PJMonkey . . . The Latest Fashion from Florida??? (You can't be TOO safe these days, ya know!! LOL!!)
PJ and his Dad |
This week's winners, PJMonkey and Norma1, won out over runners-up Lynn10 and OgreJim. They've been playing euchre together in three tourneys so far. Norma, whose nickname is her real name, is not married (yes, guys she's available) and adopted a child about five years ago. She was half of our very first winning team and has proven many times that she's a great euchre player!! ;) She's lived in Pennsylvania all her live. Norma is into real estate. She buys property and then rents it out. Her partner, PJMonkey, got his nickname from his pet monkey, wanna guess the monkey's name . . . you got it, PJ!! ;) He's from New Hampshire originally but retired about 26 years ago because of medical reasons and moved to Florida about 16 years ago. PJMonkey is 61 and has been married to Sheila (who's been a nurse for 42 years) for 40 years! He's got a great home page at http://www.webscans.com/monkeydad/index.html . . . which is where we snagged the pictures of him for this newsletter! ;) Since he's retired, PJ likes to RV and plans to do a lot more of it as soon as his wife retires in November. (Kaliki wanted to be sure we mentioned in here, so it was formal and in writing, that PJ promised her his monkey if he decided not to return from his RVing!) PJ explained how they won, "Norma did the winning and she dragged me along." While Norma claimed, "It was luck . . . LOL . . . and some skill! I had bigbird's lucky feather!" PJMonkey's had a euchre tip to share with all of us, "Finesse is the name of the game!" He also had a complaint about GPP (one which many of us have personally experienced), "WW/GPP screwing up everyone's names sucks....I'm know as MonkeyDad all over the net....except here! They've given me two different passwords for MonkeyDad and neither one works!" Pammy is the Queen of Nicknames, PJ . . . maybe she can help you get your name back . . . she's helped MANY other people! ;) Norma confided, "It's nice to play with people who are not sore losers, everyone was nice about it." Not sure if this is PJ's life philosophy or not but here goes . . . PJMonkey, "I'm lost...I've gone to look for my self....If I return before I get back.....Please ask me to wait!" LOL!! He ended the interview with "Thanks yawl and BIG hugs for a GREAT partner!" Norma returned the hugs and thanked everyone! ;) Congratulations you two . . . you done good! ;) |
The winners of this week's Consolation Tourney were Ladyzee and MystOne. They won by edging out runners-up Jrmint and Meripopin. Ladyzee's nickname came about because she's a lady and drives a Z-34. ;) She's from Ohio and just loves euchre. MystOne picked his name from different words that begin with "Myst" . . . words like mystical, mystery, mystique, etc. . . . you get the picture! He's lived all over . . . Illinois, New Mexico, California, Idaho, and now Washington! He's 58 years old, married, and has four children . . . two still at home and he likes to play golf! He's an engineer and works on medical computer systems . . . stress test devices, treadmills, that sort of thing. Ladyzee claimed her secret of success is "LUCK . . . pure luck and Myst's skill!!" While Myst's secrets were, "Bid before the others do!!! My pard is the BEST!!!!!!! She plays cards good too!!!!!!!" Ladyzee's general euchre philosophy is, "I never mind losing, if I'm having fun and I get a FEW good cards!" ;) Ladyzee wanted to thank jrmint, "He's our biggest fan!! LOL!! And he's a good friend!" MystOne, who said he was "pictureless in Seattle" made Jo a promise . . . "If you show me yours, I'll show you mine!" Time to pay up Myst! ;) Jo's picture is in this newsletter . . . now we're just waiting for you to send yours! ;))) Ladyzee wanted to be sure we thanked everyone for her, but her words are far better than ours so here goes, "THANKS you all, it's been a real pleasure!" After we thanked them for the interview, Myst thanked us back, "Well, thx, you're the nicest group I've been interviewed by!!! And the first!!!!!!! And I hope not the last!!!!!" LOL!!! Well, as long as Ladyzee and MystOne keep playing the way they played last Friday, we're sure it won't be the last!! Congratulations you two . . . WTG!! ;))) |
(jrmint) i havent said anything funny i
dont have speech capabilities
(ArcherOK) no, just stopped in to visit.......just
ignore me
AWARD goes to....
