The Weekly Newsletter
April 10, 1998
Jbattle and Awarmarch Jointly Jilt Jousters

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Awarmarch and Jbattle edged out runners-up Sizz514 and BruceM in a close game to win the Partners' Euchre Tournament on Friday night! Jbattle claimed, "It was all my pard tonite!" To which Awarmarch replied, "Hey, can't do it by myself either!" These two have only played together once before this . . . in last week's tourney. Jbattle's nickname is his real name and Awarmarch used that nickname in Red Alert and couldn't change it. LOL!! These two are from Canada and, though not our first Canadian winners, they are our first Canadian winning pair! ;) Jbattle's son also plays euchre in GPP . . . y'all prolly know him as Kbattle!! Not that Jbattle is the proud father or anything but he did mention his son's web page too. ;))) The URL is . . . stop by and visit him if you get a chance. HIYA KBATTLE!!! (Your Dad asked us to be sure to say hi to you!!) ;)) Awar just moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba last year . . . he was originally from Hudson Bay. Jbattle is from Dunnville, which is about 40 miles west of Niagara Falls. Awar is a single parent of two boys ages 2 and 3 . . . he works on the Canadian National Railways. Jbattle is an assistant produce manager for A&P. When not playing cards, Awar likes to hike, curl, camp, fish and play chess. For those of you who don't know what curling is . . . it's a sport played with brooms and rocks. He likes to go to bonspiles, which are curling tournaments. An avid golfer, Jbattle has also been collecting logo golf balls for more than five years, he has over 400 of them on display in his rec room. Now there's a man with a lot of . . . errrrr . . . ahhhhh . . . balls!!! ;))) The guys told us they played a lot of close games and wanted us to be sure to mention they think there are a lot of good euchre players who play in the tournament. Awarmarch, who has only been playing euchre for a month and a half, gave us a great euchre tip, "When an opponent has his partner pick up trump, if I lead first and have an ace, I will lead trump. This sometimes stops the person picking up from being able to trump a trick and can also put the caller in a jam." Jbattle, who has been playing euchre for more than 20 years shared a few of his tips too, "If I have an ace and a king of the same suit I will discard the ace to tell my partner I have the king. Also, if the score is 9 to 6, sometimes it's better to order and get euchred than to give them a loner." He also mentioned that he thinks Pcove is the second best euchre player at GPP . . . he conveniently forgot to tell us who he thought was the best player though! ;) GREAT playing you two . . . way to go!! ;)))
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DollGirl and .. hmm .. Husband???
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Ruffian1 and .. hmmm .. Husband???


This week's Consolation Tourney winners were the lovely ladies Dollgirl and Ruffian1 . . . this is their second win together. Their first win was on 2/6/98. They edged out runners-up CalamityS and BillHerm in a close game. They announced their win with a little poem that Ruffian wrote after they won the first time . . . it's sort of like their theme song . . . we have a copy for everyone's enjoyment on the Miscellaneous Message Board but we thought we'd reprint a copy here in honor of their win:  
A euchre team consists of 2
one - a horse of a different hue
The other likes to dance and twirl
She's know by all as the "Dollgirl"
Ruffian likes to kick and buck
They seem to have a lot of luck
To some it may seem oh so tragic
Little do they know of Ruffian's magic
She'll twitch her tail and cast a spell
a trick she's learned to do so well
Around the euchre track they journey
In hopes of winning their 2nd tourney!

Well, congratulations ladies . . . you did it! ;))) Since we last interviewed these two ladies, Ruffian's horse has become pregnant. Ruffian claims she got a two for one deal . . . not too sure we want to know what that means!! ROFL! Dollgirl says not much has changed for her, she's just busy as usual taking care of her hubby and four children! Ruffian claimed their secret of success was, "My pard did great in the tourney tonight and I was lucky to have trump for a change! Good calls, good backup and lots of luck!" Ruffian and GTLovers' business has taken off as of late and she jokes that he hasn't had too much time to be a GT Lover!! LOL!! The two ladies enjoy playing euchre and when they're together, laughter always seems to follow them! ;) Ruffian made us all a promise that we'll not forget, "One of these days when we have the time, we are going to travel to the states and I'm going to look for Mary and all my other friends!" She went on to explain their winning combination, "We have no secrets, just have faith in your pard . . . oh, and distract the opponents by peeking under the table.....lolol!" Dollgirl came up with a new euchre motto for us all . . . "Euchre means never having to say you're sorry!" LOL!! Ruffian explained why, "It's the name of the game, so why say sorry!" The ladies also came up with the four "F's" of euchre . . . "Have FUN, have FAITH and have FOUR TRUMP . . . lol!" Dollgirl added, "Yes, and make good FRIENDS!" The last time these two won, the only thing Dollgirl could do was cry . . . this time all she did was laugh!! ;))) Dollgirl, "I am laughing so hard, I can't talk lol . . . and all I am going to say in news letter is lol!" Nice job, ladies . . . you done good!! ;)))


