URL info: URL info: press release at URL info: press report (with video) at URL --CANADA-- a) Musée canadien des civilizations / Canadian Museum of Civilization 100 Laurier Street, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0M8 * "Tombes éternelles - L'Égypte ancienne et l'au-delà" / "Tombs of Eternity: The Afterlife in Ancient Egypt" [was: "World of the Pharaohs"] date: December 19 [was: November 11], 2008 - August 16, 2009 "Discover the life and beliefs of this fascinating culture through more than 200 beautiful artifacts from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The exhibition will cover 3,000 years of history, beginning with the end of the pre-Dynastic Neolithic Period and extending through the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms, to the Ptolemaic Greek period and the Roman conquest." info: French press report at URL info: source - URL info: (in French) URL info: (in English) URL info: press report: URL info: press reports at URL URL About the scanning of the mummy of Hetep-Bastet. URL With photo of OK hunting relief of Qar and Idu. info: press report, including a video report and a slideshow, at URL info: press report (with tour) at URL info: press report (interview with exhibition curator Dr. Matthew Betts) at URL With photo of bead net dress, OK coffin fragment, and TIP coffin with mummy. info: press report at URL * "Fascinantes momies d'Égypte" [Fascinating mummies of Egypt] date: April 22, 2009 - April 5, 2010 Some 220 objects - mummies, coffins, amulets etc. - will lead the visitor into the fascinating world of the funerary rituals of AE. Major pieces are from the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden. info: URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL info: (in French) URL With photos of several artefacts. b) Royal Ontario Museum 100 Queens' Park, Toronto URL * "Out of the Vaults: The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead" date: February 28, 2009 - May 10, 2009. Feautures a recently conserved Book of the Dead, namely that of a man called Amenemhat (Ptolemaic Period), and ca. 130 artifacts from the museum's storage rooms. info: press reports at URL URL URL The latter article lists some of the artefacts on display, plus has a nice set of photos of said items. info: press release at URL info: press reports at URL Description of some of the items on display. URL With a photo of a fragment of the Book of the Dead. URL Focusses on the history of the BD of Amenemhat, a scroll of 7 m. long that spent 100 years in storage at the ROM. URL Idem. With photo of the fragments arranged in some order. URL Idem. Has three very nice photos of vignettes. URL Has photo of scroll fragment. info: podcast about the restoration of this BD at URL * "Fakes, Frauds and Forgeries" date: October 2009 Sets real antiquities against forgeries, as well as genuine and fake versions of modern objects. Includes a real and a fake bronze statue of Sekhmet. info: press report at URL c) Guelph Civic Museum 6 Dublin Street South, Guelph, Ontario N1H 4L5 tel. (519) 836-1221; * "Gift of the Nile" date: Saturday, January 31, 2009 - March 29, 2009 Travelling exhibit from the Royal Ontario Museum about all aspects of ancient Egyptian life (personal adorement, food, family life, religion, etc). info: press report at URL info: press report at URL With photo of sarcophagus of Djedmaatesankh. d) Royal BC Museum 675 Belleville Street, Victoria, BC Canada V8W 9W2 tel: (250) 356-RBCM (7226); * "Treasures: The World's Culture from the British Museum" date: May 1, 2009 - September 30, 2009 With more than 300 artifacts from the British Museum, of many cultures and eras, including a 3,000-year-old Egyptian mummy. info: URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL "The museum’s ancient Egypt exhibition attracted 13,923 visitors last week -- more than the museum saw in the whole of the previous month. " --UNITED KINGDOM-- a) The Fitzwilliam Museum Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RB tel: 01223 332900; * "I turned it into a palace" date: November 4, 2008 - March 17, 2009 Exhibition at the ocassion of the centenary of Sir Sidney Cockerell's directorship (tenure 1908-1937) who expanded the museum's collection enormously. "It incorporates anything from a vast Assyrian wall relief to contemporary manuscripts, (..) anything from a fragment of Egyptian papyrus to Ode to a Nightingale in Keats's own handwriting." info: URL info: press report at URL info: press report with video at URL "Among the items in the exhibition are extracts from the Book of the Dead" b) British Museum Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, WC1B 3DG * TBA c) Royal Academy of Arts Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BD tel. 020 7300 8000 * "Byzantium 330 to 1453" date: October 25, 2008 - March 22, 2009 Exhibits 300 items of Byzantine art, including manuscripts, icons, mosaic and jewels. Icons from St Catherine's Monastery in Egypt's Sinai desert also feature. info: URL info: press reports at URL URL info: press report at URL "Icons from the Saint Catherine Monastery will be on display at the exhibition. (..), A whole room is devoted to works from the Monastery of St Catherine in Sinai. (..)" info: press report at URL "(..) it is a pity that the collection that many visitors will have come to see -- a group of icons lent to the exhibition by St. Catherine's Monastery -- are in fact not present and have been replaced by facsimiles. As a note at the exhibition explains, the St. Catherine's icons, though promised, did not in fact arrive. It is unclear whether it was the monks of St. Catherine's or the Egyptian authorities who were responsible for the delay. (..)" d) Bolton Museum, Aquarium and Archive Le Mans Crescent, Bolton, BL1 1SE tel. 01204 332211; * "Egyptomania" date: February 7, 2009 - May 9, 2009 "This exhibition will show the influence of Egyptian art and culture on other civilisations, ranging from ivory furniture made for Assyrian kings in the eighth century BC to cotton woven in Bolton. Rare and beautiful objects, including Renaissance illustrated books and objects made for Napoleon, will rub shoulders with modern costume jewellery, satirical prints and tourist souvenirs, demonstrating the enduring fascination Egypt has exerted over all tastes and cultures." info: URL info: press report at URL "(..) showcases artefacts as diverse as Victorian china and Roman sculpture, (..) Egypt-influenced modern costume jewellery, tourist souvenirs and smoking paraphernalia.(..)" e) - f) Salisbury & South Wiltshire Museum The King's House, 65 The Close, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 2EN * "Out of Egypt" date: January 19, 2009 - March 28, 2009. Features genuine ancient Egyptian artefacts from Winchester Museum’s collection, with funerary objects, scarabs and mummified animals, a mummy mask and foot cover dating from the Roman period in Egypt, amulets and bronze coins. info: URL info: press report at URL --THE NETHERLANDS-- a) - b) Rijksmuseum van Oudheden Rapenburg 28, 2311 EW Leiden URL * TBA --GERMANY-- a) Internationales Keramik-Museum Luitpoldstr. 