(WKally) **************wow Kaliki (even
though i now know u can't hear me right now) after reading last weeks newsletter,
I now am in awe of all you're doing right now, but if you keep saying my
name right i'm gonna get a complex *****
:)) Happy Brithday!!!
(roxxxx) hi ya menzzzzzzz...happy belated
(menz) Hi Ya Roxx :)) big mouth
(roxxxx) big mouth?? humph turd
(GKBurg) egads.. you mean Mikey is even
older than we thought????
(wulhers) Hey everyone this is my first
tourney here...what dya say you let me win?
(ruffian1) NO WAY WULHERS........lolol
(MrF00L) yea like he said
(EUCHem) i dunno know wulhers... wudda ya
(FartMann) I'll let you have the cards I
don't want.. how's that wulhers?
(BruceM1) wulhers, they didn't let me win
on birthday, so newbies are out of luck too ;-)
(wulhers) it's my birthday too...really
i swear
(jrmint) i see it and believe me ive been
told I'm Psychotic
(Sizz514) a minty psychotic - how neat ;)
(jrmint) ive heard of Psycodelic mints before
(Athena1) sorry euchrer i thought we marched
(Athena1) can;'t spell eiother
(jrmint) now that you have won you cant
be partners again until someone else has won
(krystal34) get in here fart
to pards . . . DOC5 and BO5 . . .
(JoAnneP) I just LOVE your nicknames!! ;)))
They are sooooo short!! LOL!!
(GKBurg) and such easy names to type ..
try typing skateway 5 times in a row real fast ;)
goes to Whiz, as himself and all his other nicks, including....
(BlondeMan) that bad whiz got booted huh
(BlondeMan) i thought i covered that joke
with the . in that word geeez
(BlondeMan) i can't do nothing here i'm
a mortal now
(GKBurg) a mortal .. or amoral?
(Kaliki) amoral mortal
(JoAnneP) He's always amoral!!! ;))))
(GKBurg) sounds good to me ;)
(gppTIM) it was worsth the kick
(gppTIM) worth it also
(Kaliki) lol...thought Tim had a lisp
(nomad48) Archer..... black or cream and
sugar or just cream or just sugar or sweet and low or equal?
(ArcherOK) just sugar thanks....LOL
THE PING-DEAD AWARD goes to.... jrmint!
(meripopin) jrmint had no ping.....
(Lynn10) ohhhh nooooooo.. NO PING????????
for the most kicks in one hour! LOL!
*** Trumpy has kicked gppWHIZ from the channel.
*** Trumpy has kicked JimboLimo from the
*** Trumpy has kicked Tis1 from the channel.
*** Trumpy has kicked BlondeMan from the
*** Trumpy has kicked CalamityS from the
Winning techniques....
(gppLisag) i guess it would help if we played
euchre more than once a week lol
(jrmint) i refuse to play during the week
cuz i keep losing
(GKBurg) Forget that, Lisa .. it's $$$ to
the dealer that counts!!!!!!!
(BigParrot) or to the organizers :)))
(Athena1) $$$$$$$$$$$$$ is that enough ??
(BruceM1) rather than $$$ to Kaliki, can
I just take her to a dark corner and #smooch??? :-)
How to sign up....
(rudy3) How do you sign up for the tournament?
(JoAnneP) Talk to me Rudy!!! ;))))
(GKBurg) Rudy, send $5 and your e-mail address
to me .. I'll get ya signed up!!!
(Athena1) only $4 if u send it to me a special
(JoAnneP) Rudy . . . don't listen to them!!!
Do you have a pard??? ;)))
(Athena1) yes listen to us
(Athena1) and for u i will make it very
special only $3.50 but send it right now so u don't miss out
And just in case *ANYONE* missed it, here
is Lisag's ICQ number....
(gppLisag) good :) here is my icq number
(BigParrot) mass add of Lisa's ICQ !!!
(gppLisag) lol i dont care who has it
(OgreJim) sending really good pic to lisa.
(ConnieB) her being an op, there prolly
aren't too many here that she don't already have... hehe
(BruceM1) let's all ICQ Lisa :-)
(gppLisag) heck connie i only have 175 names
(ConnieB) hehe i used to til i losted my
icq here while back...
