Welcome to my Guestbook!HI look at all these Pokemon Trainers, Sign my guest book so I can e-mail you. I didn't post my e-mail adress for safety reasons.

Elemental - 12/19/00 07:04:45
My Email:N/A in public
what is your favorite pokemon: Mewthree (i've got one it works)
what codes you want: Instant access to secret city
what links you want me to add: N/A

My name is realy Jake but ever since I earned back my privilidge of pokemon i've called myself that. I was banned from pokemon in November 1999, I was allowd it again in June 2000. I always was the best in my town and since I started again I was relying on this site heaps. I found you Through freakachu's freakin Top 50. I love you for returning me to my prized position- THE EXEPERT OF NEWMAN TOWN.

@$$ Hole - 11/15/00 02:28:28
My URL:http://bite me
My Email:Sleeping@home.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Fagasaurus
what codes you want: GOLD AND SILVER
what links you want me to add: this page isnt good enough

I think your page blows sorry to say but you have no gold/silver cheats and it told me you did and second of all your pokegod cheats are fake there is NO SUCH THING as pokegods even ask Nintendo Power.. and your chat thing dont work i typed every single name i know and it said all tooken bye some stupid NBCi people any way unless you have actual pokemon gold/silver cheats dont say you do.... looking at your site waz a waste of my time... and there is no POKEGODS in any pokemon game so dont tell people there is als that dose is screw up there game... and whats the point of haveing togepi on you game why not wait until you have gold proffesor Oak gives it to you... and pikablue dosent exsist either... well any way i gotta go to BETTER SITES!!!... to find cheats for gold/silver seeings how YOU DONT!!!...

Andres Gutierrez - 11/05/00 00:37:17
My Email:gumafa@netzero.net
what is your favorite pokemon: togetic
what codes you want: gold and silver
what links you want me to add: none

dud you realy have great website but you need new codes for gold and silver

tyler - 10/29/00 18:44:24
My Email:dodgeviper12345@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: charmander
what codes you want: 150 pokemon without game shark

i want you to e-mail me the secret missingo code. i really like this site most sites dont have what i want but this one does!

Ryan Thompson - 10/21/00 18:40:26
My Email:garyhatley@home.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikablu
what codes you want: Togepi code w/o a game shark
what links you want me to add: none

Your site is great. I'm 13 years old and Ive never seen so many codes for pokemon.

Ryan Thompson - 10/21/00 18:40:09
My Email:garyhatley@home.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikablu
what codes you want: Togepi code w/o a game shark
what links you want me to add: none

Your site is great. I'm 13 years old and Ive never seen so many codes for pokemon.

miah - 10/19/00 04:22:58
My Email:pilfer1spc@aol.com
what codes you want: all


R.J. - 10/08/00 23:46:27
My Email:SSTrunks224@cs.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Squirtle/Meowth
what codes you want: how to get togepi with game shark


Adam Jackson - 10/08/00 03:23:01
My Email:adam_kid2000@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard
what codes you want: how to get Mew,how to get 99 rare candies


dustin - 10/01/00 22:57:37
My Email:ss2_trunks50@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikachu
what codes you want: i want the pikablue code and i need help on the create your own pokemon code

you have the best pokemon site i have been on yet.and belive me ive been on almost every site yet.what does it mean type of pokemon.will you help me on the codes.well e-mail me asap

Paul Long - 09/27/00 09:46:46
My Email:longboy03@hotmail
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard
what codes you want: Pikablue,Togepi,Pokegods for red/blue versions

Your Badass!!!!!

Brandon Kennedy - 08/28/00 20:43:22
My Email:Rooney@mail.skybest.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charmander
what codes you want: The Secret with the missingno trick


dan man - 08/24/00 02:18:20
My Email:godolphs@bright.net
what is your favorite pokemon: pikablu
what codes you want: the real pikablu,mew&togepi without gameshark
what links you want me to add: the real mew code without gameshark

how much money does a gameshark cost

me - 08/03/00 21:39:51
My Email:kornfreeeak@hotmail.com

email me why whenever i try to get through anything with nickname?, it just puts some wierd pokemon in a line on the left side of the screen.

jeremiah - 08/03/00 13:47:47
My Email:oopsbabybaby69@cs.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikablu
what codes you want: pikablu codes that actually work!

what's the little secret about pokemon over level 100

Lamo_The_Clown - 07/29/00 16:58:55
what is your favorite pokemon: togepi
what codes you want: behind bills house

the gameshark code where u can go be hand bills house and other places with nickname does not work for me plz but it in a better words or take it off

adam bennett - 07/26/00 10:11:41
My Email:adam@ic24.net
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: pokegod and mew codes without a gameshark


Martin - 07/15/00 14:51:38
My URL:I haven't one
My Email:I haven't one
what is your favorite pokemon: My favorite pokémon is Dragonair
what codes you want: I wish no codes other than the ones posted already, although I have a suggestion about pokémon Red/Blue non gameshark codes section in the section entitled "Your Comments"
what links you want me to add: I have no suggestions for links to add

I wish to know whether or not the codes in the Red/Blue non gameshark codes section are tried. Thank you for your time.

Drew - 07/14/00 23:29:10
My Email:jetfire22@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: charizard
what codes you want: Tried and true non gs or gg codes on how to get either all 150 pokemon or get pokemon to all your pokemon to level 100 quickly
what links you want me to add: none

yours is an awesome site. I go to it each time i need pokemon advice since i started liking pokemon again. Also, I want to know the secret on the catching pokemon over level 100 code. thanx

jj - 07/11/00 20:53:02
what is your favorite pokemon: MEW
what codes you want: GAMESHARK MIST STONE


jj - 07/11/00 20:52:31
what is your favorite pokemon: MEW


Shawn - 07/09/00 19:19:42
My Email:coolerthanyou54
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: all of them
what links you want me to add: all of mine

your site is awsome!

Dale Kim - 07/04/00 02:09:06
My Email:dalekim30@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: (NONE)
what codes you want: The Real Pikablu codes
what links you want me to add: (NONE)

I love this site!! It is one of my favorite Pokemon sites there could be!

Reuben Avalos - 06/30/00 16:49:18
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Athens/stage/5975
My Email:r_avalos99@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard
what codes you want: All the red&blue codes without Game shark

I think your site is the best. It has every code you need to succeed in Pokemon.

Ben - 06/29/00 02:02:28
My Email:Ben11h
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: The Real Code For Togepy /With Pic.

Oh and the code to battel level 255 pokemon is 01ff27d1 bye

david - 06/25/00 17:04:55
My Email:david@farquhar.abelgratis.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Ditto

can I download any pictures

Gohan - 06/24/00 18:45:19
My Email:Zdarkon248@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard
what codes you want: any gamshark or cool codes
what links you want me to add: ???????

You have an awsume site.I love all the codes you have, but I woundered what you enter for the item gameshark codes? Over all you have a awsume site. Please email me the anwser.COLL SITE

JASON H - 06/23/00 23:58:51
what is your favorite pokemon: MEW
what links you want me to add: THE POKEMON LEAUGE


Ben - 06/08/00 02:23:32
My Email:Ben11h
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: Have all pokemon

No comments

Kool Kid - 06/05/00 23:23:55
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/sonic07410/index.html
My Email:craigmilstein@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikablu And Mew
what codes you want: Real Pokegod codes for Blue and Yellow version of POkemon for Gameboy
what links you want me to add: http://www.Pokemon.com

I love your site!!! It is the Koolest site in the world!!!! IF you can get the codes please tell me them because I have gameshark. Thanks.

josh - 06/04/00 21:05:53
My Email:www.treasurejk @aol
what is your favorite pokemon: Mewtwo and Dragonite
what codes you want: super Strong Water and Dragon pokemon
what links you want me to add: Red Codes

Great site, On Cinnabar named David and rival David you will find 123 Alakazams and 136 Mewtwos.Have Fun

David Lee - 05/14/00 05:41:36
My Email:david_lee33@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: secret to over lvl 100 pokemon...

Nice site... my browser says there r "errors on this page" for some reason...

rony - 04/30/00 13:51:23
My Email:megakid22
what is your favorite pokemon: zapdos
what codes you want: the code that makes ash foalt
what links you want me to add: none

you have the best web site

J.E. - 04/29/00 15:59:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pokemon/Odairu/pokequiz.html
My Email:OdairuMaster@mail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Odairu!
what codes you want: See if you can find some codes for Pokemon Gold/Silver. I have the Japanese version.
what links you want me to add: Link one to my site!! (if u want)

It was good and thorough. On a scale of 1-10, I give it a 9.2.

Charmander - 04/22/00 16:45:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pokemon/charmanderssite
My Email:WeEaN@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charmander
what codes you want: none
what links you want me to add: none

Nice site! Please visit my site and join my top siet list to geet more people to your site!

Steve - 04/21/00 22:58:41
My Email:Snipa@mail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charmander
what codes you want: the special secret for Level 100 Pokemon

Amazimg site!!!!

jake - 04/21/00 21:58:13
My Email:jakethesnake@cs.com
what is your favorite pokemon: porygon
what codes you want: infinint money


alakazam - 04/21/00 19:33:39
My Email:5wiggins@gte.net
what is your favorite pokemon: seadra
what codes you want: level 255 pokemon gameshark code + pokegod codes
what links you want me to add: The Ultimate Pokemon And Digimon Page

I really liked your site and I will vote for you!!! Will you please add a link from your site too mine?

Alex Collins - 04/21/00 12:54:29
My Email:smellbacon69@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: jigglypuff
what codes you want: i want to know how to get the real mist stone the code you have doesn't work.
what links you want me to add: noothing

you have a great site this is by far the best site I have seen for codes for pokemon. so just keep up what your doing. smell ya later!!

DeAnn - 04/19/00 19:36:28
My Email:Rhinestone2002@excite.com
what is your favorite pokemon: every cute one
what codes you want: the secret on level 100 pokemon


Lou - 04/17/00 15:25:02
My Email:BigLouS316@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: un-glitched pokegod codes

Thanks for the codes

Annon - 04/16/00 21:24:27
My URL:http://beam.at/missingno
My Email:mewtwo@mewtwo.zzn.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Annon
what codes you want: the secret code
what links you want me to add: none

nice page. the only problem is your words are WHITE against the yellowish background, so it's hard to read.

rony - 04/09/00 19:19:13
My Email:megakid22
what is your favorite pokemon: zapdos
what codes you want: how do yolu catch togipi?how do you get a mew without the game shark?

your web site is the bast

Diego A. - 04/09/00 13:28:02
My Email:iceboy98@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: the real pokegod gs codes

Your site is cool, and im gonna keepcoming back for updates...

Matt - 04/06/00 21:55:08
My Email:f_16thunderbird@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: all

your site is dabomb!

gorge - 04/06/00 03:40:23
My Email:aldin316@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: I want pokegod codes
what links you want me to add: no link's

I tried the code were you get a ratecade and pickachu an live the game on for an houer and it did't work.

mew151 - 04/06/00 01:01:08
My URL:http://www.maxpages.com/mtpokemon
My Email:hhilburn@bayou.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Gengar
what codes you want: The best you have
what links you want me to add: www.maxpages.com/mtpokemon

I am leaving a message.

mhavird - 04/02/00 20:45:08
My Email:mhavird@mindspring.com
what is your favorite pokemon: BULBASAUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what codes you want: level 100 pokemon code

i really need the level 100 code and a pikablu code

Joe - 04/01/00 03:42:10
My Email:jgdonzi@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: How to get Mewthree or Pikablu

Can u please send me the codes on how to get Mewthree! Also, your site is awsome and one of my favorite site to go to!

