Da Pit Update:
PIT is now located a bit away from the U... oh well.
4-07-01 Jus' had our annual WOP party, huge turnout.

1-31-02 RFL is off to a very slow pretty much nonexistant start this season.
Take a look at the CDC's PIT Players comics, u'll laugh your ass off... or close your browser in agony.
Forgot 'bout da Guestbook so here it is... Sign & View

We now have da BANANA POSSE page up, come on in an' check it out. Keep in mind it's still under construction.
Summer's here an' the livin's easy.
Gamerz Stuff:
1-24-04 Been playin' D2x for a while now. Cable is up, so more gamez are comin'. Got my Tezladin up to lv 71.
If you have any questions/comments email me. I've been tryin' to work on the Gamerz section, but I'm not sure what will go on it quite yet.
7-11-01 Check out my rune word Myth @ Diabloii.net
10-27-01 World of Warcraft looks like it'll be insane if it ever comes out.
My Class Links:

Project Management

Thermal Environmental Engineering Lab

Graduation date May 4th:

Institute of Technology Graduation Spring 2001

Weekly (or sometimes longer) News

9-17-00 I decided ta do some updates, the Dictionary has a good new little segment and I just started Senior Memories in da PIT crew section.
9-20-00 Pope's Bday wuz a success and so is Pope's Pub. It's night of truth will be this Fri @the first official PIT bash of the year. Done a few updates once again to the Senior Memories and da PIT crew section. Check it out.
9-24-00 The first official PIT party of the year was a complete success... It wuz one of the wildest bashes we've had, well maybe not, but it wuz still what is expected of da PIT. We filled the place, got everyone wasted, an' never got kicked out =D
10-09-00 Got a scanner this weekend @Punn's kick ass party, haven't quite got it all hooked up yet, but it should be sweet. Also did a few more updates... I'll let you find 'em. Still workin' on the Senior Design project for BattleBots.
10-23-00 For my latest update I have added the soundtracks for our the years we've spent at college, as usual it's a running project so keep tabs on it... In the mean time I have my Robot name and logo (made by yours truly). BTW, it wuz made ta be cheesey =D
11-13-00 Here we go, more scheit put up, check it out yo... the Photo Album should be up soon w/pics from the boundary waters and PIT parties over da years.
1-28-01 All I gotta say is "What Happened?", it's been a long time since I updated... too much beer consumed in such a short amount of time.
4-14-01 Finally got my new comp updated, had the Wop and messed up my arm... hmm, I guess that's what happens when you don't update your page in a long time.  Oh yeah, I'm graduating from the U on May 4th, so I gotta make some updates while I still have my T connection.
4-24-01 I've got a ton of pics coming for the Photo Album in both the da PIT crew and BANANA POSSE sections. The U of M TKD page will also be arriving soon, this whole next week I'll be workin on it, so far it's kind of a joke.
6-10-01 Me an' CDC have graduated an' moved into our new place... exciting schtuff. Yes, we actually did graduate plus, George is back from Japan, Stinky's joining the army and Pope's finally got a gfriend. I'm pretty sure the world is going to end very very soon.
10-27-01 Yeah, so it's been forever since I've updated. Ta be honest... 4 months. So a lot has happened since then the whole disaster in NYC on Sept 11 and some of my buddies have joined the army, crazy sheit man. I'm still checkin' for jobs while I'm workin construction an' gettin inta trouble. CDC now has 2 vehicles for some odd reason =D Been playin some D&D w/Jimothy and that'll kick ass... have to check the memories for details.
1-31-02 Well it's winter and the fun jus' continues... playin' intermural broom ball now. New years wuz a blast, had some wop an' got a lil crazy. Read up in the mems.
4-7-02 Spring's on the way, today wuz the first real warm day in a long ass time. Spring break wuz fun for all of da PIT everybody went someplace this year. Gopher Hockey is now over for the year w/the Gophers winning the Frozen 4.

Goofy crap from Noodles:
Quote: "No put it back on, you look phucin scarey" Boondock Saints
"Are you guys the Hanson brothers?" some Gopher Hockey fans ask @ Sturb's "Hell yeah we are!!!" the goons answer.

How about a little "wattay wattay"? Or the real killer in the Scream movies (could it be CDC?). Soon to come... pics of Wed night tradition, BBQ Ribs and Boundary Waters Excursion.
Also don't forget to check out CDC's Photo Album, I plan on gettin' somethin' like it on my page w/different pics. The great pic of Chutch and Gail done by Andy Ng.

My Music:
Thong Song
Da PIT Funk:
da PIT crew

da PIT Dictionary/Thesaurus
House Specialties


Our Gamez:
Broodwars Pics
Broodwars Stats

Johny John Boy's Page

Mike's Page

We of da PIT arr here!!!
ICQ: 4523683 E-mail: gothicnoodles@yahoo.com