THE COVETED FIRST ONES OUT AWARD goes to Kadena and MarkCCC . . . just think how much time they saved by losing early this week!! ;)))

(ravn13) who am i? why am i here?

(Dunf) Kadena told me to do it!!! she did!!! she did!!! it was all her fault!!!!!

(BuddFoxx1) Oh my god he's back........................................
(BuddFoxx1) Hide the women and the children, it is BuddFoxx
(BuddFoxx) so every one have a blast, take chances, drive fast, pass in the emergency lane, and tape $ 0.35 to your ankle for emergency phone calls
(BruceM) he really has been alone too long

(kadena1) oh great, looks like 2 pards have dumped me in 1 nite
(kadena1) it is ok, I feel lucky, someone will show up and be willing to pard with me (pouting)

[Enter] antgman
(antgman) am I too late?
(kadena) YES!
(crappers) boooooooooo
(crappers) antgm,an...BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
(mrsboop) G-Man ;-)) you owe me about 200 Tuesdays now don't you LOL
(kadena) BOOOOOO Ant
(meripopin) booooooo

(mingojct) we lost we lost we lost
(JoAnneP) I know but you can lose in the FIRST round and still play Mingo,!!! ;))))
(mingojct) ty jo!!! hope springs eternal!!

(BizzMan) Pssst Kal, Jo...I'll slip ya a 20 if u place me and Connie back into the tourney..*LOL*
ConnieB) nobody will give us another game?


(BruceM1) Now I have a question for the whole room :-)
(BruceM1) Who is here for the Euchre tourney and who is here just to see what everyone says this week?? :-)
(kadena1) LOL BRUCE, it is the literary expertise of all of us wanna-be-euchre players that keeps everyone returning!

(Dunf) Kalilki! is this the tourney u told me about..the one to avoid?
(Athena1) yes this is the one to avoid
(Sizz514) No one avoids us, Dunf :)
(Kaliki) yes, for the hills :)

(ravn13) do i have time to run stand at my window naked before the tournament starts?
(Sizz514) sure, go aheaad ravn13
(mrsboop) you go ravn go haha
(mrsboop) scare them birds off the lawn ravn LOL
(BigParrot) yes..... if you keep the drapes closed !!!

(BuddFoxx1) I just peed
(kadena1) we have to find some manners for you
(kadena1) it is more polite to say "take a leak or a whiz" lol
(Dunf) take whiz... please!
(awarmarch) gee whiz
(mrsboop) LOL whiz is whiskey where I come from

(JoAnneP) Talk to Pammy Bizz!! ;)))
(BizzMan) Pammy!!!!!!!! Where are ya??
(gppPAM) she's on a break I think : )
(BizzMan) *Searching High and Low for Pam* Ohhhhhh Pam????
(PamS) yes?
(PamS) hehehe
(BizzMan) Wrong Pam..*LOL*
(BizzMan) I want the @gppPam!!

(BizzMan) I'm Da BarTender, I atleast deserve to have one....*LOL*
(BizzMan) Ohhhh, Pam....If u give me my Lil' @ sign that I want..I'll help U and Lisa win, by telling U what my mom has in cards..*EG*
(BruceM) Bartender??? GO to your room :-)

(kadena) suppose to look that way when u have the @
(Dunf) gee...we wouldn't want to make Jo look like an idiot...