Brad Simmons - 03/26/00 03:27:00
My URL:http://www.ma.ultranet.com
My Email:dsimmons@ma.ultranet.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: at the bottom of the gameshark codes it says you'll give me a code
what links you want me to add: none

what is the code, what does it do, and can I have it ? Thanks!

Daryl - 03/21/00 02:26:19
My Email:Menace_28@excite.com
what is your favorite pokemon: piablu
what codes you want: where is the mist stone after you put in the gameshark code

your site is the best

Dave - 03/19/00 17:06:53
My Email:BlazingBeagle@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: MewTwo
what codes you want: all of them that say there is a secret to them. (( please tell secret )) and How to get MewThree

This site is the pest pokemon site i've ever been to. I'm Sure the Pokégod Codes will sure help me out!

joshua merritt - 03/19/00 01:15:47
My Email:mogl@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: WHERE IS THE MIST STONE EXACTLY


aaron - 03/19/00 01:11:59
My Email:mogl@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mewtwo
what codes you want: the secret on the level 100 and up pokemon


- 03/17/00 17:32:05
My Email:no_1bomb@hotmail.com


Kyle Hesketh - 03/17/00 04:37:37
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/kh140/kylepage.html
My Email:kh140@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Gyrados
what codes you want: I want to know if you can create a pokemon with gameshark.If so how?
what links you want me to add: www.stickdeath.com

Your site is the coolest. I even saved it to my favourite list!!!

Pyro Dragon - 03/08/00 03:12:56
My Email:annajaca@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Blastoise
what codes you want: all pokemon codes if u have them
what links you want me to add: a link where you could go to a download place where you could download games pokemon no roms only created games

can u put the modifier codes where you could create your own pokemon and bring me the codes where your can you get all pokemon Plz..... Thanks

john - 03/07/00 23:52:27
My Email:jfouberg@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: vaporeon
what codes you want: mew pokegods pokemon over l 100 secret
what links you want me to add: none

your website is cool vaporeon rocks bye

somw guy - 03/03/00 21:15:56
what is your favorite pokemon: dratini

this is like the best site i have ever seen. realy well made, love the music it is great. you did a great job and thnx for the codes thnx again!!!!!! =)

-l-SpOok-l- - 02/29/00 00:54:41
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: pikeblue

the site was great

Scott - 02/27/00 16:22:38
My Email:Roces5766@AOL
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: Is there any way to get Togepi with a Gameshark for Pokemon Yellow Version?

I really like this site! It has a ton of really cool codes for Gameshark and normal codes.

Ryan - 02/27/00 15:47:43
My Email:ryancrow@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Psyduck
what codes you want: the 2 real pikablu codes
what links you want me to add: none thank you anyway

I think u said u would send us a really top secret,confedental,cool as can be code if we sign your gustbook please send me them from Ryan11yr. MA

david - 02/24/00 02:01:51
My Email:ghaday@cs.com
what is your favorite pokemon: charizard
what codes you want: get mew a easy way,get togapi,pokegods,ect....
what links you want me to add: none

please give me good easy codes and lots of them

nina - 02/20/00 23:53:01
what is your favorite pokemon: eevee
what codes you want: more gameshark for pokegods

i like some of your gameshark pokegod codes. but i wanna see the pictures of some of these pokegods. has anyone seen any of them? i have some neo cards and i think they are really, really cool.Except i can't read any of them. well 8i like this site. and p kemon is the best cartoon ever. By the way does anyone know who the knew pokemon charecter is in the TV show?

Anthony - 02/20/00 22:44:00
My URL:http://Hotmail
My Email:Yoanth@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew and Bakufun
what codes you want: The real mist stone code
what links you want me to add: Gold and Silver info and screen shots

I read in non-gameshark codes there is a secret to catching the over level 100 pokemon.Whats the big secret?And Bakufun is a new pokemon from Gold and Silver.

Anthony - 02/20/00 22:41:16
My URL:http://Hotmail
My Email:Yoanth@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew and Bakufun
what codes you want: The real mist stone code
what links you want me to add: Gold and Silver info and screen shots

I read in non-gameshark codes there is a secret to catching the over level 100 pokemon.Whats the big secret?And Bakufun is a new pokemon from Gold and Silver.

Anthony - 02/20/00 22:37:36
My URL:http://Hotmail
My Email:Yoanth@hotmail.com


Jim-Ay - 02/19/00 00:28:40
My Email:grandmasterjimay@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Aerodactyl
what codes you want: Gameshark Pokegods
what links you want me to add: (none)


Mathieu - 02/15/00 20:14:16
My Email:matgarzon@wanadoo.fr
what is your favorite pokemon: Dragonite
what codes you want: all

Your site is very great. There are many things interesting. Well done!

Alex - 02/14/00 22:53:57
what is your favorite pokemon: Jolteon
what codes you want: a code that if your game gets wrecked from gameshark you get your file back

You suck your, Mew code wrecked my game!!!!

david - 02/13/00 03:03:23
My Email:census@coolemail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: blastios
what codes you want: any

your codes are good but do they work for pokemon yellow

matt - 02/13/00 00:16:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc2/skatmatt
My Email:msalstrom@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: all
what links you want me to add: yoour link

this site rocks!! whats your e-mail?

mathew - 02/12/00 08:34:28
My Email:slaugjjs@powerup.com.au
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikablu
what codes you want: gameshark codes
what links you want me to add: nothing

your page is so cool it is the best i am going to tell all my friends

kev - 02/11/00 19:56:29
My Email:vongchn.quik.co.nz
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: all of them


chris - 02/10/00 22:59:53
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: more gameshark codes

great site!There is only one thing wrong with it.some codes dont work.Most do,but some dont.

alex - 02/10/00 21:38:04
My Email:chibitrunks5@AOL.com
what is your favorite pokemon: ditto
what codes you want: how to get all 150 pokemon at the start of the game, and that secret about that code

your website is the best I have seen!!

Edward Garrett - 02/07/00 20:53:11
My Email:e_garrett_98@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: machamp, kingler, pika, and blastoise
what codes you want: You provided them all . thank you

thank you now you provided me with all of the game shark cades i have benn looking for hope to see more in the future. and what am i suppose to do when my game shark is blank for the code screen, please respond.

Kevin - 02/07/00 03:00:52
My Email:Apocolypse Man@cs.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pigeot
what codes you want: how to get pokegods with gameshark in yellow

I realy like your page, but what's the secret about+100 pokemon?

joey ward - 02/07/00 00:40:42
My URL:http://yahoo.com
My Email:kanerls2000
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard
what codes you want: All pokegod codes and how to make them work
what links you want me to add: none

You have one of the best sites I have seen so far and i was wondering why there are pokemon names beside the pokegod codes.

gamewizard - 02/04/00 03:08:40
My URL:http://www.witsendccs.com/brandon2.html
My Email:gamewizard11@excite.com

how did you get rainberionight {the golden bird} to look neon were it says "vote for my page"

- 02/04/00 03:07:49
My URL:http://www.witsendccs.com/brandon2.html

how did you get rainberionight {the golden bird} to look neon were it says "vote for my page"

Jared Olney - 01/31/00 02:30:21
My Email:Knux73@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Scyther
what codes you want: I want to get top secert pokemon in gameboy red version
what links you want me to add: i not know

i like this site because this has more code than other site

Matt Horton - 01/31/00 01:34:52
My Email:Jigendai@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mr.Mime
what codes you want: How to change your Pokemons OT
what links you want me to add: None

Awesome site keep it up!

andey spenser - 01/31/00 00:23:27
My Email:coclkid@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: gloom
what codes you want: all of them for game sharck cods to get all the pokegods how to steel pokemon frome people

if i need more codes pleas leave me your email adres i hope the cods work

micah james wallace - 01/30/00 18:05:40
My Email:wallace@bestnet.org
what is your favorite pokemon: pichu
what codes you want: all of the good codes
what links you want me to add: downloads

do you what pokemon gold in english email me back soon micah james wallace

jim - 01/29/00 15:31:18
My Email:dandaman_2000@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: pokemon blue/red
what links you want me to add: i dont know

tell me the BIG SECRET on your pokemon red/blue code page

jamie - 01/29/00 15:15:10
My Email:OneNete.aol
what is your favorite pokemon: Charmander
what codes you want: the"HUGE"secret you offered

i think you should try every code you put onyour site.i've tride 4 codes already,and none of them worked

willlie - 01/29/00 14:56:42
My Email:5wiggins@gte.net
what is your favorite pokemon: charizard
what codes you want: I want the big secret you were talking about in the non gameshark page


STEVO - 01/29/00 06:26:10
My Email:coasterson@AOL.com
what is your favorite pokemon: squirtle
what codes you want: pokemon yellow and silver gameshark cheats
what links you want me to add: places with good useful cheats

ok site pikablu's real name is marril

my sites better than your site - 01/29/00 06:22:29
what is your favorite pokemon: Lugia

SAR is right, im in the pokemon league and i'm a coach, i also own all the version, including the gogo, pinball, and tcg games I'm the top trainer at my school and this site is pretty disgraceful, i already know the pokemon over level 100 cheat because i go to other site, i don't beg and plead

my sites better than your site - 01/29/00 06:19:13
what is your favorite pokemon: Lugia


sar a.k.a. palet gym leader - 01/29/00 06:05:06
what is your favorite pokemon: squirtle
what codes you want: none of your FAKE ones
what links you want me to add: To a site with working cheats

Pikablu's real name is marril watch the movie, or check nintendo, I don't care how you can't see that this pokemon is being made fun of because of thick-skulled people like yourself. You are exploiting a fake name P.S. I own silver pokegods are also made up from the newest pokemon of gold and silver and some are just made up, but these pokemon are not really available on red, blue, and/or yellow

matt - 01/28/00 16:34:49
My Email:matt@fordlay.demon.co.uk
what is your favorite pokemon: gengar
what codes you want: what's the thing about over l100 pokemon

The best sites i'v seen!! good work!!

matt - 01/28/00 16:23:07
My Email:matt@fordlay.demon.co.uk
what is your favorite pokemon: gengar
what codes you want: what's the thing about over l100 pokemon

The best sites i'v seen!! good work!!

bay - 01/28/00 11:42:49
My Email:gr@interact.net.au
what is your favorite pokemon: mewthree
what codes you want: gameshark code for mist stone

i think your site is very organized and easy to use .the first time i accessed your site i printed off the gameshark ,the pokegod and the codes page!i also love the pokegod lab.i am also very eagerly waiting for some gameshark codes for pokemon gold\silve . see ya and keep up the good work!!!!!!!

