[ Sodapop Curtis ] (The AntiZ)
Sodapop is a gigantic, muscular Dark-Elf Ranger with short black hair and
sea-blue eyes.  He moves blindingly fast, and is quite unfriendly and aloof.
Sodapop appears to be brilliant and looks quite experienced and wise.  He is
slightly wounded.

He is equipped with:

elven boots                    (Feet)
fingerbone bracelet            (Wrist)
white gold ring                (Finger)
belt of might                  (Waist)
cat's-eye pendant              (Neck)
lacquered battle armour        (Torso)
adamantite bracers             (Arms)
greatcloak                     (Back)
main-gauche                    (Off-Hand)
rigid leather pants            (Legs)
hard leather helm              (Head)
hard leather gauntlets         (Hands)
golden snake earrings          (Ears)
mithril ring                   (Finger)
sunsword                       (Weapon Hand)

Name: Sodapop Curtis                   Lives/CP:      9/0
Race: Dark-Elf    Exp: 46237318        Perception:     75
Class: Ranger     Level: 30            Stealth:       118
Hits:   305/306   Armour Class:  48/3  Thievery:        0
Mana:    62/66    Spellcasting: 112    Traps:           0
                                       Picklocks:       0
Strength:  75     Agility: 100         Tracking:      142
Intellect: 80     Health:  95          Martial Arts:   72
Wisdom:    60     Charm:   40          MagicRes:       91

You are carrying fingerbone bracelet (Wrist), mithril ring (Finger), white gold
ring (Finger), greatcloak (Back), adamantite bracers (Arms), golden snake
earrings (Ears), hard leather helm (Head), main-gauche (Off-Hand), elven boots
(Feet), belt of might (Waist), rigid leather pants (Legs), cat's-eye pendant
(Neck), hard leather gauntlets (Hands), lacquered battle armour (Torso),
sunsword (Weapon Hand), starsteel mace
You have no keys.
Wealth: 0 copper farthings
Encumberance: 1690/3600 - Medium

Your balance at The Bank (#8) is:
On deposit: 22913851 copper farthings

Life for this CHAR  127967 minutes 1