(meis9) AND I NEED IT BADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(BigParrot) LOL !!!!!!! go to
(GOFLETCH) credit cards??
(BigParrot) and please NO Friggin seeds ok?
(GOFLETCH) but yr a parrrot
(GOFLETCH) parrots need seeds
(BigParrot) yes both accepted... but cash does wonders :))
(BigParrot) big unmarked bills preferred :))

(ConnieB) well *color me stupid* i had an extra day and didn't use
(BizzMan) *LOL* Connie....*Breaking out the crayons and magic markers*

On the aftermath of crashing while trying to organize a tournament....
(cecronia) we lost tourney leaders :)
(Kaliki) we went out for ice
(Kaliki) i am announcing winners tourney...if you have lost a round...then tell me, i should not be announcing you...but i am kinda lost
(jrxly) passing Kalicki a compass
(BruceM) kinda lost NOW??? :-)
(Kaliki) I want a rule i cant crash during the first 2
(JoAnneP) I second that!!! ;)))))))))))

(JimboLimo) ok Jo, the limo ride is on the table...what are u 2 offering? :)
(JoAnneP) LOL!!! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . . babe??? What are we offering??? Yoda maybe??? LOL!!!! (Editors note: Yoda is a cat)
(JimboLimo) ewwwwwwww
(JimboLimo) Yoda?
(JoAnneP) He's a good kitty!!! Hehehehehehehehehehe!! ;)))
(BigParrot) Yoda's a pussy.......... cat
***Trumpy has kicked Bigparrot from the channel
(JimboLimo) LOL bye parrot
(Tis) ut oh
(JoAnneP) ROFLMAO!!!!
(JoAnneP) Bye Boid!!! ;))))
(JimboLimo) flew the coop
(mrsboop) HAHAHA that big mouth deserved it ROFLMO
(Kaliki) hey Jo....try it with the $$
(JoAnneP) Not me!!! YOU try it!! ;oppppppppppppppppp
(Tis) shoulda cleared that word with
(JimboLimo) bet that makes the newsletter LOL
(JoAnneP) I don't think he coulda cleared THAT word with anyone!!! LOL!!!
(Tis) Trumpy likes pussicats....*smile*
(GKBurg) And it was the most feared word in the boid's vocabulary ;););)
(JoAnneP) Guess he didn't like his @ all that much, huh?? LOL!!!

(Kaliki) brb...i have bleedthru tables
(GKBurg) sounds gross to me ;op
(Sizz54) that time of month, huh>
(jrxly) Sizz !!!!!
(Sizz54) sorry - I couldn't help it :)

(jrxly) I am hosting crappers
(Tis) How do you host "crappers", jr?
(Sizz54) jr crappers? does that mean they're smaller?
(JimboLimo) lol sizz
(JimboLimo) rabbit size
(Tis) pellet crappers
(FartMann) like junior mints lol
(JimboLimo) think fartman and crappers......belong together ??

(Tis) Plug in the video....*smile*
(JimboLimo) set up the tripod
(JoAnneP) OMG . . . it's the JIM and TIS show . . . only on X-Rated TV near you!!! LOL!!
(JimboLimo) no peaking
(FartMann) oh no.. I don't want to see Jims butt
(GKBurg) ewwwwwwwwwwww
(Sizz54) I'll look at Jim's butt
(FartMann) can you put them black censor circles on it? lol
(JoAnneP) Hush Sizz!!! TRY to behave!!! ;opppppppppppp
(Kaliki) Sizz and behave....yeah,
(Sizz54) LOL

