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BLACK KING         3-3-6-7 (19) May play any Hellfire Club Special Cards.
   6S-EF Teamwork

THE MARAUDERS      7-7-3-2 (19)
   Vertigo x 4, Malice, Blockbuster, 7F-EI Teamwork

THE HELLFIRE CLUB  6-4-4-7 (21)
   Sebastian Shaw x 3, Tessa, Selene, Hellfire Soldiers

WHITE QUEEN        7-2-2-6 (17)
   Telepathic Manipulator


6E-FI x 2, 7E-FI x 2, 6I-EF x 2, 7I-EF x 2

7E x 2, 7I x 2, 6E x 4, 5E x 4, 4F x 3, 3M x 3, 2F, 2M x 2, 1F, 1M x 2

   Mutant Rebels Held Captive! (No Strength Power cards may be played)
   Martyr for the Cause (All Hits in Permanent Records move to one Hero)

MARVEL UNIVERSE (Opponent's Team is -1 to Venture Total)

   Wolverine x 2: Wounded Animal [OPD], Rage
   Reavers x 2: Donald Pierce, Bone Breaker
   Longshot x 2: Hollow Bones, Roll with the Punches
   Jubilee x 2: Distracting Burst, Troublemaker
   Sentinels x 2: Master Mold, Overhaul

C O N C E P T :

The whole Hellfire Club, allied with the merciless Marauders, 
have plans to conquer the world of OverPower...starting with the 
Outback and the aid of their former and once-again partner in 
conquest, Donald Pierce. Woe to all good guy teams, or bad 
guys for that matter, that stand in their way on the other side of 
the table. Vertigo keeps them dizzy and off-balance while her 
cohorts keep "drawing" on their deadly resources to cripple 
them with Teamwork and trickery. The total theme of it all makes 
this one of the funnest decks I've ever played, and it's pretty 
darn competetive to boot.

S T R A T E G I E S :

Always Place 4 FIGHTINGS on The Club and 1 MULTIS on 
Black King. This will setup for the DOUBLESHOT and TESSA 
when they come out of the Draw Pile. After Tessa is played the 
first time, start placing the 1 Multis on The Marauders so you can 
MALICE for it again.

Place the Doubleshot on The Marauders. Use it to defend them 
if necessary, or save it for a well-timed Spectrum KO smack on 
an unsuspecting opponent.

Ideally you'll not discard on VERTIGO (cross your fingers!) so 
you'll have four battles where you decide where to take or block 
your opponent's attacks. This frustrates your opponent more 
than almost anything in OverPower, and that gives you a *huge* 

Place SEBASTIAN SHAW on The Club if you don't have a 
Vertigo to go along with it yet. Vertigo to Sebastian and keep 
track of how many times you draw another Sebastian to replace 
it (I've done it twice!)

Watch what you take, because the "SQUISH EVENT" (Martyr) 
is coming. If you can take Hits that don't Spectrum when put 
together, great. If not, don't worry, just move all the Hits to Black 
King. Also experiment with spreading out your attacks on 
different opposing Characters and get the easy "Squish Event" 

If you suspect the other guy might be about to concede and you 
have a WOLVERINE ACTIVATOR in hand, get ready to look 
away quickly and say "Hold your cards!!!" You want to be able 
to make that additional attack and not feel bad about it because 
you accidentally saw their cards, as most people show you what 
they had left in hand immediately after saying "I concede". Rage 
is AWESOME from the Battlesite.

T W E A K S :

There are no Classic cards in this deck yet. I like White Queen's 
Corporate Cutthroat, so I may put one of those in and switch her 
and Black King to try it out. I sometimes play the "Rebel Forces 
Regroup" Event (move Lost Missions back to Reserve) 
because I hate to lose the game by Missions. If you want a 
defensive rather than offensive Outback, replace Wounded 
Animal with Snikt and add in Pretty Boy plus another Reavers 
Activator. Dazzler's Absorb Sound might seem like a must-play 
OPD, but I think there are too many Energy icons in this 
particular deck to use it effectively.

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