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DC Sealed Deck Tournament in Charlottesville, Virginia September 27, 1998

Bill Friedl wins season opener in Charlottesville

Bill Friedl won the first OverPower Tournament in Charlottesville. The event was a DC sealed deck tournament where players were given a DC sealed deck, two DC boosters and one JLA booster. 13 players participated, and after 4 rounds of swiss were narrowed to the top 4 players. Bill Friedl went undefeated (5-0) for the day. Bill will win Beyonder and a set of DC Any Characters as soon as they arrive.

Second place was Brendon Marotta; third place was Danny Cline, and fourth place was won by Jeremy Pickerton. Jeremy, having learned the game just a couple of weeks ago, had a great showing for the day to finish fourth. Brendon will win a Galactus and a set of DC Any Characters, and Danny and Jeremy will will a set of DC Any Characters. Jeremy also received a set of 40 rare special cards, and a pack of 100 commons and first choice of a character and all his specials for finishing in the top 4 in his first tournament while still under 16.

Megan Marotta once again captured the women's division, continuing her streak of unconstested victories. She won the rare Wizard promotional Shadowcat action figure.

After the 4 rounds of Swiss those who did not quality for the top four positions, and who were 16 and under played in a tournament for the Junior Champion. The top four Junior players, and their prizes were as follows:

  1. Nathan Owen (free entry into the next tournament for him and a new player ($22), 100 commons deck building pack, a set of locations, and his choice of 4 heroes and their specials)
  2. Diago Kowasaki (half price entry into the next tournament for him and free entry for a new player ($16.50), 100 commons deck building pack, a set of teamworks, and his choice of 3 heroes and their specials)
  3. Jim Coder (half price entry into the next tournament for him and half price entry for a new player ($11), 100 commons deck building pack, a set of doubleshots, and his choice of 2 heroes and their specials)
  4. Ben Brinkley (half price entry into the next tournament for him and half price entry for a new player ($11), 100 commons deck building pack, an artifact, and his choice of 1 heroes and their specials)
In addition to the tournament, lots of cool cards were opened and traded. I think everyone had a good time, and we are looking to add a few more players at our next tournament.

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