Featured Sites

The featured site of this month : 
Devilkiddi's Final Fantasy 7 page
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The Featured site of this month : Devilkiddi's Final Fantasy 7 page
Comments :  
It has a general setup - the top title panel and a scrolling bar followed by a main page. The colour range seems to blend in with each other. The use of ZIP format facilitates downloads but excess use of it has made it difficult to view its info right away. As for the walkthrough, it could have been better if the site provided a sample page along with the ZIP file. In so doing, the surfer would be able to get an idea as to what he/she is about to download.
In the character info. section, the negative images add to the colour harmony and please the eyes of the viewer.
However, it could have had a more friendly atmosphere. Threats such as "I will tear down your page once I see it." will not stop people from stealing them. By putting up a page, one must be less sensitive to their claim. "Please do ask me for permission." would have made it better. 
Otherwise, it certainly is above a lot other pages and thus we have chosen it as the BEST SITE OF THIS MONTH. 
FF 7 club members

Click on the screenshot to transfer to Devilkiddi's page.

First of all, we (our club members and I) look at the content of the page. How much info does it have up on the page? How original are they? Are they relevant to the page's theme?
Next, we look at the layout. (or, setup as some people prefer it)
Layout can mean a lot of things. It can mean the design. However, different people have different tastes. So one cannot really decide which one is better than the other. What we stress on is basically how easy it is to navigate through the pages. How neatly it is laid out so visitors can view the pages without feeling dizzy. In this case, messy setup won't help.
Lastly, we will see how friendly they are to the visitors. Webpage is basically a means to communicate with web surfers and share informations and interests with each other. If the page is not friendly, half of its essence is already lost.
In choosing the site, all the members will look at the sites on the list and vote for the best one until we reach a consensus. We will try to feature sites every month if possible.
Dongy - the Club master.

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