Racist (-1 to -3)
The character is racist to a certain race (humans, elves, trolls, etc.)
and behaves in their presence depending on the value of the flaw:
1- The character hates the race and won't colaborate with any member
of it by his own choice. If he must collaborate he will do so the worst
way possible, screwing their plans when possible.
2- The character must make a willpower(6) test when he sees a member
of the race he hates. If failed the character starts insulting the person.
Of course, the limitation for the flaw with the of 1 apply.
3- The character must make a willpower(6) test when he sees a member
of the race he hates. If failed the character attacks the person. The other
restrictions already stated still apply, a separete test for not insulting
the person is needed if the one to not attack has succeeded.
Intolerance (-1 to -3)
The character can't support any member of a specific group of people, be
it gays, artists, women, etc. This flaw is similar to the racist flaw,
but its value depends on the "commonness" of the group of people hated.
A common group (like women, blacks) would have the same rating as racist,
but an uncommon group (like gays, artists) would give one less point for
the same rating (ie. A sammy who insults every artist he see would receive
only one bonus point instead of two). That do mean that not willing to
collaborate with members of an uncommon group doesn't give any points.
Gay/Lesbian (-2)
Pretty self-explanatory.
Sarcastic (-1)
The character always have some sarcastic, or even dowright insulting, comment
for everything everybody else do, especially if the person tries and miss
something. The character must succeed in a willpower(5) test to avoid saying
any commentary (if the player doesn't want to).
Crazy (-1 to -5)
Your character suffers a mental illness of some sort, such as paranoia
or schizophrenia. The value of the flaw depends on the nature of the dementia
and how often it affects game play.
Bad Ears (-1)
Add a +2 difficulty modifiers to any perception test involving sounds.
Bad Luck (-1 to -4)
If something bad randomly strikes your group, it will probably be you who
gets hurt. The character having Bad Luck is simply unlucky, to a point
depending of the value of the flaw (at -4 anything can happen...). Strange
things happen to your character, they are completely random and don't seem
to be related logically to your character. You simply are always at the
wrong time at the wrong place.
Bloodthirsty (2)
Your character rarely takes prisonners, and if he does they won't last
long, and enjoys confrontations.
Curious (-2)
Your character is extremely curious. If a mystery presents itself, you
must do everything you can to solve it, no matter how dangerous it might
Heavy Sleeper (-1)
You sleep incredibly hard and long. Every attempt made to awake you (even
with the spell awaken) are at +2 difficulty.
Heroic (-2)
Your character cannot refuse to help somebody who asks him. You are not
necessarly cheery about it, but you can't refuse. In a situation where
the character should refuse (such as when a guy who was there to kill him
asks him for help), the character must succeed in a willpower(8) test to
Kid (-2)
Your character is 12 to 15 years old (Otaku must take this flaw and receive
no points for it). The maximum for your body and strenght is
5 plus any racial modifiers (until you reach 16).
Lame (-2)
Your characters movement per action is halved.
Cheap (-1)
Your character loves money and doesn't want to use any of it as long as
possible. He'll buy the cheapest gear possible and haggle over everything.
Stubborn (-2)
The character always want to do things is way, and holds out until everybidy
agrees or some major concession to his ideas have been made.
Superstitious (-1)
Your character blieves in superstitions, and so will never cross the path
of a black cat, for example.
Conspiracy Theorist (-1)
The character always think ther is some kind of secret conspiracy about
everything, especially what the government or the corps do.
Big Mouth (-2)
Your character always talk before he thinks. His favorite hobby seems to
be telling to everybody what him and his team are going to do or to the
bad guys what they want to know.
Death Wish (-6)
The character wants to die for some reason and only under certain circumstances.
Usually he wants to go away in a blaze of glory, such as saving a city.
He can take extreme chances as long as it serves his ultimate goal.
Snob (-1)
Your character is snob and have no tolerance for member of lesser classes.
Add +2 to any social test with people of lesser class (usually lower lifetstyle
than you).
Code of Honor (-2)
Your character follows a strict code of honor. He won't shoot anybody in
the back, draw his gun if adversary doesn't have his already drawn or shoot
somebody unarmed, etc.
Revenge (-1 to -5)
Your character absolutely wants revenge against somebody. The rating of
the flaw is the rating of the person as if he was an ennemy (see Shadowrun
Companion) minus 1.
New Edges
Light Sleeper (1)
Your character sleeps shortly and not heavily. Substract -2 to any difficulty
of test made to wake the character (inluding with the spell wake).
Good Bad Luck (3)
Your character usually have some badluck to compensate for luck. His new
nifty gun may take the bullet instead of him, etc.
Eagle Eyes (1)
your character can spot a mosquito at 20 meters. He is able to see very
well things at a distance. Subtract -2 to any perception role involving
spotting or noticing something at a distance.
Speedy (1)
Add +2 to the quickness of the character for the purpose of knowing his
Most of those edge and flaws are Shadowrun versions of
the Deadlands role-playing game edges
and hindrances, with sometime the name changed. This is not made made with
any intention to break any copyright law. Just don't sue me.