Vicente - 01/27/00 06:07:33
My Email:robert_135@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: MEW
what codes you want: for pokemon yellow
what links you want me to add: codes for pokeomn yellow

Can you get pokemon yellow codes and gameshark codes.

ChRoNa MeW - 01/27/00 05:55:56
My Email:SoCCerPlyer2000
what is your favorite pokemon: ChRoNa MeW
what codes you want: The secret code that was with 100 lv. pokemon.

Can you send me all your special codes and can i please look at the pictures and how do you make a web site Please send me the secret 100 lv. pokemon secret.Please!!!

JPME - 01/24/00 18:02:49
what is your favorite pokemon: MEW
what links you want me to add: POKEMON PICTURES


chris davenport - 01/24/00 13:26:18
My Email:mudmandude@prodigy.net
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: I want to know the big secret


Alpokemon - 01/23/00 19:54:37
My Email:alpokehead@cs.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew!
what codes you want: secret for over lv.100 Pokemon


Ashley - 01/23/00 14:13:42
My Email:ashleysspirit@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikachu
what codes you want: rare candy (I think)
what links you want me to add: none

How do you put the codes into the game. I went on your page about GS Codes and it seems pretty interesting but how do you get them in the game.

Bartley Rock - 01/23/00 12:04:48
My Email:bartjnr@iegateway.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikachu
what codes you want: The HUGE secret you promised!

Please e-mail me the HUGE secret you promised to send to anyone who requested it when they signed your guestbook

Mew - 01/23/00 03:59:07
My Email:king_kai@cableone.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: Real codes: How to catch togapi, pikablu, etc.

Please tell me about your "over lvl100 huge code." also, if you would like i will tell you about mew. I have him on my game.

Horsea - 01/22/00 21:16:48
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/pokemoncantralstation.html
My Email:Ron_Racine@Yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Jigglypuff
what codes you want: I want pokegod codes that work

i want pokegod codes that don't glitch up your game. your otherones work but glitch up the game.

Horsea - 01/22/00 04:37:25
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/pokemoncantralstation.html
My Email:Ron_Racine@Yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Jigglypuff
what codes you want: i want codes for pokemon yellow
what links you want me to add: the psychic pokemon connection at www.psypoke.com


Raymond - 01/17/00 22:45:18
My Email:Shaggy2dope_psychopathic_ryda@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: to get the code to get togepi on gameshark


Ty Nagel - 01/17/00 22:04:22
My Email:goku_1987_05@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikablu
what codes you want: pikablu and togepi (without gamesshark)

on your non gameshark code page it said that there was a huge secret on the code where you get pokemon overL100. please send it to me.

brandon - 01/17/00 19:36:14
My Email:gamewizard11@excite.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: i would like if you emailed me every way to get mew

you said anywon who sighns your guestbook you would tell them the cool trick

arron - 01/17/00 10:53:11
My Email:avollmer@san.rr.com
what is your favorite pokemon: level 254 gold duck
what codes you want: over lv 100 secrets

Can you pleas send me the secrets that you said you had. I think the music you have is cool. thanx

- 01/17/00 07:26:49


Aaron Pearson - 01/16/00 05:20:59
My Email:mspearson@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: the code you said you would send if i signed your guestbook

which pokegod codes really work

andy - 01/12/00 16:51:27
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/Andys Pokemon
My Email:Pikablu81@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Togepi
what codes you want: none because pokegod cheats don't work

cool page but i have sound the trick to get mew under the truck is not true, and also when u say that pikablu is no. 154, that is not true. I have the silver version on gameboy and if want any info e-mail me

colin - 01/09/00 21:15:36
My Email:cougerboy@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: zapdos
what codes you want: all

i want to know the seceret of the code!

John - 01/09/00 00:44:17
My Email:Chariflare@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard
what codes you want: Miststone (gs)

what happened to your mist stone code can you please give it to me thanx John

- 01/09/00 00:21:52
My Email:mudmandude@prodigy.net
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: pokemon red and blue codes


- 01/09/00 00:16:53
My Email:mudmandude@prodigy.net
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: pokemon red and blue codes


------------------------------- - 01/08/00 20:05:15
My Email:playstationguy_2000@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: none
what links you want me to add: none

i tried ur codes for gameshark they dont work i had others and they worked urs dont e-mail me at the e-mail address above and my sn is therock0682

pikablu 007 - 01/08/00 01:29:56
My Email:www.wiz@mail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikablu
what codes you want: none


kenny - 01/07/00 03:40:24
My Email:kpmpn69@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: charizard
what codes you want: pokegod codes
what links you want me to add: a very good link

i cant find the dungon or the secret jim or the girl who needs the key's

Tom - 01/03/00 04:55:19
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: how to get secret pokemon


Johnny - 01/03/00 00:55:19
My Email:Strtbll12@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: Codes that really work for Pikablu
what links you want me to add: I don't care

Ithink your site was cool, but you should add more codes for pokemon yellow.

Gary - 12/31/99 17:16:12
My Email:Ehc1233@Earthlink.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Blastoise
what codes you want: Create A Pokemon

This site rocks!

Scott - 12/29/99 17:03:48
My Email:pimp_69_666_2000@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew & Mewtwo
what codes you want: Picablu,how to get level 255 pokemon,how do you hack your own gameshark codes for pokemon
what links you want me to add: Only the best

Please help me. I am dying to know how to hack my own pokemon codes. I've been having a lot of trouble. I would also appreciate those picablu codes and how to get level 255 pokemon. Thank for your time, Scott

pokietorey - 12/29/99 03:43:25
what is your favorite pokemon: garados

youre page ts realy grait but you have a lot of spelling errors.youre codes are good but if you tell people to catch missingno. there gameboy will be ruened. missingno. is a computer viris.so is i'm. if you even see it,youre pokemon liouge victories on th computer will be ruened!!!

Mike J. - 12/28/99 22:52:14
My Email:sweettooth59@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: Pikablu

Tell me that secret about the L:100 and over pokemon!

- 12/28/99 00:53:20
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: pikablue/togipe


chad - 12/27/99 02:25:04
My Email:blinkfan56@cs.com
what is your favorite pokemon: bulbasaur
what codes you want: gameshark codes

your site rocks

tom leach - 12/26/99 21:25:14
My URL:http://none
My Email:tleach@prolog.net
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: how pokemon over L100 are usefol and thifeball if you know it that is tested
what links you want me to add: i don't care

your web site is the best

- 12/25/99 16:55:18
My Email:dj_lethal_12@hotmail.com


Richie - 12/23/99 21:21:54
My Email:hmmm53@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikablu
what codes you want: mewthree, togapie
what links you want me to add: more codes

I keep trying to enter the codes into my game shark and they don't seem to be working, can you explain to me what I may be doing wrong?

Ankur Sisodia - 12/23/99 19:53:52
My URL:http://www.ankur_sisodia.homepage.com
My Email:ankur_sisodia@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard
what codes you want: Get Pokemon Over L100 what i the secret?
what links you want me to add: http://www.ankur_sisodia.homepage.com

great site. how do you put music?

Stan - 12/21/99 17:54:27
My Email:Goonaa617@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard
what codes you want: i wanna know this lil secret about the pokemon thats level 100+ can u pleez send it to me ? mi friend keeps on beatin me at pokemon.

Great site

ted - 12/21/99 00:16:37

"My friend told me how to get $10 off at spencergifts.com and it worked - I just put TENOFF in as a code during checkout and I got a talking Pokemon keychain and some other stuff .”

Mike - 12/19/99 21:55:03
My Email:steveaus68@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mewtwo
what codes you want: On your gameshark codes at the bottom it says sign my book and i will tell you how.. Tell me how to what and please give whatever the code is


Justin Ferrante - 12/19/99 21:25:03
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/jtfcodemine/home.html
My Email:jtf989@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikamew
what codes you want: the mistston codes on gameshark
what links you want me to add: the miststen code

i got almost evey code on gameshrak for pokemon if you what won E-mail me thats if i have it...

- 12/19/99 04:47:58
My Email:chadman1@mmcable.com
what is your favorite pokemon: charmander
what codes you want: all of them
what links you want me to add: all of them

great site

Sarah Ann Allan - 12/08/99 05:28:06
My Email:articuno69@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: articuno
what codes you want: ALL THE CODES FOR THE YELLOW VERSION (for gameboy)


ADAM - 12/04/99 04:30:24
My Email:stoned_at_school@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: any you have
what links you want me to add: none

The mist stone code does not work!!!!!

MEWTWO - 12/03/99 00:35:33
My Email:Stonecoldwannabe316@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Togepi
what codes you want: Togepi Codes For YELLOW AND BLUE

Very good site

matt s. - 11/30/99 02:28:22
My Email:sprech@pa.net
what is your favorite pokemon: charmander
what codes you want: to get pikablu w/ pokedex info.

you got a pretty decent site, I got a ton of codes from ya and still keep coming back to peek at your mess.brd. Keep up the excellent work. I know I'll be coming back. Did Nintendo actually verify the pikablu method? Is the picture of pikablu's pokedex info for real on your sister site? Was is it from the red/blue games?

Megan - 11/28/99 21:14:00
what is your favorite pokemon: Dratini
what codes you want: that secret one you were babbling about

your sites okay, could use some work. (on spelling specifically) lol

thomas - 11/27/99 14:12:44
My Email:@aol.lyntoma
what is your favorite pokemon: gengar
what codes you want: how to get pikablu
what links you want me to add: none


josh - 11/26/99 16:51:25
My Email:joshsilverthorn@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pinsir
what codes you want: your secret code or your best code without a gameshark


Mark - 11/25/99 02:39:03
My Email:mark@inteliport.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Togepi
what codes you want: The big secrete about missingoand how do you get Togepi on Red, Blue, Yellow, or Pinball

Does Togepi evolve. If so what does it evolve into.

ryan andrews - 11/24/99 23:50:05
My Email:mr_man81@hotmail.com
what codes you want: that secret code with the level 100 pokemon from cinnabar island


Paul - 11/23/99 23:31:02
My Email:awesome_11@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikachu
what codes you want: Pokegods REAL CODES!

Please Give me the real codes for Pokegods. And Maybe codes to get pikablu!!!!!!!

chris - 11/22/99 19:44:17
My Email:chrishylan
what is your favorite pokemon: charmander(char,char)
what codes you want: the secret of the L100+ pokemon


mewthree - 11/19/99 19:39:40


Harold - 11/19/99 01:04:30
My Email:planger@tsi.com.pe
what is your favorite pokemon: Gloom, Hitmonlee, Oddish
what codes you want: All the cheats you have


james j. - 11/17/99 23:55:59
My Email:jessoj@execulink.com
what is your favorite pokemon: cryomew
what codes you want: the over100 pokemon seceret

your site is really cool but in your cheats page for red and blue you said there was a seceret with the over 100 pokemon i would like to know it please

kolby corrigan - 11/17/99 15:31:24
My Email:www.kolby_45@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: charzard
what codes you want: none
what links you want me to add: none

send me the secret about the L.100 pokemon.

kolby corrigan - 11/17/99 15:22:53
My Email:www.hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: charzard
what codes you want: none
what links you want me to add: none

Could you please send me the seacrets you where talking about.(cool site) thanks!

