March Results and Winners

Legend for the table

Blue indicates points received and posted.

Grey indicates points not turned in and the hosts name.

Winners are listed for each tourney as they are posted. If a tournament is grey with a hosts name then the points have NOT been received or posted.

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230am 7am 1030am 230pm 630pm 830pm 1030pm Specials
1 marathon marathon sammc2 pokerbum mavrickj chappy7 _kim joe_sarnoski
2 vp_donna theanimal raylene fallenangel cancelaol betyboop37 marblejack
3 catat100 maverick v_p_donna betyboop37 bunnigal ecorefill kyianna
4 jomag lynnham raylene bingo_jam shan4jc dtucker bunnigal
5 gulay la_sombrero dt785 kaprikorn betyboop37 pokerbum shay55
6 ibkimmi theanimal mondave psyc4ho mod_rod powjohn ibkimmi
7 losta jennyaussie kklag hookendis bunnigal itsmebeach betyboop37
8 hugs1616 fergison niborl dtucker cnj kerbear sarticats powjohn
9 steve214 lilangelblue maverickj morris5 lovegun kerbear ltfire12
10 morrisfive ladychris ajlanders ryancoke tec ecorefill frizzlemean
11 bigmama1 peter_aussie gordonr kelvin dtucker cancelaol _maggie
12 paranoid_panda _crazy_horse _2bitz abaity betyboop37 i8hlmrz sammc
13 gulay kelvin _maggie betyboop demac maverick jeff_s_u
14 greyeyes30 im2cool murcarver1 murcarver1 creticos bunnigal hippychic
15 trumpetmom diane123 lucky21 butchm_v raylene betyboop37 macar1 morrisfive
16 philease123 andy_capped murcarver kaprikorn julianne maverickj donarob
17 treefoun canceled pinkie murcarver sarticats butchm_va ibkimmi
18 morrisfive maverick ehushpuppy zooman7 maverickj mod_rod kima
19 archamides jennyaussie gordonr ibkimmi luisurea kyianna bunnigal
20 stratolounger zonkie reb123 zooman7 janmarie butchm_va shan4jc
21 doglips _dottie cpalsky cancelaol _maggie pokerbum usds
22 shaggy _kim taz35 scorpio_1 betyboop37 shay55 kklag mskitten
23 jericho36 peter_aussie dtucker ecorefill dtucker shay55 ajlanders
24 paulasilva daz_ murcarver lobo ladychris laceylace morrisfive
25 _ziggie andy_capped pokerbum joan2 mojavelady kima123 silver512
26 _ziggie raylene piranha34 mojavelady betyboop37 abaity doglips
27 idisu_2 betyboop37 no tourney donarob marathon marathon marathon
28 marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon marathon
29 marathon marathon card52 liat_isragirl kelvin42 betyboop37 _crazy_horse treefoun
30 bozo_0573 piranha34 cmgrafix abaity kima123 rmount wov
31 dere12 ubtowired bwale murcarver kansascitykid the_damon powjohn