25, D-92637 Weiden tel./fax: +49 961 3 20 30, fax:+49 961 3 39 41 * "Aegyptische Keramik aus der Staatlichen Sammlung Aegyptischer Kunst Muenchen" [Egyptian ceramics from the State Collection of Egyptian Art, Munich] date: 1990 - The Staatliche Sammlung Aegyptischer Kunst of Munich presents in the Weiden ceramic Museum a special exhibition on ancient ceramics, the largest of its kind ever organized. On display are 500 objects from the Staatliche Sammlung and others from museums of Toronto, Berlin, Brussels, as well as from private collectors. Together they demonstrate practically all aspects of life from the prehistory to the early Christian period. - Catalog not yet available. info: URL b) Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst Hofgartenstraße, 80333 München * "Last Exit München" date: March 17, 2009 - August 30, 2009 50 masterpieces [except the bust of Nefertiti] of the Egyptian Museum Berlin will be put together with objects of the Munich collection. Royal portraits of the MK will meet the statues of the same Pharaohs from Berlin. Sylvia Schoske, director of the Egyptian Museum in Munich called it "a small sensation" and a "musée imaginaire" which will unite different kinds of art-historical segments for a general experience. info: URL info: URL info: press report at URL "... werden ... ein halbes Jahr lang mehr als 50 Leihgaben von der Berliner Museumsinsel nach München ins Staatliche Museum Ägyptischer Kunst in der Münchner Residenz wandern." Similar press reports: URL URL * "Den Hieroglyphen auf der Spur - Särge, Stelen und Gelehrte" [On the trail of hieroglyphs - coffins, stelae and scholars] date: March 28, 2009 - October 31, 2009 The exhibition will show a selection of objects from the collection of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. info: URL info: URL c) Felsenkeller Karl-Heine-Straße 32, D-04229 Leipzig tel.: +49 700 3357 3653 * "Tutanchamun. Die Entdeckung - Das Grab - Der Schatz" [Tutankhamun. The discovery - the tomb - the treasures] date: January 31 - April 5, 2009 Travelling exhibition of more than 1000 replicas. info: URL d) Museum Schloss Seefeld Zweigmuseum des Staatlichen Museums Ägyptischer Kunst München D-82229 Seefeld / Obb. tel.: +49 8152 / 70652; +49 8152 / 79394 * "Freunde - Feinde - Fremde. Das alte Ägypten und seine Nachbarn" [Friends - enemies - foreigners. AE and its neighbours] date: April 5, 2009 - November 30, 2009 [was: TBA] info: URL info: URL e) Altes Museum Bodestraße 1-3, D-10178 Berlin * "kulturGUTerhalten - Restaurierung archäologischer Schätze an den Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin" [kulturGUTerhalten (Preserving Cultural Assets) - Restoring the Archaeological Treasures of the National Museums in Berlin] date: March 27, 2009 - June 1, 2009 "The exhibition focuses on the conservation and restoration of archaeological cultural artefacts from the collections of the National Museums in Berlin." info: (in German) URL info: (in English) URL info: (in German) URL info: (in English) URL info: press report at URL "Der Architekt David Chipperfeld hat mit der Sanierung des Neuen Museums auf der Berliner Museumsinsel bewiesen, dass Restaurierung und Denkmalschutz vereinbar sind. Nun greift die Ausstellung 'kulturGUTerhalten' sein Konzept auf. Höhepunkt der Schau ist die Büste der Nofretete." f) Olympiapark München GmbH Spiridon-Louis-Ring 21, D-80809 München tel.: +49 89 30 67-0, fax: +49 89 30 67-22 22 e-mail: * "Tutanchamun - Sein Grab und die Schätze" [Tutankhamun - his tomb and the treasures] date: April 9 - August 30, 2009 [was: April 2009 - TBA] The exhibition of replicas - now in Zurich, Switzerland - will go to Munich in 2009. info: press report at URL info: URL info: press report at URL "Beschwörung des magischen Augenblicks: Die Pharao-Ausstellung in München zeigt ausschließlich Nachbildungen. Über Original und Fälschung im Zeitalter der Eventprotzerei." info: press report at URL "Für die Ausstellung ... sind schon jetzt 25.000 Karten reserviert!" info: press report at URL "Als wenn sie selbst die jahrtausendealte Grabkammer in Ägypten öffnen würden - so sollen sich Besucher einer neuen Ausstellung über den Herrscher Tutanchamun fühlen." Includes a slide-show of 30 photographs. g) - h) Deutsches Elfenbeinmuseum Erbach Otto-Glenz-Straße 1, D-64711 Erbach tel.: +49 60 62 9 19 99-0 / 94 33 13, fax: +49 60 62 9 19 99 21 / 64 12 e-mail: * "Echnaton und Nofretete - Herrscher im göttlichen Licht" [Akhnaten and Nefertiti - Rulers in divine light] [was: Exhibition about Amarna] date: April 3 [was: 2], 2009 - August 9, 2009 The Egyptian Museum Berlin will show ca. 70 objects mostly of the Amarna time in the Ivory Museum Erbach. info: URL info: source - URL info: pdf-file (90 KB) of the museum - URL info: press report at URL "Einzigartige Werke aus dem ägyptischen Altertum sind von Berlin nach Erbach gekommen, singuläre Ausstellungstücke aus der Zeit von Tell el-Armana, die nur so lange währte wie die Regentschaft von Amenophis IV., der sich alsbald Echnaton nannte ... Spektakuläre Inszenierungen, gewaltige Aufbauten, illusionistische Nachbildungen von Gräbern mit Sarkophagen oder dergleichen darf man nicht erwarten ... Stattdessen gibt es eine erlesene Auswahl von Statuen, Reliefs, Siegelringen, Skarabäen, Tongefäßen zu sehen, die das Publikum unaufdringlich, aber um so intensiver in den Bann ziehen." i) - j) Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier Weimarer Allee 1, D-54290 Trier tel.: 0651 9774 - 0, fax: 0651/9774-222 e-mail: * "Schönheit im Alten Ägypten - Sehnsucht nach Vollkommenheit" [Beauty in AE. Longing for perfection] date: March 19, 2009 - October 25, 2009 info: URL info: URL info: press report at URL "Die gerade eröffnete Ausstellung ... zeigt, wie das Schönheitsideal der nördlichen Nilbewohner vor vielen Tausend Jahren aussah. Seit gestern können sich die Besucher davon überzeugen, dass damals jedoch auch schon das Innere zählte - zum Beispiel von Sarkophagen." k) Alte Postdirektion Eingang Dammtorwall 4, D-20354 Hamburg * "Tutanchamun - Sein Grab und die Schätze" [Tutankhamun - his tomb and the treasures] date: October 1, 2009 - January 31, 2010 The exhibition of replicas will go to Hamburg in 2009. info: URL info: press report at URL info: press report, including a slide-show, at URL "Die berühmte Goldmaske von Tutanchamun, die Schreine und die meisten anderen Fundstücke aus seiner Grabkammer sind so wertvoll, dass sie Ägypten nicht mehr verlassen dürfen. Aber die in der Ausstellung zu sehenden Repliken sind von ägyptischen Handwerkern so täuschend echt nachgebaut worden, dass es bei der Ausfuhr prompt Ärger mit dem Zoll gab." info: press report in general about this travelling exhibition, at URL "Interaktive Grafik zum Tutanchamun-Grab, Wissenstest übers alte Ägypten sowie eine Reportage über die letzten Geheimnisse der Archäologie." l) - m) Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung Am Lustgarten, D-10178 Berlin tel.: +49 (0)30 20 90 51 08, fax: +49 (0)30 - 2090 5109 e-mail: * Closing of the permanent Egyptian exhibition: February 22, 2009 info: source - URL n) Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim Am Steine 1-2, D-31134 Hildesheim tel.: +49 5121 9369-21, fax: +49 5121 35283 e-mail: * "Berliner Größen. Meisterwerke ägyptischer Kunst zu Gast in Hildesheim" [Important figures from Berlin. Masterpieces of Egyptian art staying in Hildesheim] Six monumental sculptures from the Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin will be on loan at Hildesheim. date: August 27, 2005 - 2009 (expected) info: URL info: URL o) Gustav-Lübcke-Museum Neue Bahnhofstraße 9, D-59065 Hamm tel.: +49 2381 17 57 14, fax: +49 2381 17 29 89 e-mail: * "Das Alte Ägypten (be)greifen. Eine interaktive Ausstellung für alle Menschen" [Grasping AE - An interactive exhibition for all people] date: September 28, 2008 - April 26, 2009 [prolongation; was: till February 1, 2009] Original objects, replicas and models will be displayed in this tactile exhibition for partially sighted and blind persons. Traveling exhibition. info: URL p) - q) - r) Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud Obenmarspforten, D-50667 Köln tel.: +49 221-221/2 11 19, e-mail: * "Mit Napoleon in Ägypten. Die Zeichnungen des Jean-Baptiste Lépère" [With Napoleon in Egypt. The drawings of Jean-Baptiste Lépère] date: October 2, 2009 - January 10, 2010 info: source - URL --SWEDEN-- a) - --EGYPT-- a) The Egyptian Museum Maydan El Tahrir, Cairo tel: +20 2 5742681, 5754319/10; fax: +20 2 5795133 * "120 Years of Spanish Archaeology in Egypt" date: April 6, 2009 - June 6, 2009 Special exhibition in room 44 with 137 objects found by Spanish archaeologist in Egypt from the late 19th to the present day. The inauguration takes place on April 6, 2009 at 6:30 pm (#). info: Spanish press report, about