Brandon Lee - 11/16/99 19:13:38
My Email:Leech666@mailcity.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Nidoking
what codes you want: Anyone that is cool

This site kicks ass!

rap - 11/13/99 05:38:13
My Email:mgaustsv@kyneton.net.au
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: all of them

yor site kicks ass

Jim - 11/12/99 22:08:19
My Email:hpctransport@efni.com
what is your favorite pokemon: rainer
what codes you want: the lv100

hi i was reading the cheats and it said to sign this guest book and ask ofr cheats the lv100 pokemon cheat where you figt them ya said there was a secret so can ya send it to me thanks =o)

Jim - 11/12/99 22:08:19
My Email:hpctransport@efni.com
what is your favorite pokemon: rainer
what codes you want: the lv100

hi i was reading the cheats and it said to sign this guest book and ask ofr cheats the lv100 pokemon cheat where you figt them ya said there was a secret so can ya send it to me thanks =o)

adam - 11/11/99 06:28:34
My Email:dsmetca@ibm.net
what is your favorite pokemon: zapdos
what codes you want: missingno. big secret

do you know if the code that you talk to the people in game corner and talk to the people in there and then leave use item finder and a girl asks for her keys and you give tham and she takes you to her house and asks to trade tokapi for pidgy?

kevin - 11/09/99 01:41:14
My Email:darams12@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: blastoise
what codes you want: oh, also the big secret!


kevin - 11/09/99 01:39:01
My Email:darams12@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Blastoise
what codes you want: any pokegod codes that really work!

please email me any codes you have that will really work without the help of gameshark

kevin - 11/09/99 01:36:39
My Email:darams12@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Blastoise
what codes you want: any pokegod codes that really work!

please email me any codes you have that will really work without the help of gameshark

Ricky - 11/07/99 22:36:48
My Email:Gallegda@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Dragonite
what codes you want: I wanted the Mew 3 code


Andrew - 11/06/99 04:09:38
My Email:qwerty@c4.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: none

hey could you tell me how to control the level 255 pokemon?? email me at qwerty@c4.com ---PS-- awesome page!!

joe - 11/03/99 23:03:30
My URL:http://pokesweet.cjb.net
My Email:pyromaniak17@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: all of em ecept mew
what codes you want: none

hi i was wonderin if we could affilate please e-mail me back at the specified e-mail

joe - 11/03/99 23:03:29
My URL:http://pokesweet.cjb.net
My Email:pyromaniak17@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: all of em ecept mew
what codes you want: none

hi i was wonderin if we could affilate please e-mail me back at the specified e-mail

Ted - 11/02/99 23:57:08
My Email:wpstingwp@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikablu
what codes you want: PIKABLU REAL CODE!!!

man i really want a pikablu...ive tried some gameshark codes but none work... =(

nicholas - 11/02/99 01:52:48
My Email:mrnick113@cs.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikachu
what codes you want: Mew and Mewfeypus for yellow


nicholas - 11/02/99 01:44:08
My Email:mrnick113@cs.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikachu
what codes you want: codes for pokemon yellow
what links you want me to add: a lot''''''''''


Ian - 11/01/99 00:13:24
My Email:Drako64
what is your favorite pokemon: Gengar
what codes you want: none really
what links you want me to add: none really

I love this site, I come here constantly, The codes are very useful too. Keep up the good work.

Ian - 11/01/99 00:11:42


Ryan - 10/31/99 19:06:54
My Email:AlecTman@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikablu
what codes you want: Togepy code&huge secret&also Pikablu code
what links you want me to add: none


Ethan Cheng - 10/30/99 20:23:26
My Email:EthanCC@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mewtwo
what codes you want: none
what links you want me to add: I think you should not add anything

I think your site is wonderful! keep up the good work

Matt - 10/30/99 03:11:07
My Email:adkinsmatt@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: houou
what codes you want: the huge secret
what links you want me to add: none

Awesome page man

Matt - 10/30/99 03:10:44
My Email:adkinsmatt@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: houou
what codes you want: the huge secret
what links you want me to add: none


jesseL - 10/29/99 22:43:23
what is your favorite pokemon: scyther
what codes you want: wutch ya got


wade - 10/28/99 23:58:45
My Email:guy@aug.com
what is your favorite pokemon: togepy
what codes you want: how to get togepy and/or pikablu

really awsome site

Tim - 10/28/99 19:49:07
My URL:http://www.rendo.dekooi.nl/~tox.rwld
My Email:tox.rwld@rendo.dekooi.nl
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikachu
what codes you want: none
what links you want me to add: a link to my site


Call me Guy - 10/28/99 01:25:01
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/timesquare/tower/4399/Pokemon.html
My Email:Thegamer_1999@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard
what codes you want: none right now
what links you want me to add: none

I thought pokemon stadium was suposed to come out this month but I still havent seen it, has stadium ben delayed or just not out yet??????????

pabloaoo - 10/26/99 23:21:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/best14
My Email:pabloaoo@fiberia.com
what is your favorite pokemon: chansey
what codes you want: code for surfing picachu in yellow
what links you want me to add: none

good site, lots of codes that work.

ToDD HaRrOdżÜÔ - 10/24/99 01:42:00
My URL:http://dragonballz.com
My Email:T_Dawg86@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew and Mewfeypus
what codes you want: the level 100+ code that you said we could only get if we signed your guest book.

I Want the level 100+ code that you said we could only get if we signed your guest book.

David - 10/23/99 21:40:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/jigglypuffsong/index.html
My Email:simon10@voyager.net
what is your favorite pokemon: jigglypuff
what codes you want: how to flot on pokemon yellow
what links you want me to add: to my url

just to tell you it is easy to get stuff of you web site alls you have to do is Right click and hold and when your measage pops up hit enter then let go of mouse and presto there in

allen - 10/22/99 02:04:01
My Email:firewolf666@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: primeape
what codes you want: none
what links you want me to add: none

well acualy togipi and buru and all those new pokemon are not gods they are new pokemon from gold and silver

bb - 10/21/99 21:58:51
what is your favorite pokemon: Eevee
what codes you want: real pika blue code


Kevin - 10/18/99 02:20:37
My Email:kttroy@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: bulbasour
what codes you want: the level 100+ code that you said we could only get if we signed your guest book.


Ian - 10/17/99 17:42:55
My Email:ianpower60@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: The dragon pokemon
what codes you want: none
what links you want me to add: any

I LOVE YOU'RE SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ian - 10/17/99 17:41:46
My Email:ianpower60@hotmail.com


ben k. - 10/17/99 16:32:20
My Email:Cubone106@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Togepi
what codes you want: Togepi codes (non gameshark)

i think this is a really good site!

jarrod - 10/16/99 16:57:49
My URL:www.angelfire.com/ok2/starwars89
My Email:jaredito@pokepost.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

nice site!!!! please send me all your pokemon codes!!

Jorge - 10/15/99 01:59:52
My Email:Dragon0716@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Gyrados or bulbasour
what codes you want: I really need to know ho to get pikablu and I also want to know hat code for the over 100 level pokemon and anything else you might have.

Keep this sight up for as long as you can.Best pokemon sight I have ever seen!!!! (i'm telling all my friends about this sight)

Michael - 10/14/99 00:19:26
My Email:spunkywillis@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: snuffles
what codes you want: houhou code


Michael - 10/14/99 00:19:15
My Email:spunkywillis@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: snuffles
what codes you want: houhou code


JustinMew - 10/12/99 23:57:41
My URL:http://JustinspokemonDocuments.com
My Email:Justin Mew
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard
what codes you want: Pokegod gameshark
what links you want me to add: Polls

u r kwel!

David Tran - 10/10/99 05:39:23
My Email:tony.ha@mailcity.com
what is your favorite pokemon: MEW
what codes you want: mist stone
what links you want me to add: more codes

I love the site

greg bruening - 10/08/99 01:28:21
My Email:thirdeyeblind@n2mail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: charizard
what codes you want: how to start out with all three pokemon

I want to know the very secret thing you would e-mail me if I signed your guestbook, and I wan't to know how to start out with all three pokemon which are:charmander,squirtle,andbulbasaur. thank you

cjdarkman - 10/05/99 00:07:16
My Email:cjdarkman don't now rest just got aol
what is your favorite pokemon: pikaBLUE
what codes you want: gameshark pokegode codes that you can see pokemon and don't mess up game pease
what links you want me to add: good ones

this is a good sit best I have seen yet but needs some tinny inprovments like pikablue code for game shark not finnish but other than that good site pless email me if you can figer how to send me my email thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike - 10/04/99 15:24:53
My URL:http://www.maxpages.com/pkmnthings
My Email:Canary151@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: Real Pokegod codes
what links you want me to add: http://www.mxpages.com/pkmnthings

Hey! I want to know about the Pokemon over level 100 secret.

kortrah - 10/02/99 18:58:15
My Email:jedismkdwn@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mewtwo
what codes you want: any non gameshark, especially for green
what links you want me to add: any

can you give me the special info about pokegods and missingno's special ability or whatever?

Billy Bob - 10/02/99 09:57:38
My Email:hoangjohn@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: almost all of them
what codes you want: look below

please Email about the huge secret,the gameshark cheat on how to get a mist stone, pikablu,the pokegods.this site is the coolest i would give you 10 out of 10 for this site.

Austin - 09/30/99 16:26:50
My Email:Coolkab@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mr. Mime

This is one of the best pokémon sites I've ever seen

Weslley Waideman - 09/26/99 22:44:23
My Email:wwwaideman@sti.com.br
what is your favorite pokemon: Chansey

I not have Pikablue, please, help me!!! Weslley

mike - 09/26/99 01:15:12
My Email:MichaelT97@aol.com
what codes you want: Huge secret

good site

Bob - 09/17/99 01:51:50
My Email:mkpokeball@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikachu
what codes you want: Huge Secret code


Nicholas - 09/16/99 10:44:59
My Email:Ronfair47
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard and Mew!!!!!!
what codes you want: see below

I want to see pikablue and togepi not evolve to get them i want them in the wild and hey do you have pokemon yellow ,pinball,poke stadium,and pokemon snap?email me quick or else

Raichu - 09/15/99 02:33:14
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co2/pokemania1
My Email:Raichu903@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: Secret stone codes(mist stone,psychic stone,etc.)for gameshark
what links you want me to add: my link^_^

great page,thanx for the banner!!!!!(you made me one remember?)!

Travis - 09/13/99 19:19:52
My Email:Kaboom333@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mr.mime
what codes you want: what ever working ones u can

cool site....i like u'r code section....does any 1 play pokemon(ccg) and has jap cards they might wanna trade?

Ice Knight 3:16 - 09/11/99 21:31:56
My Email:IceNight03@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard
what codes you want: I'll take what ever is given as long as it works
what links you want me to add: Wait until I get my site up.

Hmmm. Maybe I'll add a pokemon section to my page. Wha? Oh, yeah still online... Buy Descent3, Play Descent3, Beat Descent3 Play multiplayer Kick some one's a** --Ice Knight 3:16 says, I just whooped your a**.

Ansel - 09/11/99 15:32:59
My Email:Giiguana88@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Kadabra
what codes you want: whatever u can give me
what links you want me to add: i really dont have any

Your codes page is the best i've ever seen !

