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I have been buying metal biscuit tins. They need to be the same brand so they will stack. I am up to 20 tins now although 3 still have bisciuts in. The tins only seem to be available around Christmas with a lucky discoint as they are sold off in January. The tins (including biscuits) cost from £3.50 to £7.00. The fisgures are magnetic based inside. I have to buy the magnetic strips but am saving about £2 a tin on ferrous paper as the tins are already metal. A 450 poini DBM army needs from 2 to 3 tins | |
Here are some magnetic based Byszantines to give an idea of the fit | |
Some Gothic cavalry (Gladiator) having got out of the tin | |
My alternative (until I get enough tins) are these wooden boxes from Ikea. They need ferrous sheeting to keep the figures steady |