1-armed.wav (29K)
"No it wasn't me... It was the one armed man"...
1adam5.wav (162K)
"One Adam five.. One Adam five... We have a female caucasian chick standing in the road acting like a dumb a**... We need back up... Roger one Adam five... Strip her down naked and bring her to me... That is a ten four good buddy"...
10beers.wav (20K)
"Have you been drinking?... No... Well... 10 beers"...
2cents.wav (40K)
This a hysterical little ditty for those times when you just have to let everyone know how your feeling... "As long as everyone insists on offering their valuable f*cking opinion... I may as well throw my two cents worth in..." followed by the sound of change falling in a glass...
37dicks.wav (31K)
"37... 37 d*cks... My girlfriend sucked 37 d*cks... In a row?"...
3inch.wav (877K)
This is a must dl... It is hysterical...
3strikes.wav (35K)
There comes a time when you just have to let them know... "Three strikes and your out..."
44elmo.wav (71K)
Another great wave... Elmo singing a cute little ditty... followed by the sound of a shotgun and the words... "Houston we have a problem..."
7words.wav (23K)
You'll just have to download this on and find out...
911.wav (38K)
"Hey... Maybe I'll give you a call sometime... Your number still 911... Alrighty then"...
912.wav (28K)
"No you got the wrong number then... This is nine one... er two"...
aboutya.wav (81K)
Laughing followed by the words... "Now you know how we feel about ya"...
actual.wav (65K)
"First of all... Don't try to adjust your TV set... This is our actual size"...
africa.wav (37K)
A South Park goodie...
angels.wav (31K)
"Ah forget it... It would be like angels flying out of your a** getting close to the likes of her"...
aphase.wav (48K)
"It's a phase my dear, it'll pass..."
assmastr.wav (24K)
A South Park goodie...
balls.wav (11K)
"Your balls are showing"...
beefcake.wav (34K)
A South Park goodie...
beefcak2.wav (34K)
A South Park goodie...
beerpong.wav (26K)
"Now let's all get drunk and play ping pong"...
beersplt.wav (54K)
This is one of the best waves I have ever heard....The sound of budfrogs getting squished... followed by the words... "Roadkill on the information highway..."
billhigh.wav (29K)
Our infamous President Bill telling the world "I am far too high on drugs..."
blonde.wav (22K)
"Oh my god... I'm like totally blonde"...
bogyman.wav (16K)
A scream followed by the words... "Bogeyman"...
boot.wav (24K)
"I'll do it... So help me God, I'll boot 'em..."
brb.wav (29K)
"If I am not back in 5 minutes... Just wait longer"...
budfem.wav (17K)
This wave contains the voice of a very sexy female budfrog...
budlzrd.wav (89K)
"Frankie... Let me ask you a question... Yea... The frog, do they really taste like chicken... I'm not answering that... I just curious... Stop it... Come on its BBQ season... Would you marinate them, would you slow cook them... Would you toss them over a salad"...
cat.wav (39K)
"The more you run over a dead cat... The flatter it gets"...
cbd*ck.wav (336K)
This little ditty is beyond description and a must have...
chapstick.wav (38K)
"This survey is sponsored by the Chapstick Lip Balm Company... We are asking... Do you spit or swallow?"...
chezypuf.wav (20K)
A South Park goodie...
cnsldtd.wav (137K)
This is another little ditty that is a must have...
come.wav (22K)
"You want me to come up there to the attic and take care of you?"...
cops.wav (106K)
A little ditty about crooked cops...
couch.wav (67K)
Well this one defies description... and you will laugh... promise...
coughsyr.wav (30K)
A South Park goodie...
courtnot.wav (41K)
"All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law... Not"...
crackwh.wav (45K)
A South Park goodie...
cya.wav (112K)
"I believe its time for me to fly... and out the door I go"... followed by the sound of thunder...
deadcat.wav (17K)
A cat happily singing "Meow, meow, meow, meow..." followed by the sound of whip snapping...
