Howdy. I'm Henry Campbell, but pretty much everyone except my mother calls me Hank.
Welcome to my home page. Yeah, yeah, I know, you all figured that a Physics Guru
like me would have had a home page a long time ago...well, the Web is dead technology if you
ask me, but, since I had a few minutes to kill at work on a Monday, that being today, I
decided I would go ahead and set one up.
If you're interested in buying Maxwell Software you can contact me or if you're a customer with technical questions contact because I get paid to sell the stuff, not support it, and you shouldn't have to deal with me once you've already given us money.
If you want info about Ansoft, the newly public company that promises to be the darling of Wall Street, contact Ansoft , do not ask me for info about revenues or profits because I am an insider and telling you could send us both to jail. I can say this: BUY!!!!!As far as my home page goes, It's very simple at the moment, since I haven't even spent ten minutes on it yet, but it should get more exciting once I have a chance to throw up java files of me having sex . However, if in your supreme arrogance you feel like you actually might have a viable suggestion, send me a message.
Hits since May 15, 1995 |
Copyright 1996 Henry J. Campbell