There was a discussion between some of the members on Saturday.  There were valid complaints about the usage of the post up board, and the limited number of stands.  People are not signing in and signing out religiously.  Jeff Chambers, Danny and Dennis Harrington have provided all but 3 of the existing 14 stands. 


Due to the members that have not complied with the rule (myself included) to provide the club with 3 stands, I am going to institute a new rule.

To be fair, I am going to ask that everyone ask permission to use a stand that does not belong to them.  I will probably cancel this rule after 1-2 years of that stand being up.  The genesis idea behind the club was that stands put up were to become club community stands.    But due to the severe unbalance of the stands provide, I must institute this rule. 


The stand owners have insisted that they will be most gracious when a request is made.  They will only deny usage, if they plan on using it soon, or if the stand needs a rest.  Please let me know if you continuously get denied access to a stand, which I know will not happen. 



The initials of the owners have been added for your information.  Let me know if you cannot see the images




Dennis Harrington: Cell 252-945-1618

Danny Harrington: Cell 252-714-2062,  w252-830-8840

Jeff Chambers:   Cell  919-906-1866 ,  w919-556-3229

Jeff Gibson: Cell  252-561-6535, w252-752-6186

Steven LaFevers: 252-347-5758


I take responsibility for the issue; I did not set a good standard as the leader, because I did not produce 3 stands.  I ignored the rule, because there were 6 stands onsite, when I found the land.  I thought we would be able to salvage more of them.  None the less, I will put up my three stands this week or at least stick them under the shelter.


This is not to punish anyone, but to be fair.  Please place your stands in the club house as soon as possible, to comply with the bylaws. 

Call me if you have any questions or complaints.    The bylaws will be updated.




Steven LaFevers

Dealer Systems Specialist

Yale Materials Handling Corporation

1400 Sullivan Dr.

Greenville, NC 27834


Ph. (252) 931-5537    

Cell (252) 347-5757


For system’s related assistance, please submit your questions via Contact Management.

Disclaimer:  Contact Management incidents\request will take precedence over emails and phone calls\voice mail.