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Welcome to my little spot on the web. My goal here is to provide a more solid understanding of the Shadowrun 2 rules system, created by FASA, especially those pertaining to magic. However, I won't limit myself to those requirements.. I often like to talk a lot. Heh. Also, I'm hoping to have a lot of original material that I write up myself, such as some sample spells. I also have no qualms about posting up material donated to me.

Right now I'm an admin on Shadowrun: Detroit MUX (joshua.dnaco.net 4201). This is a great place to roleplay Shadowrun if you know how to connect to a MUX. I'm a pretty easy-going guy most of the time, so if you have comments feel free to email me at daarkonian@yahoo.com. Also, be sure to rate my site on the geocities banner at the bottom of this page. It let's me know if I suck or not.

FASA's Shadowrun Homepage
FASA's Shadowrun Homepage
Shadowrun Books Online!

Disclaimer: This page is not affiliated with FASA in any way, and any original material here may be copied, published, or outright stolen as long as you give me some credit for it. =) However, I suggest you take care if you use any FASA copyrighted stuff. Shadowrun, Awakenings, Grimoire Second Edition, the picture above, and just about anything I underline are property of FASA, the creators of Shadowrun and other fine (but not as fine as Shadowrun) products.

I'd like to give a HUGE "thank you" to DeltaS (Eve from SR: Detroit) for creating the background and main logo for this page. I really appreciate it (especially since it was free.)

This Shadowrun Webring site is owned by Daark.

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