Banjo Kazooie

Key Points

Released June 29, 1998
3D Adventure
1 Player
128 megabits
9 Worlds
Banjo and Kazooie

This game stars Banjo, the Bear, and his friend Kazooie, the Bird, in a 3D Adventure to rescue Banjo's sister Tooty, from the evil Gruntilda, the witch. Along the way, Bottles, the mole, helps them out and teaches them new moves. They must collect golden puzzle pieces and musical notes to move on.

There are 9 main Worlds which are Mumbo's Mountain, Treasure Tove Cove, Clanker's Cavern, Bubble Gloop Swamp, Freezey Peak, Gobi's Valley, Mad Monster Mansion, Rusty Bucket Bay, and Click Clock Wood. There is also Spiral Mountain where Bottles, the mole, teaches you the basic moves, and Gruntilda's lair.

You can either control Banjo or Kazookie. Banjo, the Bear can move on land, and has 4 basic attacks (2 with help from Kazooie) and 2 jumps. Kazookie, the Bird, has pads from which she can jump high or fly from and certain shoes that protect her feet and ones that make her run faster. The duo can also spit out eggs or become invulnerable by golden feathers (for a short period of time up to 20 seconds). They can also climb trees, vines, or pipes, and swim under water.

There are 100 golden puzzles pieces and 900 musical notes in the 9 levels and the lair before the final showdown with the witch. There are little creatures, called Jinjos, that they must rescue, red and golden feathers, eggs, honey and honeycomb pieces, protectective and running shoes, golden Banjo statuettes, Mumbo tokens, and much more.

All in all, the game Banjo-Kazooie is a great new game that is even better than Mario 64.

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