Blade of Heaven

The dark lord Ithaund is on the move. His armies sweep aside all resistance and conquer all that lies in their path. The free people of the Living Realm have no hope of stopping this dark onslaught, except one.

Legend tells of an ancient island kingdom known for it's advanced skill in magic. It was destroyed because of its people's decadence and immorality but left several powerful weapons, so the stories go. The greatest of these weapons is called the Blade of Heaven. Mystics of the Living Realm have recently began to have visions that this sword holds the key to driving back the armies of Ithaund.

The island is said to be found in the Barrow Sea, far beyond the Ebony Straits. It is said to be home to the ancient dragon Ihara, who guards his hoard with fierce jelousy. Few there are that would dare to seek the Blade of Heaven.

The call has gone out across the land. Princess Renata Liliana of Anglias has offered a generous reward to anyone who retreives the Blade of Heaven. Meanwhile a young knight named Phoenix Hammershadow has set off on his own quest to retrieve the blade in order to prove his worthiness to marry Princess Aubretia Seraphine, the Marvel of Stelgund.

Sample Characters
Lands of the Living Realm