Red Alamak; Blood On The Keyboard1

[Pop] there are 3 types of people in this world...those who can count and
those who can't

[Pop] damn punk ass skank bag...get the hell offa my lawn

[SmurfgrrrL] And God created teh oceans, Laddies...And then, aye,
to be sure, God created sheep. ANd the sheep....fell in to the oceans,
and God said, Och! Noooo!

[SmurfgrrrL] heh heh heh...What's teh difference between The
Rolling Stones and a Scottish Shepard?
[SmurfgrrrL] The Rolling stones say Hey! YOu! get off of My Cloud!
[SmurfgrrrL] And the Shepard says, Hey! Macleod! Get off of my

[Shadow_Elf] o HELL o

[Pop] we're in the thick bushes searching for the elusive gynosaur

[Shadow_Elf] random violence ruleS!

* spritey lurrrrrrkkkss...hey guys, you're reminding me of this Faith
No More song...."pants fall down, every time I bend over. My FEET
[Shadow_Elf] your pants fall down every time you have itchy feet?
[TheFool] hahahaha
[Pop] ben dover
[TheFool] hahaha
[Pop] haha

[slimjim] want a slim jim
[Shadow_Elf] snap into a slim jim.... heheh

* Meka knew a man from mars once* he was cool but i didnt like
the third leg

* Shadow_Elf likes the third leg

[blueeyedgirl4U] anyone want to take a walk through the woods
with me....and show me the scenery?
* Shadow_Elf grabs blueyedgirl4U by the throat & tosses her off a
cliff.... enjoy the scenery on your way down

[Shadow_Elf] Beauty is skin deep but, ugly goes to the

[Shadow_Elf] Don't hate me, just fear me
[kojak] be very afraid
* kojak doesn't know anyone who doesn't fear
Elf* haha

[kojak] and very few who hate Elf

* Tate thinks thid=s is starting to suck *

[Shadow_Elf] [|| (CRAYOLA) © ||] >

* Pop lights up a kool
[Shadow_Elf] = ===== = ~~~

[Pity_da_Fool] Ich bin der Eggman!!!!
[Shadow_Elf] i am the walrus
[Pop] coo ca choo coo coo ca choo
[Pity_da_Fool] heh heh. what teamwork

*** SILVER_BULLET (134.129.247) walks through dense
undergrowth beneath the forest canopy.
[Shadow_Elf] coors

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