[HP=128/MA=60]:l zyp
[ Zyphel Zappa ] (1999)
Zyphel is a stout, moderately built Elf Bard with short blue hair and grey-blue eyes.  He moves with uncanny speed, and is incredibly charismatic.  You are almost overpowered by his strong personality. Zyphel appears to be extremely clever and looks fairly knowledgeable.  He is slightly wounded.

He is equipped with:

golden hide tunic              (Torso)
black and white serpent ring   (Finger)
hard leather gauntlets         (Hands)
mithril ring                   (Finger)
rigid leather pants            (Legs)
jeweled main gauche            (Off-Hand)
jade amulet                    (Neck)
crimson cloak                  (Back)
fine platinum chain            (Waist)
iron crown                     (Head)
fingerbone bracelet            (Wrist)
serpent armbands               (Arms)
elven boots                    (Feet)
emerald-hilted rapier          (Weapon Hand)

Name: Zyphel Zappa                     Lives/CP:      9/1
Race: Elf         Exp: 5182815         Perception:     67
Class: Bard       Level: 19            Stealth:       110
Hits:   132/136   Armour Class:  47/2  Thievery:      108
Mana: *  68/86    Spellcasting: 101    Traps:         115
                                       Picklocks:      91
Strength:  55     Agility: 80          Tracking:        0
Intellect: 70     Health:  66          Martial Arts:   18
Wisdom:    50     Charm:   90          MagicRes:       71
You feel confident!
[HP=132/MA=68]:dance zyp
You dance with Zyphel.
Zyphel dances with you!