AD&DFight_Knight.gif (14338 bytes)

Ones Are Bad!

So, you've rolled a 1. This is bad news! A 1 is rarely good, and if you roll a 1 in combat, it is definitely bad! So, your DM tells you you've missed. Now he's going to give you the other bad news: you may have done more than missed! The DM tells you to put away your rulebooks, stop whinging, and roll a D10. This is what really happened: 


Hand to Hand Combat

Roll            Result

1-4            Disastrous miss. Roll a D20 and get under your dexterity or opponent has a free hit at +4.

5-6           Weapon entangled. Make a dexterity check at +4 or it is jarred from your hand and lies 4D6 feet away

7-8           Weapon hits floor. Make a check versus crushing blow at +4 or weapon breaks (irrepairable)

9-10         Weapon hits next nearest combatant, friend or enemy, if in range. Roll to hit individual's rear armour class.


Missile Combat  

Roll            Result

1-4           Disastrous miss

5-6           Missile is dropped

7-8           String breaks.

9-10         Missile hits most likely combatant, friend or enemy, in line of fire. Roll to hit individual's rear armour class.