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Hello my name is Missy and I am the mother of two. My oldest daughter was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 6 months. The type of cancer that she had was Rabdomyosarcoma. Hers being located in her bladder. Being my first child I found this almost devastating. The first signs were not so suptle, as one bright morning she awoke, I put her in bed with my husband and she went into convulsions. Off to the hospital, only to have her sent to the major hospital in our area. Where I found out that she had gone into complete renal failure. That day was one of the worst days of my life, as my husband followed us down to the hospital. We riding in the ambulance, stopped to tell his father to tell his mother not to worry.


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type of cancertype of cancertype of cancer

  1. type of cancer

  2. type of cancer

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  4. type of cancer