Paul Silao - 09/11/99 06:18:11
My Email:peelove@prodigy.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikachu
what codes you want: GSgb/reg/psx/n64
what links you want me to add: none

Can you email me your top secret pokemon codes please.....

Paul Silao - 09/11/99 06:17:41
My Email:peelove@prodigy.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikachu
what codes you want: GSgb/reg/psx/n64
what links you want me to add: none

Can you email me your top secret pokemon codes please.....

?????????? - 09/09/99 21:57:01
My Email:dr_juice86@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: kabutops
what codes you want: how to get pikablu also i would like to have a copy of the list u have posted for the gameshark the items list


Tom - 09/08/99 00:42:21
My Email:zero_569@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: The huge secret

Keep up the good work!

S - 09/07/99 21:33:16
My Email:Coolw8@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Venasuare
what codes you want: The little sercet to the level 100 pokemon


phil - 09/07/99 18:58:38
My Email:epandco@akos.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard
what codes you want: all of yours !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what links you want me to add: none just fine the way you are

I will not steal your codes to put on my website,first of all I don't have one and if I do I will give you all the credit I just want to have all the pokemon thank's bud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see ya!

vulpix - 09/07/99 08:00:11
My Email:vulpix@roxette.zzn.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew

hey great site think you can get pokeyellow in english? p.s want pokepenpals

Scott - 09/05/99 19:29:50
My Email:spot131@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew

hey man i think your site is great, it offers a lot more than any other site ive seen yet. also i was wondeirng if you could send me the secrete about the pokemon that are over level 100, and if it will still work if i got a level 255 pokemon. Also i was ondering for the pokegods like pikablue, rainer, phybird, ect and all those other pokemon you mentiond if there was a code just so you can fight them where ever you want. well thanks for your time bye

jarde - 09/05/99 19:04:22
My Email:jardespade@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: charizard
what codes you want: all codes for pokemon blue

dude your site kicks ass! But i would really love it if you could send me pokemon blue codes

Michael Duong - 09/05/99 16:22:15
My Email:Ghost_971@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard

I like your page very much. It has helped through my game. I want to thank you for putting it up.

wilson - 09/05/99 02:05:22
My Email:ivan85@ozemail.com.au
what is your favorite pokemon: pikachu
what codes you want: the secret about pokemon

please send me an email about the secret about pokemon and i like your pokemon page it is radical

Marc - 09/05/99 00:26:23
My Email:mshfg@viocenet.com
what is your favorite pokemon: charizard
what codes you want: pokegodcodesthatwork

pokemon rule!

Bob - 09/04/99 20:58:44
My URL:http://aol.com
My Email:Yogisteak
what is your favorite pokemon: Articuno
what codes you want: mist Stone

please send me the huge secret!!!!

billy - 09/04/99 07:21:01
My Email:sk8ter@bestnet.org
what is your favorite pokemon: venusaur
what codes you want: pokegods and the one to make pokemon

your site is the best

billy - 09/04/99 07:18:35
My Email:sk8ter@bestnet.org
what is your favorite pokemon: venusaur
what codes you want: the huge secret

your site is the best

billy - 09/04/99 07:17:37
My Email:sk8ter@bestnet.org
what is your favorite pokemon: venusaur
what codes you want: codes to get togepi

your site is the best

billy - 09/04/99 07:15:50
My Email:sk8ter@bestnet.org
what is your favorite pokemon: venusaur
what codes you want: codes to get togepi

your site is the best

- 09/03/99 01:04:14
My Email:nkraw@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: charizard
what codes you want: all you got

wicked site man dont stop putting more codes on

MARC - 09/02/99 21:15:16
My Email:RANGER7332
what is your favorite pokemon: VICTREEBEL
what codes you want: POKEMON


Dan Jackson - 08/26/99 15:31:53
My Email:drj527@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikachu
what codes you want: The Huge Secert


Dan Jackson - 08/26/99 15:29:58
My Email:drj527@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikachu

I would like you to send me the secert about the code for pokémon over level 100

Shawn Petros - 08/26/99 07:17:59
My Email:pokemaster@juno.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: whatever you got
what links you want me to add: none good enough yours is more than enough

Nice site, best I've seen. Good codes! Go...Mew!!!

Mr.Bob - 08/25/99 19:59:53
My Email:tennesseebob@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikablue
what codes you want: anything & everything

Oh great Pokemon master I am in dire need of training!

King Ghosty - 08/23/99 14:47:32
My URL:http://quotenevermore.com
My Email:you wish
what is your favorite pokemon: Gastly, Haunter, Gengar. I don't wanna pick favorites
what codes you want: NONE JABRONI
what links you want me to add: NONE JABRONI

I hope you have heard of me. If you have not you are a Jabroni. Look your site is mad cool. I loved it but enjoy your fun now, because when the King's website comes out all pokemon master and trainers will flock to one website....MINE !-King Ghosty

gabriel - 08/22/99 22:14:36
My Email:gabriel4@gateway.net
what is your favorite pokemon: I love all of them
what codes you want: The Huge secret
what links you want me to add: any kind are fine

Hi, it's me again I just wanted to know the big secret you were talking about. Thanks

Gabriel4 - 08/22/99 22:10:52
My Email:gabriel4@gateway.net
what is your favorite pokemon: I love all of them
what codes you want: How to create a pokemon
what links you want me to add: any kind is fine

Your site is very very good. Did you know that I am a member in your e group club? I hope this site stays up for a long time.

Cubone - 08/21/99 19:32:21
My Email:Cubone101@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Cubone
what codes you want: The Huge Secret

Your site is sweet. Please send me that "Huge Secret" thing you mentioned in the codes for red and blue section please. Thanks.

Jason Cazier - 08/21/99 17:57:42
what is your favorite pokemon: pikachu
what codes you want: ones that work


Keith - 08/20/99 21:49:25
My URL:http://pages.hotbot.com/games/labratpinky/index.html
My Email:Keithfmhou@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Butterfree
what codes you want: The secret with the Lv. +100 Pokemon.

Great site.

Lenny - 08/20/99 16:47:50
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/timesquare/corridor/4674
My Email:charmy4674@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and Charmeleon
what codes you want: Make walls and buildings dissapear
what links you want me to add: http://geocities.datacellar.net/timesquare/corridor/4674

Your site seems to have some codes that others don't. Most people I think copy codes from other sites. My site is still under construction, but check it out. How do I get my site on Yahoo search?

Guy - 08/19/99 23:46:44
My Email:Guy8214@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charmander
what codes you want: The big secert in the pokemon with out the game shark.
what links you want me to add: dont now

you have a totadally cool website

Nathan Ball - 08/19/99 14:55:46
My Email:Mastrp00@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: MEWTWO
what codes you want: The secret about the pokemon over level 100
what links you want me to add: pokemon snap stuff

Hey,ineed that yoshi code how dragonite evolves to yoshi and i need that secret with the pokemon over level 100.By the way you have the best site for pokemon ive ever seen!!!

Geoffrey Cannon - 08/17/99 18:16:13
My Email:Bomber7352@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: MissingNo., #000
what codes you want: Pokégod codes that work

Keep up the good work on your kick @$$ Pokémon site, and the E-Group letter!

mike - 08/17/99 13:09:47
My Email:mike2329@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikachu
what codes you want: pokegods, miststone, pikablu
what links you want me to add: none

i tried to visit the sponsers but the links were not working.

andrew - 08/16/99 23:52:41
what is your favorite pokemon: pikablue
what codes you want: pikablue codes


PsYkO LeE - 08/16/99 02:50:12
what is your favorite pokemon: Squirtle
what codes you want: All of Them

You Know The One Code That Let's You Get To The Secret Gym. What Do I Do After I enter The Town? How Do I Find The Key? It's a Great Site and You Know for The Create Your Own Pokemon. You Should Make The ?? Anwsers Closer So You Always Don't Have To Scroll Down. Any Way It's Great!

salim bueno - 08/15/99 01:34:27
My Email:simsalabim3@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: charizard
what codes you want: pikablu

please send me the best code you have.

Wilburn - 08/14/99 13:21:47
My Email:Will_P@catsrule.garfield.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Blastoise
what codes you want: Glitched Secret Key!

I'M DYING FROM THE SUSPENSE! Please tell me where the key is!

jeffrey - 08/14/99 03:11:00
My Email:pokem89664@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikachu

in ur all games contest/news u asked if u could get mew without gameshark gameshark is one of the easiest questions and wanna know how email me and this way works pefectly and nothing scews up.

Robby - 08/12/99 15:47:02
My Email:jrbt2@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: gengar
what codes you want: pokegod's & over level 100
what links you want me to add: none

i need these codes even if they are just rumors because i have alot of time.

- 08/12/99 00:27:19

I want real pokegod codes

Eric - 08/11/99 01:20:07
My Email:zr2@home
what is your favorite pokemon: pikablu
what codes you want: the seacrit coad u talk about
what links you want me to add: www.joecartoon.com

cool sight but i want the 100+ secrit coad u were talking about please email me soon

jeff - 08/10/99 20:00:30
My Email:poikem89664
what is your favorite pokemon: pikachu
what codes you want: I want the code for lv 999 pokemon with 999 hp

great site!!!!!!!!

Heidi - 08/10/99 03:13:54
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/TelevisionCity/Network/2012/Pocketmonsters.html
My Email:acuaria@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charmeleon
what codes you want: None

Your page is cool , but need some images in 3D, that will can be (for your page ofcourse)a one things for this page will be great and fantastic. I am of Chile and i don´t know if i have a good english.

Andrew - 08/09/99 23:25:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/Misc/pokemon
My Email:kriminal_12@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: articuno
what codes you want: the extra city and the one you said you had to sign your guest book to get & bulb500 & togepi
what links you want me to add: none

you have a really awesome site

Andrew - 08/09/99 23:21:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/Misc/pokemon
My Email:kriminal_12@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: articuno
what codes you want: the extra city and the one that you said is real important in the codes without gameshark
what links you want me to add: none

you have a really awesome site

cesar vazquez - 08/07/99 17:26:38
My Email:fck_it68@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: The one you said to sign your guest book to get

Sorry about the mistake from my stupid friend.My comment is the same though you need to look around for more codes

Jose Zuniga - 08/07/99 17:18:21
My Email:fck_it68
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: The secret one you said to sign your guestbook to get
what links you want me to add: none

This site is cool. You need to look around for more codes

Scott Lytle - 08/07/99 15:22:10
My Email:scotdog@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikablu
what codes you want: to buy the mist stone

This site is sweet and should be #1 What is that code u said

Scott Lytle - 08/07/99 15:21:31
My Email:scotdog@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikablu
what codes you want: to buy the mist stone

This site is sweet and should be #1

Pikablu - 08/07/99 14:27:01
My Email:razor123@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikablu
what codes you want: the code that you told us to sign the guest book to get
what links you want me to add: nothing

What is the code that you had us sign the guest book to get?

