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__October 15th, 1998 : Vote!
FIFA '98 is losing percentage in the voting booth. I still don't see why people liked World Cup. It was a nice game, but exactly the same as FIFA '98. Help keep the legend alive! Serve your country! Vote for FIFA '98 !

I won't put the wwwBoard up until I see that people have anything to say about the game, besides pleading for their league.  

EA released a couple of  '99 series games. Why the hell don't they release FIFA? I hardly foresee any ground breaking developments in gameplay. Will releasing a pre-alpha demo hurt sales?! Give us something to play with! 

It's math time. Sorry kids. FIFA '98 had 172 teams and 40,000 voices. That's approx 232 voice samples per team. FIFA '99 will have 250 teams and 50,000. That's  200 voice samples per team! This means that we will probably have less in-game play-by-play samples! Thanks EA! I was getting tired of VARIETY. Another approach : No. of teams increased by 45% whereas the total amount of voice sample increased by only 25%. NICE. Is it just me or is this the only website with a negative approach to FIFA '99?

__October 13th, 1998 : EA showing off
Remeber the Super League EA has been boasting about? Well they announced who the participating teams are: AC Milan, Arsenal, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Benfica, Brondby, Dortmund, Dyname Kiev, Feyenoord, Galatasaray, Gotenborg, Inter Milan, Juventus, Liverpool, Manchester United, Monaco, Paris St. Germain, Rangers, Real Madrid, Rosenborg.  

FIFA '99 Online also has a nice table of how things are comparing to FIFA '98. I copied it (tee hee) : 

FIFA '98
FIFA '99
 No. of Teams
 Commentary Words
 Animated Sequences
 Real Stadiums
 Gameplay Modes
__October 11th, 1998 : No major news
I have created the news archive for easy browsing of old news. To go there click here, or scroll down and press the 'Go to archive' link. Also added another FIFA '99 link. 

If you have any recommended games to download, send 'em in! 

Did you notice the votes? I was shocked anyone voted for FIFA '97. FIFA '95 was pretty cool, but after you realized you can score from mid field, things got kinda boring. No surprises at number one : FIFA '98. If you haven't voted, do it now! Mark your favorite FIFA game and press vote. 

__October 8th, 1998 : Box release
Fifa '99 Online has just released a photo  
scan of what will be the FIFA '99 box.  
Kinda expected a little more from a gillion 
dollar comany. Click on it to see the big pic. 

I've updated the recommended game. This one should last at least a month. A really great download.

 Go to archive >>

Which was your favorite FIFA game (in it's time) ? 

FIFA 1995
FIFA 1996
FIFA 1997
FIFA 1998
W.C. 1998

Points of Interest 
Release dates: 

   Demo : Mid Nov' 98 
   Game : November 28th 

Recommended Game 
Name : Rainbow 6 [Demo]  
Type : 3D Shooter 

My game of '98. You lead an anti terrorist team to free two hostages. Very realistic. Extremely accurate. A must!

9.9 / 10
Get it @ redstorm
Latest Complaints

 More sounds! [15.10] 

                                                    NOT Copyright © 1998, Everything on this page can be freely spread,
                                                     as long as it's origin is noted in the text. Webmaster : Eran Douchan.