Well all the the sites in my little web ring are trying to revamp our images. Bormart, has the new look. I am working on a similar plan, and Mike and I are trying to figure out new slogans for our web sites to attract more E-Business. Some of these are my ideas for company names and slogans.
"If it compiles fine our work is done"
Lab Tech
"If Lindley can't find our errors its good enough"
"We are anything you want us to be"
"Only in America can a lazy bastard like me make more money then you"
AFK industries
Not In Time compiling
" Unforseen problems have forced us to push our deadline way back."
Jurassic Industries
" We will turn your small software project into a costly mistake."
3 king industries
" If you run our software Ill make a fortune off your profits"
Bear Industries
" The market may be looking down but, junk bonds kept us afloat."
Diplomatic Immunity Networks
" We can park anywhere we want Biyotch! Even in your bosses spot"
Goodfellas Web Design
" If it looks bad we light a match and blow the server"