(gppLisag) oh i had a lot to and i lost
(Athena1) u losted your icq did your computer
eat it up lol
(gppLisag) anyone else?? i just added 2
more lol
(TrumpLady) Lisa you got me?
And the inevitable questions....
(tinyone) this is pard tourney? (Note:Yes)
(MrF00L) is this a ladder or an elimination?
(Note:Single elimination)
(ruffian1) no ladder need a step stool here
Mr Fool
(MrF00L) yes step stool might help me hehe
(wulhers) i'll settle for four jacks every
hand fool hehe
(MrF00L) so is it one game elimination?
(wulhers) no we can play another if we want
(wulhers) not against the same team
(MrF00L) so how many games befor were out?
(MiLady401) TOM???...are you back?????
(BigParrot) at least 2
(GKBurg) it's a single elim *unless you
lose in the first round* tourney ;)
(RHardin40) where do you sign up at
(ruffian1) ON THE DOTTED LINE.....lolol
(EUCHem) yesterday, web page
(gppPAM) http://geocities.datacellar.net/TimesSquare/Battlefield/8350/
(One4Gipr) IS it too late to join?? (Note:
almost never)
(EUCHem) never too late... we're never on
(MarkCCC) on with the shew!
And the ever popular....
(jrmint) so are we gonna start on time tonight?
(EUCHem) LOL sure
(BruceM1) you dreaming again jrmint?? :-)
(BigParrot) just for you Jr....... No
(Athena1) have to ask kadena1 if we start
on time
(EUCHem) kadena always starts on time...
just cant finish on time
(Athena1) finish what euchem
(breeze7) so..I could get here @ 9:30 &
still be early...huh? LOL
(wulhers) so i take it that 9pm is just
a rough guess at a start time...perhaps 10:30??
(BruceM1) Start on time??? who are we kidding
(jrmint) hey are we starting?
(OgreJim) why start something new? i'd be
late then. LOL
kuntrygal) When do we start? Will I be here
all night with this weirdo?
(Kaliki) If you need a partner or you and
your partner didn't get a chance to sign up, try to show up at the special
events room at least 30 minutes before tourney time, so we can get you
squared away and everyone gets to start on time :))) Let JoAnneP, GKBurg,
or BigParrot know what you need and they will see I get the into...I don't
get a chance to read the screen during this time, so please, whatever you
do, DON'T whisper to me....
And the most important question of all....
(jrmint) so who are we picking on this week?
(Note: its always pick on pammy week
Inquiring minds want to know...Is there
or isn't there a picture??????
(Attagirl) Hey JoAnne share your glamour
shot with us!!!!!!!
(JoAnneP) OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is NO
glamour shot!!! LOL!!! ;)))
(Attagirl) OH YES THERE IS
(jrmint) must be a nudie then
(ConnieB) send pic!!! that's what ya kin
do :)
(JoAnneP) LOL!! Connie there is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
new pic . . . Dunf was just trying me make me crazy!!! He does a GREAT
job of it too!!! ;))))
(JoAnneP) LOL!!! Okay, Connie . . . remind
me tomorrow and I'll do it!!! ;)))) BUT it's NOT a glamor pic!! ;oppppppppppp
(gppLisag) you sending out pics of your
self Jo??
(GKBurg) Lisa .. for the right $$$ .. I've
got some GREAT pictures of her *ewg*
Or is it Memorex??
(QuietLady) Hey ruffian.....is this you
or your sprout?
Excuses, excuses....
(gppLisag) pam must had to do alot of laundry
she is late again lol
(gppPAM) whoops..sorry Lisa. Was doing my
email and didn't notice the time
(BruceM1) OK, everyone out of the basement,
Pam is back :-)
Whiz's spot in the newsletter....
(gppPAM) Will ya'all guarantee Whiz a spot
in the newsletter and save us all? lol
(GKBurg) ok, WHiz, you're in:);)
(Sizz514) Someone put a gag in Whiz's mouth
(WKally) or hold his hands!
