
Edward Capriolo




April 17, 2001


Lately I have been staying up pretty late. You know how it is, managing a high volume web site, going to school and working. I just needed a bit more “me time” to clear my head. The downside of this me time is waking up at 9:30 and going to school like a wreck. Well that is what happened to me today. I woke up and realized crap its 9:30. That meant no shower for me. So I brush my teeth and I get ready to put on deodorant. I open the thing up and it all falls apart. So I go looking for a new stick, but I only found one. That was the stick that they gave away at one of the meet and munch. It was Secret Ultra Dry.


I looked at it and I thought to myself, “ITS STRONG ENOUGH FOR A MAN”. Then I rebuked myself, “BUT ITS PH BALENCED FOR A WOMENS CHEMISTRY” So I did not know what to do. I decided to preserve my manhood by taking the girly deodorant and not using it.