THE resource for strategy and help for Jedi Knight on Kali!

Jedi Knight Ring

Articles by Essobie: Kali IPX, Internet Play, 3D vs. Non-3D, Disciple Guide

This Page has had
hits since October 18th, 1997.


Go here to sign a petition to get LucasArts to give us support for dedicated servers for JK.

Tired of waiting for that Rail Detonator while the host gets to have it NOW? Dedicated servers is what you need.

This website has pretty much become everything I envisioned it to be, and so it will remain at its present state until there is more to inform on. Things that will go on this site in the future will be the HTML version of the Kali FAQ (but at this time, there are not enough changes in it to warrant going any further than the present .doc format) and reviews of new maps that come out for multiplayer. And I'm not talking about single player map conversions... I mean FROM scratch levels made with a level editor (that has yet to be released in a workable version).

Check back here every few days for any changes, or just look for staff members in Kali and ask them if there are any updates. We'll be more than happy to direct you back here for a look at any new changes. Enjoy the website!