(ruffian1) NAH JUST a BEER BOTTLE with a
(Athena1) let him rant and rave
(skateawy) a poet in our midsts LOL
(Athena1) waiting for 20 whizz
(Athena1) breathing heavy
(gppWHIZ) #20 can't be shown here
(EUCHem) trumpy is bound to get ya
(gppLisag) lets hope he does EUCH
(EUCHem) he goes to 50
(Sizz514) well email us a whole list, Whiz
(gppLisag) please trumpy mute whiz
(Athena1) too bad tis isn't here to help
whizz along
(gppWHIZ) they think they found a way to
shut me up hmmm
Anybody got a rope?....
(ConnieB) oh LOL have been tied up last
few saturdays :(
(jrxly) Connie who tied you up????
(EUCHem) lucky u connie
(Sizz514) oh ... Connie gone kinky?
(BruceM1) OK, everyone over to Connie's
house :-)
(ruffian1) oooooohhhhh KINKY CONNIE........i
like that name.....lolol
Head count....
(MarkCCC) 72 is this a record?? (Note: nope,
we've had over 80)
He had high hopes, he had high hopes,
he had high, apple pie in the sky, hopes....
(wulhers) so Fool you think we can break
the record low for points last tourney??
(wulhers) i'm shootin for 1 pt
(BruceM1) record low last week was -3, hard
to beat that :-)
(OgreJim) going for -10 this week. lol
(MrF00L) well that was fast
(wulhers) well we tied the record
(MrF00L) was that five alones in one game
or six?
(wulhers) that was just pathetic fool
(wulhers) i think the puter forgot to shuffle
the suits
The drinks are on the house....
(Putertut) Drinks for everyone in the house
except u Trumpy, u get nasty when u drink
The thrill of victory....
gppLisag) that was a great game
(BruceM1) not fair, Pam used extortion to
get the win :-)
(gppPAM) only a liittle or is that like
being a little insane?
And the agony of defeat....
(gppPAM) another early night out of euchre
for old Pammy : )
(gppLisag) lol well we tried pam
(Foly2) zut Pammy lol
(Athena1) better than last time pam
(gppPAM) I'm going to go where a spade is
a spade and not a club
(gppLisag) lol me to back to where we belong
(JoAnneP) Sheesh Pammy . . . y'all gotta
start winning so you're here for ALLLLLLLLLL of Pick on Pammy Night!!!
Oh...and one last question (when did he
sneak in?)....
With friends like this, who needs enemies?
Easy for you to type . . .
Just say NO!! ;)
Not winning, being dragged . . .
The thanks we get for not making a typo
. . .
Paying off Trumpy helps . . . OR the ONLY
one who didn't get kicked!! ;)
When is this thing over???
SloRide entertaining the troops . . .
The new weekend long tourney concept .
. .
How to politely kick someone from your
room . . .
How fresh is she? ;)
A tourney by any other name . . . might
be better!! LOL!
Words of Wisdom??? LOL!
*Please Note . . . Whiz risked life and
limb (okay, okay . . . he REALLY just risked being continually kicked .
. . LOL) to bring us all some funny jokes, so we've decided to put together
a page just for Whiz and anyone else out there with jokes to share . .
. just don't forget that we do have to conform to community standards .
. . so nothing too off-color please! ;) Anyway, we're in the process of
getting that page finished. It should be completed by the end of the week.
If you have any jokes to add to the page, please e-mail us at euchtourney@geocities.com
and we'll include them if we can! ;) This will save us from having to wade
through a GIANT chat log and save y'all from having to cut and paste all
your jokes!! LOL!!!
Nice title for a movie but it didn't go far
enough explaining the real truths. You might know there are differences
in the natures of the beasts, cats and dogs, men and women, but it goes
much farther than one likes to slobber all over you and the other doesn't.
Cats and dogs have different reactions to
the same action. For instance, look at a dog for any extended period of
time and the dog will find it affectionate. Do the same to a cat, it becomes
a hostile act. Different natures. A woman pulls up to a stop light and
looks at the man in the car next to hers. Reverse the scenario. Get the
Well... it's the same in the game. The truth
about cats and dogs is, we don't play euchre the same, we don't converse
the same, we don't even have the same intentions with the same line of
type. The ratio of men-women seating in any given game will inherently
change the entire ambiance.
The all-men game is pure euchre. The conversation
usually consists of:
I'm not saying we prefer all-male games.
No sirree! We will do anything in our power to get a woman to the table.
We just don't have much power. Men are not in their element in converse-orientated
environments. Yes, ladies... you have the upper hand there.