(Kaliki) nice try Bizz and Connie!!! Better luck next time!
(ConnieB) *sniff* *pout* *wail*
(ConnieB) *sniff* it's gonna get to where ppl cringe at the thot of me for a pard....
(JoAnneP) NO WAY Connie!!!
(ConnieB) but we DID put up a good fight, dinna we bizz?
(BizzMan) Sure did Connie!!
(ConnieB) *waiting patiently for kaliki to call me and bizz again* :)
(Sizz54) Not tonight, Connie :D
(Kaliki) call you for what connie???
(ConnieB) *groveling* puhleeze???
(ConnieB) another game *GRINNING EAR TO EAR*
(JoAnneP) ROFL!!! Connie!!! ;))))))))))))))) I told you . . . you two can play in front of the camera . . . or did you mean cards??? ;oppppppppppp
(ConnieB) jo!! what part of this don't you understand??? bizz and i are NOT ready to quit playing :)
(BizzMan) Ummm, Connie..Since you're down there......
(BizzMan) *EG*
(ConnieB) down where bizz? and for what??
(Sizz54) and not in front of his MOTHER !!!
(ConnieB) ut-oh...wrong question?? :-x
(ConnieB) cards jo another pard for that "other" stuff :)
(BizzMan) What??? I only need my shoes polished...*Innocent Look*
(ConnieB) well they could play us and get beat and we could take their places???
(Sizz54) I DON'T THINK SO, Ms. Connie !!!
(BizzMan) Hey Connie, i have an advantage..I can look at my mom's puter...
(Sizz54) and die very young, young fella
(BruceM) good Bizz, tell her what cards she has :-)
(ConnieB) go bizz go!! lol
(Sizz54) I can turn off his computer :)
(BruceM) at her age, the eyesight is the first thing to go :-)
(Kaliki) its the eyesight...gee, i thought it was...errr....i forgot
(BizzMan) Mind Kal???
(Kaliki) mind what...rofl
(ConnieB) nope me...THAT never goes away!!!! at least for women!! rofl
(BizzMan) Yeah, Yeah.. KMA!!!
(Sizz54) Besides ... YOU are MY age
(ConnieB) (mom's are NO fun sometimes, huh, bizz?)
(BruceM) nope, am not :-)
(Sizz54) are, too
(Sizz54) 40 is 40
(BruceM) nope, months count too :-)
(Sizz54) no they don't
(BruceM) Kaliki doesn't mind anything, as long as it can be done in her jet :-)
(Dunf) kaliki has a jet?!?! wow!!!! and i have an airstrip!!! a match made in heaven! :-)
(Kaliki) oh, who told him about the jet...i wanted him to love me for my sweet self....
(ConnieB) "sweet" self?? did something happen while i wasn't looking?
(Dunf) i'll lub you all u want..... on the jet of course! :-)
(BizzMan) *LOL* Connie!!
(ConnieB) i never done it in the air...
(GKBurg) Then you should buy a trapeze, Connie ;);)
(Kaliki) hush connie, and jo and greg and the rest of you...rofl
(JoAnneP) MOI??? I am being soooooooooooooooooo GOOD!!! Why me??? ;))))
(ConnieB) yeah, me being good too! :( *adjusting halo*
(Kaliki) Connie is NEVER all that good...i have known her for ages....
(BruceM) JoAnne good?? contridiction in terms :-)
(Sizz54) Greg promised you something for being good, Jo???? :)
(JoAnneP) Hush you two!!! Why aren't you two playing anyway??? LOL!!! ;))))
(BruceM) more fun out here right now :-)
(BizzMan) Mom?? She never plays..I swear I constantly see here yapping away more out here than in the Actual game room!!
(ConnieB) you talking 'bout me bizz?? *snickle*
(BizzMan) Nope, I'm talking about my Mom..*LOL*
(ConnieB) oh!! she talks as much as i do??? LOL
(JoAnneP) Sheesh, how are we supposed to hush Bruce??? LOL!!!
(Kaliki) i know how to do that ;x
(JoAnneP) !Hush BruceM
(JoAnneP) Did that work??? LOL!!! ;))))
(Sizz54) It's impossible ... to make Bruce hush up, it's just impossible :)
(Sizz54) I think it's hereditary :)
(BruceM) not hardly :-)

(Dollgirl) it stinks in here
(GKBurg) I thought fartman left!!
(ruffian) BLAME FARTMAN !!!!!!!!!
(JoAnneP) Hey DollGirl . . . at least you aren't playin' Fartman!! ;)))
(ruffian) you know we shouldnt talk about him behind his back....but then again he does THINGS BEHIND HIS BACK......rotflmao
(GKBurg) ROFL, ruffian
(ruffian) naughty arent i
(JoAnneP) ROFL, Ruffian!!! ;)))
(Dollgirl) keep comeing in here so i can take a breath lol
(ruffian) got to pee like a race horse
(ruffian) or a pregnant horse come to think of it......rotflmao
(GKBurg) Ya'll should know by now to keep a bedpan by your puter!! ;op

by: Al Zeimers

Every now and then, not often, but it's there if you're paying attention... amid the ne, gt and gc will come a statement such as : "stroking with my fingers lightly." Huh??? Dare we ask what that's all about? Given a minute it will finally occur to you that someone just typed on the wrong screen. Now that's not to say these two opponents are cheating. I suspect cheating when the first partner to get a chance to bid any suit calls what his partner has and he doesn't. I even get a little suspicious in no pass through games. When you play two or three games with the same people and they never allow a deal default. If you've ever played "Stick The Dealer", you'd know that's statistically odd. But that's neither here or there for this piece.. let's get back to Mr. Fingers.

