Rahlia shook the rain from her auburn hair as she walked briskley acroos
the open paddock, slowing her pace she looked up at the sky, habitually, as
always, checking the signs of the weather. The first thing to catch her eye
was the brilliant rainbow arching across the sky.
The sun peaked his face from behind the clouds and the colours of the
rainbow were reflected in the droplets of rain on the surrounding grass. A
srange glow caught in the corner of her eye grasped her attention, there
not far from her were seven large droplets of rain, she judged their size
to be the same as that of an orange, but the most facinating thing about
the droplets was they didn't just reflect the colours of the rainbow each
of them was a single colour from the rainbow.
The emmited a beam of light that streaked out meeting the others and then
dissapearing where they met.
Awed and slightly sacred....well maybe a little more than scared she
admitted to herself with a quiet giggle, but scared or not she had to see
what would happen next.
so she sat, until she had been sitting so long her legs began falling
asleep, she had just begun to wonder if anything else was going to happen,
when it did.
Each of the lights blinked out and Rahlia held her breath, an almost
inadudible humming began, the soung becoming haunting yet soothing as it
increased in volume, the humming reached fever pitch and stopped as the
first of the droplets split open, it was soon followed by the remaining six
and there almost within reach were seven small winged child like creatures.
Each of them was the slight shade of the droplet from which they had
emerged, the large wings that were stretching as they dried seemed to be of
a much darker hue.
Rahlia sat motionless, trying to breath without moving her chest for fear
of scaring these delightful looking creatures. She need not have worried,
as soon as their wings had dried they were climbing all over her. She
could not believe her luck, no one would believe this even if she had the
nerve to tell anyone, for how could they when she could not believe it for
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