the exhibition and the opening ceremony at URL "-- España participa actualmente en los cinco grandes proyectos arqueológicos en el país -- El Ministerio de Cultura colabora en cuatro de ellos mediante sus programas de ayudas a proyectos en el exterior" info: other Spanish press report at URL info: Italian press report at URL info: English press report at URL Includes some info on the new Spanish Archaeology Institute in Cairo and the signing of the cooperation agreement between the Spanish National Library and the Library of Alexandria. info: Spanish press report at URL --ITALY-- a) Südtiroler Archäologiemuseum Via Museo /Museumstraße 43, I-39100 Bolzano/Bozen tel. +39 0471 320100, fax +39 0471 320122 email * "Mumien - Der Traum vom ewigen Leben" [Mummies - the dream of eternal life] date: March 10, 2009 - October 25, 2009 70 mummies from all cultures, all continents and all periods. The exhibition, now in the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim, Germany (September 30, 2007 - May 18, 2008), will be adapted and enlarged by the mummy of the iceman ("Ötzi"). info: German press release at URL info: Italian press release at URL info: press report at URL info: in German - URL info: in Italian - URL info: in English - URL info: press report at URL The museum will be closed from February 23 till March 9 in preparation of the exhibition. info: English press reports at URL "Features more than 60 mummies from Egypt, Asia, Europe and South America, assembled from 27 museums. They include animals as well as humans, and [150] artefacts connected with them." URL b) Tempio di Adriano Piazza di Pietra, Roma [carried out by World Wide Artists Gallery in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce in Rome and Promoroma] * "Abu Simbel. Il salvataggio dei templi, l'uomo e la tecnologia" [Abu Simbel. The salvage of the temples, man and technology] date: May 15 - 26, 2009 "This project will result in an exhibition with documentation of great impact, with worldwide unpublished images, and will explain, over the natural historical and archaeological site, the anthropological aspect, focussing on men, methods of work, projects and machinery used for the enterprise. Particular attention will be dedicated to the component of the 2000 Egyptians, who has given his outstanding contribution in terms of hard work, professionalism, competence and talent in performing work ... the event will continue in the main European capitals and worldwide." info: (in many languages) URL info: press report at URL "I curatori dell'esposizione, ognuno con il suo patrimonio di esperienze, hanno riunito importante materiale fotografico, inedito a livello mondiale, per illustrare il tema. Si tratta di immagini eseguite dai protagonisti di questo entusiasmante lavoro, di cui si celebra il 50° anniversario nel 2009." c) Palazzo Bricherasio Via Lagrange, 20 - 10123 Torino tel. (+39) 011.5711811; * "Akhenaton - Faraone del Sole" date: February 27, 2009 - June 14, 2009 "La mostra ripercorre le vicende storico-culturali dell'Egitto tra i regni di Amenofi III e Ramesse II, incentrandosi sulla figura di Akhenaton." This is the "Akhenaton et Nefertiti: Soleil et Ombres des pharaons" exhibition that is in the Musée d'art et d'histoire, Geneva (Switzerland) (17.10.2008 - 01.02.2009) info: source - URL URL info: press report at URL "L'esposizione raccoglie circa 200 reperti, per lo più provenienti dal Museo Egizio di Berlino, che comprendono dalla grande statuaria agli oggetti domestici e personali, che documentano la vita della famiglia reale e dei sudditi, dai più alti funzionari agli operai, che seguirono Akhenaton nella nuova capitale del regno." info: press report at URL "Qui était vraiment Akhenaton, le pharaon qui institua le culte d'Aton, le disque solaire? Quel fut son impact politique, religieux et culturel sur la société égyptienne? L'exposition au Palazzo Bricherasio essaie de répondre à ces questions passionnantes à la lumière des dernières découvertes et des interprétations les plus récentes." [new] info: press report at URL "Attraverso i reperti proposti, la mostra sottolinea il carattere innovativo del regno di Akhenaton, che emerge soprattutto nel ridimensionamento dello strapotere della chiesa a favore della centralità del ruolo del sovrano, intermediario tra l'umano e il divino." d) Reggia di Venaria Reale - Scuderie Juvarriane Piazza della Repubblica 1, Venaria Reale (Torino) * "Egitto. Tesori sommersi" [Egypt. Sunken Treasures] date: February 7, 2009 - May 31, 2009 "The only Italian leg of an international tour [earlier in Berlin, Paris, Bonn,and Milan] the exhibition presents [ca. 500 artefacts, like] statues, jewels, gold coins, ceramics and sphinxes, originating from Alexandria, Heraklion and Canopus, from where they were lost at sea following natural disasters." info: URL info: French press report at URL L'exposition "permettra d'admirer environ 500 objets découverts lors de fouilles sous-marines, présentés dans un cadre royal : les écuries et l'orangerie du château de Venaria. Un voyage à couper le souffle dans le monde de l'ancien Egypte et de l'archéologie sous-marine." info: English press reports at URL URL info: Italian press reports, some including a slideshow, at URL URL info: English press report at URL "(..) One of the show's highlights is a pink granite statue of Nile deity Hapi; at 5.4 meters high, the round-faced god with a tray of offerings is the largest freestanding statue of an Egyptian divinity ever found. (..) The show's masterpiece, however, appears in the last room, aptly called Queen's Dream. The harmonious figure of a woman draped in clinging robes is believed to be Queen Arsinoe II, sister and wife of Ptolemy II. Carved in gray-blue granite, her pose is typical of Egyptian statues, but the style of her dress is decidedly Greek." e) Castello di Miradolo Via Cardonata 2, I-10060 San Secondo di Pinerolo (Torino) tel.: +39 0121 376545 (info), e-mail: URL * "Egitto nascosto. Collezioni e collezionisti dai musei piemontesi" [Hidden Egypt. Collections and collectors of Piemontese museums] date: March 21, 2009 - July 5, 2009 The exhibition will present about 180 artefacts coming from all the "minor" Egyptian collections in Piedmont (17 museums), some of them not open to the public at present. info: press report at URL info: press report at URL "L'esposizione presenta al pubblico un'ampia selezione di reperti provenienti da 15 musei del territorio piemontese, che conservano collezioni egizie formatesi grazie all'attività di celebri collezionisti, appassionati viaggiatori, grandi studiosi, lungimiranti scienziati o anonimi mercanti e missionari." f) Castello del Buonconsiglio Via Bernardo Clesio, 5, Trento * "Egitto mai visto" [Egypt, never seen] date: May 30 - November 8, 2009 The exhibition will consist of two parts: Objects from the Egyptian Museum, Turin, especially from the tomb of Kha, and objects from the collection of the Castello del Buonconsiglio. info: press release at URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL "Egitto mai visto nella mostra 'Collezioni inedite dal Museo Egizio di Torino e dal Castello del Buonconsiglio di Trento' in programma dal 30 Maggio al prossimo 8 Novembre 2009. In questi giorni le anteprime" g) Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna Via dell'Archiginnasio 2, I-40124 Bologna tel.: 051 27 57 211, fax 051 26 65 16 * "Giovanni Battista Belzoni: un Indiana Jones alla riscoperta dell'Egitto" [Giovanni Battista Belzoni: an Indiana Jones to the rediscovery of Egypt] date: May 30, 2007 - May 31, 2009 [prolongation; was: till December 31, 2008] The original exhibition of Belzoni in London in 1821 is reconstructed in Bologna. A model of the tomb of Seti I at the scale of 1:3 will also be displayed. info: URL h) Museo di Antropologia e Etnografia Via Accademia Albertina, 17, I-10123 Torino * "Mummy 4000 anni a.C. La donna dell'antico Egitto nella collezione di mummie del Marro" [4000 BC. The woman