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Megan's Surprise Deck

People mistakenly try to KO Hulk first, but there are no specials for Hulk and no level
 8 power cards. Super Skrull is the hero to defend with six level 8 attack specials. 

Super Skrull
Energy 6
Fighting 4
Strength 7
Intellect 4 

Energy 1
Fighting 3
Strength 8
Intellect 6 

She Hulk
Energy 1
Fighting 4
Strength 7
Intellect 5
May have duplicate "Public Defender" Specials.   

Energy 4
Fighting 4
Strength 7
Intellect 2
May not be Spetrum KO'd with Special cards.   


Super Skrull: Fantastic Enemy (HN) (8n) x 6, Flexible Form (AG) Hulk: None
She Hulk: Gamma Girl (AQ) (8m), Brains and Brawn (CC) (5i) 
Rogue: Mutant Missile (AS) (9f), Sky Soar (AG) 

Mission and Event Cards 
Event: Might Over Mind .08 Only teamwork universe cards that act as strength attacks 
may be played this battle. 
Event: Might Over Mind .11 No teamwork universe cards may be played this battle. 
Event: Any Mission: Hideout Discovered Discard all placed teamwork universe 
cards. No teamwork universe cards may be played this battle. 

Any Hero Specials 

Power Leech (BY), Web-Headed Wizard (BQ), Guardian Angel (AG), Confusion (DB), 
Gamma Terror (AR), Death from Above (AA). 

Power Cards 
Energy:1 1 1 1
Fighting:3 3 3 3
Strength:5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7
Intellect:2 2 2 2
Multi:4 4 4 4

Teamwork Cards 

6S (+EF) x 3
7S (+EF) x 3 

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