deadfrog.wav (116K)
The budfrogs doing there famous bud lines... followed by the sound of gunfire and sighs...
defile.wav (22K)
"I have not yet begun to defile myself"...
deflate.wav (33K)
The words... "Now look what you did... You deflated it"... Followed by a smack...
dempsys.wav (100K)
This is another little ditty that is a must have...
dickens.wav (487K)
Now I know this is a large dl, but it is worth it... It is a funny advertisement for cider...
d*cks.wav (25K)
"Well lets not start sucking each others d*cks quite yet..."
die.wav (99K)
A South Park goodie...
dificult.wav (29K)
A South Park goodie...
disturb.wav (82K)
A South Park goodie...
dolphins.wav (25K)
A South Park goodie...
donut.wav (27K)
"hmmmm.. forbidden donut"...
down.wav (70K)
A South Park goodie...
elmo.wav (34K)
Tickle me Elmo at it again..."Elmo likes to be touched there... touch Elmo there again..."
elvisbye.wav (39K)
"Elvis... has left the building"...
elvisnd.wav (32K)
"Have a nice day ma'am..." followed by a heavy female sigh...
f*gs.wav (23K)
"God...Those guys are f*gs..."
fart2nit.wav (34K)
A South Park goodie...
fatbasta.wav (80K)
A South Park goodie...
fordpos.wav (48K)
"Unlimited technology from the whole universe and we drive around in a Ford POS"...
forehead.wav (27K)
This is another must have wave... It's hysterical... "Excuse me... do I have F*ck me written on my forehead..."
forehead2.wav (18K)
"From what I've heard... You need to have f*ck me written on your forehead"...
freak.wav (175K)
A South Park goodie...
frijob.wav (95K)
"I know you don't smoke weed... I know this... but I'm gonna get you high today... Cause it's Friday... You ain't got no a job... and you ain't got sh*t to do..."
funnysng.wav (1.1K)
This is a ditty that defies description... You will just have to download it...
gain4000.wav (100K)
A South Park goodie...
gc-cheer.wav (66K)
"Retched... betched... dirty old twot... 69 *ssholes tied in a knot... hurrah... lizard sh*t... f*ck"...
ggp.wav (10K)
"I gotta go pee"...
gilligan.wav (431K)
gimee.wav (29K)
"Give me that one..."
gimmeaj.wav (48K)
Another wave from Joe's Apartment... "Give me a J... JJJJ... Give me an O... OOOO... Give me an E... EEEE... What's that spell... Joe... What's that spell... Joe... What's that spell... Joe"...
godsgift.wav (54K)
"I don't think of myself as gods gift to woman... I think of woman as gods gift to me"...
gonorhea.wav (621K)
Another funny ditty that defies description... Another must have...
groucho.wav (19K)
"Your heading for a break down... why don't you pull yourself to pieces"...
haf2p.wav (40K)
This is a must have.... "I have to go to the bathroom... I can't think straight is how bad it is..."
haf2p2.wav (18K)
"Is this train of thought going to stop soon... Cause I have to pee"...
haf2p3.wav (42K)
"I gotta go potty"...
hand.wav (35K)
"I'm looking for one of you big strong men to come up here to the attic and give me a hand"...
hardman.wav (55K)
"You know baby a hard man is good to find... That is a pick up line that never works"...
hello.wav (23K)
A South Park goodie...
heybabe.wav (48K)
"Hi ya babe... Wanna see me lick my eyebrows... Well that is another pick up line that doesn't seem to work"...
heyugly.wav (7K)
"Hey ugly... wake up..."
homies.wav (143K)
A Southpark goodie...
humor.wav (12K)
"Where's you sense of humor man"....
ihate.wav (55K)
"I hate all forms of religion and I hate all who do not bow in my presence..."
imdone.wav (73K)
"Mommy come wipe me... I'm done"...
imnot.wav (52K)
"I'm not an animal..."
insane.wav (K)
"Insane in the membrane"...