Migenis - 08/07/99 02:10:56
My Email:btvf1@gte.net
what is your favorite pokemon: pikachu
what codes you want: pokegod

i want the code to over level 100 pokemon you talk about

Migenis - 08/07/99 02:04:27


Mr. Mew - 08/07/99 01:13:53
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Gilm0re/index-5.html
My Email:Ry621@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew and Anthrax
what codes you want: memory bring back code
what links you want me to add: Mine

I will answer the pokemon questions that puzzle you for free, and you will get the answer in less than a week (I'm busy with other people you know!).

scott mcgill - 08/06/99 17:18:21
what is your favorite pokemon: psyduck
what codes you want: gameshark

bla bla bla bla

Two-tone - 08/04/99 16:12:08
My Email:may@se-tel.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Bulbsaur
what codes you want: any codes you have!

This is one of the best sites ever. I have been searching for a log time for a site like this. Please E-mail me and give me your e-mail adresse so I can e-mail you Two-tone

Jason - 08/04/99 03:21:40
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/princess/447
My Email:clefable21@email.com
what is your favorite pokemon: My top three are Mew, Clefable and Togepi
what codes you want: I want a Togepi code (that works) a Pikablue code-- where you can see him, and I want a code for Bills garden and Doomsday!(gameshark of course)
what links you want me to add: anything you want-- just as long as they are game shark links!

You have an awesome page! It looks great and has many useful codes. (Such as Charzilla!)

Richard - 08/03/99 22:51:00
My Email:drizzel_1@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Zapdos,Articuno, and Moltres
what codes you want: I would like to see a list of working cheats/codes to get the pokegods without a gameshark

I think that your site is really cool. It gives codes that mainly work. And it is well developed. I think you did a real kick ass job.

jonny - 08/02/99 17:32:49
My Email:cloude3000@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: growlithe

i want the codes you said you would give me if i signed this thing

Mike G. - 08/02/99 13:39:39
My Email:gerberz@cp.duluth.mn.us
what is your favorite pokemon: Blastoise, Squirtle or Mew
what codes you want: ALL OF THE POKEMON CODES!!!!


Mike G. - 08/02/99 13:29:39
My Email:gerberz@cp.duluth.mn.us
what is your favorite pokemon: hitmonchan or blastoise
what codes you want: The cool code for level 100 and up pokemon

Your page is cool. I'd already visited a lot of code pages, but you have a lot of codes I've never heard of before. Right now I'm working on the pokegods one. Please send me the other code. I am really far. I didn't even use the Master Ball cheat. (I didn t know about it, yet.) Thanx!!

Pikablu - 08/01/99 20:39:30
My Email:razor123@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikablu
what codes you want: to get actual pokegods or togepi
what links you want me to add: none

This site is pretty cool.I got pikablu without the game shark.If you want to know how just e-mail me at... razor123@hotmail.com

Austin - 07/31/99 14:56:31
My Email:Chrpr1@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew and Pikablu
what codes you want: ALL OF THE CODES
what links you want me to add: ??

I don't have Mew or Pikablu but i want both of them really badly. I want to know an easy way to catch them because all the other codes are to hard. I would also like for you to e-mail me the huge secret.

Austin - 07/31/99 03:57:00
My Email:CHrpr1
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: ALL THE CODES
what links you want me to add: ?!?

I want you to tell me the secret that you said you would e-mail me. I don't have mew but i want it very badly and the only codes i know are to hard i want a easy way to catch mew.

seademond - 07/31/99 01:35:13
My URL:http://aceplanet.net/users/seademond/spencers_webpage
My Email:jeromesl@gte.net
what is your favorite pokemon: flameoreal
what codes you want: how to get togepi with gameshark
what links you want me to add: psyducks

cool page very glitched city dude

randy - 07/30/99 21:16:06
My Email:woody4eva1@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: psyduck
what codes you want: 100 lvl secret

cool site

Jim - 07/30/99 18:38:20
My Email:Odie12590@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Wartortle
what codes you want: teh secret for those pokemon over level 100, and I would also like the code for getting an electrichu

Please send me that secret about those pokemon over level 100 that you wrote about in your codes without gameshark section. Thank You!

Collin - 07/30/99 06:28:50
My Email:CIjaguar@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikablu
what codes you want: Bulb500

Very cool web page. Neat codes

Morgon Kanter - 07/30/99 01:40:28
My Email:gvm1710@bellatlantic.net
what is your favorite pokemon: hard to say, pinsir or mewtwo
what codes you want: that huge secret thing on the get over lvl 100 pokemon code


Matt - 07/30/99 00:08:59
My Email:forna129@home.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikachu
what codes you want: I wanna know what is so "special" about that code to get pokemon to L100


dylan - 07/29/99 17:18:58
My Email:jdbell@auracom.com
what codes you want: bulb500 and the mist stone code

give me the bulb500 and the mist stone code

dylan - 07/29/99 17:15:14
My Email:jdbell@auracom.com
what codes you want: bulb500

give me the bulb500 code

Cloud167NK - 07/29/99 04:41:44
My Email:Cloud167NK@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: EEVEE

Final Fantasy Vll rocks

Ben - 07/29/99 03:28:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/kingkong676.html
My Email:kingkong676@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard
what codes you want: All the Poke'God Codes

I really liked the site.

matt Sprague - 07/29/99 01:22:48
My URL:http://83723793
My Email:sprago@gte.net
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: bulb 500

i love this place

Matt Sprague - 07/29/99 01:13:48
My URL:http://83723793
My Email:sprago@gte.net
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: pokegods secrets


Billy Bob Joe - 07/28/99 21:04:56
My Email:fggyiitg0
what is your favorite pokemon: Pokegod codes that work
what codes you want: djfrjgfktjkgngfjfjtjt
what links you want me to add: The first code of yours that first worked

THIS SITE SUCKS.Make a little love do a little dance get down tonight get down tonight.Bye the way your codes suck did I mention your codes suck.HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA YOU SUCK!

Billy Bob Joe - 07/28/99 21:02:03
My Email:fggyiitg0
what is your favorite pokemon: Pokegod codes hat wio
what codes you want: They don't work
what links you want me to add: Real codes

Horrible Codes Codes Codes

Bob - 07/28/99 20:55:49
what is your favorite pokemon: Why should I care your codes dont work
what codes you want: They don't work
what links you want me to add: Real codes

Horrible Codes Codes Codes

holy_turtle - 07/28/99 20:51:02
My Email:holy_turtle@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: arcanine
what codes you want: how to get out of the gym

some of your codes don't work, but why don't they work?

Bryton - 07/28/99 20:49:32
My Email:holy_turtle@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: arcanine
what codes you want: how to get out of the gym

some of your codes don't work, but why don't they work?

Dreafuct - 07/28/99 18:13:24
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/sunsetstrip/club/4466
My Email:dreafuct@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Meowth
what codes you want: bulb500

pokemon battle sounds fun

- 07/28/99 18:10:45
My Email:dreafuct@cmet.
what is your favorite pokemon: Meowth
what codes you want: bulb500


Trend - 07/28/99 16:26:44
My Email:z55man@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikablu

I am stuck in the wall of Bill's house, Howdo i get out.I have no e.rope or apokemon with telepot.

ratichu - 07/28/99 15:19:11
My Email:sadiecat@webtv.net
what is your favorite pokemon: raiblu
what codes you want: bulb500

grat page!!nice graphics and information..keep up the good work

EeveeGirL - 07/27/99 21:01:07
My Email:alicat@ameritech.net
what is your favorite pokemon: eevee
what codes you want: bulb500 and mistasd12

you have sweet codes on your site :)

pikafreak - 07/27/99 20:32:46
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/jade_cacoon/index.htm
My Email:pikafreak@fcmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikachu
what codes you want: bulbl500


MR. ATTITUDE - 07/27/99 19:55:34
what is your favorite pokemon: ANY POKEGODS
what codes you want: ANY POKE GOD CODES
what links you want me to add: NONE 4 NOW


Chase - 07/27/99 03:35:06
My Email:schramm@dpc.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: misc codes, all pokegods, mist stone, and any extra poke'mon

This sit is awesome. Pleeeeeeease e-mail me these codes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (0} {0) # \____/

SNorLAx - 07/27/99 03:25:42
My Email:bretski@kconline.com
what is your favorite pokemon: snorlax
what codes you want: mistasd12
what links you want me to add: how to get the mist stone

how do i get the mist stone with or withought gs please tell me

John House - 07/26/99 22:06:03
My Email:chainz28@hotmail,com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: any thing for gameshark
what links you want me to add: none

this site is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patrick Brown - 07/26/99 18:03:31
My Email:Brownjtwin@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pickachu
what codes you want: Bulb500

Awsome Page

c j - 07/26/99 17:28:33
My URL:http://expage.com/page/chrisultrakickaszpage
My Email:mini_maul@webtv.net
what is your favorite pokemon: psyduck
what codes you want: pokemon gameshark codes
what links you want me to add: my page listed above

nice page

DJ - 07/26/99 17:03:16
My Email:ddsagen@intrstar.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Venusaur
what codes you want: bulb500

You said bulbasaurs last evolve form was acidsaur. but the pokegod code says it is sapasaur. ?????

mike - 07/26/99 06:33:02
My Email:mike2@mediaone.net
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: bulb500

i think your site is the best i have ever seen.i have never seen any of the codes you have,and i have been to many sites.please gaive me the bulb500 code even though im not in the top 10,pleeeaaseeeee.i realy want it

mike - 07/26/99 06:27:37
My Email:mike2@mediaone.net
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: bulb500

i think your site is the best i have ever seen.i have never seen any of the codes you have,and i have been to many sites.

?????? - 07/26/99 03:11:17
My Email:Kid4Snow@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Eevee
what codes you want: "what code do u want"
what links you want me to add: i dont know


Joey - 07/25/99 14:20:13
My Email:walters@erols.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Turbo
what codes you want: How to get Hm6
what links you want me to add: ways to get to secret cities


Dirk - 07/25/99 00:39:30
My Email:bretski@kconline.com
what codes you want: mistad12


blastoise - 07/24/99 22:10:01
My Email:a0905@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: key for the secret city

this site has the best stuff on it and other people should have sites like this and not lie and could u e-mail me with the code if you get it thnx

david - 07/24/99 17:58:40
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: bulb500


- 07/24/99 00:17:57
My Email:s2smiley20@cs.com
what codes you want: bulb500/mistad12


Thomas Broccolo - 07/23/99 19:10:08
My Email:tom007_1@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Bulbasaur
what codes you want: Charcoltand Pikablu the Pokegods

I looked at your Pokegod codes and tried them not one worked. Haveyou even tested them?

pokeball - 07/23/99 14:35:29
My URL:http://rivendell.fortunecity.com/fireside/213
My Email:spawnzelda@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: dugtrio
what codes you want: big secret
what links you want me to add: big secret

What's the big secret?

Ryan - 07/23/99 13:46:54
My Email:stoney@gateway.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Alakazam
what codes you want: the huge secret under L100 pokemon

your site rocks it is the best pokemon site Ive ever seen. ive have never found a site that all the codes work.

matt - 07/23/99 02:05:15
My Email:s2smiley20@cs.com
what codes you want: the big huge cheat i just have to know about on your codes page!!!

please e-mail me new codes, pokegod codes and the big special code u sspeek of

matt - 07/23/99 01:57:55
My Email:s2smiley20@cs.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: getting pokegods without beating elite 4 30 or 26 or 32 times!!!

love the site keep adding codes!!!

