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Yes it is true. Today Edward Capriolo.com advertising went global. This is an image of the LOGO from the international site.
Update: The rigors of managing the international site became to much for me. As a result I appointed Marvin to be the manager of the international site. My reason for hiring him was his incredible resume:
Dear Edward Capriolo,
Please give me the honor of managing your international site. You can pay me $.10/ per hour or 1 cup of rice depending on which is cheaper.
Thank you,
So I hired him.
If you need to contact Marvin about the international site you can do so at marvin@edwardcapriolo.com
(PS I have no clue what these Chinese letters mean I just copied them off a web site. Marvin's current job is to translate the letters I fool heartedly copied, and report to me if they are in any way classic)