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Girl Gamers : We want realism

So, just who is playing games these day's anyway? If you are paying attention to the commercials and marketing strategy's you would be lead to believe that the majority of gamers are males between the ages of 12 to 21. Leading hero's in games today are tending more and more toward the buxom and less toward the macho ammo slinging Rambo types. Gone are the khaki pants and ripped t-shirts, in are the daisy duke shorts and low cut skin tight body suits. The days of wide stanced, gun toting heros is fading in the dawn of new day hero's with ballet like moves and dainty grunts. Does this mean that girl gamers are being left out in the cold? I'd like to think not, Tomb Raider is a great game even though Lara proportions are laughable and her outfit totally inappropriate (shorts in the Tibetan Hills?). What about her bullet bra style t-shirt? The only thing that would be good for is an extra storage place for ammo or health packs.

Girls of all ages are just as prone to play video games as their male counterpart but it takes more than a little fluff, a little buff or a lot of cleavage to draw our attention and keep us playing. Let's be realistic guys, you may buy a game because the commercials show a gorgeous hero doing acrobatic like fighting moves but we girls are a little more discriminating. Give us gorgeous graphics, but make sure it's color coordinated, give us breath taking backgrounds, give us music and sound effects designed to make you gasp in surprise or laugh in delight, give us hero's that are believable, functional and above all else properly dressed. I'm no prude but when the heroine's (DeathTrap Dungeon) body suit appears to be splitting her in two it's hard to take her attack moves seriously or stop from laughing everytime she climbs (finished with a handstand no less) obstacles. Her counterpart hero is no less laughable, though he has pants that cover most of him, his posterior leads me to wonder whether it would be functional as a nut cracker ?

So, what type of games are girls into? Hmm, good question. Just like our male counterparts we enjoy a diverse variety of games and we all have our preferences. It might surprise some to know that contrary to belief we aren't stampeding to the video store to purchase the latest release of Sim Shopping or Mortal Cosmetics. Yes guys, we like the knock 'em down, drag 'em out, shoot up, blow up, destroy all in your path type games just like you. The only difference is , we aren't impressed by the scantily clad, Barbie figured fluff bunny who's guns are the second biggest item she's carrying. I mean, come on, how can you properly aim around those babies anyway? And I don't know about you but I find it highly uncomfortable to have my shorts/bodysuit riding the northern route. The least they could do is put a "pulling the underwear out of the jam" type move to make it more realistic.

Now don't get me wrong here, I'm not asking the game companies to start making games with beer bellied, belching, butt scratching hero's, (Ohh yeah, I forgot about Booger Man) or hair rollered, jogging suited, middle aged shopping cart queen heroine's either. Just a little realism please, 40 - 24 -30 just ain't humanly possible, unless your middle name is Mattel. Make your women more physically real, especially if you expect us to believe they can handle AK47's and UZI's firing full tilt. I doubt that my thoughts will change anything and I'll continue playing games with bodacious surfer like chicks with mean streaks mixed in with their blonde streaks as long as, and the bottom line for all gamers is, the story line and game play are GOOD! Just because she's busty doesn't mean she's not a bust!!

by : A.J. Brent

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