MATT - 07/22/99 20:35:41
My Email:Supermattic@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Doomsday-Mewtwo with 1000 water stons
what codes you want: How to get Lapras and do I really need 150 pokemon to get most of the Poke Gods.Also how do get Mew,Mew3and for if alredy caught the mewtwo
what links you want me to add: None

Your site is the Best I'll vote

MATT - 07/22/99 20:35:16
My Email:Supermattic@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Doomsday-Mewtwo with 1000 water stons
what codes you want: How to get Lapras and do I really need 150 pokemon to get most of the Poke Gods.Also how do get Mew,Mew3and for if alredy caught the mewtwo

Your site is the Best I'll vote

MATT - 07/22/99 20:32:01
My Email:Supermattic@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: MEWTWO-DOOMSDAY
what codes you want: How to get Lapras and do I really need 150 pokemon to get most of the Poke Gods

Your site is the Best I'll vote

tom morris - 07/22/99 16:52:15
My Email:amorris1@home.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikablu
what codes you want: mistasd12

could somebody please email me and tell me which pokegod codes on this page worked for them, because I'm having trouble getting the pokegod codes to work. I've all but given up hope that they're in Pokemon Red and Blue!

tom morris - 07/22/99 16:40:23
My Email:amorris1@home.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikablu
what codes you want: bulb500

I used itemfinder in the water near cerulean cave: I found a rare candy behind the house nearby in cerulean city

- 07/21/99 02:42:02
what codes you want: bulb500


- 07/20/99 18:51:55


101112 - 07/20/99 13:30:09
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/buddycat2/homepage
My Email:buddy_cat72@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: MEW
what codes you want: The BIG SECRET CODE you talk about in your regular codes page
what links you want me to add: http://sites.netscape.net/buddycat2/homepage

you have a pretty good page, my friend

Jonti Friedman - 07/20/99 07:02:51
My Email:friedmand@ozemail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Togepi
what codes you want: bulb500
what links you want me to add: none

Brilliant site!!!! It's the first site I've been on that have codesfor pokegods that work!!!

ADRIAN - 07/20/99 02:51:04
My Email:RYU0001@.COM
what is your favorite pokemon: MEWTWO
what links you want me to add: NONE


King Primape - 07/19/99 23:26:52
My URL:http://fly.to/hershonia
My Email:nickc@webb2k.net
what is your favorite pokemon: PRIMEAPE
what codes you want: bulbasaurl500!!!
what links you want me to add: World Order Of Pokemon!!! (My site)


chase - 07/19/99 21:55:59
My Email:jj@infocom.com
what is your favorite pokemon: jolteon
what codes you want: bulbasaur 500

this page rocks

mmdkdklandp123 - 07/19/99 00:48:49
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: bulb500
what links you want me to add: none


John - 07/19/99 00:29:11
My Email:star trek
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: bulb500


john - 07/19/99 00:25:20
My Email:star trek
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: bulbl500


Steve - 07/18/99 15:39:28
My Email:emercator@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikablu
what codes you want: bulb 500 and the mistone code sorry about the name

your site is cool

asfsaj - 07/18/99 00:55:54
My Email:GreenSlusi@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mewtwo
what codes you want: How do you catch Myu

Please someone tell me how to catch myu

Frank Cotillo - 07/17/99 11:46:31
My Email:fcotillo@desupernet.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Bulbasaur
what codes you want: bulb500
what links you want me to add: none

I think your site is real cool!

Jeff - 07/17/99 03:52:11
My Email:MHorn21298@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikachu
what codes you want: the big secret about MissingNo

I want the Missing No secret.

keith .y - 07/16/99 15:58:59
My URL:http://none
My Email:keith_pokemon@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: cyromew
what codes you want: bulb500
what links you want me to add: none

hey your website is cool and i got all the pokegods even anthrax.

PJ - 07/14/99 02:11:20
what is your favorite pokemon: TOGEPY
what codes you want: BULB500
what links you want me to add: HOW TO GET TOGEPY


Ryne - 07/10/99 04:30:18
My Email:rhinoryne@netzero.net
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: bulb500

this is the best pokemon site on the web. then comes the offical site of pokemon.

Sean - 07/09/99 23:18:31
My Email:Hummr@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: zapdos
what codes you want: any codes that you have that is outrageous or that relates to secret pokemon,items,or places
what links you want me to add: any links with stuff from the codes

YOUR SITE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tom Buzbee - 07/09/99 20:46:58
My Email:tombuzbee@surfree.com
what is your favorite pokemon: armored Mewtwo

Can you send me the "Huge Secret" about the lv. 100+ pokemon?

Anthrax - 07/09/99 20:32:51
My Email:Anthrax250@yahoo.com
what codes you want: whats the huge secret about the pokemon over L100

sweet site

Michael - 07/09/99 14:35:46
My Email:michaelT97@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: bulb500


michael - 07/09/99 01:49:35
My Email:MichaelT97@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: True Pokegods,Mist Stone,Bill's Secret Garden


george - 07/08/99 15:46:51
My Email:tsewaiman@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: mistard12,bills garden


Ray - 07/07/99 20:51:57
My Email:tsewaiman@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: pikablu
what codes you want: mist stone,clear picture of pokegod codes


Evan - 07/07/99 00:09:08
My Email:evan1473
what is your favorite pokemon: Spooky
what codes you want: pokegods/bills secret garden


Evan - 07/07/99 00:06:26
My Email:evan1473
what is your favorite pokemon: Spooky
what codes you want: pokegods


Ashley - 07/06/99 16:49:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ab/asheyspokemon/index.html
My Email:ashley.k.cosgrove@usa.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Articuno
what codes you want: Togepi & Pikablu without gameshark
what links you want me to add: http://www.angelfire.com/ab/asheyspokemon/index.html

Great site, come vist mine! P.S. u may want 2 tell people to look at other messages b4 posting theirs! http://www.angelfire.com/ab/asheyspokemon/index.html

Pokegod Seeker/ Annie Leonard - 07/05/99 21:29:49
My Email:dleonard@iquest.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard and Dragonite
what codes you want: Lotsa true Pokegod Codes
what links you want me to add: I don't Care

E-mail me about the secret about the lv. 100+ Pokemon!!! Nice site, by the way. Good Pokegod codes. I am surfing the net for good codes. You got lotsa them! Siskel gives it a big thumb's up!

PHILLIP JR - 07/01/99 19:22:30
what is your favorite pokemon: TOGEPI
what codes you want: TOGEPI
what links you want me to add: TO GET MEW


Foxx - 06/28/99 18:57:25
My Email:maddfoxx@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Abra
what codes you want: bulb500
what links you want me to add: i'll tell you later

cool site

CODES MASTER - 06/27/99 21:09:38
My Email:mdima@sprint.ca
what is your favorite pokemon: doomsay ( have him )
what codes you want: bulb500, and mistad


CODES MASTER - 06/27/99 21:08:02
My Email:mdima@sprint.ca
what is your favorite pokemon: doomsay ( have him )
what codes you want: acidsaur

someone please trade me for the bulb500 cheat!

John - 06/27/99 16:12:08
My Email:batman@scsinternet
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikachu

I have signed your guestbook but I still want thatb secret about the Pokemon you catch over level 100 ( i have a Goldduck and golbat and am anxious to find the secret about them)!! Pleeeease E-mail me as soon as possible!!!! John the POKeMANIAC

Pok Man - 06/27/99 03:37:46
My Email:pokman1@Hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Blastoise
what codes you want: bulb500,mistad

Keep up the good work!

Pok Man - 06/27/99 03:36:10
My Email:pokman1@Hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Blastoise
what codes you want: bulb500

Keep up the good work!

Pok Man - 06/27/99 03:35:07
My Email:pokman1@Hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Blastoise
what codes you want: bulb500


Pok Man - 06/27/99 03:34:17
My Email:pokman1@Hotmail.com


Raizer - 06/22/99 07:10:46
My Email:HolyGnight@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikachu
what codes you want: To get Golden Chocobo and all the locations of the summon materias

I LOVE POKEMON!But then again I LOVE japanese anime.Didya know there also making Americain Animes?But the thing is only the people of CARTOON NETWORK or the TOONDISNEY are making them.

Cody - 06/11/99 20:36:38
My Email:kerrie55@intergrafix.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Eevee
what codes you want: All that I asked for

Hey,I'm back! Can I please have my codes now? I have been waiting for them for months now! Please give me my code§!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darkmewtwo200 - 06/09/99 01:08:23
My Email:fongct@prodigy.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Togepi
what codes you want: mistasd12

Your site is awesome

Jason Draco - 05/24/99 00:42:11
My Email:sirjasonk@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: I don't yet know
what codes you want: bulb500

Do you know what HM06 is? Please tell me.

Togepy89 - 05/22/99 21:07:20
My Email:GIJIMBO830@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Togepi, Zapdos, Bulbasaur
what codes you want: could you tell me how to get in the hall of fame and behind Bill's house w/ Nickname?
what links you want me to add: none

Hi again....I sure do have a heck of alota questions huh? Once again sweeeettt site. Seeya :-)

Togepy89 - 05/22/99 21:01:48
My Email:GIJIMBO830@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Togepi, Zapdos, Bulbasaur
what codes you want: could you tell me the secret about pokemon over level 100 please?
what links you want me to add: none thyre fine

You have the best codes and the best message board in the world!!! Its on my favorites list. seeya :-)

thugsta - 05/21/99 22:54:08
My Email:alaa@earthlink.net
what is your favorite pokemon: venusaur
what codes you want: bulb500, mistad12
what links you want me to add: none

i really need these codes

russell - 05/20/99 22:08:20
My Email:sandrco@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: charmander
what codes you want: bulb500

cool sight

russell - 05/20/99 22:05:45
My Email:sandrco@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: charmander
what codes you want: bulb500

cool sight

Foxx - 05/20/99 01:44:10
My Email:maddfoxx@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Abra
what codes you want: Acidsaur!
what links you want me to add: um....

Cool site but u gotta stop making us ask u 4 codes you should just post them

Foxx - 05/20/99 01:44:03
My Email:maddfoxx@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Abra
what codes you want: Acidsaur!
what links you want me to add: um....

Cool sites but u gotta stop making us ask u 4 codes you should just post them

Pokémon Mastér - 05/19/99 13:05:35
My Email:Tomahawk1277@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Psyduck
what codes you want: Mist Stone, Real working Pikablu code. Other cool gameshark codes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what links you want me to add: Codes Codes Codes!!!

What is the code to get the Mist Stone??? (with/without gameshark.) What is the REAL code to get Pikablu? (with/without gameshark.)