itch.wav (27K)
A Southpark goodie... "What did you say... I said I have a bad itch"...
joejoe.wav (K)
The roaches of Joe's Apartment chanting "Joey"...
kenny.wav (K)
A South Park goodie...
kissbye.wav (K)
"Kiss my curve butt... Goodbye"... Followed by the sound of a slamming door"...
kmart.wav (55K)
"Atttention Kmart shoppers, there is a blue light special on aisle five"...
leavatic.wav (75K)
"Alright... I'm leaving the attic..." followed by what sounds like a nasty fall and the words... "Oh man... those f*cking stairs are slippery...."
lesbians.wav (11K)
"We need some laz-be-ans"...
lick.wav (27K)
South Park goodie...
likeanut.wav (39K)
"Sometimes you feel like a nut.. sometimes you don't"...
littlefr.wav (19K)
"Say hello to my little friend"...
lookout.wav (73K)
"Here I sit same as ever... Took a dump... Pulled the lever... The toliet clogged... The water flowed... Look out world its a motherlode"...
lonerngr.wav (911K)
This is a ditty that defies description... You will just have to download it...
lowplace.wav (43K)
"Because I got friends in low places"...
makelove.wav (186K)
A Southpark goodie...
mansong.wav (948K)
This is a hysterical little ditty about men...
master.wav (736K)
This is a hysterical ditty... Its long and raunchy.. but it is worth the dl time...
messmyhr.wav (17K)
Another must have wave... "F*ck me, suck me, eat me, beat me, lick me, stick me, make me c*m... Just don't mess up my hair..."
midgurin.wav (K)
"Like a midget at a urinal ... I was going to have to stay on my toes"...
mission.wav (K)
"We're on a mission from God"...
mombtch.wav (383K)
A Southpark goodie about Kyle's mom sung by Cartman...
mouthful.wav (45K)
I leave this to your imagination...
mrhappy.wav (55K)
"I wanted to make you happy, that's my thing in life...I wanna make other people happy... Mr. Feeking Make Feeking People Happy that's me"...
munchies.wav (40K)
"You smoke a joint (but don't inhale) and you get the urge to eat kitty, is that considered the munchies"...
mydork.wav (47K)
"There was no way I was going to run around this place with my dork hanging out"....
mypotpie.wav (118K)
A South Park goodie...
nakedwin.wav (61K)
A scream followed by the question... "Naked windows"...
newmail.wav (18K)
The Southpark gang announcing in their own way that the mail has arrived...
nitemare.wav (14K)
"Welcome to my nightmare"....
notagain.wav (15K)
"I love wrong numbers"...
nyquil.wav (243K)
Nyguil ditty that is hysterical...
oopsd.wav (10K)
"Oops... Blonde genes"...
oreos.wav (45K)
"I want a cookie... Well actually I want a woman but I will settle for a cookie"...
outattic.wav (98K)
"Attention chatters... Will all nymphos please report to the main room for playtime immediately... Get your butts out of the attic right now... Thank you"...
paid.wav (25K)
"So tell me... Do you get paid for doing this"...
pants.wav (106K)
A message from the national counsel of pant wearing citizens...
patduffy.wav (38K)
Another South Park goodie...
pathetic.wav (12K)
"You used to be so funny"...
pears.wav (43K)
"And now an announcement from the National Apple Institute... F*ck pears..."
peekaboo.wav (19K)
"Peekaboo"... followed by laughing...
pizapiza.wav (12K)
pledge.wav (81K)
"Hello, I am Howard Beamer and I am running for State's Attorney General... This is my pledge to you... If I am elected, I promise that if anyone breaks the law, I will personally go to his or her house and beat the sh*t out of them"...
plump.wav (18K)
A Southpark goodie... "Shut up fat boy... I'm not fat... I am pleasantly plump"...
poptarts.wav (53K)
A South Park clip...
potatoes.wav (35K)
"If this is going to be that kind of party... I am going to stick my d*ck in the mash potatoes"...