The best part about an all-male game is total
relaxation. Feet up, snacks crumbling on our reclined chests, the ball
game on the TV next to the monitor, the other game on the radio to the
other side, no interruptions between swigs. It's a mouse only game. No
keyboard. No sitting up. We love it!
There is a lot of pride in the all-guy game.
Winning is the total focus. It's almost guarantees that two people are
going to click out without a word at play's end. It's personal.
The all-woman game. Hmm I can't speak from
personal experience but I can tell you what we THINK you are doing in there.
Lots of LOL and chatting, right? Probably the least dirt-competitive of
all games. I imagine you discuss lady magazine articles and talk about
which guys are asses and make awful partners. If you hold true to form,
I'd say some all-women games would hold the record for length. Four BRBers
seated at one table? What horrors to ponder! I take my hat off to you,
ladies, and concede that your day never ends. But you have to admit, you
do a lot of baby care, laundry and wandering in the games. Most men do
not share your dexterity with the chat screens and do not even attempt
to keep up with the lobby and ICQ messages while playing.
Once I stumbled into a table of all women
to say "hi" to one of them. I received no reply for 7 minutes. One of them
got up to go to the bathroom. You've got it, they all scampered off together.
Does it really take 7 minutes??? Tell the truth. You don't just do your
business and return. You get the morning coffee ready, let the dog out,
check the crib and tousle your husband's hair before you return, right?
Or you get back first and find this would be a good time to return some
e-mail. Am I close? Why does Prissy returning after attempting to fetch
a doctor for Melanie in "Gone With the Wind" keep coming to mind?
Do you really paint your nails while playing???
The fun comes in when you have a guy-gal
mix. This isn't always easy to arrange with the set-up at GPP so you are
wide open for any possible combination. One women and three men makes an
interesting game. Keep in mind that men do try to alter their nature in
front of a woman. Allow me to let you in on a little man-secret. Typing
LOL and happy faces does not come natural to us. We had to work on it.
We had to adjust, adapt and brace (even grit teeth) to learn to type gc
gc gc gc gc over and over. NE 101 was not a favorite class. When we do
it, we do it for you, ladies. So one of you is required to make it happen
in any given game.
The other major adjustment is the attempt
to portray suave, witty and sexy sides of ourselves as soon as you appear
in a game. Remember the kid down the street that kept spraying stones and
attempting to pop wheelies with his bike whenever he rode by you at about
age 12? It's like that. Put three men and one woman at a table and it could
go any number of ways but no matter how the set-up goes, one thing that's
almost a given is that the thoughts will remain typeless.
The first thought we are going to withhold
from the chat screen is towards the SOB host who took the women for his
pard. Since we are basically there to compete, he's won the first round.
BUT, this also could set up one of the most satisfying moments. Should
the women then say, "Could you reseat us? Milo's with me."
Ah! Gotcha, ya jerk! (All guys that get the
woman or have a faster car are temporary jerks in our eyes). "Little fast
on the start button? hee hee hee ". It's all primate emotion. An entire
vision explodes in the mind. You see the first Neanderthal clubbing the
woman but before he can get a grip on her hair another male steps up and
clubs him. You grab up a sliver of wood that splintered off the host's
club and pick your teeth with it until the dust settles. Then we all sit
down and play a civilized game of cards. Mind you, this all played out
in near total silence. But it is occurring.
Trouble is, you have to quickly rethink the
jerk status and pray the guy with the girl is a little low in the suave,
wit and sexy departments. Once tagged, though, we usually don't make much
effort. Competitively we now actually have the edge up but the woman rules
the room. Any directed comment feels lavished. She can control how hard
the men play to beat each other up.
Three women and one man. Ah, heaven. Most
of the time you don't have to do anything but play cards. They will just
go about their business of chatting and laughing. The lone male just sits
there and allows themselves to be the target of whatever way the flow of
conversation turns. If your team euchres the other, it will be your fault.
You will take the lion's share of the good and the bad. You are also treated
to, what I call "film clips" of what an all-female game must be like, only
milder. Expect the play to be slow but charming. Type a lot of smiley faces
and don't close your eyes.