of AE in the collection of mummies of Marro] date: April 16 - August 31, 2009 info: URL --FRANCE-- a) Musee du Louvre F-75058 Paris Cedex 01, France tel. : +33 1 40 20 50 50; fax : +33 1 40 20 54 42 * "Les Portes du Ciel » : visions du monde dans l'Égypte ancienne" [Gates of heaven: visions of the world in AE] date: March 6, 2009 - June 29, 2009 Containing about 350 artefacts spanning three millennia, from the Old Kingdom to the Roman Period, the exhibition endeavours to place everyday objects in their social, religious and artistic context. info: URL info: URL info: URL info: press report at URL "Enfin une exposition qui ne montre pas l'Égypte sous l'angle d'un catalogue d'ouvres ! Celles-ci d'ailleurs, pour être magnifiques, ne viennent ni d'Égypte ni des États-Unis, mais des collections du Louvre et de musées d'Europe, notamment du British. La surprise tient à l'originalité de cet itinéraire entre ciel et terre. Clairement expliqué, avec des vitrines détaillées sur la création de l'Univers, la momification ou le coût de celle-ci, cette traversée du sacré vaut autant par l'émotion qu'elle suscite que par la foule de détails précis qu'elle délivre." info: URL info: PDF download at URL info: press report at URL "In the ancient Egyptian language, “gates of heaven” referred to the doors on a sacred shrine holding the statue of a god. Opening these doors brought the divine world into contact with the human one (..). Egyptians felt that certain places acted, in a way, as replicas of these shrines containing divine statues. These places were therefore endowed with doors—actual or false— which represented the transition between physical and mental realities. This exhibition focuses on four of these realities: the ordered Universe, the Beyond, the tomb chapel, and the temple forecourt. (..)" info: press report at URL "Im Louvre beginnt eine außergewöhnliche Ausstellung mit ägyptischen Schätzen des Museums: Welches Bild von Himmel und Erde hatten die Ägypter? Getrennt waren beide Seiten von Pforten. Der Louvre und seine Sponsoren versuchen, mit der Ausstellung auch Jugendliche aus den Vorstädten ins Museum zu locken." With audio report at URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL "Au-delà. L'Egypte ressuscite au Louvre. Une fabuleuse traversée dans les souterrains de la mort." info: press report at URL info: press report at URL "(..) this is one exhibition of ancient Egyptian artifacts that confirmed devotees and slightly bewildered amateurs can visit with probably almost equal pleasure." b) Musée de l'Armée Hôtel national des Invalides 129 rue de Grenelle, F-75007 Paris * "La Description de l'Égypte" date: June 17, 2009 - September 19, 2009 "This exhibition celebrates the bicentenary of the publication of _La Description de l'Égypte_, the first volumes of which came out in 1809 .... What better place than the Army Museum to present this huge achievement and the personality of the man who ordered its publication: Napoleon?" info: (in French) URL info: (in English) URL c) - d) - e) Institut du monde arabe 1 rue des Fossés Saint-Bernard, Place Mohammed V, F-75236 Paris Cedex 05 tel.: 01 40 51 38 38, fax: 01 43 54 76 45 * "Bonaparte et l'Egypte. Feu et lumières" [Bonaparte and Egypt. Fire and Lights] date: October 14, 2008 - March 29, 2009 Exhibition on Napoleon Bonaparte's military campaign in Egypt, with 350 museum objects (paintings, models of weapons and scientific tools, examples of clothing and furniture, etc.). info: press release, including a slide show of the opening ceremony, at URL "L'exposition _Bonaparte en Egypte, feu et lumières_ a été inaugurée, ce lundi 13 octobre, à l'Institut du monde arabe par les ministres de la Culture français et égyptien, Madame Christine Albanel et Monsieur Farouk Hosni. " info: press report at URL info: URL info: English press report at URL info: press report at URL info: English press reports at URL URL info: press report at URL "En s’emparant de l’Egypte, le futur empereur a fait du rêve d’Orient une réalité. Jusqu’au 29 mars 2009, l’Institut du monde arabe à Paris retrace cette expédition qui a tant influencé les artistes." info: French press reports at URL URL The latter is an interview with Aurélie Clémente-Ruiz. info: English press report (with review) at URL "(..) From May 16, 2009 to Oct. 19, 2009, it's on view at the Musee des Beaux-Arts in Arras. (..)" info: English press report at URL "(...) The commander, then only 29 years old, tried to rule by building alliances with local clerics. Their lovingly detailed oil-on- canvas portraits, on display at the Paris exhibit, adorned his Cairo quarters.(..) The British navy, under the stewardship of Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson, defeated Napoleon's forces in the Battle of the Nile. The exhibit includes French and British political cartoons of the time, mocking each nations' leaders. (..)" With photos of some paintings. info: English press report at URL f) Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Arras 22, rue Paul Doumer, F- 62000 Arras tel.: 03 21 71 26 43, fax: 03 21 23 19 26 e-mail : * "Bonaparte et l'Egypte. Ombres et lumières" [Bonaparte and Egypt. Shadows and Lights] date: May 16, 2009 - October 19, 2009 Exhibition about Napoleon's expedition to Egypt, which will be shown earlier in the Institut du monde arabe, Paris (October 14, 2008 - March 29, 2009). info: source - URL --ISRAEL-- a) Bible Lands Museum, Jerusalem Museum Row, 25 Granot Street, P.O Box 4670, Jerusalem 91046 tel: 972-2-5611066 * "Echoes of Egypt" date: March 22, 2009 - "The exhibition displays an impressive collection of photos, paintings, maps and prints of Egypt's magnificent monuments and daily life in the 19th century. The collection includes photos from 1857 by Francis Frith, paintings from 1838 by David Roberts and more works of art by famous painters and photographers who were among the first westerners to document Egypt's mysteries and wonders." info: press reports at URL URL --BELGIUM-- a) CEDARC/Musée du Malgré-Tout 28 rue de la Gare, B-5670 Treignes tel.: 00-32-60/39 02 43 * "Aux origines de Pharaon" [To the origins of the Pharaohs] date: April 5, 2009 - November 8, 2009 "While the history of Egypt under the pharaohs is well known, the same cannot be said about prehistory. The 'Origins of the pharaoh' exhibit invites you to discover how the first farming communities developed and laid the foundations of Egyptian society." info: (in French) URL info: (in English) URL --SPAIN-- a) - --AUSTRALIA-- a) - --IRELAND-- a) - ---SWITZERLAND--- a) Kunsthaus Zürich Heimplatz 1, CH-8001 Zürich tel.: +41 (0)44 253 84 97 * "Giacometti, der Ägypter" [Giacometti, the Egyptian] date: February 27, 2009 - May 24, 2009 Exhibtion that currently is in the Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Berlin (Oct 29 - Dec 31, 2008). info: (in German) URL info: (in English) URL "Masterpieces from the Egyptian Museum in Berlin - including busts of Akhenaton and Nefertiti [*], the block statue of Senemut, and the so-called Berlin Green Head - are brought into dialogue with sculptural works of Alberto Giacometti, who was profoundly influenced by these classical forms: by their concentration on the human being in a selection of elementary types, their relation of figure to space, and their basic artistic intention, which is to secure for the individual an eternal present." [*] According to the Kunsthaus Zürich this is not the famous Nefertiti bust, but one made of granite, perhaps this one - URL info: (in French) URL info: (English) press report at URL With several pencil/charcoal sketckes by Giacometti, of Akhenaten's head. info: press report at URL "La Kunsthaus Zürich muestra algunas obras maestras del Museo Egipcio de Berlín, confrontadas con piezas del genial escultor" info: press report at URL "Die Geschichte von Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) liesse sich aber auch erklären als ein Dialog über die Jahrtausende ... Kein anderer moderner