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Brendon's Dark Beast Deck

This is our Intellect team. It is a better deck than our E/I White Queen deck.

Dark Beast
Energy 1
Fighting 6
Strength 5
Intellect 7

Mr. Fantastic
Energy 2
Fighting 5
Strength 2
Intellect 8

Red Skull
Energy 3
Fighting 5
Strength 4
Intellect 7

Mr. Sinister
Energy 4
Fighting 5
Strength 4
Intellect 8


Dark Beast: Analyze (AO) x 3, Drop Kick (AS) (9f),
Mr. Fantastic: Inventive Genius (HQ), Fantastic Mind (AR) (7i), Python Hold (AV)
Red Skull: Cosmic Cube (FD), Dust of Death (HY) (6e -2 cards), Evil Super Soldier (BA)
(3s no defense)
Mr. Sinister: Marauder (HR) (9ei), Backstab (AR) (6s), {Cloning Process (HS)}

Mission and Event Cards
Event: Fatal Attractions: Shockwave rocks the world! No cards with an energy icon
may be used to attack this battle.
Event: Any Mission: Soverign Seven. Remove 1 hit from the permenant record of
all characters with an inherant ability.

Any Hero Specials

Power Leech (BY), Web-Headed Wizard (BQ), Guardian Angel (AG), Confusion (DB),
Gamma Terror (AR), Death from Above (AA), The Fortress of Solitude (EN), Savage
Land (DF), Justice League of America (AC).

Power Cards
Fighting:3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
Strength:1 1 2 2 3 3
Intellect:6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8

Teamwork Cards

6F (+IS) x 1
6I (+FS) x 1
7I (+FS) x 3
8I (+FS) x 3

Ally Cards

5E 3E x 1

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