Coupled games. There are three versions of
the coupled games. Four total strangers, two strangers and a partnership,
and two partnerships. All have their amusing aspects. Probably the most
interesting one is the table of strangers. Never... I say never... in my
entire on-line life at any game site, have I seen the host assemble two
women and two men and pair them as partners. It's an unspoken rule... unacceptable
behavior... grounds for banishment. Even if you prefer your own sex you
damn well better assume the other three do not and defer to that premise.
The host is in a delicious situation of selecting
one of the two and dropping the other on their counterpart. Just making
that choice tells you a lot about what they might be seeking for their
nightly entertainment. Will he pick "StraightFromNunhood" or "TossedFromEden"?
Will she select "Booger" or "Pecs4U"?
Now comes the action... the real action.
The cards are played and the players reveal themselves. Who's going to
turn on the charm. Which guy is going to be the first one to question their
partner's playing style. The most horrifying situation is when you get
parded with "StraightFromNunhood" and "Tossed" is tossing all her comments
and LOLs your way. Trust me, "Booger" is over there trying to euchre your
@&%#$ dumb A$# on every play. He'll become totally non-verbal except,
maybe to order everyone to "PLAY!" or "Smart move, Peccy!" It can get ugly.
Couples upon couples... let me rephrase that...
clear your inner visions... partnerships teamed with partnerships are interesting
in an entirely different way. Once one couple opens the door, both are
free to discuss their day and go off into total tirades of some unfinished
conflict. The comments are less imaginative and more reality set. There's
no surprise in a partner you know "sending a boy" because they've done
it before...much to your dismay, so you're less likely to hold your comment
than with a perfect stranger. Less latitude all around.
Occasionally a couple/couple game will turn
into a display of which couple is the most loving. This is a difficult
situation for the male to be put in. Not only does he have to reach far
inside himself to find any minute reservoir of charm, he's also got to
be quick with the totally fabricated insinuations his partner is throwing
out there for the other team to believe, and play it out like you know
what she's talking about. It's almost work.
Now put that same couple into a game with
two strangers and the show changes. Each team is setting a stage for the
other. It's almost the duty of the partnership to hold back and see if
the new team will take to one another. Usually one of the females initiates
this and the response of the male will be the tell-all as to how everyone
in the game will proceed from there. If it goes well, the partnership team
can become cheerleaders or instigators. For the strangers, it's usually
amusing to the woman and she'll chime right in. For the male? This could
make the evening easy, or insufferably painful.
Other differences between cats and dogs?
Something as simple as, "Where are you from?" A woman means... "Where are
you from?". A man means. "Come on babe, give me some clues... area.. age...
If a woman says, "Where did you learn to
play like that," it means you did good. If I man utters that line, rut
If a woman says "BRB", it could be anywhere
between 3-10 minutes and there is no telling if she actually returned or
if cousin Jethro is now sitting in across from you. When a man says, "BRB"
I wouldn't begin talking about him... you'll hardly know he's missing.
It's a lot like leaving for a party together. When a guy thinks you are
leaving at 8, he's standing at the door with his coat on at 8. It's the
same when he leaves his monitor for a BRB. We are sprinting! It's become
a decathlon... going for the personal best. The fridge light might still
be flooding the room, wrappers might be flying.. but we will be quick!
A woman assumes a date at 8 means finishing the makeup and begin looking
for her shoes. Then there's that annoying spot checking... or whatever
it is.. when you amble all over the house doing this or that. God knows
what that's about. So that's how I envision the BRB's. Some sort of pageant
walk finished with a fashionably late reentrance.
Now don't take anything I say with too much
sincerity. These are just observations, experiences and ratios that constantly
buzz my head but never truly land. Dogs might be more unconditionally loving
and affectionate and cats might be more independent and into self licking,
so I'd say one points more toward a woman and another a man. But trust
me... no matter how complimentarily intended, don't use my twisted logic
to call ANY woman a dog. You WILL regret it.
This week's Top Ten Question was . . . Star
bright, star light, I wish I may I wish I might, have this euchre wish
I wish tonight . . .