Künstler studierte sie [die altägyptische Kunst] so intensiv. Dass auch keiner so viel daraus schöpfte wie Giacometti, zeigt nun im Kunsthaus eine der vielleicht konzentriertesten Ausstellungen der Saison: «Giacometti, der Ägypter»." info: press report at URL "Jener Odem, der ägyptischer Kunst anhaftet, umgibt auch die Bronzen Alberto Giacomettis. Wie verdorrte Mumien schöner Prinzessinnen vom Nil muten seine stehenden Frauenfiguren bisweilen an. Und schreitet sein «Schreitender Mann» nicht genauso erhaben wie die ägyptischen Totengötter auf ihren schweren Sockeln?" info: press report at URL "Alberto Giacometti, the leading Swiss artist and sculptor of the 20th century, has a previously little known side – he was obsessed with ancient Egyptian art. (..) He produced hundreds of drawings of Egyptian sculptures. (..) For Giacometti, ancient Egyptian art was, despite its strong stylisation, the most natural for showing "the tension of life". (..)" info: English press reports at URL Description of some of the pieces on display, and some details about Giacometti's life. URL URL info: press report at URL "Mit der Ausstellung 'Giacometti, der Ägypter' zeigt das Kunsthaus Zürich den grossen Einfluss der ägyptischen Kultur auf das Werk Giacomettis auf. Meisterwerke aus dem Ägyptischen Museum Berlin treten in einen direkten Dialog mit Skulpturen von Giacometti." - The article includes a slide-show. b) Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig St. Alban-Graben 5, 4010 Basel tel. +41 (0)61 201 12 12 URL * "Köstlichkeiten aus Kairo!: Die ägyptische Sammlung des Konditorei- und Kaffehausbesitzers Achille Groppi (1890-1949)" [Delicious Things from Cairo!: The Egyptian collection of Achille Groppi (1890-1949), the Owner of a (famous Cairo) Patisserie and Café] date: October 16, 2008 - May 3, 2009 [was: March 15, 2009] 160 ancient Egyptian objects from the Groppi Collection. Earlier venue of the exhibition is the Museum August Kestner, Hannover (January 24, 2008 - May 4, 2008). The following catalogue can be ordered from the museum at email (postage and packing will be added) Christian E. Loeben und André Wiese, Köstlichkeiten aus Kairo! Die ägyptische Sammlung des Konditorei- und Kaffeehaus-Besitzers Achille Groppi (1890-1949), Basel und Hannover 2008, bound, 179 pages, 262 ill., ISBN: 978-924029-45-6, price: 30.00 EUR info: URL info: press report at URL "Unter dem Titel «Köstlichkeiten aus Kairo!» zeigt sie [die Ausstellung] eine zuvor zwar in Fachkreisen bekannte, aber nicht öffentlich zugängliche Sammlung und dokumentiert gleichzeitig ein Stück Auswanderergeschichte." c) Kulturama, Museum des Menschen Englischviertelstr. 9, CH-8032 Zürich tel.: 044 260 60 44, fax 044 260 60 38 E-Mail: * "Mumien. Ägyptische Grabschätze und Mumien aus der Schweiz" [Mummies. Egyptian tomb treasures and mummies from Switzerland] date: March 6, 2009 - TBA Mummies from the Museum für Völkerkunde in Burgdorf, and objects from other private Swiss collections. info: URL --POLAND-- a) Muzeum Archeologiczne w Poznaniu [Poznan Archaeological Museum] Poznan Archaeological Museum ul. Wodna 27, 61-781 Poznan email: ; tel/fax: +48 61 852 82 51 * "Pars pro toto. Staroegipska droga do Wiecznosci" [Pars pro toto. AE way to eternity] date: March 15, 2009 - April 3, 2009 Two Egyptian monuments from a private collection in Florence are the focal point of the exhibition. info: URL * "Smierc i zycie w starozytnym Egipcie" [Death and Life in Ancient Egypt] date: October 9, 1998 - [English info:] at least 2002 [Polish info:] 2010 A long-term loan of exhibits from the Aegyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Berlin. info: (in Polish) - URL info: (in English) - URL info: (in Polish) - including photographs - URL --DANMARK-- a) Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Dantes Plads 7, 1556 Kbh. V tel. (+ 45) 33 41 81 41, fax: (+ 45) 33 91 20 58 * TBA b) Nationalmuseet Ny Vestergade 10, Copenhagen tel.: +45 3313 4411 * "AEgyptiske amuletter" [Egyptian amulets] date: April 4 - September 13, 2009 "For the Ancient Egyptians amulets were a serious matter. They wore them close to the body where they gave strength and protection against the forces of evil. Take a discovery tour in the exhibition and experience the world of the amulets - a miniature world of great magic power." info: (in Danish) URL info: (in Danish), including photographs - 5 pp. - pdf-file (700 KB) URL info: (in English) URL ---HUNGARY--- a) - --AUSTRIA-- a) - --CZECH REPUBLIC-- a) Náprstkovo muzeum asijských, afrických a amerických kultur [Naprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures] Betlémské námestí 1, 110 00, Praha 1 [Prague] * TBA b) Titanic Hall Herspická 9, Brno * "Tutanchamon - jeho hrob a poklady" [Tutankhamun - the tomb and its treasures] date: October 16, 2008 - March 18, 2009 The exhibition presents a copy of the tomb and many replicas of its finds.In addition there are interactive multimedia presentations. Traveling exhibition, which was shown in Zurich, Switzerland before and will then go to Munich, Germany (April 9, 2009 - TBA). info: (in Czech) URL info: English press report (a review) at URL --MEXICO-- a) Museo Regional de Guerrero Plaza Cívica Primer Congreso de Anáhuac s. núm., Centro, CP 39000, Chilpancingo, Guerrero * "El papel de lo divino. El uso del papiro en el antiguo Egipto" [The paper of the divine. Use of papyrus in AE] date: March 13 - June 21, 2009 A collection of 40 copies of papyri donated by the Egyptian Government will be displayed. info: press release at URL --SLOVAKIA-- a) - --CHINA--- a) - ---RUSSIA--- a) Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts [in collaboration with the Russian Academy of Sciences] ul. Volkhonka, 12, 121019 Moscow * "Obrazy Drevnego Egipta. Iz Kairskogo museya i Tajnika tsarkikh mumij" [Images of AE. From the Cairo Museum and the Cache of Royal Mummies] date: September 7, 2009 - November 15, 2009 The exhibition is expected to include ca. 150 objects from the TT 320 cache. After Moscow it will travel to museums in Germany, France and Britain. info: URL info: English press report at URL info: Russian press report at URL This exhibition will be the first in Russia with objects from foreign museums since 1973, when the travelling exhibition of Tutankhamun's treasures was in Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev. b) The State Hermitage Dvortsovaya Naberezhnaya, 34, 190000 St Petersburg * "'Prekasnaya prishla'. Shedervy portreta iz Egipetskogo museya v Berline" [The Beautiful One has come". Masterpieces of Egyptian portrait. From the Egyptian Museum in Berlin] date: June 16, 2009 - September 20, 2009 info: URL ---SOUTH KOREA--- a) The National Museum of Korea 135 Seobinggo ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea, 140-026 tel: 82-2-2077-9000 URL * "The Egypt Civilization" / "5,000 Years of Egyptian Legend" date: April 28, 2009 - August 30, 2009 Will feature 232 ancient Egyptian relics, including mummies from Vienna's Art History Museum in Austria info: press report at URL info: press report at URL info: press report at URL "(..) The exhibition will feature a total of 231 top-quality original works carefully chosen from "Egypt-Oriental Collection" from Kunsthistorisches Museum of Austria. (..)" (XI) COURSES AND TRIPS --COURSES--- * Courses for the Public, The University of Manchester (URL, is organizing the following event on Saturday 13th June, 2009: "Mummies, Science & Egyptology: Meeting the ancient Egyptians - How modern scientific investigations and archaeological research is helping to reveal more about the lives of the inhabitants of the Nile Valley." Presented by Natalie McCreesh and Roger Forshaw, KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology, The University of Manchester Topics: Hesyre: the first dentist in history; Khnum-Nakht & Nakht-Ankh: two brothers?; Nesy-Amun: the Leeds mummy; Perenbast: an unusual burial; Nesperennub: a priest from Thebes; Asru: chantress of Amun. * Birkbeck