Last Updated:
Sept. 28th, 2001
Megaman984's Page O' Humor
RPGC Related Comics
Comic Mini-series
Other Comics
Rants and Ravings
Random Stuff
::Megaman984:: Welcome to the new RPGC Related Humor Page by yours truly, Megaman984. As you can see, I changed the layout. Why? Because I felt that it would be much more orderly considering how much stuff I'm adding. Enjoy.


July 24th:
    No, I'm not dead. I just have a little announcement. It's not in the sidebar yet because it's not done, but I have started working on something I refer to as 7|-|3 |)4|\|73 pr0j3(7. That's The Dante Project for those of you unfamiliar with 1337. You can sneak a peek of it here
February 27th:
    Been a while since I last updated, but this is a small one. I took down the X comic. Good day.
September 28th:
    I added a new page for Random Stuff, not that my stuff isn't random lareadl.y
September 16th:
    Okay. Apparently some people don't like my line about beating people like a harp seal. Just so you know, I don't actually approve of seal hunting. All I was doing was semi-quoting a line said by Eka in Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean. Once again, I do not approve of seal hunting, so stop complaining. I'm leaving it up because I don't feel like pulling an Orwell and basically erasing documents from the past.
September 14th:
    I found an old comic I made. It's in the Other Comics section.
September 10th:
    The site is back online. I hope you like the new layout, and if you don't I'll hunt you down and beat you like a harp seal. Have a nice day.