You've come to the right place, friend.
Grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,Courage to change the
things I can, and the
wisdom to know the difference.Living ONE DAY AT A TIME;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardship as the
pathway to peace.Taking, as He did, this
sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it.Trusting that He will make
all things right if I
surrender to His Will;That I may be reasonably happy
in this life, and supremely
happy with Him forever in
the next.
Other Links:
My Story...
The Story Of My Demise
One day in 19xx (I can't remember exact years anymore) I started playing internet-
chess on ICC. [I was totally ignorant of what I was actually doing. Have you ever seen
the movie Videodrome? Well It was just like that.]I was just sucked into the Internet Chess Club and this is where I live half my life.
I live the other half of my life at the Free Internet Chess Server. Come pay me a visit!
[Hey Buddy can you spare a checkle?]
Reborn As "wargames"
After a few login sessions and about a thousand games of mainlined 1 and 3-minute chess,This web site offers some constructive solutions to the general problem of Internet-Chess
I was a hooked. I mean, like, I started to lose my friends, my family, my employer, my
money, and finally myself. So what. Who needs any of that selfish materialist nonsense anyhow?
Luckily, the library has free internet access or I would be some dude on a street corner
with a "feed me" sign.This page is the only thing that supports my addiction. And you, friend, are here to
help! Please click on any of the links below, and like that guy on the street corner
with the sign, you'll be doing me a big favor, God Bless!I wargames declare that I am an Internet-Chess Addict. I know that this affects my
relationships but I don't want your pity, just your support. Please. Help. I am begging you.
Oh by the way, if you get on ICC, when you sign
up, tell 'em wargames sent you. Thanks.
addiction for those of you who have read this far and want to take me seriously:Wargames free advice for breaking the serious Internet Chess habit:
1. Read the poem at the top of this page and take it to heart!.
2. Instead of playing internet chess, study chess from a good chess book. One Game At A Time. If you are not
Kasparov, Anand, Fischer, or go by the handle "hawkeye", then you could stand to
improve your game studying one of the following books:
of the greatest chess books ever published." - Ken Smith) --- BREAK YOUR
Play through the games of the best chessplayer that has found the
way to avoid internet chess and all the evils associated with it.
You, friend, will be on the path to chess righteousness,
the lofty pursuit of perfect chess, the pursuit of Real Life Chess. GET A LIFE FRIEND!
este libro ahora!
If you want to learn chess from Kasparov instead:
Chess With Garry Kasparov (sorry, no picture)
If you want a more advanced book:
In Chess, By Garry Kasparov
If you just want to try to break the IC Addiction by burn-out, play bughouse chess online, But first learn how
to play bughouse!
Comprehensive Bughouse Chess by David A. Penn and Rommel O. Dizon
(sorry, no picture)
If you are just sick of chess altogether, get yourself an awesome novel, by the
author of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance". This book explores
the quality you
may be lacking in your life.
Last updated June 1, 2003: You are visitor:
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Caveat Emptor:
The author of this page is not a registered psychotherapist and
makes no guarantees about the effectiveness or effecacy of the
free advice given. The author is (or at one time was) an internet chess expert and considers his recommendations at least reasonably sound or at least reasonable sounding, even though he himself has not taken the prescription he himself is recommending , at least not yet. Still haven't hit bottom man!