The Knights Table

Enter the Realms and enjoy thyselves

Welcome My Lords and Ladies! Chivalry and Etiquette will be observed lest thee face the Lord of the keeps' wrath! This message be for any Faire' Maiden that ventures within The Realms, Be it The Realm of Imagination, The Sacred Realm, Camelot or any of the other Realms about, fear not in thy travels, for by the code of chivalry, there be Three Knights that art known of at this time that can be called apon to lend sword and shield in thy protection from Brigands, Thieves and Monsters. This message be for the Knights that enter within the Realms... A Warning ...If thee enter the Realms as foe be ye prepared for BATTLE! If ye enter as friend, it t'would be an honor to have thee JOIN us.

The Realm of Imagination

Dragonlords This

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Scribe to the Lord of the Keep

Hath entered unto the Realms thus far.

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