RED-HEADED HEAVEN! TEAM CHARACTERS & THEIR CARDS (last is Reserve): FAIRCHILD 1-4-7-5 (17) May have 2 Universe cards Placed Impenetrable [OPD], Fist Full Of Danger x 3, Level-Headed Leader x 3, Super Smarts [OPD] KNOCKOUT 2-6-7-3 (18) Picking A Fight [OPD], Mighty Blow, Female Fury NEW WARRIORS 6-6-5-5 (22) Draw 2 Cards when KO'd. Keep Duplicates Turbo x 2, Firestar SPIDER-WOMAN 6-3-6-4 (19) Energy Power cards are +1 to attack Rescue Operation x 3, Psionic Attack [OPD], Psi-Web [OPD] TEAMWORKS: 6E-SF, 6F-IE, 6S-IF, 7S-IF x 2 POWER CARDS: 7S x 3, 6A, 6F, 6S, 5M, 5A, 5I, 4M x 3, 3F x 2, 2I x 3, 1M x 2 MISSION & EVENTS: THE CROSSING Avengers Attack HQ (No Energy Power cards may be played) Heroes Avenger Murder (One Front Line Hero is immediately KO'd) HOMEBASE: OMNIVERSE (Opponent's Team is -1 to Venture Total) BATTLESITE, ACTIVATORS & SPECIALS: ASTEROID "M" Blob x 3: Absorb Impact (CW) [OPD], Blubber Block (AD), Immovable Object (AX) Scarlet Witch x 2: Change Outcome (AO), Spontaneous Combustion (AI) Rogue x 2: Sky Soar (AG), Intercept Attack (AC) Magneto x 2: Power Flux (AR), Magnetic Devastation (GJ) Mystique x 2: Commando Raid (AN), Mistaken Identity (CA) Quicksilver x 2: Hit And Run (EH), Superspeed (EI) Beyonder C O N C E P T : Here's something to prove that I think of things in the "real world", other than OverPower. But I'm about to use an OverPower deck to show you. Yeah, I see the irony too. Ha Ha. Anyway, I'll let you in on a little secret, that just about anybody who knows me knew already: I have a great fondness for red-headed women. Hubba Hubba. Hero cards that I would have put on this Team if they existed: Nicole Kidman, Angie Everheart, Tori Amos, and Claire Danes...heck that would be my team I guess. Luckily there were plenty of OverPower redheads to choose from. Even the Battlesite has the reddest redhead of them all in Mystique! S T R A T E G I E S : When the KO A HERO EVENT comes up, dump the otherwise pretty useless ('cept Firestar's a great redhead!) New Warriors, and get two free cards up on your opponent right from the get-go. Sure, you're likely to still have a Turbo in the Draw Pile after murdering the Warriors, but she's really for Fairchild to use after a FIST FULL OF DANGER, anyway. But the main reason that you gotta love, love, love the Fist Full type of card is that you can put in extra attacks for your Reserve Character knowing that you'll have chances to play them before they come to the Front Line. You may have to place SPIDER- WOMAN'S 7 MULTI OR "TARGET MAY NOT ATTACK" on her if you draw it before a Fist Full, but more often than not you'll have a Fist in Hand waiting to launch them. Try hard to keep a Placed card advantage over your opponent and leave a slot for PICKING A FIGHT, this card is awesome if you can trick or Venture your opponent into a Battle that they'll wish they had run away from before it started. I love it when you can KO a Hero or two thanks to Knockout's killer card. By the way, never pass up the opportunity to say "this attack is from Knockout for the Knockout!" and then laugh like a little (redheaded) girl if it Hits. tee hee hee hee hee! One of the hardest combos to pull off but definitely very satisfying when successful is the SUPER SMARTS - 2 INTELLECT KNOCKOUT. I suggest trying to finesse the opponent's defense out early and saving the Super Smarts as a final attack of a Battle, then playing a 2I as a Teamwork follow-up late in the following Battle. A much easier, Venture winning combo can be found in the BET- HIGH LOCK potential of three "nyah nyah you can't hit me" Specials: the two CW's (IMPENETRABLE and ABSORB IMPACT) and the EH (QUICKSILVER'S HIT AND RUN...throw it anywhere it's most likely to hit, even at their Battlesite if necessary!). The Bet- High Lock requires you to take away all of your opponent's Front Line targets so that they can't attack for Venture anymore, hopefully making many cards in their hand useless and their Characters vulnerable to easy Knockouts. If you have instant access to as many Lock cards as you have Front Line ladies, or can take a small Hit for the KO on one of them and Lock the other (s), and your opponent doesn't have any "anti-lock" cards (Negates, KLs, and JWs), guage how many Missions you can easily steal and Bet 'em all. Make sure you have a couple of attacks that you'll have to make sure Hit for Venture. T W E A K S : Taking out the Super Smarts would probably be the only change I would make if I was to take this Team into a tournament. No doubt one or both of the Phoenix ladies coming in X-Men OP will be fighting alongside Fairchild very soon. Also in X-Men will be many "anti-lock" cards that will surely make the Bet-High Lock scenario detailed above extremely difficult to pull off anymore.
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