10. just to last more than two games this
week (jrmint)
9. To be looking into my pards eyes, instead
of the monitor. (JimboLimo)
8. that I can be the best darn tootin grand
trump master (wulhers)
7. When euchre game goes into nite... hubby
will still give me lovin til daylight (EUCHem)
6. for bowers in front of me and bowers across
from me all night long (gusty2)
5. I wish with my eyes held way tight...for
all my loners to be loners and not euchres!!! (specialty)
4. I wish happiness to all .. a hot date
with a doll .. and lastly .. a game where i can call !!!!!!! (gppWHIZ)
3. good cards, a good pard and opps that
aren't really too hard :p (meripopins)
2. I wish I may, I wish I might...not HAVE
to tell them "ne" tonight!!! (Quietlady)
And the number one answer this week . . .
1. I wish I may, I wish I might... find my
pard always with my right! (Steven2u)
Next week's Top Ten Question is . . . What
wave file do you think should come standard in the GPP euchre program?
(theflirt) do we have to register for this
tourney or not?
(Sizz514) Hey Greg & Jo ... see why
I wanted to play against QLs :)
(Susan34) yea ok we know you won rub it
in with that score too
(BigParrot) sorry... only have wings here
(ruffian1) got 2 hooves if you want them
(nomad48) Just Say No to Ladder
(GKBurg) nomad sounding a bit like Nancy
Reagan ;op
(JoAnneP) LOL Nomad . . . Just say NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
(Sizz514) the Monkey dude winning tonight?
(PJmonkey) keep dreaming SIZZ
(PJmonkey) norma wins and drags me along
(Storm64) ok
(WKally) K
(Kaliki) oh sure...i go to all that trouble
to typo your name, Kally...and all i get is a *k*
(Kaliki) lol
(WKally) ; ] K
(menz) she did marvelous :)
(ConnieB) who me?
(JoAnneP) Connie did??? Well SHAZAMMMMMMMMMM!!!
LOL!!! ;))))
(ConnieB) bite me jo :)
(JoAnneP) ROFL!!! Can she say that??? ;opppppppppppppppp
(menz) yes u connie
(ConnieB) yeppers :)
(ConnieB) ty pard :)
(Kaliki) trumpy votes...yes
(JoAnneP) LOL!!! Can't I make him kick her???
(ConnieB) see what happens when ya pay the
BIG guy? lol
(JoAnneP) LMAO!!! ;))))
(ConnieB) nope menz needs me :)
(Kaliki) you can sure try Jo :)
(menz) too right, i need you.. Jo back off
(ConnieB) so there jo!! *neener*
(PJmonkey) yes mam
(JoAnneP) How old do I look on here??? Will
everyone please stop calling me Ma'am!!! ROFL!!! ;))))
(Lynn10) yes ma'am
(Dunf) yes Ma'am
(GKBurg) Yes'm ;);)
(PJmonkey) OK mam
(JoAnneP) ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!
(Kaliki) yes, ma'am :)
(Lynn10) she's soooo easy
(GKBurg) LOL .. isn't she though ;);)
(Lynn10) i thought tourneys only last 10-15
min tops
(GKBurg) LOL
(JoAnneP) WOW!!! Lynner and Orgy made it!!!
Wonders never cease!!! Hehehehehehehe!!! ;))))
(OgreJim) for us they usually do. lol
(GKBurg) I think you're thinking of men,
Lynn ;)
(MystOne) Jim likes the quickies!!
(OgreJim) long and slow and never ending.
(Ladyzee) And you know this Myst ????
(MystOne) LOL
(JoAnneP) LOL MystOne!!! ;))))
(MystOne) Just guessing!!!!!!
(JoAnneP) LOL Lady!!! ;))))))))))))
(OgreJim) aww you can tell hon. lol
(Lynn10) if i've got something to do.. i
schedule it after my tourney... be here 9:15
(GKBurg) LOL
(Ladyzee) LOLOL
(MystOne) LOL
(JoAnneP) ROFL!!!! Jim advertising again???
(OgreJim) bragging. lol
(MystOne) WELL.......I was talking about
(JoAnneP) Afraid to ask!!! LOL!!! ;))))
(JoAnneP) Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Myst!!! LOL!!!
(Lynn10) umm.. did i miss somthing important
here??????? LOL
(JoAnneP) Better ask Jim, Lynner!!! It's
YOUR job to make him behave!!! ;))))
(Lynn10) lol... tried that already jo
(Lynn10) jim gets me so excited, i don't
know what to do with my ace
(JoAnneP) Watch out Lynner . . . LOTS of
people here will tell you what to do with your ace!!! ;))))
(SloRide) What do Monica Lewinsky and Bob
Dole have in common?
