Here you'll find every piece of software worth downloading for SWOS. All the programs will soon be attached with product descriptions which can be reached by clicking the stars beside the product names. The stars are indications of the quality which make it easier for the user to see the of the software.
(click on the floppy to download)
The PC SWOS Editor v 1.35 (Windows)
SWOS World Cup 98 Editor (DOS)
SWOS 96/97 Editor (DOS)
Sensi EDIT v 1.0 (Windows)
Team Editor for SWOS v 1.8 (amiga)
S.W.O.S. Editor (amiga)
SWOSFFF v 2.22 (amiga)
SWOS Team Editor v 3.0
Excellent SWOS team editor (amiga)
Additions to the SWOS commentary by the British
football commentator Barry Davies (2 files).
Crowd songs (recordings from Brøndby Stadion)
95 SWOS Stuff:
Mouse Cursors
SWOS Tactics pack
SWOS 97/98 - The Unofficial Release (amiga)
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