Who could forget the classic stories about Bulgarian TV?

Well Boris always comes through when I need him, and I have been in need of some more content for the site and he came up big. This story shows us that we are very lucky to have as Boris calls them "Beautiful, young" meteorologist, and again it gives you another stunning look into present day Bulgaria.

dear Ed, 

I write this letter in response of issue 9 of ur web site. I don't know y u throw so much shit on the weather people. U should know that in many countries around the world (Bulgaria for example), the percent of the truth expected in a weather prediction is about 40%. And believe me, 40% is way under what any average person can get with a good guess. A popular phrase among Bulgarian weather people is: "It MIGHT rain IN CERTAIN REGIONS..." Or if that doesn't confuse u enough they show a map in colors that only a crack head can put together, and until u try to figure out what's going on they change the map with a different one, almost as ridiculous as the first one... Well I can't lie about the fact that meteorologists were one of the few things that surprised me in America... Not only they could predict the weather, sometimes even the right temperature, but also they seem to be pretty and young. Yeah, the American meteorologists r young, good looking and crack jokes... Bulgarian meteorologists have to get trough 4 year college to get their degree, then get let's say 5 years of experience, work on 2 year degree in journalism, work part time in the local radio station and in 10 years after that, maybe if they have good friends in the TV and lots of luck they can appear on the news. At that age they r not only boring but ugly too... For that reason most people in Bulgaria believe in weather forecasts as much as in horoscopes...