2 PAC - 05/16/99 20:39:05
what is your favorite pokemon: BULBASAURE
what codes you want: MISTASD12


puffdaddy - 05/16/99 20:35:36
My Email:pufdaddy25@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: bulb500

this site is one of the best i seen keep up the great work

KRITE - 05/15/99 19:04:27
My Email:kriteman@webtv.net
what codes you want: Bulb500 and mistasd12


Red Fox - 05/15/99 17:13:59
My Email:countryplace@janics.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Vulpix
what codes you want: Mist stone
what links you want me to add: None


Togepimaster - 05/15/99 00:55:28
My URL:http://www.togepiworld.8m.com
My Email:Pokemaniac@apexmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Togepi, Cyromew
what codes you want: bulb500, mistasd12
what links you want me to add: none right now

Do your codes really work??? And can you also give me some other codes? Thanx, Togepimaster

Pikanitemist - 05/13/99 23:17:04
My Email:pikanitemist@netscape.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Evee
what codes you want: Bulb500 and Mistasd12

This is a phat site but I think you should tell us when you update

kriteman - 05/13/99 23:03:07
My Email:kriteman@wbtv.net

this is my e-mail

kriteman - 05/13/99 22:59:29
what is your favorite pokemon: gengar/meowth
what codes you want: acidsuar

what code do u want

J - 05/13/99 21:19:17
My Email:VittumHill
what is your favorite pokemon: pikablu
what codes you want: bulb500
what links you want me to add: max pages

did i get the code if i did can you also tell me the hno6 code

Snopp Dogg - 05/13/99 12:16:19
My Email:Port_Chidders@hotbot.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew & Mewtwo
what codes you want: Bulb500 & Mist Stone

Hi its me again I would just like the Bulb500 code please. Awesome page I will recomend it to my friends I have to a few they say its great. $nopp Dogg

Snopp Dogg - 05/13/99 12:13:26
My Email:Port_Chidders@hotbot.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew and Mewtwo
what codes you want: Miststone the one from the news section

This is a great page Cloudx13 I visit here often and your message board is awesome its always on the subject very good job at this site and board. $nopp Dogg

Matthew - 05/08/99 21:33:00
My Email:charisuar
what is your favorite pokemon: bulbasaur
what codes you want: mistad12


JB - 05/08/99 17:19:51
My Email:GOTENKSU12@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Mew
what codes you want: Mist stone, non glitch pokegods

OK I've read all your code and some of my friends tryed them, but i have some questions. 1. Do these codes really work? 2. Are they made up? 3. Is there really a mist stone? Well that's all, but you do have a great site. Peace Out!!! ;)

Togepy89 - 05/08/99 15:25:41
My Email:GIJIMBO830@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Togepi, Zapdos, bulbasaur
what codes you want: bulb500, any secret towns and the Togepi code...please
what links you want me to add: none its fine

Cool site Im on your mailing list and Im glad I signed up. Please Email me codes :-)

Starmie - 05/08/99 00:55:30
My Email:deco@gte.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Starmie
what codes you want: How to get acidsaur
what links you want me to add: none

Wonderful board. I found what I needed quickly.

Matthew - 05/07/99 21:38:20
My Email:charisuar
what is your favorite pokemon: bulbasaur
what codes you want: bulb500


ozzy - 05/07/99 18:57:02
My Email:ozzy777@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Golem
what codes you want: all I can have
what links you want me to add: good ones

Nice Site

BrucieBoy - 05/07/99 01:52:47
My Email:BrucieBoy7@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Bulbasaur
what codes you want: Listed below

Here are the codes: 1.Acidsaur 2.Mist Stone 3.Secret towns 4.Any others PLEEEEAASSSSSEEEEEE! E-Mail me A.S.A.P.

Zero - 05/07/99 00:57:30
My Email:ZeroPuff@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Pidgeott
what codes you want: I want the acidsaur one and the bill's secret garden.

I think you should test codes before you put them on the site so people don't waste their time on ones that don't work. Otherwise, this site is great,

pikablu8 - 05/06/99 00:21:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/dougspage
My Email:millspy@valunet.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard
what codes you want: bulb500

i love this site

pikanitemist - 05/04/99 17:07:29
what codes you want: bulb 500


chartres - 05/01/99 13:10:33
My Email:joe_celano@netcence.net
what is your favorite pokemon: charmander
what codes you want: bulb500

nice site

Luke - 05/01/99 01:46:23
My Email:lukesters@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: all the hidden ones
what codes you want: all that u can give me

hey on your code thing it said like the big code about this one so i want to know what it is.do u know how to get any hidden pokemon(exsept mew)off the gamegenie or without it,i'll give u any code u want

Cody - 04/29/99 22:14:23
My Email:kerrie55@intergrafix.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Eevee
what codes you want: all I asked for

Please don't make me beg!Please give me my codes!

Cody - 04/28/99 23:39:48
My Email:kerrie55@intergrafix.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Eevee

Almost forgot.I also want rumor codes and the HM 07[if there is such a thing.}THANX. :} <: :> <:>

Cody - 04/28/99 23:35:31
My Email:kerrie55@intergrafix.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Eevee
what codes you want: all I asked for
what links you want me to add: none

Cloudx13,have you been on vacation?Please!!!give me my codes!I might as well refresh your mind about what codes I want {if you have them]: Togepi,Slowking,Pikablu,Bill's Garden,ultra{or master]rod,secret towns,Acidsaur,Mist Stone, cool pokegod codes,and any other stones & codes. Whew!I am desperate.Pleeze!You kick butt!So does your site!E-mail me my codes A.S.A.P.!

Pokémon lover - 04/27/99 01:45:10
My Email:venasaur_rules@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: mist stone code.pikablu code,chrono mew code,and togepi

i would yealy like it if you could give me WORKING codes for the ones ive put above.I will greatly appreciate it.thanx!

Pokémon lover - 04/27/99 01:43:19
My Email:venasaur_rules@yahoo.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: mist stone code.pikablu code,chrono mew code

i would yealy like it if you could give me WORKING codes for the ones ive put above.I will greatly appreciate it.thanx!

Cody - 04/23/99 21:12:52
My Email:kerrie55@intergrafix.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Eevee

Hey Cloudx13,can I have my codes please? I have been waiting for like 2-3 weeks for them. Come on e-mail them to me.your site still rules.Please don't make me wait for my codes any longer. Peace!?!

Togepy89 - 04/20/99 20:12:17
My Email:GIJIMBO830@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Togepi, Zapdos, Bulbasaur
what codes you want: bulb500
what links you want me to add: none

Nice site. Love the codes. Please send me the Acidsaur code.

Togepy - 04/20/99 00:07:04
My URL:http://none
My Email:cower@castles.com
what is your favorite pokemon: all
what codes you want: bulb500
what links you want me to add: none

your website is great!

Togepy - 04/18/99 22:59:29
My URL:http://none.com
My Email:cower@castles.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Togepy
what codes you want: bulb500
what links you want me to add: none


Cody - 04/18/99 15:41:46
My Email:kerrie55@intergrafix.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Eevee
what codes you want: Togepi,Slowking,Bill's Secret Garden
what links you want me to add: none

Can I have these codes if you have them? THANX.B.A. site!!!!!!! Oh,almost forgot.If you know any other cool codes,send them to me.

Cody - 04/18/99 00:06:38
My Email:kerrie55@intergrafix.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Eevee
what codes you want: none

Last signing for today. In the pokegods section,it says how to get Pikablu,Rhiblu,Apocalypse,Brainsect,etc. without gs.I tryed those codes{the stone codes}and they did not work.If they worked for anyone,e-mail me on how to do them.

Cody - 04/17/99 23:49:30
My Email:kerrie55@intergrafix.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Eevee
what codes you want: misc.codes

Probably my last signing for today. If you know any other stone codes,e-mail them to me. Also,any new town codes will be appreciated. also,if you didn't go on this message board,go here:www.worldofnintendo.com.Then,go to Gameshark Message Board.It is cool Your site & mb are cool. BYE!!!

Cody - 04/17/99 23:27:23
My Email:kerrie55@intergrafix.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Eevee
what codes you want: alot of pokegods

Hi,I'm back!!! Your site kicks major butt!!! Do you have any other cool pokegod codes that I can have? also,do you know any working ultra rod or master rod codes that I can have? THANX.Peace!!!

Cody - 04/17/99 23:20:25
My Email:kerrie55@intergrafix.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Eevee
what codes you want: bulb500

I want the Acidsaur code and the mist stone code & location. THANX. You rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

G-Man - 04/17/99 23:15:03
My Email:gman@idirect
what is your favorite pokemon: Charmender
what codes you want: bulb500 and mistasd12

Your sites rock

Matt - 04/17/99 12:10:09
My Email:Matthoc116@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Nidoking
what codes you want: mistad12

This is the only page ive found with pokégod codes. Nice page.

Matt - 04/17/99 12:05:59
My Email:Matthoc116@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Nidoking
what codes you want: bulb500

This page has phat codes on it. I hope they work.

matt rogers - 04/17/99 03:20:43
My Email:psyco_cid@hotmail.com
what is your favorite pokemon: mew
what codes you want: mist stone,bulb500
what links you want me to add: na

rock on. plz send me these codes no matter how many people have sent it. I cant find anypokegods at all and im hopeless.

Togepy89 - 04/15/99 23:43:16
My Email:GIJIMBO830@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Zapdos, bulbasaur
what codes you want: mistasd12

COOL site If you would please send me the mist stone code it would be a TON of help. Thanx :-)

Togepy89 - 04/15/99 23:38:26
My Email:GIJIMBO830@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Zapdos, Bulbasaur
what codes you want: bulb500

Sweeet site. Please send me the Acid saur code please.

A trainer in need - 04/14/99 22:49:37
My Email:rice4364@netunlimited.net

You think i could remember something.... The level 500 bulbasuar cheat (bulb 500) In if i forget to put in one of the others: (mistasd12) cheats And while am at it some of the pokegod cheats you have don't work for me (like the pickablu cheat, it doesn't work for me and 012ad8cf is the code Mr. mime also beepin code 01f4d1 is only 6 long it hase to be 8 to work) in your e-mail please tell what I m y be doing wrong. Thank you for you time

A Trainer in Need - 04/14/99 22:35:55
My Email:Rice4364@netunlimited.net

Sorry to have to do this but you didn't have your e-mail on the site. I have a lot of gameshark codes about(150 and they all work) you don't have on the site, if you want them just e-mail me.Also i forget if you have Bill garden or the like please send th m.

A Trainer in Need - 04/14/99 21:40:00
My Email:Rice4364@netunlimited.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Charizard
what codes you want: any or all of the pokegod code with or without the gameshark. Also if you could tell me how to get the other stone( like the mist stone)
what links you want me to add: none

I think your site is great! If you send me any codes it will help me a great deal. - Trainer in Need

Jules - 04/12/99 21:57:30
My Email:kvslate@shoreham.net
what is your favorite pokemon: Pikablu???
what codes you want: Bill's secret garden/Pikablu(with GS)/And fight LV 99 pokemon

Can you please give me those codes and any others!!! Sincerely, Julian (Jules)

Togepy89 - 04/12/99 19:59:04
My Email:GIJIMBO830@aol.com
what is your favorite pokemon: Togepi
what codes you want: How to get Togepi and how to get Slowking and Pokegods
what links you want me to add: www.in2net.com/hchor/toppsites.htm ( Top Pokemon Sites )

Sweet site! Itll be even better when its done.

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