There's never a better situation for self-induced embarrassment or humor than for someone at the table to shoot their pard a private message only to have it appear on the public screen. Once you make sense of what just happened, you HAVE to call them on it. It's the quickly fabricated explanations of the line still scrollable that brings the fun to the embarrassment.

"Stroking with my fingers lightly"??? You ask?

"Uh, yes. Because you said good hand."

"I'm not following you."

"Well... good hand makes me think of my hands, which are not so good. You see, I have arthritis and whenever someone says 'good hand', it makes me conscious of them. So I stroke them with my fingers to relieve the ache, and I was sort of just telling my partner that my hands were acting up."

"Oh", you say as you finally let him off the hook. But that entire inventive spiel took five lines of chat bar typing, unfolding before your water-blurred eyes as you laugh yourself half off your chair, sweetly anticipating its conclusion. Bear in mind, people type explanations quickly. You'd never even notice the arthritis., AND the syntax was wrong, but I gave this guy an "A" for his excellent resourcefulness and said a silent prayer for him if he WASN'T chatting with his partner but someone else, somewhere else.

Catching the flipping screens blunder is better than eavesdropping. It's like X-ray specs that actually WORK; a primo fantasy left over from the days of becoming aware that girls are interesting in some not quite explainable way.

Sometimes it's obvious, like... "We'll join you for a game as soon as we dispose of these Bozos." Once that type hits your view you have choices. You can remain silent, stop play, and enjoy the fact that he's now flush red and half numb. You can punish him for his remark with a quick exit or a demand for an explanation. OR, you can have a little fun with him, for instance, "Uh no, I never really finished Bozo school *sigh* but I DID get a free Happy Meal from Ronald McDonald once!"

However you proceed is up to you, but be prepared. Some day, when you least expect it, an odd assortment of words are going to hit your screen. Boom, buddy! You're on Boob Camera! You'll certainly want to enjoy it for all its worth and I just wanted you to know what those seemingly inane lines are all about so you can pounce on the moments rather than scratch your head for ten minutes and let it slip past.

I do love the excitable ones best, like..... "WE can't do that! That's physically IMPOSSIBLE!" :-D


This week we want to thank all the people who played in the tourney plus a special thanks to those people who always sign-up ahead of time, show up with the right partner and the right nickname and never, ever complain about us starting late! We know there are a LOT of you out there . . . you have our eternal gratitude for your patience and good humor! Please don't forget to either let us know ahead of time or be in the special events room 30 minutes early if you: 1.) haven't already signed up, 2.) have a name change or 3.) have a partner change. To contact us with a change, you could e-mail us at . . . but be sure to use this method only if you know 24 hours in advance . . . even e-mail can be slow these days!

We also wish to thank everyone who helps us with the tourney and the newsletter!! BigParrot and GKBurg (who both help with everything) and Al Zeimers (for his wonderful column), Pammy (who now captures all the lobby text for us), and Lisag (our newest addition to the newsletter staff . . . who is helping write the Special Awards and the Overheard in the Lobby sections)!! If there is anyone else out there who wouldn't mind volunteering some time and either likes to write or wouldn't mind helping with the scores on tourney night, let us know, K??? We sure could use your help!! ;)))) We'll see y'all next week . . . take care everyone and may the Euchre Gods smile down upon you! ;)


What is the main difference between the way men play euchre and the way women play euchre?

10. Women are generally better and more serious players....Men are more interested in being cute. (Baddly)

9. Men flirt with their eyes and words, women with their feet under the table. (JimboLimo)

8. Women flash the dealer more, men just bribe him :) (Rainy2)

7. Most men don't care if they win or lose, however, women want to WIN ... at EVERYTHING !!! (Sizz514)

6. Women play on guts and men play on.......well u know!!! (crappers)

5. Besides men paying to much attention to the game, they seem to need a lot of quick brb's. (LOL) (WKally)

4. As a rule men are more aggressive then women and not as worried about getting euchred!!!!! (ScrOll)

3. Of course, women play better!! And if the men beat us, it is only because we let them. LOL (kadena)

2. One bids with a pair of jacks. The other bids with a pair of cojones. (Steven2u)

And the #1 answer to this week's question, What is the main difference between the way men play euchre and the way women play euchre?

1. I find no difference at all. ..... this added very fast ------>[wife was looking over my shoulder] (GPPWhiz)

Next week's Top Ten Question is What's more fun than winning the Partners' Euchre Tournament on Friday night?

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