pubehair.wav (523K)
This is a ditty that defies description... You will just have to download it...
punted.wav (19K)
"Sons of b*tches booted me again"...
rapsex.wav (101K)
This is a ditty that defies description... You will just have to download it...
readlips.wav (39K)
The famous George Bush saying "Read my lips..."
reminder.wav (51K)
"Here's a reminder from the American Medical Association... Don't pour sulfuric acid on your genitals..."
restls.wav (36K)
"I'm restless... I can't help it..."
rocky.wav (27K)
"You'll just have to download this one...
ruin.wav (34K)
"This has totally ruined sex for me for the rest of my life"...
sander.wav (57K)
"Never pleasure yourself with an industrial belt sander... Hey I was young"...
sextop10.wav (523K)
A David Letterman top 10 list...
showmony.wav (15K)
"Show me the money"....
sinned.wav (34K)
"I have sinned against you..."
smell.wav (39K)
"Oh... What's that horrible smell"...
smell2.wav (56K)
"You think just because nobody is around your farts don't stink"...
smell3.wav (48K)
"If you're gonna keep doing that... At least pop open a window"...
snot.wav (61K)
"Snot puppies for you..."
sonofwh.wav (36K)
South Park goodies...
snow.wav (26K)
"I used to be Snow White... but I drifted"...
spankin.wav (16K)
"Does my child need so spankin'... Yea"...
spanky.wav (51K)
"I feel so utterly exposed and vulnerable... and not in that funny spanky way"...
special.wav (19K)
The Church Lady... "Well isn't that special"...
speeew.wav (29K)
This one doesn't need a description the name says it all....
sptheme.wav (136K)
The South Park theme...
sptlacty.wav (116K)
Another hysterical ditty...
stripper1.wav (1.1K)
A hysterical little ditty that defies description...
stmnt.wav (34K)
"The following statement is true... The preceeding statement was false"...
strut.wav (293K)
"There's only one thing to do in a moment like this"... Followed by disco music...
tastepee.wav (23K)
A Southpark goodie...
thatsal.wav (33K)
"That's all folks"...
timefly.wav (K)
"Time flies when your totally confused"...
touchmnk.wav (128K)
"But he is beautiful is he not... His texture is gorgeous... Wanna touch my monkey"...
treehug.wav (22K)
A South Park goodie...
tunataco.wav (20K)
"Feeking furry tuna taco"...
tools.wav (46K)
"Remember if you drill says Binford... Get out of the house... Tools aren't supposed to talk to you"...
undies.wav (56K)
A snapping sound followed by the words... "Don't snap my undies"...
ursocute.wav (51K)
"Ahhh... you're so cute... Yes you are... You are... I just love you"...
usenot.wav (51K)
"Do you know how to use these things... No idea what so ever"... followed by gun fire"...
visurge.wav (35K)
"Well Tim your probably just responding to the male urge to create"...
weare.wav (35K)
"We work for a highly funded yet unofficial government agency"...
weknow.wav (K)
Another Joe's Apartment clip... "We know where you live... We know where you live"...
whine.wav (45K)
Lots of hysterical alien whining... (MIB)
wisdom.wav (65K)
A Southpark goodie... "Hey down here... We are ready for your wisdom... and you only got 20 minutes before Sanford and Son are on"...
witchtit.wav (28K)
"It's colder than a witch's t*tty out there, isn't it..."
wmnsong.wav (679K)
This is a hysterical little ditty about women...
wondrbra.wav (23K)
"The call it a wonder bra because you take it off and the guy wonders where in the h*ll your t*ts are"...
worm.wav (111K)
"You have been listening to the erotic daydreams of an infant worm being suck backwards through a french milking machine... Remember hire the handicapped but don't let them take your rectal temperature... Stay tuned now for Let's Injury Dave"...
xcited.wav (257K)
"I'm really excited"...
zed.wav (97K)
"Zed is dead baby... Zed is dead..."