College Egyptology Summer School 2009: "Trade, Travel and Transport in Ancient Egypt" Monday 22nd June to Friday 26th June 2009 10.00 am-5.00 pm Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London info: URL info: URL * (&) Upcoming activities by Bloomsbury Summer School: -- In London (UCL): URL Several courses with well-known speakers, between July 6-31, 2009. -- In Egypt: Summer school at Tell el-Amarna, with Prof Barry Kemp - November 30 - December 7, 2009. URL * (&) Summer Seminars in Papyrology Papyrological Institute at the University of Michigan 1 July- 31 July 2009 URL "In July 2009, the Department of Classical Studies and the Graduate Library at the University of Michigan will host a Papyrological Institute for advanced graduate students and junior faculty in Ancient History, Classics, Egyptology, Byzantine Studies and related disciplines. (..)" Application deadline is 15 February 2009. * (&) Manchester University is offering the following evening class: "Ancient Egypt - Gods, Temples and Tombs" Tutor: Victor Blunden (email) date: 10 Thursdays from 7.00 - 9.00pm starting 9th October 2008 info: URL * (&) A five-session course for the University of Bristol: "Flinders Petrie: Father of Egyptian Archaeology" Taught by Lucia Gahlin Four Friday evenings: 3rd – 24th October + a Saturday morning visit to Bristol City Museum (date to be chosen at the first class). Classes: 7.30 – 9.00 pm in Lecture Theatre 1, Department of Archaeology & Anthropology, 43 Woodland Road, Bristol. Fee: £45 Course code: ARCHL1012/0001 The course details haven’t been put onto the website yet but if you visit: URL you can download the enrolment form. info: email * (&) Dayschool at Dillington House (Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 9DT) on Saturday 13th September: "Palaces to Slums: housing in ancient Egypt" Taught by Lucia Gahlin The day costs £37 but includes a fabulous home-cooked 3 course lunch and delicious afternoon tea. For further information, see URL info: email * (&) Dr Lucia Gahlin will be teaching the following unassessed on-line Egyptology courses for the University of Exeter, Department of Lifelong Learning: -- Ancient Egypt: Culture and Society Starting on Monday 13th October for 16 weeks. -- An Introduction to the World of Ancient Egypt Starting on Monday 13th October for 20 weeks. -- Religion and Art of Ancient Egypt Starting on 9th February for 20 weeks. -- For information and Syllabus Plans of these courses (fee: GBP 120 per course), you may contact email * (&) Bloomsbury Summer Schools: -- "Flinders Petrie and his Heritage: Exploring the Petrie Museum" with Lucia Gahlin and Jan Picton. date: Monday 21 to Friday 25 July, 2008 "This innovative course will explore the archaeology and culture of Ancient Egypt and Sudan through the investigation of key sites represented in the Petrie Museum. (..) The course will involve lectures, group work in the Museum’s galleries and daily sessions working closely with artefacts. -- "Tutankhamun and the Amarna Sunset", with Aidan Dodson and Lucia Gahlin date: Monday 28 July to Friday 1 August, 2008 About the life and tomb of Tutankhamun, and the periods immediately before and after the boy-king. Info: URL Info: email * (&) On-line course - Ancient Egyptian Religion (20 classes) and correspondence courses in Hieroglyphs (Beg, Int, Advanced) 10 classes each. Tutor: Charlotte Booth. By post, and email. For evening/day classes and other private classes please see URL * (&) Correspondence course: "Religious beliefs and funerary practices" 10 chapters. By email or post. Enquiries: Suzanne Bojtos --TRIPS AND TOURS-- * (&) EES Cairo Office Open Day Trips: -- 4th April 4, 2009: visit to the EES mission digging at Sa-El Hagar (Sais). Leave Cairo at 7:00 am from font of the British Council, back approx, at 5:00pm. Price: members 145 LE, non-members 165 LE For more details contact: 0106797508 Dead line for reservation 29th March 2009 -- 24th & 25th April, 2009: visit to the two Monasteries of St, Bula&St.Atony, and the geological Galala Plateau and Wadi Araba . The lecturer of the trip is Prof . Dr. Mohamed Hamdan. Price: members 920 LE, non-members 950 LE For more details contact: 0106797508 Dead line for reservation 23rd March, with a copy of your ID or passport. info: email --FIELD SCHOOLS-- * (&) New York University's Archaeology and History Program in Egypt will have a field school at Amheida (ancient Trimithis) in Dakhleh Oasis, as part of its semester program offered each year from January to March for advanced undergraduates. Info: URL (XII) Digital Media * "Alain Robert climbing up to the top of the obelisk on the Place de la Concorde" (2:48 mins.) URL "Without warning, in 2000 [December 31, 1999] French urban climber Alain 'Spiderman' Robert, using only his bare hands and climbing shoes on his feet and with no safety devices, scaled the obelisk all the way to the top." (Wikipedia) * "Kadesh" (21:53 mins.) URL - Another version: -- part 1: URL -- part 2: URL -- part 3: URL - Additional information: -- James Henry Breasted, The Battle of Kadesh. A Study in the Earliest Known Military Strategy, in: The University of Chicago, The Decennial Publications, vol. 5, Chicago, 1903, pp. 81-127, 7 pls. - Unfortunately the plates haven't been scanned properly. - pdf-file (14 MB) URL -- K. A. Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions. Translated & Annotated. Notes and Comments, vol. II, Oxford, 1999, section: "The Battle of Qadesh, Year 5", pp. 3-55 [only readable online] URL * Steve Martin, "King Tut" (Live 1979) (2:39 mins.) URL -- Version of the "Saturday Night Show" (1978) URL -- Lyrics: URL "In 1978, Steve Martin's single 'King Tut' made light of the hype surrounding the 'Treasures of Tutankhamun' exhibit that toured seven U.S. cities from 1976 to 1979. The comedian originally performed the song on 'Saturday Night Live' in April 1978 and released it on the album 'A Wild and Crazy Guy.'" -- Steve Martin, "The King and I", in: The New York Times, December 5, 2004 URL * "The Egyptian Book Of The Dead" (01:30:29 hours) URL -- French version: "Le Livre des Morts des égyptiens" URL -- Additional information: The film script is based on Budge's own account in "By Nile and Tigris", vol. 1, pp. 128-145 --- E. A. Wallis Budge, By Nile and Tigris. A Narrative of Journeys in Egypt and Mesopotamia on behalf of the British Museum Between the Years 1886 and 1913, 2 vols., London, 1920. - ix, 456 pp.; viii, 456 pp. vol. 1 - pdf-file (11.4 MB) URL vol. 2 - pdf-file (11.9 MB) URL --- See also: E. A. Wallis Budge, The Papyrus of Ani. A Reproduction in Facsimile, Edited with Hieroglyphic Transcript, Translation and Introduction, 3 vols., London / New York, 1913. vol. 1: vi, 337 pp. - pdf-file (20 MB) URL vol. 2: viii, pp. 339-704 - pdf-file (23 MB) URL vol. 3: 37 col. pls. - pdf-file (4.8 MB) URL [cf. EEF News (526), September 4, 2008 for another digitized version] * The Trumpet of Tutankhamun (14 secs.) "In 1939 a famous recording was made of the silver trumpet being played by a military bandsman which unfortunately shattered the instrument." URL -- originally the information and the audiofile was provided by CCER URL -- Letters to The Times, December, 2007 URL * Constantine P. Cavafy, Kaisarion (1918) -- Greek text, read by 3 different reciters (audio files) URL -- English translation URL "Partly to throw light on a certain period, partly to kill an hour or two, last night I picked up and read a volume of inscriptions about the Ptolemies ..." -- Another English translation URL -- Some years ago Kaisarion's head of a statue was found in the underwater region of Alexandria URL * Video Presentation: "Social Programming A Pyramid" (1h 30min.) (2008) URL Mark Lehner talks about ancient Egyptian cultures as seen through the discoveries made on the Giza Plateau (city of the pyramid workers). * "Tomb 33: An Egyptian Mystery" = TT 33 4 parts (ca. 50 mins.): URL URL URL URL -- French version: "La tombe 33, un mystère égyptien" 