(SloRide) A: They were both upset when Bill
finished first..
(SloRide) Why are there more women than
men in Heaven?
(SloRide) If it were more, it would be Hell.
(Lynn10) you have to ask , slo?? thought
the answer was obvious lol
(JoAnneP) LOL, Slo!!! ;))))
(Lynn10) (c)¿(c)
(Kaliki) what i think is amazing...is that
30% actually make it in...they must need someone to take out the trash
(GKBurg) You mean someone to take care of
all the problems the women get themselves into, K!!! ;opp
(SloRide) A fool and his money are soon...
Hey! Where's my wallet?
(Kaliki) Slo...trust me on this one...your
kids spent it...lol
(SloRide) Mixed emotions: When your mother-in-law
drives your new car over the cliff.
(SloRide) Why shouldn't you have sex with
your wife first thing in the morning?
(SloRide) Because you've got all day to
find something better!
(SloRide) Bumper sticker I saw: HORN DOESEN"T
WORK watch for finger........
(SloRide) Sex is NOT the answer.....Sex
is the question. YES is the answer!!!
(GKBurg) hehehehe .. good one, Slo :-)
(JoAnneP) LOL!!! ;)))))
(SloRide) What is the new O.J. website address?
(SloRide) slash slash backslash escape.
(SloRide) What did the banana say to the
(SloRide) What are YOU shaking for? She
is going to eat me!
(SloRide) What is the difference between
ooooooh and aaaaaaah?
(SloRide) About three inches.
(SloRide) What is the difference between
Michael Jackson and a grocery bag?
(SloRide) One is made of plastic and dangerous
for children to play with... the other is used to carry groceries.
(Lynn10) how long we have to wait?? gotta
work monday...hehe
(Kaliki) can you call in sick Lynn?
(Lynn10) they figure that already, kaliki
(OgreJim) she owns the company so probably.
(Kaliki) party time at work then...lol
(Lynn10) yeah... who's going to fire me..
SO THERE!!! lol
(ConnieB) menz...i'm closing table...just
so you know i'm not being rude to you :)
(GKBurg) And I thought u 2 were in tehre
doing the wild thang, connie ;)
(ConnieB) LOL nope :)
(GKBurg) what happen.. mikey fall asleep
(JoAnneP) Mikey is used to it Connie . .
. he's always getting stuck in the door!!! LOL!!!!
(ConnieB) LOL
(ConnieB) well, i like to be the last one
to leave so ppl don't think i'm rude... :)
(Kaliki) nothing menz likes better than
a nice nap in front of the computer monitor....at least he finished playing
first this time....
(ConnieB) so i forewarned him :)
(Lance34) ##### HAPPY B / D LYNN ARE YOU
ME.... but it's not my birthday..LOL
(Ladyzee) Weird title .....Winners of the
Loosers Bracket LOL
(meripopin) consolation!!!!
(Kaliki) the first winners of the looser
bracket this spring :)
(jrmint) hey how do you think i feel i came
in second on the losers bracket that makes me the loser of the losers bracket
(ConnieB) closeness only counts in horseshoes,
hand grenades, and bathrooms when you're pregnant...
"see ya"
We prefer not to waste energy. Punctuation
is draining. Conversation pointless. We have nothing to say to each other.
We just want to play euchre and hurt the other team as bad as possible.
If we do have a chat-prone buddy in the game it will become evident in
a slam-dunk situation.
Jo . . . yes, I do smile now and then!!
;)))We just want to thank everyone
for their patience in waiting for us to assign the initial matches . .
. don't forget to sign up EARLY this week so we can start immediately!
To sign up now click here! ;) Also, don't
forget to check out the message board and to post a message or two yourself!
I promised (was actually forced into this) to post a picture of myself
in the newsletter this week . . . now I just have two things to say here
. . . I *will* get Dunf and ConnieB back for this AND I showed you mine,
MystOne . . . now you promised to show me yours . . . cough it up!!! LOL!!!
;oppppppp Take care everyone and may the Euchre Gods smile down upon you!