Here are posted the thoughts of some of the players. Some are about the game, some are about the players. All submitted opinions are posted equally, provided they neither contain harsh profanity nor are a "bashing" session. To add something to this page, mail it to Maggie. |
On March 9, 1988 Lady Minnesota
The complete Intolerant Professional:
"You can't do that. That is not how it is written in the Rule book...."
Well I have done it and done it wrong a lot....and in ICQ or PM I get you did it
via this...while out in public the professionals are screaming at me and dragging
me into the mud or worse shooting my characters to hell and back.
The intolerant ones will not play along come hell, high water or 20 feet of snow.
The truly Professional players will play along and politely do the best they can
with the idiots such as I.
To Vadim Baalphegor, Xylura Baalphegor, Sam Brujah (even though he may cheat...well
he is crazy so he can), Caias Leif, Tessai Kimon, Captain Covert, Julian Gyre, Damsel
of the Dark, Overseer, Ashram Vryce, Desdichado, Angel of Caine, Baron Strahd, Lord
Pagan, Marcus and Aeshira, I owe my character's lives for more than one occasion
For all these very tolerant professionals, I say a very special thank you.**
To add your thoughts here, send them.