3 parties (ca. 52 mins.): URL URL URL -- Dutch version (45 mins.) URL * Video: Zahi Hawass talks about archaeology URL * Papyrus Rhind, problem no. 79, explained by professor Robin Wilson, Gresham College URL - Additional information: -- Léon Rodet, Les prétendus problèmes d'algèbre du manuel du calculateur égyptien (Papyrus Rhind), in: Journal asiatique, série 7, vol. 18, pp.184-232, 390-459 (1881); problem no. 79 is discussed as "Appendice", pp. 450-459. He proposed the interpretation, adapted from Leonardo Pisano's "Liber abaci", citing the original Latin text; you'll find also the Hieratic inscription of this problem URL -- L. E. Sigler, Fibonacci's Liber Abaci: A Translation Into Modern English of Leonardo Pisano's Book of Calculation, 2003, p. 438 URL -- Marshall Clagett, Ancient Egyptian Science: A Source Book, vol. 3: Ancient Egyptian Mathematics, Philadelphia, 1999, pp. 58-60 (discussion): URL p. 179 (translation): URL p. 376 (Hieratic facsimile, hieroglyphic transcription): URL -- Recreational Mathematics in Ancient Egypt, in: Eli Maor, Trigonometric Delights, Princeton, 2002, pp. 11-14, with Hieratic inscription and hieroglyphic text - pdf-file (240 KB) URL -- On the nursery rhyme: C. B. Williams, "As I was Going to St Ives", in: Folklore, vol. 86, pp. 133-135 (1975) - only the first page is shown URL -- There is also an Italian version of this riddle: "Per una strada che mena a Camogli ..." URL -- As in the video the relation of pRhind no. 79 and the nursery rhyme is often cited in a pedagogical manner, here one example only URL * Opera "Akhnaten" by Philip Glass (1983) -- Libretto URL -- Act I, Prelude, verses 1 and 2 (10:55 mins.) URL -- Act I, Scene 1: Funeral of Amenhotep III (9 mins.), used as music for "The Mummy Remix", an edited version of the movie "The Mummy" (1932) URL -- Act I, Scene 3: "The Window of Appearances" (4:34 mins.), used as music for a scene of the Australian science-fiction movie "Alien Visitor" URL -- Act II, Scene 2: "Akhnaten and Nefertiti" (10:01 mins.) URL -- Act II, Scene 3: "Dance" (5:35 mins.) URL -- Act II, Scene 4: "Hymn to the Aten" (6:12 mins.) sung by Paul Esswood, illustrated by paintings of Claude Monet URL -- Act III, Scene 4: "Epilogue" (4:19 mins.) URL [cf. EEF News (490), December 27, 2007 and EEF News (544), January 8, 2009 for earlier listings of some of these links] -- see also: John Richardson, Singing Archaeology: Philip Glass's Akhnaten, Hanover & London, 1999 (only online readable) URL * Mark Millmore's Discovering Egypt Newsletter no. 14 has a section with online videos he has added recently: The Real Cleopatra, Alexander the Great’s lost tomb, the Screaming Mummy, the Real Scorpion King, and The workers who built the Great Pyramid. URL * Howard Carter and Tutankhamun's Tomb (3:59 mins.) URL Archival footing; with voices of Alan H. Gardiner and Howard Carter -- also: "Tutankhamen tomb discovered" (2:53 mins.) URL Contemporary scenes at Tutankhamun's tomb (silent film) * Podcast of an interview with Bob Brier about his book that details how the Great Pyramid was built. URL * A scene from the Polish film "Faraon" (1966), based on a novel by Boleslaw Prus. Director: Jerzy Kawalerowicz, music: Adam Walacinski URL "The scene shown here presents the procession of the pharaoh." * A 3 minute 58 seconds long movie by the British "Telegraph" newspaper about the recently opened Nebamun gallery, commented on by Richard Parkinson, curator of the British Museum. URL (Adobe Flashplayer required). * A podcast with free lectures, available on Apple - ITunes, from Manchester University, featuring some of the work of the KNH Centre: URL * Documentary: "The Tomb of Perneb" The Metropolitan Museum of Art has a video available on iTunes. The 20 minute documentary features Lila Acheson Wallace Curator in charge Dorothea Arnold, Egyptologist and Curator James Allen and Chief Designer Jeffrey L. Daly. URL * "Unas Slayer Of The Gods" by Nile, a death metal band -- Lyrics [adapted from PT 273-274 "Cannibal Hymn"] URL -- From the album "In Their Darkened Shrines", 2002 (10 mins.) URL -- Live in Prague (2008) Part 1: URL Part 2: URL -- and more songs from Nile at Youtube * "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1818) -- Lyrics URL -- Recitation by Ben Kingsley (1:05 mins.) URL -- Animation set to music (4:30 mins.) URL -- and more: search Youtube * YouTube: "The Mummy Remix" -- An edited version of the film "The Mummy" (1932) with music from the opera "Akhnaten" by Philip Glass (1983) (9 mins.) URL * Charles E. Nichols has put 12 introductory lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphs on his YouTube channel. They are from 6 to 9 minutes in lenght. URL * YouTube: "Bolero" by Maurice Ravel -- "... played to scenes of ancient Egypt." URL -- "The legendary french military and scientific expedition in Egypt (1798-1801)" URL * ForaTV: "Archaeologist Zahi Hawass Unlocks the Secrets of Egypt" A half hour video of a lecture by Zahi Hawass at The Entertainment Gathering 2008, Monterey, CA, Dec 12th, 2008 URL "Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass discusses his work using "science to reconstruct history" in uncovering the mysteries of the pyramids [GP shafts etc], identifying mummies [CT scans] and excavating the Valley of the Kings [Central Area dig]." * Mark Millmore has added a new section called "Free Videos" to his Discovering Egypt website: URL There are now 52 free videos which you can watch full screen on your computer or TV if you are using Windows Media OS and have a broadband connection. The stress is on the 1980s documentaries of John Romer, but also includes Mark's own computer generated fly through reconstructions of temples. * Rossella Lorenzi (Archaeology Correspondent, Discovery Channel News) has started an archaeology podcast series called "Archaeorama Podcast", in which some of the world's top archaeologists discuss their latest findings and projects: URL The first item in the series ("Puzzle of the Pyramid Boats", lenght 00:07:03) is an interview with Zahi Hawass and Cheryl Ward, who talk about the boats buried beside the Great Pyramid of Khufu. (Rosella regularly has items relating to ancient Egypt on her blog, like recently a video about Nadia Lokma, General Director of Conservation, Head of GEM Conservation Center, Egypt, SCA - see URL) * (&) The Carlos Museum website hold a series of podcasts called 'Carlos Conversations', which use works of art in the Carlos Collection to spark conversations between distinguished members of Emory's faculty: URL Among them: "Die Like an Egyptian" "A false door from an Old Kingdom Egyptian tomb sparks a lively conversation about death, burial, and Egyptomania in America. Peter Lacovara, Curator of Egyptian Art, Professor of Religion Gary Laderman, and Kevin Kuharic from Atlanta’s Historic Oakland Cemetery, discuss how the influence of the ancient Egyptians can be seen in the burial traditions of 19th century America." * On Spanish Public Television (TVE) website - URL Djehuty Project: Short documentary on the current works at the XVIII dynasty tomb of Djehuty, in Dra Abu el-Naga (TT11), and the discovery of the intact XI dynasty tomb of Iqer. For the video, please check in "Videoteca" section, under the title "Arqueologos entre Faraones" * The Saqqara Geophysical Survey Project; Scots Egyptologist and archaeologist, Ian Mathieson, has made remarkable discoveries in more than a decade of work as director of the Saqqara Geophysical Survey Project. Several available slideshows and background information on URL Film footage of the survey and excavation work at Saqqara: Saqqara movie 1, excavation, with sound (QuickTime file, file size 11MB) URL Saqqara movie 2, surveying, with sound (QuickTime file, file size 8MB) URL Saqqara movie 3, surveying, with sound (QuickTime file, file size 16MB) URL Saqqara movie 4, surveying, with sound (QuickTime file, file size 16MB) URL * Mummy Cartonnage Conservation - A Video (20 min.) URL Video in English: URL Video in German: URL * Archeology Channel online videos: -- "Egypt - Gift of the Nile": 22 minute video URL "Through images of common everyday activities and stunning ancient monuments, this video describes the natural environment of Egypt and how it shaped the way of life of Egyptian civilization through its classical period." -- "Egypt - Trial of a Mummy": 23 minute video URL This is the fictional story of Khonso-Imhep, Head Musician of the Pharaoh's court during the 18th Dynasty, as he passes from life into the afterworld, complete with a trial that determines his fate. Through re-enactments and imagery on wall paintings, this film depicts the ancient Egyptian mummification process and the religious rituals involved in preparing a dead body. This story displays the unique funeral ceremonies surrounding the preparation of a mummy and portrays the religious beliefs involved, as well as the mummy's discovery by archaeologists." -- "Egypt - Magic in Ancient Egypt": 22 minute video URL "In this made-for-TAC video, television personality Fred Lewis and Field Museum Egyptologist Thomas Mudloff visit sacred and secret sites of ancient Egypt and reveal the mystery and magic of temples, pyramids, and tombs." * National Gallery of Art, USA, online streaming videos and streaming slideshows: -- "The Quest for Immortality" URL * New York Times Video on demand: -- The Times's John Noble Wilford explains theories about a mysterious Egyptian crypt - were the two men entombed there brothers, lovers or conjoined twins? (About Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep) (Producer: Craig Duff) URL * NBC video reports: -- Nov. 4, 2007: Unveiling the face of ancient Egypt. In an effort to preserve the body of King Tutankhamen, Egyptian archeologists are moving him into a climate controlled glass case. NBC's Martin Fletcher reports. URL * Germany's ZDF regularly adds recent, excellent documentaries to their on-line media-player: -- "ZDF Expedition, Terra X: Kleopatras schwarze Schwestern" [About Kush] URL -- "ZDF Expedition, Terra X: Weihrauch für den Pharao" [About Punt] URL -- Older documentaries, news items and photo's can be found in the "ZDF mediathek" using the searchword "Ägypten". URL -- "ZDF Expedition, Auf den Spuren der Seevölker" "Vor 3000 Jahren tauchen an den Küsten des Mittelmeeres unbekannte Krieger auf. Ihr Vorstoß kommt schnell und unerbittlich. Wo sie anlegen, verbreiten sie Furcht und Schrecken." URL About 25 minutes into the documentary the story about the Sea Peoples and Ramses III's campaign against them gets told. -- Abenteuer Wissen, 16.01.2008 "Das Geheimnis der Mumien" Ägyptische Mumiensärge aus "recyceltem Altpapier" liefern wertvolle Hinweise auf den Alltag der frühen Ägypter. Mit modernsten Methoden entschlüsseln Forscher die alten Papyri der Kartonagen URL * On your very own pc-screen; 24 hours a day: URL This website of Dutch broadcaster AVRO gives you access to (parts of) their cutural productions, which you can search by keyword (which gives you results from all their programs, see link above), by province (handy for the Dutch) or by museum. -- The Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden; URL -- The Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam; URL All video's are in Dutch, but depending on your interests the footage alone is very interesting. * The documentary "De verborgen schatten van het Egyptisch Museum" ["Hidden treasures of the Egyptian Museum", i.e. 'excavating' in the Museum's basement] which showed on Dutch tv (mentioned in the EEF NEWS 502) is now available for watching online. Even when you don't happen to speak Dutch it's still very worthwhile to watch, those basements are truely amazing! URL (Interviews in original languages, subtitled in Dutch. Voice-over commentary in Dutch). * WGBH Forum Network Live and Archived Webcasts of Free Public Lectures in Partnership with Boston's Leading Cultural and Educational Organizations. Presented by WGBH in association with the Lowell Institute. URL -- Boston Athenaeum, Thursday, October 6, 2005 "William John Bankes: The Exiled Collector", by Anne Sebba, writer, former reporter, Reuters URL (audio & video) "William John Bankes was a former Tory MP, pioneer Egyptologist, renowned traveler, and consummate collector. (..) Ms. Sebba recants the dramatic events in William Bankes' life, using previously unpublished archives, and examining the psychology of collecting as well as the pain and creativity of exile." -- Boston Athenaeum, Thursday, March 10, 2005 "100 Years of Egyptian Art at the MFA", by Rita E. Freed, chair, MFA's Art in Ancient World Department URL (audio & video) "This lecture examines how Boston became interested in ancient Egypt, when the first objects arrived on Boston shores, and how the collection developed to its present size and quality. Using archival photographs, Dr Freed focuses on behind-the-scenes stories of the early years and the Department's pioneering archaeological excavations in Egypt." -- Museum of Science, Boston, Friday, December 6, 2002 "Art, Gender and Politics in Egypt: Queen Hapshepsut", by Chahinda Karim, professor, American University, Cairo URL (audio & video) "The story of Pharaoh Hatshepsut is told through archeological evidence, including mummy markings, pottery and hieroglyphic inscriptions." -- Museum of Science, Boston, Friday, February 1, 2002 "In Search of Our Ancestors: What Mummies Tell Us", by Heather Pringle, writer, editor, Discover magazine URL (audio) "From the child mummies of northern Peru to the 'bog men' of northern Europe, ancient Egyptian mummified pets to today's mummification services available on the Internet, these vestiges of the past are a wealth of biological, cultural, and spiritual information." * National Geographic online video: -- "Treasure Beneath My Home" URL "Egyptian homeowners who find ancient artifacts buried on their land sometimes sell them to smugglers. Lisa Ling goes undercover to show how it's done." * Napoleon, Egypt and the beginnings of archaeology [audio 55min] Source: The Book Guys #0805 (2-3-08) Audio link: URL URL "The Book Guys -- book appraiser Allan Stypeck and Washington DC radio host Mike Cuthbert -- interview Nina Burleigh, author of Mirage: Napoleon's Scientists and the Unveiling of Egypt." * Broadcast (in French) of a lecture by Karine Gadré about "L'astro-égyptologie", at the Canal Académie site: URL Karine Gadré (who has just finished writing her doctorate thesis at the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes - Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées) explains about her work on archaeo-astronomy relating to ancient Egypt: the formation of an archaeological and stellar database, the conception of models for the visibility of stars with the naked eye, the application of astronomical and Egyptological criteria -- as well as the results obtained in regards to chronology, stellar cartography, and the orientation of pyramids and temples. Information about her thesis: URL Website of Karine (in French and English): URL URL +++ ==================================================================== Please send any contributions to: Aayko Eyma This list is not meant for distribution to any other public channel than the Egyptologists' Electronic Forum. It is always wise to contact the organizers of lectures e.d. for confirmation, in case of (last minute) changes. Also note that registration for conferences/symposiums often is months in advance. Students will need an I.D. to get any discounts offered. ====================================================================

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If you like a daily supply of press reports instead of a weekly digest via EEFNEWS Section IV, you could visit these blogs (= web log-books):
Andie Byrnes' Egyptology Blog, Gitta Warnemuende's German Egyptology Blog, Vincent Brown's Pyramids of Man Blog, Jane Akshar's Luxor News Blog, Tony Cagle's Archaeology Blog